r3nko0 · 27 days
Here’s a cool about me!
╭────┈ ↷
│ ✎ CONNOR!!! ⚠️
││• Hello! I’m connor & I’m an artist! (?)
││• He/they! & a MINOR!!
││• pipino 🇵🇭👍
││• my current and main interests / hobbies are :
││• Greek mythology, PJO, DC comics (TIMBER.), reading, D&D and all that fun stuff.
││• My blog is mainly art, rambles & when I get a camera it’s gonna be a bunch of videos :p
││• I’m pretty chill so you should definitely dm me so we can b friends!
││• chat please ask me things
│╰─────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦j
Jun 3 - : I’m making this up now but you can find my art (stuff after I have added this in) in #renart!
OC art - #renocs
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thediktatortot · 2 months
The one true rare pair I have (Vincent/Reno) is and has always been so sparse 🥲 there's 37 fics in AO3 and there were a few more on FF but not many. Unfortunately, there used to be a personal fiction site I had found who a person had written a handful of fics for them, but that was like 15-18 years ago.
Someday maybe the fandom for this pairing will grow 😞
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rrenaii · 5 months
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REN/ERIN •♡• 20Y •♡• SHE/HER
Hiii!!! My names Ren!!! Im new to tumblr but also immediately addicted...I post probably 50+ times a day so if you follow me expect to have your dashboard flooded.
Sometimes I draw but not much. If I do post about my OCs Ill tag it with #renart or #renoc
Please feel free to send an ask or a DM! Id love to make new friends ♡
ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵗᵃˡᵏ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ...,,;
°•♡•° SOCIALS °•♡•°
Discord: rrenaii
Twitter: rr_ena_ii (I rarely use this)
Insta: rr_ena_ii (this too)
I dont do drama or cancelling or whatever. If there is a real issue with someone I reblog from or support etc etc, please DM with proof! Never take anything anywhere at face value kids!!
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mizzoualphaphi · 8 months
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Poolhouse - Poolhouse Inspiration for a large cottage side yard stone and rectangular pool house remodel
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webservicesperth · 11 months
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shtojan · 1 year
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Poolhouse - Poolhouse Inspiration for a large cottage side yard stone and rectangular pool house remodel
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Plumbing Renocations - Premium Plumbers
Plumbing Renocations - If you don't work with experts, plumbing upgrades in a bathroom or kitchen can result in a variety of various plumbing issues. You must choose a trained plumber to complete the work whether you are planning a home or commercial makeover for your bathroom or kitchen. Otherwise, it may result in unneeded damage and a greater project expense.
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howdyhome · 2 years
When it comes to renovating your bathroom, one of the most popular inquiries is "how much will it cost?" Read this cost guide to learn about the aspects that influence the overall price and how much a complete bathroom makeover costs.
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letitbehurt · 4 months
For those who’d prefer a bite of each to choose:
Viking Whump:
“It bit Ordün, you know.” The viking considered Kunni as if he were a stupid, crippled hound, then looked over his shoulder at his brother. “Are you sure you want it?”
Errik shrugged. “If it doesn’t behave then I’ll hand it off to someone who likes to beat or fuck the fight out. Perhaps Ordün will want to avenge his thumb.”
Kunni balled his hands into fists to hide their trembling, his face hot with anger. He lowered his head to hide the reaction behind a dirty curtain of hair, but he knew it was useless the moment he risked a glance.
Errik had seen.
Vampire Whump:
"Lay down," Galen ordered. Renoc looked at the metal table-at the leather straps where his arms, legs, and throat would be-and hesitated. Galen angled his head impatiently. "I won't strap you down unless I have to."
As far as Renoc knew, the door to this lab wasn't locked. Galen was human, and Renoc was not restrained.
But where would he go? Hobbes had made it clear that Renoc’s only protection came in the form of the scientist's custody. Without Galen, he was back at Hobbes's mercy. Back in that cell, under the unrelenting rays of a prison window, starving until Hobbes decided he had suffered enough to die.
Galen had at least allowed him to eat.
Slowly, Renoc hoisted himself onto the table.
Contemporary Whump:
Will had expected Nathan to return with Junith, to drag her down by the arm and throw her back into her own cell. But he didn't, this time. Junith wasn't with him at all.
Will dared to ask, his voice a hoarse whisper, "What happened to her?"
Nathan angled his head like a curious bird. "Who?"
Will almost said Junith's name, before he remembered that he wasn't supposed to know it. "The—the woman," he answered instead.
"Mm." Nathan's mouth pressed into a thin, displeased line. He crouched on the other side of the bars, and even though he couldn't possibly reach through the glass, Will scrambled back as far as he could, curled tightly against the hard corner of his cell. Nathan didn’t seem to notice. "She didn't like what I cooked for her.”
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
I'm writing a trans-fem Leo fic (mostly because of Levina who was an artist during the renocance or however you spell it) and the family dynamic is like really inspired by your tmNt (altho not totally the same but I've been reading through your au and writing this at the same time and I'm noticing some crossed hairs) and I just want to make sure tht's chill (don't wanna coe off as a theif or whatever, stealing your ideas without credit) Although atp what i do have written barely even looks like fanfiction (very dramatic, vaguely poetic, no names yet to be mentioned etc etc) lol, chapter 2 is gonna get into more story type stuff, what i've got right now is 800 words of set up
Yea go for it, ya don’t need my permission to take inspiration 🫡
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ikeahackers · 5 months
Go on a “Renocation”. IKEA + Pinterest show us how.
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r3nko0 · 11 hours
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An old OC comic scene I’ve never finished…
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colorrenovation · 6 months
Vinyl siding beings to “chalk” and fade after 20 years or so, just like its predecessor, aluminum siding. Refinishing your vinyl siding is a great alternative to replacing it. A properly completed paint job will last 15-20 years, and cost thousands less than replacing vinyl. Vinyl sided homes here in Northeast Ohio will be washed to remove all “chalk,” coated with two coats of premium Sherwin-Williams Vinyl Safe “Superpaint,” and covered by a 10-year warranty. NOTE: Using vinyl safe paint on your home is crucial – using non-vinyl safe paint will likely cause the siding to warp once it’s heated by the sun.
For all of your vinyl siding refinishing needs, contact our professional siding refinishing experts at Color Renovation.
Did you ever want to hire a carpenter for a day, but knew that most companies will not take on a small job that quickly? Call Color Renovation! Our service professionals are experienced and reliable at what they do. Whether they are repairing damaged wood on your home, replacing window sills, or helping you with a completely unrelated project, we guarantee their work and your satisfaction.
Hang new interior or exterior doors, open up the entryway to your living room or kitchen, build a custom playset for the kids, or simply to make necessary repairs for your home before you renew it with Color Renovation.
Carpenter For A Day: You get one of our experienced men for one price for the day. When our carpenter leaves, your home will be neat and clean. Free from construction mess!
Job Pricing: For the larger jobs, Color Renovation will give you an estimate to complete the job to your specifications. The price will not change. These jobs must be larger than 3 days.
Contact us today to get started on your carpentry project!
Do you want to give the inside of your home a facelift, but don’t have the time or know how to get it done? Do you have wallpaper to remove or high ceilings to paint? If you answered yes to either of these questions, give us a call. Our residential interior house painters are among the finest in the industry. 
If you need just one room, or the entire interior of your home painted, we have the manpower to get it done quickly and neatly.
For your perfect match in residential home interior painting in Northeast Ohio, contact the home painting experts at Color Renovation.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: cabinet refinishing OH, painting kitchen cabinets OH, painting company OH, cabinet painters near me OH, painting contractors OH, house painting OH & professional painters near me OH.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.colorrenovation.com/
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seamoselcambio · 6 months
Resultados de Aprendizaje 
Identificar en uno mismo los puntos fuertes y las áreas en las que se necesita mejorar
Mostrar que se han afrontado desafíos y se han desarrollado nuevas habilidades en el proceso:
Mostrar compromiso y perseverancia en las experiencias de CAS
Descripción de la Actividad 
La actividad que realicé fue ir al gimnasio regularmente 4 veces por semana por 3 meses. La motivación inicial fue mejorar mi salud física y mental, reconociendo la importancia del ejercicio regular para el bienestar general.
realicé una investigación exhaustiva sobre los beneficios del ejercicio regular y sus impactos en la salud física y mental. Mi objetivo era fundamentar mi decisión de dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo a esta actividad, asegurándose de comprender plenamente cómo contribuiría a mi bienestar general. Investigué diferentes tipos de ejercicios, desde entrenamiento de fuerza hasta actividades cardiovasculares, evaluando cuáles se adaptarán mejor a mis preferencias y objetivos. Estar respaldado por datos y comprender los beneficios a largo plazo me motivó y permitió establecer metas realistas y sostenibles para esta actividad.
Inscripción en un gimnasio 
comprometerme conmigo misma para asistir
realizar una rutina 
asistir constantemente 
Estoy desarrollando una actividad que me permitirá desarrollarme cómo persona y manejar el estrés, as cómo ofrecer un balance en mi vida de manera general  
Aprendizaje o Experiencias significativas 
Experimenté beneficios tangibles para mi salud como mejor calidad del sueño y reducción del estrés. Además, la actividad en el gimnasio contribuyó significativamente al desarrollo de la disciplina personal y la capacidad de establecer y alcanzar metas a largo plazo. Aprendí a establecer metas específicas de acondicionamiento físico, lo que me brindó un sentido claro de propósito y logro durante la actividad.
En futuras experiencias, buscaría implementar más ejercicios a mi rutina de ejercicios para abordar diferentes áreas de ejercicios y mantener el interés a lo largo del tiempo. Cómo por ejemplo, renocer la importancia de la flexibilidad en la rutina de ejercicio. Al establecer metas, me enfocaría en objetivos realistas y sostenibles a largo plazo, evitando la presión innecesaria y promoviendo un enfoque equilibrado hacia el fitness
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omm-ananta · 1 year
Me siento atrapado entre la realidad y mis sueños, mi mente quiere fabricar realidades que por el momento no están manifestadas en la en el plano del ahora.
Que más quieisera ya hacer esa cabaña y ese corral de piedras para nuestras vacas, que más quisiera que llegara la noche y hacerte el amor en el rio.
Que más quisiese para mi vida el simplemente ahorita mismo saber que me deseas, que deseas que forme parte de tu vida, de lo más profundo y hermoso.
Supongo que esto también es la realidad, afrontar lo que se siente, por más melancolico que sea, el renocer que hoy no estoy allí en ese lugar de sueño, que hoy nadie me desea, ni siquiera ella. Que realmente estoy hundido tontamente en el placer de esperar obtener algo.
Que pasara si mis sueños no se cumplieran, acaso viviría el resto de mi vida con este sentimiento, de que algo sea guarda en mi y no puede ser liberedo porque no hay nadie que lo dese, que frustración siento, el reconocer que mi realidad es estar aquí encerrado en este momento en la parte trasera del negocio familiar.
Que tengo que hacer para ya no sentir esta desesperación, solo quiero contemplarla ahorita lo más que pueda, para ver si de alguna forma me arto de ella.
Antes, me tal vez no me enfrentaba a esta situación de la soledad, de no ser deseado por nadie, de que ninguna mujer me voltei a ver como para hacer de mi persona un proyecto, una acompañante, tal vez por no querer sentir ese vacio, me engañaba a mi mismo masturbandome, dandome placer artificial, y así del alguna forma no sentir esta soleda, no sentir la realidad.
Reconozco, o me empiezo a dar cuenta que este deseo de disfrutar del sexo, en realidad me priva de conectar sexualmente con alguien, para conectar sexualmente con alguién tengo que llegar al punto donde pueda aceptar mi realidad, y no querer abandonarla con deseos de disfrutar muy ilusorios.
Tal vez por eso antes vivía un tanto
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Renovating a functional school for my unerhood! Cozy Sunday morning stream! Grab a cuppa and come hangout!
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