#resident evil oc: mr fluffy/m.a.x.
malewifehenrycooldown · 11 months
remembered when watching the 'wha happened?' video of RE4, and how initially there was going to be a female character who had a dog companion that Leon was supposed to meet and team up with, and then it was dropped and got re-worked into haunting grounds.
and yet ironically, when i actually got into resident evil my first two thoughts were to make a self insert that is Leon's younger sibling, and said self insert does come across a large lion-sized canine creature that is very infected, but like. is very curious, playful and docile, following my self insert as they make their way through the NEST labs but also like. my self insert has in intense fear of dogs so like, they're trying to keep distance between themself and the canine despite the canine meaning no harm. obviously this perspective is flipped later but like most of the time their anxiety is through the roof even more than it is. (don't worry they become friends and my self insert does get over their fear of canines but like. it takes a bit to get to a point where its like 'oh! dogs aren't that scary!' <- it's a lot more complicated than that i mean the zombie dogs are scary but in a 'oh god they don't deserve this kind of way').
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malewifehenrycooldown · 11 months
maybe i should take the time to talk about m.a.x like i don't think i've given enough information about this big infected giant-lion sized canine, who fun fact! never used to be lion-sized, they were a regular old stray dog* that was a mini celebrity in raccoon city. local stores would always put out a bowl of water and food for the little guy. <- he was also a border collie-siberian husky mix, but the moment Umbrella got their grubby hands on him he stopped looking like a cute dog and started looking like a tyrant. too bad he's too enthusiastically friendly to be even used as a bio-weapon :P
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Thank you Ridley for your sweet words on my Texfred art with the cats!!! I wanted to come ask, do you have any fanpets with any of your f/os :o?
Moxie @tex-treasures
Anytime @tex-treasures ! I think your art is really lovely!
I do have fan pets, although not necessarily with my fictional others, it’s more of a ‘general’ thing, or that I view them as ‘if they were real I would have them as pets type thing’. I’ll put this post under keep reading because I kinda go a little too indepth about them? oops.
so the main ‘fan pets’/’pet f/os’ I consist of an oc monster character, Rex from the Kommissar Rex series and Stray Cat from jojo’s bizarre adventures.
First off, the monster oc character is affectionately called ‘Mr. Fluffy’, and sometimes he goes by the name of ‘M.A.X.’ (yes it’s an acronym). Mr. Fluffy is, as the name implies, a very fluffy canine. okay technically that’s an understatement because he’s a very big wolf-dog hybrid creature. His design is here! He’s mostly involved in the Resident Evil series, as his backstory is that he’s an experiment made by Umbrella Corp, whom wanted to make an attack dog version of their tyrants (like Nemesis). To cut a long story very short, Umbrella’s experiment on him doesn’t go to plan and they just make a big giant playful and inquisitive puppy lol. said big giant puppy also takes down Umbrella both through the legal system and through action. He’s a very very good boy :D
In discussing man’s best friend, Rex from the Kommissar Rex series is very close to my heart. I grew up on the show as a kid, as the station SBS has a very well documented love affair with the series which was somehow able to magically captivate Australian audiences. When you watch the show, you can’t help but want to know Rex, or be one of the many people he encounters. He’s a literal troll and troublemaker even to his human co-owners/co-workers and it’s always so amusing to see a fictional dog outsmart petty criminals. I can guarantee you that if you ask people who had German Shepherds and what the name of the dog was, I bet that at least 75% of the time people will respond ‘his name was Rex like that tv show!’
Lastly, there’s stray cat from jojo’s bizarre adventure, which looks like this little guy:
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Its a cat, and a plant, and a stand. trust me this makes sense in context! but honestly the moment I saw stray cat I couldn’t help but go ‘oh my gosh i love him’ and then immediately adopted him. don’t ask how he lives, because even I’m not sure because a plant needs water to survive but also it’s... it’s part cat. so. ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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Before you ask. Yes, RE Verse! Mr Fluffy implies that there’s a ‘normal’ version of Mr Fluffy.
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Literally none one: Umbrella Corp: *pats Mr Fluffy’s pelt* ‘This bad boy’s DNA can be fitted with the t-virus and g-virus in here’
Behold the RE! Mr. Fluffy! He’s a big oversized zombie-dog-wolf that’s the size of a grizzly bear. Too bad for Umbrella he has the personality of a golden retriever/labrador. Too busy being a good doggo to bother with carrying out Umbrella’s orders lol.
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apologies for the relative silence on my end. I’ve been listening to a lot of RE video essays while making a redesign & a new backstory for Mr. Fluffy (one of my monster OCs) to fit into the RE verse.
I’ll promise to post the final results once it’s all done because I’m finding it super fun to rework this OC for the Resident Evil series.
Yes before ask, Mr Fluffy (well it’s special name is M.A.X.) plays a role in Ridley’s story (well more accurately has a role in RE2 but I’m getting a bit too ahead of myself there- can’t ruin the surprise!)
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