#rest assured im saying nothing thoughtprovoking nor of depth or value here sorry im just losing my mind every time i see that
steelycunt · 1 year
the worst thing about that giovannis room quote is the place in the book where it comes like. its all over by then. i mean yes its over before its even begun because of david as a person but. like it doesnt even come at the start when david is lying to himself and pretending to ignore the clock ticking on their situation and eating cherries. by the time and will you bring me home again / yes i'll bring you home again comes about its as good as done and so giovanni is as good as done his fate is sealed and david is halfway out the door promising to bring him home like. pages b4 that when giovanni loses his job he goes if you were not here this would be the end of giovanni. and LINES before he says it he's going i do not know what i would do if you left me. i do not think i would be able to live if i had to be alone again. and david knows he's gone! he's already in the process of leaving giovanni to be alone again! they're not even at the beginning of the end theyre practically in the middle of it! the end of them and the end of giovanni because they're one and the same! giovanni tells him that when david leaves he will not be able to live. and then he asks him if he will bring him home again to this room that david knows that he is going to leave (<- and in doing so he is going to bring about the end of giovanni. and the end of himself). girls giovanni is practically dead already. and knowing what he is going 2 do to him david goes. yes. ill bring you home again.
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