zisforzara · 7 years
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1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“Zara Robinson, I live at Apartment 205 at the Ragnatela on Vero Beach”
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
“I’d say that we were in between acquaintances and maybe becoming friends in the future. She was very nice, she helped me with my groceries once, and she gave me cookies and aftersun. Honestly, a lovely woman”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“I don’t know, she was just another neighbour.”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
“Last week, when I had sunburn and we hung out at her apartment.”
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Not that I’m aware of, but like I said, we didn’t know each other that well”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps soething you’ve seen or overheard?
“I just really hope you can find her, she’s a lovely woman.”
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adamxknight · 7 years
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1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
Adam eyed the police warily, as if at any moment they might handcuff him and shove him into their cruiser. He hated police officers and trusted them even less than politicians. “Adam Knight. I live here in Vero Beach. In the Ragnatela.”
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
“Well, I had no idea who she was until you showed me her picture. I’ve run into her a couple times, but I don’t know her.”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“I don’t know. I didn’t know she lived here.”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
He paused to think. As much as he didn’t have any attachment to Mackenzie, he didn’t want her missing or hurt or dead. “The last time I saw her was outside of 21 Red, the casino. She was looking for some guy. She called him a business partner.”
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Like I already said, I didn’t know her.”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“No. And if you’re done questioning me, I’m leaving.”
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karinaeriksen-blog · 7 years
task 003;
Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
Karina had been through this before. After her husband died, the police wanted to rule out the possibility of a homicide, which made Karina their prime suspect for a few days. Fortunately for her, she was cleared. This time it should be easier, considering she only ever spoke to the girl once. Also, she was not the one who killed her – Karina didn’t even know that. She was just the one who disposed of her body. “Karina Mathilde Eriksen Colloway.” God that was a mouthful. “I live in a penthouse in the Ragnatela.”
What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
Although she knew who they were talking about, Karina remembered that Mackenzie never told her her name. Pretending to think for a minute, an expression of confusion set on her face, she soon acted as if she realised who they were talking about. “Is this the girl on the missing poster?” She asked, just for clarification. “I only met her once, outside the building. She was looking for somewhere, but that’s it. I didn’t even catch her name.”
How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
Thinking to herself for a minute, Karina had no idea how to answer the question – and it wasn’t because she needed to lie. “I’m not too sure.” She spoke honestly. “She seemed nice,” She told them. “But that’s all I can say, truly.”
When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
The real answer would be floating face down in the ocean, though wasn’t going to be the one that Karina would give. “The first time I saw her.” She claimed. “She was looking for Tea and Chi, if that’s any help at all.”
To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
The Landlord seemed to have considered her one, but once again, that would not be the answer that Karina could give. Protecting herself would include protecting him. “I doubt it. As I said, she seemed lovely. That was only from my first impression, though. I could have read her completely wrong.”
Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“I wish I had more to tell you, but that’s all the information I have on her.” She told them, sounding sincere as possible. “I hope you find her.” She added, just to keep up her act.
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henry-archer-blog · 7 years
task 003;
Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“Henry Nathaniel Archer,” He spoke. Nerves ran through him, but he had no idea why. He hadn’t done anything wrong, especially not lately. Simply keeping to himself. At least the police were questioning everyone else in the building, not just him. “I live in the Ragnatela, apartment 102.”
What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
As the police mentioned Mackenzie’s name, Henry furrowed his brow, recognising it immediately. “Mackenzie?” He couldn’t stop himself from repeating her name, just to make sure he heard them right. “She was my sister’s friend,” He said, hoping he hadn’t gotten Waverly into trouble now. “I mean, I wasn’t really that close to her. If I saw her again I would probably say a quick hi and be on my way.”
How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“She was here?” Henry asked, sure that would have made him look like an ass to the officer questioning him. “I think that answers your question, I didn’t know she was here.”
When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
These questions began to worry him, what were these questions for? God, he wish he had paid more attention. “A few years ago. Probably a year before I moved from Rhode Island.” He told him.
To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Not that I can recall, but I’m talking for a couple years back. I don’t know what she’s been up to lately.” He told them, though his next question raised even more concern in Henry. “Hurt her? What’s going on, what’s this about?” He asked.
Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“No.” He replied, bluntly. Fortunately, he was able to be honest throughout the whole interview. Though, he was now worrying about Mackenzie.
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brighton-innocent · 7 years
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Task 003: Mackenzie Is Missing
1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“My full name?” Brighton sighed. The chore of reciting her full name had always been one of the worst part of having pretentious celebrities for parents. “It’s Brighton Nadia Emerald Innocent Macpherson. Did you get all that?” She didn’t bother to wait for a response before she continued, “I live in a penthouse at the Ragnatela with my boyfriend Liam Cunningham.”
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
“She’s whatever," Brighton said, looking at her nails. Wow, she really needed a mani. The police officer cleared his throat, urging her to look up. “She... what was her name again, Mackenzie? I think she lives in my building. I know she's a photographer, and I hired her to shoot some press photos for my club.”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“Like I said, it’s whatever. She’s short and probably shops at Forever 21, so I didn’t really pay that much attention to her, ever.”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
“I had a meeting with her at my club on Wednesday night. I know this because I watched the entire new episode of MasterChef before I went to Antenora,” she explained, resting her elbows on the table as she began recounting her interesting night. Hopefully her lies would go down unnoticed if she put enough trivial truths in between them. “We were supposed to discuss a photoshoot for the press photos I mentioned, so I invited her to the club as a special guest. You know, so she could get a feel for it. But yeah, I got her a drink and we went off to discuss it, but then she just took off.” Brighton paused to think for a moment before she elaborated, “She said she was going to smoke and I pointed her to the smokers’ area, but then she never came back to me. I was kind of pissed at the time, but of course now I just feel bad for her.“
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Nah, but I think I heard she was going out with this Graham Williams guy who also lives in my building. He’s an asshole, so maybe he has something to do with the whole thing. Not that I want to point fingers or anything.”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“No, all I know is that we had a deal and she fucked off right in the middle of it. I’m not saying it’s her fault or anything like that, but I guess doing that to the wrong person could have really pissed them off. I don’t know, I’m just trying to help.”
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sebastian-adler · 7 years
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Task 3: Mackenzie is Missing
1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“Sebastian Wilhelm Adler, living at the Ragnatela, apartment 500.” He spoke coolly, barely looking at the officer across from him. He wasn’t particularly in the mood for chatting with law enforcement about his life, and particularly not with someone who seemed to fit every stereotype of a small town cop.
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
A picture of Mackenzie was placed in front of him, and Sebastian studied it for a few seconds. “Yeah, I remember her, but I wouldn’t say I know her. I think I saw her at my restaurant once or twice, and around my apartment building.” He looked at the picture again, “I explained the rules of Black Jack to her down at 21 Red because she had no clue what she was doing. She seemed totally harmless. Innocent, almost.”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
"I don’t know. She kind of just blended in, I guess. We have so many weirdos around that everyone else just seems to become part of the furniture.” He shrugged slightly, leaning back in his chair. “For someone with a face like that, she was a surprisingly unremarkable presence.”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
“Earlier this week, I think. Monday night, perhaps? I’m sure the security cameras can verify the exact time,” he said in a disinterested tone, though he was glad that those cameras could finally be used for keeping him out of trouble. “I saw her in the lobby as I was leaving and she was on her way home. She might have looked a little nervous and didn’t really respond when I greeted her, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Not that I would know of, but then that’s not really something you blurt out to a casual acquaintance in any case.” He thought about mentioning her gambling, but he was not about to bring the casino into this. If a bare minimum of cooperation could keep him out of trouble, there was no reason to give them any more than that. “She didn’t seem like the type of person to have mortal enemies, but who knows. Maybe she hid it well.”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“No, I don’t think so. All I can think of is that I lent her a little money after she lost at the casino, but I’m not exactly about to abduct her over $50. I consider that debt settled even if you end up finding her. Which, of course, I hope you will. I’d hate for the women in the neighborhood to start feeling unsafe.”
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emersondouglas · 7 years
1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“Emerson Douglas. The Ragnatela.”
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
"...Who?” He peered closer at the picture the officer showed him. “Ohhhh, her. I didn’t know her at all. We talked once, but that’s it.”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“She seemed nice, I guess?”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
“Few days ago, outside Mickey’s.”
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“I never heard anyone say anything about her, if that’s what you mean.”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“She mentioned she was a journalist,” he shrugged. “I doubt it, but maybe she pissed someone off with that?”
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thatawfulrubensgirl · 7 years
1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
“Gail Louise Rubens. I live in apartment 500 at the Ragnatela.”
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
Gail shook her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know her at all. I saw her around the apartment, but we never talked.”
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
“Again, I didn’t know her. I never heard anyone say anything bad about her, though.”
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
“Uhhh... a couple days ago, maybe? In the lobby? I’m honestly not sure.”
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
“Not that I heard, no.”
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps something you’ve seen or overheard?
“Just that I’m really sorry I couldn’t be of more help. I’ll call if I find anything out, though.”
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theragnatelarp · 7 years
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Task 3: Mackenzie is Missing...
This week’s task is a bit more serious than what we’ve been used to around here. One of our dear tenants went out earlier this week and never returned to The Ragnatela. The police are searching high and low, and of course this includes her place of residence. Today, the Vero Beach police department has requested to speak to her neighbors.
This particular task is mandatory and must be completed by next Sunday (September 10th). Anyone accepted on August 23rd or after are exempt from this, although you are ofr course still welcome to complete the task if you wish. Please use the tag #rgntltask3 for your posts.
1. Please state your full name and current residence for the record.
2. What was your relationship with Mackenzie Frank Buchanan? How well did you know her?
3. How would you characterize her presence at The Ragnatela?
4. When was the last time you saw Ms Buchanan?
5. To your knowledge, did Ms Buchanan have any enemies? Anyone who would wish to hurt her?
6. Is there anything you’d like to add? Perhaps soething you’ve seen or overheard?
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