#rhian & donnae
baezdylan · 4 months
dw companions on the blur-oasis kinsey scale (with exclusively blur listener at 0 / exclusively oasis listener at 6):
rose - 5, oasis listener, incidentally blur listener; martha - 0 (i dont think she has/had much of a stake in the britpop feud but she gives off 13 vibes); donna - 6 (again, not much stake in either band, but would prefer oasis songs to blur); amy - 4, oasis listener, more than incidentally a blur listener); clara - 3, equally an oasis + blur listener; bill - 1, blur listener, incidentally an oasis listener
(haven't rewatched thirteen's run recently enough to give full judgement but, on instinct alone, yaz is probably a 1 or 2)
further notes:
- martha's a pulp listener, at least in the sense of enjoying different class. and i know i said she had 13 vibes, but there's also a little bit of the great escape in there as well.
- clara's a fan of the stone roses, i know this in my heart to be true. there's probably some suede listening going on too.
- (though i am loath to categorise them as britpop, they're of the same era + adjacent scene) amy's not necessarily a manic street preachers fan BUT some of their singles show up in her cd rack (little baby nothing, roses in the hospital, you stole the sun from my heart)
*not to bog this very serious analysis down with academic lit, but read this quote from rhian e. jones about the manics + adolescence and TELL ME is doesn't feel vaguely amycoded: "In part this is due to the timeless nature of the teenage angst captured on the album (the holy bible, 1994), but it also reflects that peculiar millennial dislocation whereby many more young people currently seem unable to fully extricate themselves from adolescence." -- the quote is about thb which isnt very amy, but generation terrorists has a similar feel of stunted youth and is more along the lines my view of her angst listening
- on that note, it's possible that amy would've been too young during the 90s to have much of a stake in britpop at all + she's a teenager in the 2000s, so she's almost definitely an arctic monkeys listener (who are also not britpop but feel adjacent)
(^^ can you tell im making an amy's cds playlist?? and im taking it incredibly seriously)
IVY, MY DEAR FRIEND IVY, YOU HAVE REGENERATED!!!!! I recently saw a Holy Bible record and thought of you <3 I AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS (it reads like an academic paper) My favourite bit must be Martha the Pulp listener Martha <3 AND I'M ALSO A 4 (girl who's had 3 amy pond related urls so far) AND I'VE ALSO BEEN PLANNING AN AMY'S CDs PLAYLIST!!!!!! <3333333333 (she 100% has Nobody's Daughter on repeat)
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NOPE (2022)
Starring Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun, Brandon Perea, Michael Wincott, Wrenn Schmidt, Keith David, Donna Mills, Barbie Ferreira, Devon Graye, Eddie Jemison, Oz Perkins, Terry Notary, Andrew Patrick Ralston, Jennifer Lafleur, Lincoln Lambert,  Pierce Kang, Roman Gross, Alex Hyde-White, Meredith VanCuyk          , Rhian Rees, Ryan W. Garcia and Conor Kowalski.
Screenplay by Jordan Peele.
Directed by Jordan Peele.
Distributed by Universal Pictures. 131 minutes. Rated R.
Jordan Peele’s latest film Nope is smart, funny, scary, beautiful, enjoyable and loaded with great ideas. So why doesn’t it exactly work?
Probably because it is overloaded with ideas. Peele is shooting for the skies here (literally), tossing in lots of symbols and tangents and subplots and gags to the point where it is bursting at the seams. Also to the point that the story doesn’t quite make sense.
For example, there is an extended sequence here with a murderous chimpanzee which is horrific and arresting. However, it only has a glancing connection to the storyline at large. I suppose it could be seen as foreshadowing the action to come, but that seems a bit tenuous.
Is it enough for it to just be arresting cinema? Maybe. But I walked out of Nope having enjoyed the ride but having multiple serious questions about what I had just seen.
I get that Peele doesn’t have to make everything cookie cutter. In fact, one of the teaser trailers for the film highlighted the fact that you can never know what you’ll get from Peele.
Since moving on from his comic role with Key & Peele, Peele has made smart updates on traditional horrors. Get Out was a smart and scary look at subtle racism in modern America, but it borrowed its basic plot structure from The Stepford Wives, and then ramped up the violence. Us was his reboot of the Strangers type of film about malevolent bad actors in the night surrounding a family home.
Nope is Jordan Peele’s extraterrestrial film, a surreal and much scarier take on Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It’s terrific and kind of a mess, all at the same time.
Daniel Kaluuya (Get Out) plays OJ, a horse trainer who has taken charge of his family business – training horses and providing them for films – after his father was killed in a mysterious accident on their land. The business, which had always been profitable, has hit on hard times and OJ is not a natural salesman like his dad. Therefore he gets his flamboyant sister Emerald (Keke Palmer) to be something of a frontperson for the business. Em is happy to help, but she’s also got her own irons in the fire, career wise.
OJ has been reduced to selling some of their horses to Jupe (Steven Yeun), a former child sitcom star who now runs a western theme park. (The chimp scene mentioned earlier was a flashback to a traumatic occurrence that happened when he was a child.)
Into this heated situation, OJ sees an unidentified flying object on their desert compound. He and Em determine if they can get a photo of the UFO, they could make enough money to save the ranch. The strange thing appears to be hiding in a still cloud formation above a nearby mountain. (It never quite makes sense why they think getting a picture will solve all their problems, they still have a perhaps deadly alien hanging nearby.) They hire a local electronics worker (Brandon Perea) to set their ranch up with cameras, and he ends up joining their little group of alien hunters.
This leads to some spectacular scenes in which we learn more about the danger which is lurking in the clouds. Nope has fun with typical horror tropes, like several times when OJ looks out and sees danger and he hunkers down in safety with a dismissive “Nope.” The cheesy faux-Western feel and the wicked satire is also intriguing.
You enjoy Nope through most of its runtime – it’s very engaging – and yet the whole time all these niggling little questions are piling up. Why did they do that? Why did that happen? How does any of this make sense?
Sadly, for the most part, it really doesn’t. But the movie’s highs go so high that it almost negates its flaws. In the long run, Nope ain’t no “yep,” but it’s a fairly strong “maybe.”
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 22, 2022.
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<p>Author note Abbie Rogers Civilan camp</p>
<p>Terri Daniels helped me on this and This camp and This in honor of camp founder herself Abbie Rogers</p>
<p>“In the 1950s, Abbie Roger’s best friend had a daughter who had disabilities named Donna Rhian. Abbie saw that, during those days, many people with disabilities were not included in camps and other fun events, so she started the camp. It started in 1961 .She asked the Civitans to help pay for camp- they said yes and still are the sponsors. The camp was first at camp tiak, the Boy Scout camp, in tents””state by Terri Daniels</p>
<p>Then, when camp iti kana was built (we will have to look up when) the camp moved there because they had bathrooms, cabins, and a pool.</p>
<p>We add to the camp most every year building something new!</p>
<p>“The camp grounds belong to the Girl Scouts, but we rent the camp each year.. Camp has been going nearly 60 years- and we believe camp will continue and grow!. I’ve been at camp for over 30 years. Camp has changed as the nation as changed.”</p>
<p>Camp was small before Kay, Chris, and I came. Abbie had to start small and grow the camp. Then people started donating a lot to camp- so we’ve been able to build and grow camp.</p>
<p>‘Technology changed camp a lot too. Because of texting, website, Facebook, and Instagram, we are able to carry our message to large crowds . Oh .Brett Favre’s daughter and John Rhys Plumlee with his sisters is one of famous people who been at camp ‘’before . Said by Terri Daniele herself .Her son Ryan Daniels been Go to camp for Long time ago too and He was even my consular for one year at that camp also . My Birthday always on week Of Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp when I go .Oh cabins name belong to boys Tall Timbers ,Dogwoods .Areas belong to girls is Lakeview ,Lodge ,and Paradise Lost .Camp is always on Third week Of July and My Birthday is July 14.This camp get a lot of applicants and people every year .Consular go into training to get ready for camp every year</p>
<p>Hi Slade!<br />
Cowboys and Indians was the first theme- several years, actually<br />
Chris and Betsy decide the theme- .This year 2021 camp theme would</p>
<p>Yes- some people have broken rules and been sent home from camp- but I don’t think anyone with disabilities has been mistreated since I’ve been a director.</p>
<p>If someone makes a mistake we talk with them and tell them the rules- if it’s a big mistake or they acted in a dangerous way we have to sent them home<br />
.<br />
So Our story Begins in 2013 When I started going to Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp..At First I was unsure About Camp and then suddenly I fell love with it Because Camp was cool and very fun .I meet a lot of. Cool +awesome people at that camp .That is only year I was In Dogwood area I think ..I moved to native village and I been stay in that area Since that year .Somewhere in 2014 or 2015 Ryan Daniels was My consular and we have fun together with rest of camp.He often joking with me Called me Nerd and Loser +other stuffs like that ..He was fun be around and Helping me a lot with rest of camp members too . .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>So in Our Area known as Native village or Naked Village We called it Our area compete with other areas for Abbie Awards.We act like Rivals most of week<br />
.One of our Ways to do that Is through our Chants .Our areas chant Parody Like Fresh Prince of Belair,Two Princes By Spin Doctors +Other songs .Other areas or village have other songs too Like Phin.We have different Theme for each day .We screamed naked Village at top of our lungs in hope To Win .Other areas screamed Their Areas names too In hope to Win too .On Friday’s We singed Lean on me By Bill Withers..Some People said at camp Curse of Slade start This feud between all of boys areas and we don’t know what start Girls areas feud . .We Even do Practiced Jokes on each Others at camp. Like one night My camp Friend Will and I Did this Prank Where I pretending to Throw up While Will get In Hammock Because Othee Consulars Was use it to sleep or take nap Another time in 2018 at Pavilion dance Ryan And His camper Brently been annoying me How great dogwood is So I get cold drink from Canteen and pour brently with his wheelchair.Ryan said why you pour drink on all over your camper” said Ryan Daniels Jokely and then he came back and pour drink on me .Also I poured drink On John rhys plumlee on that same night and He do it back to me .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2017 Mack Pickering Came in The Picture and We have Growing Bond with each other like I did with everyone else at camp.Mack Encourage me to take new steps Like get me on horse and pool with help of Staircase in pool .Other People Like Charles Livingston encourages me to go tubing with him In 2019.After I got sea sick With Nathan Mars In 2018.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2018 We started Go To Camping With Daniel Firth and Lauren Firth at CampSite on Wednesday which after Our talent show on Wednesday night ..They know Abbie Rogers from their church Before she died and They was fun to be around .Daniel Firth was part Of Tall Timbers .We telling Ghost Stories around Campfire and we have fun too..We eating s’mores too while We telling ghost stories +listen to music ..At Midnight we went to night hike and saw interesting creatures like bugs and Armadillos +other interesting animals too ..Oh my Friend Big Al Eat Cricket During night hike and he said He Will do this for My Consular After we got back We saw turtles layingit’s eggs ..In Morning we eat something Before we go and someone give me shower in morning at campsite before we go to our first Activities .Girls start Go to camping at campsite on Thursday nights also.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We have different Activities at camp such at our talent show .Our Talent Show offer different talents from disabled people including from me .I telling jokes and do different talents like My Nsync Dance at Our talent show .I Play Bingo at Camp pool party and I drink Slushies from Stand While everyone go to swimming with other disabled people and they give us Presents If Disabled people including me to win .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>During Hot summer days at camp Someone bring fan and put it in cabins to let us cool off .I usually take moives to camp with other people did that too .We watch Good Burger +Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom *Shrek +Upside with Kevin Hart +other great of moives .Everyone Would Enjoy them .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In conclusion because we not have camp this year I started birthday fundraiser on Facebook for This orazgatoln and I succeeded rasied 350 of my goal 200 for Camp and it will go to help with camp to continue and live on for future generations to see and enjoy of rest of their lives</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2019.At our talent show I Took shirt off me on stage of a lot of people During someone was doing SexyBack Song +It was embarrassed.Everyone was laugh at me and it was Joke at camp for rest of week All because I thought Stephen Mcinnis was telling me to take my shirt off me but He actually Told me good job .Someone help put my shirt back on me .Later on that night I Share with everyone about that incident what really happen at campsite.<br />
At night we singing Kumbaya while holding hands together .After that we trying beat other cabins areas by We screamed to up of our lungs ‘’Naked Village “<br />
.and other cabins areas do that too.We even have Funerals at camp for people involed with camp .First funeral at camp was for Papadale In 2018 .He was old sweet man who taking me on rides to camp activities.<br />
We burned his ashes under our tree that camp planted it and we water it every year .We take care of it.One year as I remember Ryan Daniels and I chasing Flock Canadian Geese Off until They flying away and They did Oh Camp love music and It set the tone for camp. One Time in 2018 Big al And I have dance Battle to Micheal Jackson at Art and Crafts and We have good time Oh camp last a Week Sunday -Friday’s every year for adults and youth week</p>
<p> </p>
<p>John Rhys plumlee not at camp In 2019 because ole miss and In fact I saw him at Hattiesburg night of shine before he go to ole miss .I miss him so much but her sisters was at camp and it was fun to be around them with rest of camp too Oh . Hattiesburg 2019 Night of shine was last time I got see John Rhys Plumlee acaully.One of his sister was at 2020 Hattiesburg Night Of Shine At Temple Baptist Church.Oh We watch Hitch with other great stuffs like that at camp .have a great story about John Rhys plumlee that happen to me one year at camp Abbie Rogers .While We was playing 🏈 one year at camp He Throw a pass to me backwards and I catch it then throw back to him .He jump and catch football..Oh we play bingo while we have pool party on Tuesday.It was fin and a lot of people win prizes including me if they get bingo</p>
<p> </p>
<p>To celebrate Mack Pickering Birthday in 2017 At night at Native village in our cabin area We singing Drake and Josh theme song because Mack told me That was his favorite Nickelodeon Show With candle in zebra cake</p>
<p>We have a idea for Our band freedom striker killer band one day in 2019 on Snapchat .Our band creator Steve coming up for we. should have a band at first time after we make up a story about band.Our band Stephen Mcinnis for his real name .Stephen Mcinnis owner 601steve which record studio or label Male Music and We have Partnership with 601Steve for our band Sake..After We choosing many band names like loaded diaper .and freedom fighters band .Since all of their names was taken we decided call it Freedom striker killer band.We performed at 2020 Night Of Shine with Only I Can imagine by Mecryme ,We are champions +Under pressure by Queen .We hoping perform there and our camp again next year. Our band genre going be country</p>
<p> </p>
<p>One year at camp Consulars was watching Greases and they love that Flim With John Travilo.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Oh my Mamma did Facebook fundraiser for Camp Abbie Rogers Civilan camp and she rasied 175 for camp<br />
Oh one yesr<br />
https://filmfreeway.com/projects/2041566<br />
Disclaimer No one buried at camp confirmed by Terri Daniel but We water or keep planting a tree if anyone died at camp . Papadale is buried at his church in sunrall Ms</p>
<p>Micheal garner said My major in about a college was special education, I was at Ellisville State school for 3 semesters and volunteered there and special Olympics about a hundred . years ago!! And I've been going to Civitan camp since I was a kid so I might have run across them at one of those places like bosewell and etc .</p>
<p>this is our new movie instragram account and please like +follow +support it please for me . This movie another inspiration is ratatouille but it for older audiences +13 and up but young kids could watch this movie if they choose or want to do that. Inspiring story about raccoon who change his ways to help a chef to win masterchef competition.all credits goes to Brody Banks And father Stu for idea. that.all credit to @pixar and Walt Disney for giving us this movie idea. https://instagram.com/raccoonferristhe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== this is our movie instagram account and please follow it +support it please for me .I named raccoon that name after Ferris buller day off.</p>
0 notes
mythcreated-a · 3 years
"why are you looking at me like that?" donna to kol @gothamrains​
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Because you look beautiful and mean the world to me, is what he wanted to say but couldn’t. He wanted to tell her as much so badly. He needed her, wanted her - almost desperately - and it was beginning to show, apparently. Kol hated that it was beginning to show, too. He had been so good at hiding his feelings for so long that it felt like he was a failure for not being able to disguise them now. How could he be so stupid to look at her in such an obvious way when he had a wife who needed him. 
“You have a little whipped cream on your lip,” he told her, happy to have an excuse. An awkward laugh left his lips when she used her thumb to wipe away the white from her lip. He swallowed as he watched her, somewhat upset with himself for not offering to clean it up himself. But again, he shouldn’t want to clean it off or look at her like he wanted her. Kol needed to get his shit together. He needed to treat her like she was just the diner owner who also somehow was his ex from high school. Someone he cared for but wasn’t in love with, even though he was, indeed, still in love with her, and had honestly never stopped.
“Uhm, I have to go. Mariah needs me. Thanks for the chat. I’ll make sure to come back tomorrow after work.” Or not. Again, he needed to get his shit together and being around her made him make dumb choices. “Hopefully.” A soft smile from him. “Hopefully,” he said again, before he stood up, dropped coffee on himself, and swore under his breath. 
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gianttankeh · 4 years
Audrey Chen / Usurper / Lorenzo Abattoir / Odie J Ghast / Daniel Davidovsky / Robert Ridley Shackleton / Rhian & Donna / Dai Coelecanth /Core Of The Coalman / Radio Snufkin at ‘Isolated Mass #7′, Telegram messaging app, The Internet: 7/5/20.
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You can find out more about how to “attend” this show, which will happen in real time via the Telegram messaging app, here
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porlockstompf · 6 years
                                                            my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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     david keenan “this is memorial device” [faber & faber] (2017)
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01 nick harkaway "gnomon" (2017) 02 kim stanley robinson "new york 2140" (2017) 03 m john harrison "you should come with me" (2017) 04 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best science fiction: thirty-fourth annual collection" (2017) 05 james morrow "the asylum of dr. caligari" (2017)
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06 annalee newitz "autonomous" (2017) 07 cory doctorow "walkaway" (2017) 08 dave hutchinson "acadia" (2017)   + dave hutchinson "slow companions" (2017) 09 ed finn (ed) visions, ventures, escape velocities: a collection of space futures" (2017) 10 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars" (2017)
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11 allan kaster "the year's top hard science fiction stories" (2017) 12 nina allen "the rift" (2017) 13 charles stross "the delirium brief" (2017) 14 simon morden "at the speed of light" (2017) 15 ada palmer "seven surrenders" (2017) & "the will to battle" (2017)
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16 yoon ha lee "raven stratagem" (2017) 17 john joseph adams (ed) "cosmic powers" (2017) 18 mur lafferty "six wakes" (2017) 19 taiyo fujii "orbital cloud" (2017) 20 andrew bannister "creation machine" (2016)     + andrew bannister "iron gods" (2017)
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21 gareth l powell "entropic angel & other stories" (2017) 22 ann leckie "provenance" (2017) 23 monica louzon (ed) "catalysts, explorers & secret keepers: women of sf" 24 ian mconald "wolf moon" (2017) 25 neal stephenson & nicole galland "the rise & fall of d.o.d.o." (2017)
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26 adam roberts "the real-town murders" (2017) 27 tim pratt "the wrong stars" (2017) 28 jim c. hines "terminal alliance" (2017) 29 charles stross "the empire games" (2017) 30 james s.a. corey "persepolis rising" (2017)     + james s.a. corey "strange dogs" (2017)
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31 allen steele "avengers of the moon (captain future)" (2017) 32 neal asher "infinity engine [transformation III]" (2017) 33 jason m. hough "injection burn" (2017)   + jason m. hough "escape velocity" (2017) 34 donna scott (ed) "best of british science fiction 2016"/una mccormack "star of the sea" (2016) 35 david marusek "upon this rock"/john scalzi "collapsing empire" (2017)
& a couple of re-readings: richard k. morgan "takeshi kovacs trilogy" in view of the coming netflix series and colin harvey "damage time" (2010) ... no further reason needed!
01 matthew mcintosh "the mystery.doc" (2017)
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02 sébastien roger "les désordres du monde. walter benjamin à port-bou" (2017) 03 laurent binet "hhhh" (2012) 04 + laurent binet "the 7th function of language" (2017) 05 jean echenoz "special envoy" (2017)
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06 paul stanbridge "forbidden line" (2016) 07 ryu murakami "tokyo decadence (2016) 08 aifric campbell "the semantics of murder" (2008) 09 mark vernon "darker with the day" (2017) 10 magnus mills "the forensic records society" (2017)
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01 mckenzie wark "general intellects: 25 thinkers for the 21st century" (2017) 02 claude lefort "wat is politiek?" (2016) 03 ger groot & sam ijsseling "dankbaar en aandachtig" (2013) 04 martin heidegger "beiträge zur philosophie (vom ereignis)" (2003) 05 hannah arendt "totalitarisme" (2014)
06 daniel birnbaum & kim west "life on sirius: the situationist international & the exhibition of art" (2016) 07 ger groot "de geest is uit de fles" (2017) 08 sean gaston "the impossible mourning of jacques derrida" (2006) 09 bas heijne "onbehagen: nieuw licht op de beschaafde mens" (2016) 10 giorgio colli "ecrits sur nietzsche" (2017)
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11 frédéric neyrat "échapper à l'horreur" (2017) 12 slavoj zizek "against the double blackmail, refugees, terror & other troubles with the neighbours" (2017) 13 henning mankell "quicksand" (2016) 14 jacques rancière "en quel temps vivons-nous? conversations avec eric hazan" (2017) 15 alain badiou "je vous sais si nombreux... " (2017)
16 alain badou & jean-luc nancy "la tradition allemande dans la philosophie" (2017) 17 tom mccarthy "typewriters bombs jellyfish [essays]" (2017) 18 valeria luiselli "tell me how it ends: an essay in 40 questions" (2017) 19 fredric jameson "raymond chandler: the detections of totality" (2016) 20 umberto eco "chronicles of a liquid society" (2017)
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01 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)   + chris petit "the butchers of berlin" (2016)   + chris petit "the human pool" (2002)   + chris petit "the psalm killer" (1996)
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02 john le carré "a legacy of spies" (2017) 03 david hewson "sleep baby sleep" (2017) 04 mick herron "slow horses" (2010)   + mick herron "dead lions" (2013)   + mick herron "the list" (2015)   + mick herron "real tigers" (2016)   + mick herron "spook street" (2017) 05 jussi adler-olsen "the scarred woman" (2017)
06 jo nesbo "the thirst" (2017) 07 ben fergusson "the spring of kasper meier" (2014) 08 e.o. chirovici "the book of mirrors" (2017) 09 toni coppers "de zaak magritte" (2017) 10 james r. tuck "mama tried (crime fiction inspired by outlaw country music)" (2016)
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01 philip pullman "la belle sauvage" (2017)
01 cosey fanni tutti "art sex music" (2017) 02 david keenan "this is memorial device" (2017) 03 joanne demers "drone and apocalypse" (2015) 04 + joanne demers "listening through the noise" (2010) 05 robert barry "the music of the future" (2017)
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06 richard cabut & andrew gallix (eds) "punk is dead: modernity killed every night" (2017) 07 butt gavin, kodwo eshun, & mark fisher (eds) "post punk then and now" (2016)" 08 sandra garrido "why are we attracted to sad music" (2016) 09 tomas serrien "klank: een filsofie van de muzikale ervaring" (2017) 10 marlies de munck "waarom chopin de regen niet wilde horen" (2017)
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11 daniel warner "live wires" (2017) 12 will carruthers "playing the bass with three left hands" (2016) 13 steve hanley "the big midweek-life inside the fall (2016) 14 tex perkins "tex" (2017) 15 mark lanegan "i am the wolf" (2017)
17 simon reynolds "shock & awe" (2016) 18 andrew o'neill "a history of heavy metal" (2017) 19 bryan ray turcotte "the fucked up reader" (2007) 10 bob batchelor (ed) "literary cash" (2017) 20 simon webb "a 1970s teenager. from bell-bottoms to disco dancing" (2013)
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         both bell-bottoms and disco dancing can be had @ muntpunt !
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01 jonty tiplady "zam bonk dip" (2010) 02 murray lachlan young "how freakin' zeitgeist are you?" (2017)
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01 peter-andré bloch "sils-maria - "l'île bienheureuse" pour nietzsche" (2017)
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02 willem vanhuyse "atlas van de imaginaire verklaringen: het complete handboek vor de 'patafysicus'" (2017) 03 reinhard kleist "nick cave: mercy on me" (2017) 04 william gibson "archangel (a graphic novel)" (2017) 05 a. uderzo, didier conrad & jean-yves ferri "astérix et la transitalique" (2017)
01 thibault damour & mathieu burniat "mysteries of the quantum universe" (2017) 02 brian cox & jeff forshaw "universal: a journey through the cosmos" (2017)
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01 james acaster "james acaster's classic scrapes" (2017)
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02 chris wade “the story of derek and clive” (2017)
01 frederik bakelandt "grinta! de bergen: 10 legendarsche wielercols" (2017)
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02 lucien van impe & filip osselaer "de dag dat ik de tour verloor" (2017) 03 jonas heyerick & jelle vermeersch "bahamontes #17-#20" (2017) 04 frank strack "the hardmen: legends of the cycling gods" (2017) 05 matthias m. r. declercq "de val" (2017)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
the TBR pile grew with...
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lászló krasznahorkai "the world goes on" (2017) samanta schweblin "fever dream" (2017)
peter mark, peter helman & penny snyder (eds) "the mountains in art history" (2017)
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alvin lucier (ed) "eight lectures on experimental music" (2017) rhian e jones & eli davies "under my thumb: songs that hate women and the women who love them" (2017)
arne dahl "watching you" (2017) philip kerr "prussian blue" (2017) antti tuomainen "the man who died" (2017) jon michelet "the frozen women" (2017) nicolás obregón "blue light yokohama" (2017)
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alex lamb "exodus" (2017) c robert cargill "sea of rust" (2017) chris brookmyre "places in the darkness" (2017) d nolan clark "forgotten worlds" & "forbidden suns" (2017) dan moren "the caledonian gambit" (2017) elizabeth moon "cold welcome" (2017) ferrett steinmetz "the uploaded" (2017) greg egan "dichronauts" (2017) ian whates "the ion raider" (2017) jaine fenn "the martian job" (2017) jamie sawyer "pariah" (2017)
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jeff noon "a man of shadows" (2017) joe m mcdermott "the fortress at the end of time" (2017) joe zieja "communication failure" (2017) john kessel "the moon and the other" (2017) john meaney "destructor function" (2017) jonathan strahan (ed) "best sf &f of the year vol 11" & "infinity wars" (2017) kameron hurley "the stars are legion" (2017) kay kenyon "at the table of wolves" (2017) malka older "null states" (2017) marina j. lostetter "noumenon" (2017)
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martha wells "all systems red" (2017) neil clark (ed) "galactic empires" & "more human than human" (2017) paul mcauley "austral" (2017) r.e. stearns "barbary station" (2017) robert kroese "last iota" (2017) sage walker "the man in a tree" (2017) stephen baxter "obelisk" (2017) + stephen baxter "the massacre of mankind" (2017) sulari gentill "crossing the lines" (2017) the justified ancients of mu mu “2023 a trilogy” (2017) wendy n. wagner "an oath of dogs" (2017)
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kuyarexdelsdiaries · 4 years
Love of My Life: The Country's Number 1 Family Drama
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Family drama is back on primetime with Love Of My Life.
The series stars on-and-off screen partners Carla Abellana (from My Husband's Lover, I Heart Davao, Pamilya Roces) and Tom Rodriguez (from My Husband's Lover, I Heart Davao, The Cure, Dragon Lady), along with Rhian Ramos (from Lupin, Ilumina, Bantatay, Indio (with Senator Bong Revilla), Genesis, My Destiny, The Rich Man's Daughter, Sinungaling Mong Puso, My Love from the Star, The One That Got Away), Mikael Daez (from Someone to Watch Over Me, Legally Blind, The Stepdaughters, Alex & Amie) & Coney Reyes (the mother of Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto, from Student Canteen, Eat Bulaga, Coney Reyes on Camera, Ang Munting Paraiso, Sa Puso Ko, Iingatan Ka, Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real, Nathaniel, My Dear Heart, Victor Magtanggol). The most recent series of Carla and Tom prior was I Heart Davao in 2017.
Love Of My Life revolves around the Gonzales family. Isabella (Coney), the matriarch, is a rich widow with high standards who will do what’s best for her family. Nikolai (Mikael), her youngest son, becomes a rebellious man after causing a traumatic family accident which led to the death of his father. Stefano (Tom), her favorite son, is an architect who is the father of the child of Kelly (Rhian), his vengeful ex-girlfriend. Stefano’s life changes for the better when he crosses paths with Adelle (Carla), a widow with a child who manages her own handicraft business. Despite Isabella’s objection towards their relationship, Stefano and Adelle do everything to build a normal family. Their perfect life starts falling apart not only when Kelly and Nikolai starts living with them, but also when Stefano gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. It remains to be seen if Adelle, Kelly, Nikolai, and Isabella adapt to their unusual set-up, living inside one house for Stefano.
Joining the cast of Love Of My Life are Vaness del Moral (from Muli, Dyesebel, Adik Sa'Yo, Faithfully, Makapiling Kang Muli, Indio (with Senator Bong Revilla), Kahit Nasaan Ka Man, Rhodora X, The Half Sisters, Because of You, Encantadia 2016, Impostora 2007 & 2017, Onanay, Hiram na Anak), Samantha Lopez, Maey Bautista (from Because of You, Little Nanay, Naku, Boss Ko!, A1 Ko Sa 'Yo, Sinungaling Mong Puso, Destined to be Yours, I Heart Davao, Haplos, My Guitar Princess, Hiram na Anak), Carl Guevarra (from Kung Fu Kids, Lipgloss, JejeMom, Bantatay, Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa, Bukod Kang Pinagpala, Hahamakin ang Lahat), Geleen Eugenio, Levi Ignacio (from Love You Two (with Michelle Dee)), Anna Marin (from Esperanza, Yagit, A Love to Last), Dino Pastrano (from FPJ's Ang Probinsyano), Raphael Landicho (from Bihag) and Ethan Hariot. The series is directed by Don Michael Perez who previously directed Mulawin in 2004, Dyesebel & Gagambino in 2008, Totoy Bato & Darna in 2009, Bantatay in 2010, Daldalita in 2011, My Daddy Dearest & Aso ni San Roque in 2012, Bukod Kang Pinagpala & Maghihintay Pa Rin in 2013, Innamorata & Strawberry Lane (with Bacoor Mayor Lani Mercado Revilla) in 2014, Destiny Rose in 2015, Once Again & Hahamakin ang Lahat in 2016, Mulawin vs Ravena (with Dominic Zapanta) & Kambal, Karibal in 2017.
With the Show in Place, It serves as:
1.) a reunion of former Indio Casts of Rhian Ramos & Vaness del Moral who worked together with Senator Bong Revilla 2.) a reunion of former My Destiny Casts of Carla Abellana, Tom Rodriguez & Rhian Ramos which is their second time to work together 3.) a reunion of former Someone to Watch Over Me casts of Mikael Daez & Tom Rodriguez 4.) a celebration of Coney Reyes' 45th Year on Television since she started on GMA wth Student Canteen in 1975 5.) Mikael Daez's return to Telebabad in four years since Someone to Watch Over Me after starring in two Afternoon Prime Series Legally Blind with Janine Gutierrez in 2017, The Stepdaughters with his wife Megan Young in 2018 6.) Don Michael Perez's Comeback on Directing Telebabad in three years since Kambal, Karibal 7.) the fourth project for Tom Rodriguez & Carla Abellana
From the beginning, The show garnered high ratings compared to ABS-CBN's A Soldier's Heart then I Am U making the Number 1 Family Drama on Primetime.
In the wake of President Rodrigo Duterte's declaration of Community Quarantine against COVID-19 (Corona Virus), This Show alongside Bilangin ang Bituin sa Langit, Prima Donnas, Magkaagaw, Descendants of the Sun PH and Anak Ni Waray vs Anak ni Biday temporarily stopped taping as well as productions.
(UPDATE: The series is now airing recap episodes as of Dec. 28, and will air fresh episodes by January once all recap episodes are finished, and the said series have undergone lock-in tapings to ensure safety among all those involved in the series and to prevent COVID19.)
(NOTE: The contributor of this post is Carl Veluz, a good friend of the EIC/Publisher of KRD.)
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trendingph · 4 years
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Prima Donnas, magbabalik na sa GMA-7; Ang Sa Iyo Ay Sa Akin, magpi-premiere sa Kapamilya Channel JERRY OLEA Magwawakas na ang K-drama adaptation ng GMA Network na Stairway to Heaven bukas, Agosto 14, Biyernes ng 3:25 P.M. Nalaman na ni Cholo (Dingdong Dantes) na nakikipaglaban si Jodi (Rhian Ramo... https://trendingph.net/prima-donnas-magbabalik-na-sa-gma-7-ang-sa-iyo-ay-sa-akin-magpi-premiere-sa-kapamilya-channel/?feed_id=30794&_unique_id=5f353a4add905 #akin #ang #channel #donnas #gma7 #iyo #kapamilya #magbabalik #magpipremiere #philippinenews #philippinesnews #prima #trendingph
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Dublin street chapter 12
Time to divert his attention. “So Hannah, did you read the books I recommended?”
Her eyes lit up as she nodded. “They were amazing. I’ve been looking up more dystopian books since.”
“You’ve got Hannah reading dystopian novels?” Adam asked with surprise, smiling at me.
“She’s fourteen.”
“Well, these are written for fourteen year olds. Anyway, I was taught 1984 when I was fourteen.”
“George Orwell,” Clark muttered.
I grinned. “Not a fan?”
“Hannah’s reading Animal Farm for English,” he said, as if that explained it.
Hannah was smiling, a little twinkle of devilment in her eyes that reminded me of Ellie. “I’m reading it out loud to mum and dad so they can help me.”
In other words, she was torturing her mum and dad for fun. She and Ellie really were full of surprises. Angels with dirty faces, as they saying goes.
A few minutes later we were sitting around the table, Ellie and Elodie bickering unintelligibly.
“I just said you looked pale.” Elodie eventually sighed as she took her seat with the rest of us.
“Which translates into ‘you look like crap’.”
“I never said that. I asked why you’re pale?”
“I have a headache.” She shrugged, her shoulders tense, her lips and brow pinched.
“Another one?” Adam asked, his eyes narrowed on her.
What did he mean another one? “You’ve had more than one?”
Adam looked angry now, his concern for Ellie bordering on majorly pissed off. “She’s had a few. I’ve told her to get it checked.”
Ellie glowered back at him. “I was at the doctors on Friday. The doctor thinks I need glasses.”
“You should have made an appointment weeks ago.”
“Well, I made it this week!”
“You don’t take care of yourself. You’re running yourself ragged at the university.”
“I do take care of myself. In fact, I was taking care of myself on Friday night but someone ruined my downtime.”
“He was an arse.”
Elodie cleared her throat meaningfully.
Adam held up an apologetic hand. “He was a butt.”
Declan and Hannah giggled. Maybe I did too.
“You don’t even know him. And thanks to you, I never will.”
“Stop changing the subject. I told you to make an appointment with the doctor’s office weeks ago.”
“You’re not my dad.”
“You’re being a child.”
“I’m being a child. Listen to you. He was a butt? What the hell, Adam? You’re making my headache worse.”
He frowned, and lowered his voice. “I’m just worried about you.”
Oh he was worried about her alright. I tilted my head to the side, watching him. God, he was looking at her like James looked at Rhian.
Was Adam in love with Ellie?
I stifled the urge to throw my fork at him and tell him to man up. If he cared about her, he should just be with her. What was so difficult about that?
“I would think you of all people would understand what was so difficult about that?” Dr. Pritchard frowned at me.
And I would know this… how? “Um… what?”
“You cared about Kyle Ramsey.”
I felt the knot in my stomach appear as it always did when I thought about him. “He was just a boy.”
“Who you didn’t want to care about because of Dru.”
Shit. She was right. I hung my head in my pain. “Then Adam’s doing the right thing, isn’t he? Justin would just get hurt. Like Dru did.”
“You didn’t kill Dru, Selena.”
I drew in a breath. “I wasn’t the bullet, no. But I was the trigger.” I looked the good doctor in the eye. “It’s still my fault.”
“One day, you’re going to realize that it wasn’t.”
After Sunday dinner at Elodie’s where Ellie and Adam acted as our entertainment, I was kind of exhausted watching them by the time we got home. A still not feeling well, and still pissed off, Ellie disappeared into her room and didn’t come out.
I, on the other hand, sat at my computer and started to write.
My phone beeped and I picked it up to find I had a text message from Justin.
I forgot how nice and big my office desk is at the club. I definitely need to f**k you on it.
I shook my head, my lips curled upwards as I text back. Luckily for you, I can work with nice and big.
I got an instant text back. I know ;)
For some reason, Justin texting me a winky face made me grin like an idiot. For someone who was seriously intimidating when he wanted to be, he was also incredibly playful.
So when do you want to schedule me in for office desk sex? Let me know so I can pencil you in. My sex diary is filling up pretty fast here.
When he didn’t reply after five minutes, I bit my lip, remembering how serious he’d been about the whole ‘not sharing me’ thing.
I text him again. It was a joke, Justin. Lighten up.
I didn’t think he was going to reply, and was trying not to worry if I’d said the wrong thing— this whole f**k buddy thing wasn’t quite as stress-free as I’d been led to believe—when my phone beeped five minutes later. Hard to tell with you sometimes. Speaking of hard…
I was caught between laughing and scowling. What did he mean it was hard to tell with me sometimes? Deciding it best to let it go, since he was joking again, I text back … wood floor?
… back book?
Think more anatomical…
… intestines?
OK, you just took the sexy out of it.
I laughed out loud, quickly texting him back. Last text. I’m working on my novel. I’ll see you and your hard c**k on your nice and big office desk for sex later.
Good luck with the writing, babe. x
The kiss freaked me out.
Better to pretend it was a smiley face. Just a smiley face…
My phone rang in the middle of my freak out over one little kiss. It was Rhian.
“Hey,” I answered breathily, still thinking about the little kiss and what it meant.
“Are you okay?” Rhian asked warily. “You sound… weird.”
“I’m fine. What’s up?”
“Just checking in. We haven’t spoken in a while.”
I took a deep breath. “I’m screwing Ellie’s brother. How are you and James?”
Justin was the master of the dirty text message. Sometimes he was subtle… other times well…
I can’t wait to be inside you again, babe. x
… not so much.
Buried with work, Justin was A.W.O.L. over the next few days. If I was a different kind of girl, I might have been freaking out that after we’d had sex he’d disappeared, but in all honesty, I enjoyed having that time away from him to breathe. We’d only started ‘our arrangement’ and already it felt like weeks. By Tuesday afternoon, his text messages were starting to get to me. As in… turning me on. It was amazing how for four years I had been fairly okay without sex. I saw to myself and I got by. However, having sex with Justin had awakened my appetite. An apparently never-ending appetite. I wanted food all the time. And only Justin’s food would do. Of course, I didn’t confess this to Rhian, even though she had a bunch of questions about the guy who’d managed to pull me out of my four year dry spell. I told her he was hot. That the sex was hot. The rest of the conversation consisted of her repeating, ‘I just can’t believe it.’
Yeah, that wasn’t very flattering.
Telling Rhian about the hot sex only made me hungrier. That’s why I found myself at the gym. Again. I’d already been there the day before. Pounding my feet into the treadmill, racing the exercise bike and rowing the hell out of the rowing machine, I hoped to burn out all the sexual tension inside of me. It didn’t really help.
“Selena, right?”
I looked at the guy who had stopped by my treadmill. Ah. Gavin. The personal trainer who had been flirting silently with me for the past few weeks, ever since the incident on the treadmill. “Yeah?” I asked casually.
Gavin smiled sweetly at me and I groaned inwardly. One: clean-cut pretty boys weren’t my type. Two: I already had my hands full with a Scotsman. “Back again, so soon.”
Yay, he was watching me. That wasn’t creepy at all. “Uh huh.”
He shifted on his feet, clearly unprepared for my less than enthusiastic response to him barging in on my ‘operation relieve sexual frustration caused by a missing-in-action Justin Carmichael’. “Look, I was just wondering if you maybe fancied getting dinner together some time?”
I stopped the machine and stepped as gracefully off of it as I could, considering I was sweaty and icky. I gave him a platonic smile—you know the one; the pressing of the lips, no teeth showing. “Thanks. But I’m already seeing someone.” I left before he could respond, smiling as I realized that at least the arrangement with Justin had some positives. Not counting multiple orgasms.
After I showered and changed, I left the gym, dodging Gavin, and as soon as I turned on my phone I had a text from Justin.
Make yourself available Thursday night. Business Dinner. Put on a nice dress. I’ll pick you up at 7.30pm. x
I rolled my eyes. It hadn’t even occurred to him I might not be free. Bossy bastard. I text back: Only because you asked so nicely.
Annoyed, I strode down the sidewalk clutching my phone tight in my hand. I’d have to talk to him about his tendency towards obnoxious. My phone beeped and I stopped, still scowling. A scowl that fell away at his one word text: Babe. x
I could hear him say it with a teasing smile in his voice and I shook my head, smiling in exasperation. Jackhole was too damn charming for his own good.
Not that I had much to go on about the business dinner – who we would be dining with, or where we would be dining – I did know I didn’t have a dress that would do. So for once I decided to use my money for something frivolous, and head into Harvey Nichols on St. Andrews Square. After two hours of trying on dresses (some of which cost more than my monthly rent), I finally decided on a classy, but sexy Donna Karan dress. In the silhouette of a calf-length pencil dress, the silver-grey jersey material clung to every curve. A drape twisted from the right shoulder to the left hip, adding a touch of elegance to what would normally be just a sexy/casual dress. Adding in a ridiculously expensive black clutch purse by Alexander McQueen with the signature gold skull clasp—I thought the skull appropriate— and black leather platform pumps by Yves Saint Laurent, I looked hot. In fact it was the hottest I’d ever looked. And the most I’d ever spent on one outfit. Ellie was in raptures over it.
Ellie could be in raptures over it all she wanted. I was nervous about Justin’s reaction.
Turns out I didn’t need to be.
Well, depends on how you look at it.
Thursday night, I was standing in the sitting room sipping a glass of wine with Ellie while I waited on Justin. I’d left my hair down and it fell down my back in loose natural curls that Ellie had oohed and aahed over, begging me to wear my hair down all the time. Nope to that. I didn’t really do make up, but I’d put on some blush, mascara, and a deep scarlet lipstick that took the outfit up a notch.
Our front door opened and shut and my stomach flipped.
“It’s me,” Justin called. “I’ve got a cab waiting so we sh-” he stopped speaking as he entered the sitting room, his eyes frozen on me. “Fuck.”
Ellie giggled.
I squinted an eye at him. “Is that a good f**k?”
He grinned. “Well you’re that too, babe.”
“Euch,” Ellie made a choking sound. “Gag me.”
Ignoring her, Justin sauntered casually towards me. He was wearing a simple, but elegantly cut black skinny suit with a slim velvet lapel, white-gold cufflinks and a dark silver-grey shirt that matched my dress perfectly. His skinny tie was blood-red like my lipstick. We had unknowingly coordinated.
He looked yummier than I did though.
His eyes scanned me from head to toe, and by the time they came back up to my face they were blazing. “Come with me.” He grabbed my wrist and I just managed to hand Ellie my wine glass before I was hauled down the hall in shoes I’d had to practice walking in, and dragged into my bedroom.
He spun around, hooking an arm around my waist and tugging me towards him.
“You have got to stop doing that,” I complained.
“Babe, you look… let’s just say if there wasn’t a taxi waiting to take us to the restaurant for our reservation, you’d be on your back right now.”
Overconfident much?
“In fact…” he murmured, squeezing my waist, his eyes dipping to the low neckline of the dress.
He jerked his eyes back to mine. “You look beautiful, Selena.”
My stomach flipped again and I smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“But you need to put your hair up.”
“What?” I touched my head, scowling up at him. “Why?”
To my utter bewilderment, Justin’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Just do it.”
I made a ‘pfft’ noise and pushed against his chest, stepping out of his hold. “Not unless you tell me why?” My hair looked good. He would not make me think otherwise.
“Because,” his voice was low, a deep purr he reserved for the bedroom, hence why I felt it all the way down into my panties, “I like being the only man who knows how beautiful your hair is. How gorgeous you look with it down.”
Something nudged inside my chest. An almost ache spread. Outwardly, I smirked. “How very Victorian of you.”
Justin’s narrowed eyes turned into a glower. “Selena,” he warned.
I threw my hands up. “Are you serious?”
I stopped, my hands on my hips as I searched his face. It was implacable. My God, he was serious. With a huff of disbelief, I crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t take well to orders, Justin.”
“I’m not ordering you. I’m asking.”
“No, you’re demanding.”
“I just don’t want you to wear your hair down.”
“Fine.” I cocked my head to the side as my own eyes deliberately perused the length of him. “I don’t take orders, but I do make deals. The hair goes up, but you owe me a favor in return.”
He flashed me a wicked smile. “Sounds good, babe.”
“Oh I didn’t say the debt would be sexual in nature.”
His grin only widened. “So what are we talking about here?”
“Well that’s the thing.” I sidled over to him, pressing up against him with a smile. “You won’t know, until you know.”
Justin’s head dipped towards mine, his lips almost brushing mine. “Deal.”
“Brave man.” I laughed and stepped back. “You also look really good tonight by the way.”
“Thank you,” he murmured, his eyes still eating me up.
“Well, you better tell the cab driver we’ll be out in ten minutes. I need to fix my hair.”
I managed to style my hair up into an elegantly messy bun, bid a goodnight to Ellie whose eyes were all teary at the sight of us together—I don’t think she’d quite grasped the concept of f**k buddies yet—and slid into the cab before Justin. When he got in, he gave the cab driver our destination. It was Justin’s French restaurant, La Cour, the one he’d inherited as part of his father’s businesses, and it was situated on Royal Terrace near the Regent Gardens. I hadn’t been there before, but I’d heard great things about it. As Justin settled back, he settled in close to me and reached for my hand.
For the entire cab ride I stared at his large, masculine hand in mine, fighting the urge to pull out of his touch. It wasn’t because the handholding wasn’t nice. It was nice. Too nice.
Too ‘more’.
This was supposed to be just sex. But there he was… holding my hand.
I barely even noticed we’d pulled up to the restaurant, before Justin was paying the cab driver and helping me down out of it.
“You’re quiet,” he murmured, as he laced his fingers through mine again to lead me inside.
I didn’t answer that. “Who are we meeting?”
But before he could respond, the maître d’ appeared with a huge grin on his face. “Monsieur Carmichael, we have your table waiting, sir.”
“Thank you, David.” Justin pronounced his name with the French pronunciation and I wondered if the guy was really French, or if it was all part of the restaurant’s image. The restaurant itself was opulent elegance. It was modern French rococo with black and silver patterned, gilt-framed chairs, deep-red tablecloths, black glass candelabras and clear crystal chandeliers. The restaurant was packed.
David led us through the tables to a cozy one in the east corner, far away from the bar and kitchen access. Like a gentleman, Justin held my seat out for me, and I couldn’t remember if anyone had done that before. I was so focused on the gesture and the sensual brush of his fingers against my neck as I sat, that it took me until Justin was also seated and ordering wine, to notice that we were seated at a table for two.
“Where are the others?”
Justin flicked me a casual glance as he took a sip from the cold glass of water the waiter had just poured. “What others?”
What others? I gritted my teeth. “You said this was a business meeting.”
“Yes, but I didn’t say what business.”
Oh my God. This was a date! No way. First the bossiness, then the handholding… no. No, no, no. I pushed my chair out, about two seconds from shooting up to my feet when Justin’s next words froze me in place.
“You try to leave, I’ll tackle you.” Even though he wasn’t looking at me when he said it, I could tell he was deadly serious.
I couldn’t believe he’d tricked me into this. With a sullen expression, I pushed my chair back under the table. “Asshole.”
“Just for that, I expect you to wrap that dirty mouth of yours around my c**k tonight.” He narrowed his eyes on me.
I felt the impact of those words as they pebbled my ni**les and soaked my panties. Despite my body being completely turned on, I was floored. I couldn’t believe he’d just said that to me in a fancy restaurant where anyone might overhear. “Are you kidding?”
“Babe,” he gave me a look that suggested I was missing the obvious, “I never kid about blowjobs.”
The sound of someone choking brought my head up. Our waiter had descended on us just in time to hear those romantic words and his rosy cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. “Ready to order?” he croaked out.
“Yes,” Justin answered, obviously uncaring he’d been overhead. “I’ll have the steak, medium-rare.” He smiled softly at me. “What are you having?” He took a swig of water.
He thought he was so cool and funny. “Apparently sausage.”
Justin choked on the water, coughing into his fists, his eyes bright with mirth as he put his glass back on the table.
“Are you okay, sir?” The waiter asked anxiously.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Justin waved the waiter off, his voice a little hoarse as his eyes pinned me to my seat. He shook his head, his grin getting wider by the second.
“What?” I shrugged innocently.
“You’re sexy as f**k.”
The waiter was now staring at us openly, his head bobbing between us, waiting on what scandalous thing would be said next. I smiled up at him and closed my menu. “I’ll have the steak too. Also medium-rare.”
He took the menus from us and hurried off, probably to tell all the other waiters what he’d heard the restaurant owner say to his date. Grimacing, I kept that look on my face when I slid my gaze back to Justin. “You know, the whole point of this arrangement was that you didn’t have to buy me a fancy dinner to get laid.”
The sommelier approached with the red wine Justin had ordered and we were both silent as he poured a little out for Justin to taste. Satisfied with it, Justin gestured for the sommelier to proceed. As soon as he was gone, I lifted my glass and took a fortifying sip.
I could feel Justin’s eyes burning into me.
“Perhaps this is the ‘friends’ part,” he replied softly. “I want to spent time with my friend, Selena.”
While that was nice… “That’s how things get complicated.”
“Not if we don’t let them.”
He must have seen the doubt on my face because next thing his fingers were on my chin, gently lifting my face to his. “Just try it tonight.”
I could feel his touch like a shiver of ripples across my skin. I’d had him inside of me. He’d given me quite a number of orgasms. I knew the smell, taste and touch of him. I thought that would be enough. That it would be over. But looking at him, I realized it wasn’t anywhere near over. This attraction, this need, whatever the hell it was, it had only just caught fire, and neither of us was ready to call out the fire department just yet. “Okay.”
In response, he brushed his thumb over my mouth and smiled at me with his eyes before letting go.
And then, we were two friends spending time together. We talked about all the usual stuff. Music. Movies. Books. Hobbies. Friends. We made each other laugh. We had fun. But it was all little things. Justin was careful to make sure that he never asked anything he knew I wouldn’t answer. And when I stumbled over a question because it related to the past, he cracked a joke and changed the subject. This was a smart man.
We were just finishing up dessert when a sultry voice with an accent as melodic as Ellie’s, drifted across our table. “Justin, honey, I thought that was you.”
My eyes lifted to the woman who was standing by our table, and was now dipping down to kiss Justin’s cheek, giving him an eyeful of her small but perfectly formed br**sts. Her dress was red, daring and as sultry as her voice. She gave me a bright smile as she drank me in.
“Aileen. How are you?”
She grinned and stroked his cheek affectionately. “Better for seeing you.”
Oh hell. I tried not to shift uncomfortably as an inexplicable tightness lodged in my throat. This was an ex-girlfriend. Awkward.
“How’s Alan?”
Who the hell was Alan? Please be her husband.
“Oh.” She waved the question off with a grimace. “We’re separated. I’m here with a very charming date.”
Well, go back to him, lady, so we can get on with our date.
Shit! Not a date! Not a date!
Justin smiled and turned around to nod at me. “Aileen, this is Selena.”
“Hi.” I smiled politely, not really sure how to converse with an obvious ex. As I looked over the tall, blonde glamazon, I was convinced more than ever that I was the opposite of Justin’s usual type.
Her eyes were assessing as they washed over me. After a second her smile widened as she looked back at Justin. “Finally, a girl who doesn’t look like Analise.” She touched his shoulder affectionately again. “I’m glad for you.”
“Aileen...” Justin pulled back, his jaw clenching.
Analise? My eyebrows were raised in question. Who was Analise?
“Still sore I see,” Aileen tutted and took a step back. “I guess we all are about spouses. Takes time.” She waited for someone to say something and then, as if suddenly realizing she was intruding on our dinner, she laughed a little embarrassed. “Anyway, I better get back to Roberto. Take care, Justin. It was good to see you. And nice to meet you, Selena.”
“You too,” I murmured, trying to hide the fact that it felt as though someone had rammed the table into my gut. Spouses? I sucked in a breath, a shot of adrenaline kicking my heart into a riot as Aileen sashayed away, having no idea she’d caused tension between me and Justin.
My lips felt numb. “Wife?”
Why did I feel betrayed? That was stupid. Or was it? He’d said we were friends. And Ellie… Ellie was my friend, and she hadn’t told me Justin had an ex-wife. Did it matter?
You haven’t told him anything, Selena.
No, I hadn’t. But I also hadn’t been married.
“Selena…” Justin sighed, and I lifted my eyes to see his expression was like granite. “I would have told you about Analise eventually.”
I waved him off. “It’s none of my business.”
“If that’s the case, why do you look shell-shocked?”
“Because I’m surprised. I got into this with you because you were a serial dater. Not a one-woman kind of guy.” I touched a hand to my chest. What the hell was that pain in there?
He ran a hand through his hair and then sighed heavily again. The next thing I knew, he had hooked a leg around my chair leg and was pulling me toward him, until our shoulders were almost brushing.
I stared up at him questioningly, lost for a moment in his beautiful eyes.
“I got married when I was twenty-two,” he began softly, quietly, his eyes studying me as he explained. “Her name was Analise. She was an Australian post-grad student. We’d only been together a year before I proposed, and we were only married for two. The first nine months were great. The next three months rocky. The last year hell. We fought a lot. Mostly about my inability to let her in,” he whirled his wine glass, dropping his gaze now, “And when I think about it, that was true. Thank f**k.” His eyes came back to me. “The thought of handing her – someone as vindictive as her – all my personal crap…”
“Like ammunition in her hands,” I murmured, understanding completely.
“Exactly. I believe you work hard to make a marriage work. I didn’t want to give up. But one day, not too long before my father passed away, he called me and asked me to check a property we were trying to sell on Dublin Street. Not Ellie and yours,” he added quickly. “He told me there had been a complaint about dripping water in the downstairs flat, so I went along to check.” His jaw clenched. “I didn’t find a leak, but I found Analise in bed with a close friend of mine from school. My dad had known. They’d been going behind my back for six months.”
I closed my eyes, feeling pain for him echo in my chest. How could anyone do that to him? To him? When I opened them, his gaze was soft on me and I reached for his arm, squeezing it consolingly. To my surprise his mouth quirked up into a smile. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Selena. Years of retrospect took away that. What I had with Analise was superficial. A young man’s dick leading him astray.”
“You really believe that?”
“I know that.”
I frowned, shaking my head. “Why would you buy a property on Dublin Street again?”
He shrugged. “Analise may have f**ked off back to Australia once I divorced her and made sure she left with nothing, but she’d still tainted the city I loved. I’ve spent the last six years creating new memories all over the city, building over the mess she left behind. The same is true with Dublin Street. The flat you’re in was a mess. A shell on a street poisoned with betrayal. I wanted to create something beautiful in place of all the ugliness.”
His words sank inside me so deeply I couldn’t breathe. Who was this guy? Was he real?
He lifted his hand to my face, his fingers gliding softly along my jawline, and curving down my neck. I shivered. Yes, he was real.
And for the next three months he was mine.
I stood up abruptly, grabbing my clutch. “Take me back to yours.”
Justin didn’t argue. His eyes flared with understanding and he got us the check. We were out of there and in a cab before I knew it.
I had no clue where Justin lived and was surprised to be let out of the cab at the university on the walkway that led down to The Meadows. Situated above a café and a little express supermarket was a modern building hosting luxury apartments. We rode the elevator to the top, and Justin let me inside his duplex penthouse.
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<p>Author note Abbie Rogers Civilan camp</p>
<p>Terri Daniels helped me on this and This camp and This in honor of camp founder herself Abbie Rogers</p>
<p>“In the 1950s, Abbie Roger’s best friend had a daughter who had disabilities named Donna Rhian. Abbie saw that, during those days, many people with disabilities were not included in camps and other fun events, so she started the camp. It started in 1961 .She asked the Civitans to help pay for camp- they said yes and still are the sponsors. The camp was first at camp tiak, the Boy Scout camp, in tents””state by Terri Daniels</p>
<p>Then, when camp iti kana was built (we will have to look up when) the camp moved there because they had bathrooms, cabins, and a pool.</p>
<p>We add to the camp most every year building something new!</p>
<p>“The camp grounds belong to the Girl Scouts, but we rent the camp each year.. Camp has been going nearly 60 years- and we believe camp will continue and grow!. I’ve been at camp for over 30 years. Camp has changed as the nation as changed.”</p>
<p>Camp was small before Kay, Chris, and I came. Abbie had to start small and grow the camp. Then people started donating a lot to camp- so we’ve been able to build and grow camp.</p>
<p>‘Technology changed camp a lot too. Because of texting, website, Facebook, and Instagram, we are able to carry our message to large crowds . Oh .Brett Favre’s daughter and John Rhys Plumlee with his sisters is one of famous people who been at camp ‘’before . Said by Terri Daniele herself .Her son Ryan Daniels been Go to camp for Long time ago too and He was even my consular for one year at that camp also . My Birthday always on week Of Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp when I go .Oh cabins name belong to boys Tall Timbers ,Dogwoods .Areas belong to girls is Lakeview ,Lodge ,and Paradise Lost .Camp is always on Third week Of July and My Birthday is July 14.This camp get a lot of applicants and people every year .Consular go into training to get ready for camp every year</p>
<p>Hi Slade!<br />
Cowboys and Indians was the first theme- several years, actually<br />
Chris and Betsy decide the theme- .This year 2021 camp theme would</p>
<p>Yes- some people have broken rules and been sent home from camp- but I don’t think anyone with disabilities has been mistreated since I’ve been a director.</p>
<p>If someone makes a mistake we talk with them and tell them the rules- if it’s a big mistake or they acted in a dangerous way we have to sent them home<br />
.<br />
So Our story Begins in 2013 When I started going to Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp..At First I was unsure About Camp and then suddenly I fell love with it Because Camp was cool and very fun .I meet a lot of. Cool +awesome people at that camp .That is only year I was In Dogwood area I think ..I moved to native village and I been stay in that area Since that year .Somewhere in 2014 or 2015 Ryan Daniels was My consular and we have fun together with rest of camp.He often joking with me Called me Nerd and Loser +other stuffs like that ..He was fun be around and Helping me a lot with rest of camp members too . .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>So in Our Area known as Native village or Naked Village We called it Our area compete with other areas for Abbie Awards.We act like Rivals most of week<br />
.One of our Ways to do that Is through our Chants .Our areas chant Parody Like Fresh Prince of Belair,Two Princes By Spin Doctors +Other songs .Other areas or village have other songs too Like Phin.We have different Theme for each day .We screamed naked Village at top of our lungs in hope To Win .Other areas screamed Their Areas names too In hope to Win too .On Friday’s We singed Lean on me By Bill Withers..Some People said at camp Curse of Slade start This feud between all of boys areas and we don’t know what start Girls areas feud . .We Even do Practiced Jokes on each Others at camp. Like one night My camp Friend Will and I Did this Prank Where I pretending to Throw up While Will get In Hammock Because Othee Consulars Was use it to sleep or take nap Another time in 2018 at Pavilion dance Ryan And His camper Brently been annoying me How great dogwood is So I get cold drink from Canteen and pour brently with his wheelchair.Ryan said why you pour drink on all over your camper” said Ryan Daniels Jokely and then he came back and pour drink on me .Also I poured drink On John rhys plumlee on that same night and He do it back to me .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2017 Mack Pickering Came in The Picture and We have Growing Bond with each other like I did with everyone else at camp.Mack Encourage me to take new steps Like get me on horse and pool with help of Staircase in pool .Other People Like Charles Livingston encourages me to go tubing with him In 2019.After I got sea sick With Nathan Mars In 2018.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2018 We started Go To Camping With Daniel Firth and Lauren Firth at CampSite on Wednesday which after Our talent show on Wednesday night ..They know Abbie Rogers from their church Before she died and They was fun to be around .Daniel Firth was part Of Tall Timbers .We telling Ghost Stories around Campfire and we have fun too..We eating s’mores too while We telling ghost stories +listen to music ..At Midnight we went to night hike and saw interesting creatures like bugs and Armadillos +other interesting animals too ..Oh my Friend Big Al Eat Cricket During night hike and he said He Will do this for My Consular After we got back We saw turtles layingit’s eggs ..In Morning we eat something Before we go and someone give me shower in morning at campsite before we go to our first Activities .Girls start Go to camping at campsite on Thursday nights also.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We have different Activities at camp such at our talent show .Our Talent Show offer different talents from disabled people including from me .I telling jokes and do different talents like My Nsync Dance at Our talent show .I Play Bingo at Camp pool party and I drink Slushies from Stand While everyone go to swimming with other disabled people and they give us Presents If Disabled people including me to win .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>During Hot summer days at camp Someone bring fan and put it in cabins to let us cool off .I usually take moives to camp with other people did that too .We watch Good Burger +Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom *Shrek +Upside with Kevin Hart +other great of moives .Everyone Would Enjoy them .</p>
<p> </p>
<p>In conclusion because we not have camp this year I started birthday fundraiser on Facebook for This orazgatoln and I succeeded rasied 350 of my goal 200 for Camp and it will go to help with camp to continue and live on for future generations to see and enjoy of rest of their lives</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>In 2019.At our talent show I Took shirt off me on stage of a lot of people During someone was doing SexyBack Song +It was embarrassed.Everyone was laugh at me and it was Joke at camp for rest of week All because I thought Stephen Mcinnis was telling me to take my shirt off me but He actually Told me good job .Someone help put my shirt back on me .Later on that night I Share with everyone about that incident what really happen at campsite.<br />
At night we singing Kumbaya while holding hands together .After that we trying beat other cabins areas by We screamed to up of our lungs ‘’Naked Village “<br />
.and other cabins areas do that too.We even have Funerals at camp for people involed with camp .First funeral at camp was for Papadale In 2018 .He was old sweet man who taking me on rides to camp activities.<br />
We burned his ashes under our tree that camp planted it and we water it every year .We take care of it.One year as I remember Ryan Daniels and I chasing Flock Canadian Geese Off until They flying away and They did Oh Camp love music and It set the tone for camp. One Time in 2018 Big al And I have dance Battle to Micheal Jackson at Art and Crafts and We have good time Oh camp last a Week Sunday -Friday’s every year for adults and youth week</p>
<p> </p>
<p>John Rhys plumlee not at camp In 2019 because ole miss and In fact I saw him at Hattiesburg night of shine before he go to ole miss .I miss him so much but her sisters was at camp and it was fun to be around them with rest of camp too Oh . Hattiesburg 2019 Night of shine was last time I got see John Rhys Plumlee acaully.One of his sister was at 2020 Hattiesburg Night Of Shine At Temple Baptist Church.Oh We watch Hitch with other great stuffs like that at camp .have a great story about John Rhys plumlee that happen to me one year at camp Abbie Rogers .While We was playing 🏈 one year at camp He Throw a pass to me backwards and I catch it then throw back to him .He jump and catch football..Oh we play bingo while we have pool party on Tuesday.It was fin and a lot of people win prizes including me if they get bingo</p>
<p> </p>
<p>To celebrate Mack Pickering Birthday in 2017 At night at Native village in our cabin area We singing Drake and Josh theme song because Mack told me That was his favorite Nickelodeon Show With candle in zebra cake</p>
<p>We have a idea for Our band freedom striker killer band one day in 2019 on Snapchat .Our band creator Steve coming up for we. should have a band at first time after we make up a story about band.Our band Stephen Mcinnis for his real name .Stephen Mcinnis owner 601steve which record studio or label Male Music and We have Partnership with 601Steve for our band Sake..After We choosing many band names like loaded diaper .and freedom fighters band .Since all of their names was taken we decided call it Freedom striker killer band.We performed at 2020 Night Of Shine with Only I Can imagine by Mecryme ,We are champions +Under pressure by Queen .We hoping perform there and our camp again next year. Our band genre going be country</p>
<p> </p>
<p>One year at camp Consulars was watching Greases and they love that Flim With John Travilo.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Oh my Mamma did Facebook fundraiser for Camp Abbie Rogers Civilan camp and she rasied 175 for camp<br />
Oh one yesr<br />
https://filmfreeway.com/projects/2041566<br />
Disclaimer No one buried at camp confirmed by Terri Daniel but We water or keep planting a tree if anyone died at camp . Papadale is buried at his church in sunrall Ms</p>
<p>Micheal garner said My major in about a college was special education, I was at Ellisville State school for 3 semesters and volunteered there and special Olympics about a hundred . years ago!! And I've been going to Civitan camp since I was a kid so I might have run across them at one of those places like bosewell and etc .</p>
<p>this is our new movie instragram account and please like +follow +support it please for me . This movie another inspiration is ratatouille but it for older audiences +13 and up but young kids could watch this movie if they choose or want to do that. Inspiring story about raccoon who change his ways to help a chef to win masterchef competition.all credits goes to Brody Banks And father Stu for idea. that.all credit to @pixar and Walt Disney for giving us this movie idea. https://instagram.com/raccoonferristhe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== this is our movie instagram account and please follow it +support it please for me .I named raccoon that name after Ferris buller day off.</p>
0 notes