#richard jackdaw x mc
cuffmeinblack · 2 months
Richard Jackdaw & Lila Kirke 🖤
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Commissioned from @flamboyantjelly
Read their love story on ao3
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shadowtriovibes · 10 months
your memory is ecstasy
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Pairing: Richard Jackdaw x f!MC
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, fingering, voyeurism, Sex With A Ghost
Summary: i blame the jackdaw girlies for this one (i love you all). pretty much just a couple thousand words of Sex With A Ghost™
“Someone like me, I can only look,” he tells you softly. “I’ll never touch.” “Looking is something, I suppose,” you reply. “If – if you wanted, I’d let you look.” “You would, hmm?” he murmurs as he leans toward you. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a tempting offer. Years, in fact.” “That’s a shame,” you answer as your eyes dart down to his lips. “Let me, then.”
Most of the time, the detention chamber in the dungeons beneath the Great Hall is one of the coldest rooms in the entire castle. On nights like this, however, with countless ghosts congregating just down the hallway, there’s an additional chill in the air.
At Sir Nicholas’ invitation, you’d joined the Headless Hunt for one of their frequent parties deep beneath the castle. Your thoughtful offering of some rotten roast beef from the kitchens had been much appreciated by the men of the Hunt, but it wasn’t long after you arrived that the gaggle of ghostly women in their centuries-old fashions started to draw their eyes toward the dance floor.
One who doesn’t float toward the center of the room is Richard Jackdaw. Instead, he sits in an alcove far away from the ghostly banquet table, and when you make your way over to politely thank him once more for his help in your search back in your fifth year, he invites you to join him for a pint.
“Do the house elves bring you this mead?” you ask curiously, pouring yourself a mugful from a very real bottle on the table.
“I’m not actually sure where it comes from,” he answers. “But whenever a live one such as yourself joins us and pours some, it’s always fun. Makes this wretched dungeon smell a lot more like a real pub.”
“Well, then I’m happy to be of service,” you say as you raise your glass in cheers to him.
The two of you fall into an easy conversation while you drink. You ask him questions about his postmortem adventures with the Hunt, and he listens as you tell him about your more recent explorations along the Clagmar Coast.
“May I ask, what does your Slytherin paramour think about all this adventuring?” he asks you with a cheeky grin. “I see you didn’t bring him this evening.”
“O-oh, we’re not – I’m not courting anyone,” you quickly explain. “We’re just friends.”
“I think that may be news to the poor young man,” Richard laughs. “But I’ll take your word for it.”
Eventually, the more boisterous members of the Hunt kick up a frenzy as they argue over the outcome of their latest journey to the Forbidden Forest, challenging each other to duels with their transparent swords drawn.
“What do you say we continue this conversation somewhere a bit quieter?” Richard offers. “I’ve no interest in participating in yet another pointless skirmish.”
“I know a place,” you offer, and moments later he joins you in the detention chamber, luckily devoid of any delinquent students at this late hour.
As you place an anti-unlocking charm on the door, you call out, “I suspect you probably spent many hours here as a student.”
“Guilty as charged,” he laughs.
You take a seat in the middle of the room on the cold tile floor. Compared to the ghosts’ party, this room feels several degrees warmer, and the cool stones feel quite nice against your palms as you sit cross-legged across from Richard, who floats a few millimeters above the ground.
“They’ve been particularly restless lately,” he says apologetically, nodding in the direction of the dungeon party. “Always trying to show off, especially when one of the most beautiful living girls in the castle chooses to grace us with her presence.”
You blush softly and duck your head.
“I could watch you blush all day,” he says boldly. “What a breathtaking thing it is to blush — to be alive, really.”
Suddenly you can understand how Richard earned himself his reputation as a shameless rake in his time.
“Were you this flirtatious during your time?” you ask him, unable to hide your grin. “You and your Apollonia?”
He snorts derisively. “Apollonia was never mine, in any sense of the word.”
That makes you pause, curious.
“Richard,” you ask softly. “Have you ever… when you were alive, were you ever, er – with a woman?”
“Was I with a woman?” he asks, bemused. “Do you mean in the company of women? Quite a few, as it happens.”
“No,” you say, laughing nervously. “I – I meant, did you ever know a woman? Biblically.”
You’re thankful that the semi-darkness of the room hides how your blushing cheeks go even redder.
“Ah,” he murmurs. “You mean sexually.”
“I do,” you whisper. “It’s… just that you seem–”
“I wasn’t,” Richard interjects. “In my time, a century ago now, it wasn’t appropriate. I hadn’t married, I wanted to finish school first, and… and I thought I’d have plenty of time.”
“You should have,” you say softly.
“That’s my own damn fault,” he says with a rueful grin. “But it’s neither here nor there. To answer your question, I never had any relations with a woman. I’d wanted to, especially with Apollonia, and in a vague sense with plenty of gorgeous women I knew back then.”
You shift a bit, drawing your knees closer together. “So, you… you never even saw a woman?”
Richard purses his lips. “Well, I shan’t say that.”
“Oh?” you ask.
“Being a ghost does come with some perks,” he teases. “Over the years I’ve drifted in and out of countless spaces that amorous couples thought would be private. I’ve even been invited into some such spaces by curious schoolgirls like you.”
“Richard!” you squawk. “You’ve had affairs with students?!”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” he teases you. “Darling, you’re hardly the first witch to develop a crush on this ill-fated adventurer.”
You pout and lean in closer. The cold emanating from his body is strange, but not unwelcome.
“Someone like me, I can only look,” he tells you softly. “I’ll never touch.”
“Looking is something, I suppose,” you reply. “If – if you wanted, I’d let you look.”
“You would, hmm?” he murmurs as he leans toward you. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a tempting offer. Years, in fact.”
“That’s a shame,” you answer as your eyes dart down to his lips. “Let me, then.”
Richard watches you with dark eyes as you carefully stand up from the floor. He tugs his ascot loose while you slip your dress up over your head, and he smiles amusedly when you tap the tip of your wand against your back to make your corset go slack.
“If there’s a silver lining to becoming a ghost,” he drawls, “it’s that I’ve been given the chance to see how fashion for you witches has become more and more revealing over the years.”
“I’ve heard Muggle women are bringing up their skirts higher and higher,” you tease him, mimicking your words by pulling the slip of your chemise up to the tops of your thighs.
As you tug the garment up over your head and let it fall to the ground, Richard sits back on his hands and nods toward his lap – a blatant invitation. While you can’t actually sit, you’re able to kneel across his opaque form as if you were straddling him. The cold emanating from his body isn’t bothersome like this, you think; it’s more like a soothing balm, against your skin where you’re radiating heat.
“Can you feel that?” you ask him softly. “Where I’m warm?”
“No,” he tells you, and it’s the first time you’ve seen him look downcast all evening. “But I can see you.”
With your pile of clothes happily abandoned, you’re fully nude straddling his form. Where other men might ordinarily put their hands on you, you’re left wanting for touch. Nevertheless his pale eyes roam over your form and fill you with a heat that seems inconceivable given his ghostly pallor.
“Lovely,” he says appraisingly. “What I’d give to feel you, feel the weight of you on top of me.”
“Richard,” you sigh happily. “Tell me more.”
“Hmm, what should I tell you?” he wonders aloud. “Would you think me wicked if I told you how much I wish I could press my lips to your breast until you’re writhing in my lap?”
“No,” you whine. “No, I wouldn’t, I want you to.”
“Touch yourself, then,” he instructs.
Richard groans under his breath while you cup your breasts in your hands, tracing your thumbs across your hardening nipples until they peak so temptingly just in front of his mouth. You know you’re getting wet between your thighs, and you wonder what will happen when your arousal becomes so much that you threaten to drip – ordinarily you’d simply stain your lover’s trousers with it, but this time you suspect you’ll leave a filthy mess on the floor.
The thought makes you squirm and moan.
“That’s it,” Richard murmurs. “Now, do you like touching yourself elsewhere, dear one?”
“Yes,” you admit with a shy smile. “Though now every time I do, I’ll imagine a deviant ghost may be watching me.”
“You won’t need to imagine,” he says cheekily. “Will you show me?”
You sit back on your heels before sitting down on the cold floor, letting your legs spread while you prop yourself up with one hand. Your other hand traces down the front of your body to the apex of your thighs. When you touch your entrance and discover how slick you are already, you shiver.
“Merlin’s beard,” he grits out. “Your cunt looks positively greedy. I’m sure you’d take me so well, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes,” you keen, hungrily eyeing his translucent hand as he reaches toward your body.
Richard scoffs under his breath. “Men like Nicholas, the others in the Hunt, they’ve had actual lifetimes to enjoy the body of a woman.”
You shiver as he traces his fingertips along the inside of your thigh, goosebumps rising in the wake of his supernaturally chilling, yet not-quite-there touch.
“They’ve had conquests, they’ve had… love, I suppose,” he continues. “But not me.”
“Richard,” you whimper, high and needy and utterly shameless.
“And now, they spend their days and nights trying to coax you sweet, obliging little schoolgirls into bringing them rotten meats,” he says, a derisive sneer on his lips. “As if we even have appetites for food anymore. Trust me, lovely, that sort of thing fades.”
He shifts closer while you rub slow circles over your clit, watching how your mouth falls open in pleasure.
“But this, this never fades,” Richard confesses. “If I could put my lips to your skin and taste you here.. Darling, I’d sooner starve rather than chase the taste of anything else on my tongue.”
“Come closer,” you plead. “Just – as close as you can.”
You sit back on one elbow and keep your other hand between your thighs. With your fingers you spread yourself open, gasping softly as the cold air reaches the sensitive skin near your entrance.
“Bloody hell,” he grumbles. “You’re a fierce temptress, love.”
He leans in close to the apex of your thighs — so close that the tip of his nose could trace along the delicate crease of your hip, if he could truly lay his hands on your skin.
“I could swear I can smell you,” he says in a low voice. “Merlin, you smell like… like musk, and sweat, and skin. Sex. All this humanity, I could get drunk on it.”
“I wish you could taste me,” you confess. “I wish you’d put your tongue on me – in me, even.”
“I would,” he tells you. “I’d pleasure you however I could, with my mouth or my hands or… Anything you like, I’d give it to you.”
You slide two fingers inside yourself, curling them inward and whimpering as you press against the sensitive spot deep inside you that makes you wail when you’re alone in your bed, Muffliato cast to keep your roommates none the wiser.
“I want to see you,” you admit to him. “C-can you – are you able to…?”
“Yes,” he tells you. “Yes, I can touch myself. Shall I show you?”
You grind the heel of your palm against your clit while Richard opens the front of his trousers. When he sits back on his knees between your thighs, he lets you take a look at his hard length.
“Merlin, I want to touch you,” you sigh. “Or taste you.”
Richard smirks at you as he starts to slowly stroke himself. “I’ll have you know, I used to wonder whether women craved men’s bodies the way we so desperately crave yours. Women in my time would never dream of admitting it, but you nineteenth-century girls are so… eager.”
For a while you both fall silent, letting the other watch while you bring yourselves pleasure with your hands. Richard’s eyes are fixed firmly on your entrance as you pump two and eventually three fingers inside yourself, desperate moans tumbling from your lips. While he watches, he fucks his hand in time with your movements. What little you can see of his core is taught and well defined, and you think it’s an unbearable shame that he was killed before he had the chance to use his body for what it seems to so clearly have been built for.
“Please,” you beg, for nothing in particular. “Please, Richard.”
“Go on, love,” he grunts. He sounds for all the world like one of today’s wizards – alluring, commanding, firm. “Show me, I want to see you let go.”
You collapse onto your back as your orgasm is wrenched from you, arching against the stone while you buck against your hand and, as you’d predicted, leave a telltale mess on the ancient floor. Richard leans over you and drags his eyes down the length of your body before squeezing them shut and coming into his hand with a broken moan.
(There’s no mess from him, which isn’t really a surprise, but is still dissatisfying.)
After you’ve both redressed and have found a new spot on the floor to sit side by side, you ask him, “Is it… when you, er, climax, is it as good as when you were alive?”
“Quite honestly, I can’t remember,” he says with a laugh. “I suspect the answer is no, but since it’s been so long, I’m content with what I’ve got.”
“So what you’re saying is that we could do this again?” you ask with a teasing smile. “Perhaps tomorrow night, after everyone’s gone to bed…?”
“I’ll come find you,” he promises you with a matching grin on his lips. “Of course, you needn’t wait for me to get started, should you feel inspired.”
You whisper back, “If fact, I may do just that.”
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grandeoatmilklatte · 10 months
All Hallows Eve 👻
Jumping on the Jackdaw smut train here. Ever since @greedyforgarreth wrote her Jackdaw smut I've been thirsting hard for this damn ghost. 😭 But honestly as a certified spooky girl™️ it was only a matter of time before I started thirsting after ghosts. This one is for you darling hope you like it! 😘 @ask-richard-jackdaw
Also yes, I know it's July, but Halloween is the next big commercial holiday so it's basically Halloween season now. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
All Hallow's Eve - Richard Jackdaw x House Neutral F!MC
Summary: MC summons Jackdaw for some Halloween activities - 1.5k words
Warnings: Smut!/NSFW/18+!, MC is aged up and in 7th year!, Spectrophilia, mentions of voyuerism, f!nger!ng, she has sexy time with a ghost lol
“The veil is always thinnest on All Hallows Eve” MC always heard people say, both in the muggle and wizarding worlds.  On this night, it was said that it was easier for things from the other side to pass over, and it was easier for those things to interact and communicate with living beings. MC was eager to test this theory out tonight. 
Everything was ready. Her candles were lit and arranged around her in a circle, as she sat cross legged in the middle. The room was dark, the candles being the only light, and she was wearing her robe with the hood up. In front of her was a worn out spirit board and a small jar of dirt obtained from his final resting place. It was what she planned to use to summon him. 
She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the planchette before reciting the mantra needed to start this session. “Spirit, I’m opening the door to thee, on this All Hallows Eve, please speak to me.” She repeated this two more times, waiting a moment before she asked her first question. “Are you here?” Her eyes darted around the room. The planchette immediately moved to the “yes” position. A smile formed on her face. 
Just then, Richard Jackdaw floated down from the ceiling. “Darling, you know you don’t have to do all this, right? You can just call out to me, you know I’ll come to you right away.” His voice was sweet and gentle. 
MC ripped off the hood of her robe and sighed. “I know! But this is fun! It’s Halloween! It’s spooky!” She replied excitedly. “I’m sorry, I know it’s silly, I’m just nervous.” She stared up at his ghostly figure. He could see the nervousness in her eyes. It was strange for him to feel this way, but he was feeling nervous too. 
MC blew out the candles and restored the room to its normal state - her bedroom in the Room of Requirement. Once the room was restored, MC sat on the edge of the bed staring at Richard. It wasn’t until that moment that he got a better look at what she was wearing, or rather, what she wasn’t wearing. Under her robe peaked a lacy set of black lingerie. She undid her robe and sat back on her arms, Richard taking in her beauty. 
This wasn’t the first time he had seen her in this level of undress. They actually spent time like this quite frequently since they started this little rendezvous in her 7th year. He always found her fascinating, her confident and adventurous attitude impressing him ever since they met in her 5th year. It was only recently however that they found themselves having romantic feelings towards one another, as confusing as that was for them to admit to each other. Had he been alive, he would have swooped her off her feet by now. But he couldn’t. So they did what they could. 
He’d watch her, encouraging her as she came undone under her own hands. He was unable to really touch her, his only contribution outside of his words being the freezing cold air he provided her whenever any part of his body touched hers. It felt good for a brief period of time, but it was never enough. Tonight was supposed to be different, though. Supposedly, they could both actually feel each other, the whole “veil is thin” theory. He tried to innocently ask the other ghosts in the school if this was actually possible, but none of them cared enough to interact with the living to know for sure. So there was only one way to find out. 
“Oh darling! Look at you! You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Richard eyed her body. No matter how many times he stared, he was always mesmerized by her. “Are you ready, my love?”
MC gave Richard a soft smile before she beckoned him towards her. He floated over to her and placed each hand on her shoulders over the straps of her bra, before he leaned in, his lips meeting hers for the first time. MC gasped. “I…I still feel the cold, but I also feel a bit of pressure. Almost like instead of being touched with cold air I’m being touched with a piece of ice. Still cold, but I do feel something. I can feel your lips and fingers, but the feeling is just very light, even when you apply pressure” She smiled up at him. “I can feel the same, but instead of cold you feel warm. Remember, we can stop at any time if it gets too much” He smiled back at her, and she nodded. With the confirmation that there was at least something they could feel, he removed her bra and panties, shivers running up her spine the whole time, which she ignored. Once she was fully undressed, she moved herself backwards on the bed so that her legs could rest on the bed before she spread them, wetness already present between her folds. He positioned himself hovering over her.
His hands navigated down her body, his one hand coming between her thighs as he began to rub hard and fast circles into her clit. She let out a soft moan, her eyes locked on Richard. She tried not to focus on how cold she was, letting the pleasure she was feeling overtake her, her moans getting more frequent. “You’re doing so well, my dear. I’m sorry it feels so cold, but you’re taking it so well.” He was well aware that his voice had an effect on her, and if he couldn’t do anything else, at least he could bring her to orgasm with his words. “You’re being such a good girl for me. You look so beautiful moaning for me.” 
MC was breathless when she spoke. “I want more! Please!.” Her voice was soft and the look in her eyes was desperate. Her teeth were practically chattering, but he couldn’t deny her, not when he was finally making her fall apart in his cold ghostly hands. “Oh darling, I know this might be hard, but would it be alright if I slid my fingers into that pretty little hole of yours?” He felt naughty asking that of her. He had never spoken to a woman like this before, always preferring to be a gentleman to the women he courted while he was alive. But MC brought this naughty side out of him, and he loved it, and he knew she did too. 
MC nodded as she watched his fingers pass through her entrance, she could still see them, but she was immediately hit with that freezing cold pressure once again. She let out a loud moan. ”Oh Richard! It feels so cold but it feels so good! Please don’t stop!” The combination of the coldness of his fingers in contrast with the heat she was starting to feel from her impending orgasm was strange, but she was enjoying it. Her moans were so loud they could have been mistaken for screams. He pumped his fingers into her hard, knowing she was only feeling a fraction of that pressure. He could feel an ever so slight squeeze around his fingers, and although he had never experienced that before, he could tell from the way she was breathing and the way her body arched that she was close to an orgasm, having watched her have one multiple times before.
“I know you’re almost there, come on, darling!” Their eyes were locked on each other, both of them refusing to break eye contact.
MC let out a long drawn out moan as her orgasm hit her. He waited a moment before pulling his fingers out of her, not wanting to subject her to that cold feeling any longer. He didn’t feel much of anything on his fingers in terms of an orgasm, but he knew she got there, her movements, noises, and her increased wetness being telltale signs of it. 
Once she had come down from her orgasm, she made herself comfortable on the bed, wrapping herself in her thick blanket to warm up and scooting over so that he had a spot to lay, or rather hover over. He joined her on the bed as he always did after an evening together. They lay facing each other, staring at each other. For the first time that night, MC leaned in and kissed Richard, his lips giving her a cold kiss in return. He would never understand how she could love someone like this, someone she could never have a life with, but somehow she did. And he loved her. They both knew this couldn’t last forever, but they were enjoying it while they could. He watched her as her eyes started to droop, tiredness clear on her face. 
“You should get to bed darling. The night is almost over. Everything will be back to normal tomorrow.” He felt heartache saying this, despite not having a beating heart.
“You’re right.” She let out a yawn. “I love you, Richard.” She said sleepily. “I love you too, MC.” He leaned in for one last cold kiss, the two of them savoring each other’s lips before she closed her eyes. He waited until her breathing turned soft before he floated away. “Happy Halloween, my love.”
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ashisgreedy · 8 months
Richard Jackdaw xF!MC
“In Your Best Nightmares.”
Tags:Smut 18+ | Smut + Fluff | First Time Together | Sex | ‘Corporeal’ Jackdaw |
WC: 4,800
"If another ghost would dare to tell me he likes you, I'll have none of it; and, if a mortal man tries to steal you, I'll haunt his dreams."
"If you can haunt their dreams… then why don’t you visit me in mine?"
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MC makes her way through the streets of Hogsmead delicately clutching a small parcel to her chest. Her feet pound the cobblestone as lanterns light her path back to her hamlet, a pleasant floral aroma wafting from the bag in her hands. She was two galleons lighter as she smiled into the night air, her cloak flowing behind her as her home grew in the distance.
“I got it!” She exclaimed, busting her front door open and yelling into the darkness.
She took a few deep breaths and watched the ghost of Richard Jackdaw float languidly down the short hallway from her bedroom.
“They had some in stock?” He smiled, nearing her with curious eyes. He looked down at the small bag in her hands and tried to take a whiff. He frowned when nothing accosted his senses.
“Yes! The shopkeeper said she had even more Blue Lotus flowers in case I wanted more later.” MC smiled and lifted her hand out to the apparition. It melted into his form as she gave him a wide smile. “She said it was guaranteed to produce results as long as I drank enough for my tolerance, that is.”
Richard moved toward her hand, as if he were leaning into her touch, and gazed into her wide eyes. “Well, this first night will be the test run, I suppose. We shall see how much Blue Lotus flower you must take first to induce lucidity.”
“Richard…” She took a deep breath and slid her fingertips in the air along his jawline. “I can’t wait. I want to take it right now and try to fall asleep.”
Jackdaw smiled and let out a small laugh “My dear, it is still early and you’ve yet to have dinner. Please, eat and go about your nightly routine as normal. Trust me, I won’t forget to remind you about the flower.” His hand moved to her face and she felt a tingle of ice race down her spine. It was a very welcome feeling and something she’d grown fond of since their ‘relationship’ had continued past graduation. She agreed and set the parcel down on her small dining table for now. 
Soon, the evening was in full swing. She lit the fireplace and cooked a meal for one in the kitchen as Richard made conversation. He watched her saute mushrooms over her shoulder. Telling her how he’d love to kiss her cheek at this moment, smiling pleasantly when she blushed.
Despite their relationship being full of “If I could’s” and “Where I able’s”, they’d managed a mostly ‘normal’ relationship in their eyes. Albeit, sometimes one or both were frustrated with their predicament, they still managed to work through it and continue in their blissful dream a bit longer.
The question “How long could this possibly last?” hung silently in the air, always unspoken but appearing as a look or even a gesture between them. It couldn’t end just yet, MC was sure of what she wanted. She wanted Richard for as long as they were both happy… or as happy as a phantom and a human could possibly be. Their relationship heavily weighted on emotional support between the two. Richard was her rock in any situation, happy or sad. They grew together and learned how to comfort one another with their words and fill the other's hearts despite touch and warmth being out of the picture.
Tonight's idea, however, could hopefully change their relationship in ways they’d only imagined. He made it known that an ability of his was to find himself in her dreams most nights. It took concentration and effort, but when he took the time to do so, he was able to witness her dreams as if he were part of it. MC rarely remembered her dreams, but one fateful night, when she’d gone to bed well past 3 a.m., she had a short lucid dream that caused something to change. She could see him clear as day, entirely human. She’d woken up, of course, and hugged her pillow tight as they both excitedly recounted their experience. They needed to try that again and for much longer than a few measly seconds.
When dinner was over, she entered her nightly bath. She poured copious amounts of lavender salts, and other calming herbs, to help aid her body in an easy and deep sleep.
Once she was dried off, she rubbed moisturizer over her parched skin and changed into a comfortable silk nightgown. Revisiting the parcel on the table, she peeled it open and removed three dried flowers.
“Starting out strong?” Jackdaw smiled from where he floated above the table.
“I don't want to risk it not working…” She added the fragrant flowers to a teapot and closed the lid.
“We have all the time in the world,” Richard reassured her. “We can try this every night, spirit willing.” He chuckled.
“And body willing,” She started a boiling pot of water on the stove. “I fear lucid dreaming may not be as deep of a sleep as I need… but I don’t rightfully care at the moment.” A grin split her face as all the possibilities filled her mind. They could be anywhere in reality and of their own creation bound only by their imagination. And, hopefully, they could do anything within those dimensions as they saw fit.
“You’ll care when your work suffers the next day.” He moved to the table and looked down at the book that started it all ‘Lucid Dreaming, The Induction Method.’ It was full of recipes and techniques to induce lucid dreaming in those who were unable to do so or didn’t have time to train their minds to do it naturally. The most promising method was making tea out of the Blue Lotus flower. It was known for causing Lucid dreaming and also a mild hallucinogen if taken in large doses.
“Depends on how good the dream is, I may have no regrets whatsoever.” She shot him a playful wink and brought the boiling kettle to her teapot and filled it slowly, making sure not to splash. “You don’t sound very excited.” She accused in a playful tone. She knew Richard well and his tendency to keep people, things, or ideas at arm's length until they proved themselves worthy of his time. This idea was no different. He wouldn’t be truly bubbling over with excitement until it was proven that it could work in the way they’d hoped.
“I am ecstatic, Darling. I assure you.” He gave her a small bow of his head. “I apologize if I don’t come off as such…”
MC watched the clock, waiting for 5 minutes to tick by for the petals to steep, as instructed by the shopkeeper.
“It’s alright, Dear. I know, in your phantasmal heart, you’re practically leaping for joy.”
With that, Richard's mood rose. “You’re smile is contagious as ever. Your excitement is my excitement. Tonight, we will meet each other in your dreams.” He reached out to caress her face, hand phasing through the skin.
She nodded, a surefire smile on her face as she waited for the minutes to tick by.
As the petals finished steeping, MC poured the lilac liquid into a mug. It smelled of honeysuckle and an assortment of fresh-cut berries. She blew on the steaming liquid and took a timid sip. “Mmm! Not bad!” She said, taking another larger sip. The tea tasted as good as it smelled and she had no trouble taking large gulps.
Richard grinned and crossed his arms. “Well, at least it's not repugnant.”
She pointed at him as if she agreed and took a few more deep gulps.
“Don’t drown yourself, Dear.” He shook his head, laughing a bit as she downed the rest of the tea.
“I will drink the second one slower.” She assured, wiping her mouth with the back of her arm. She poured the second cup of tea and held the mug in her hands. “Shall we be off to bed then?” She quirked a brow with a grin.
“We shall,” He offered his arm as a gesture to escort her to bed for the night. She happily pretended to take his arm and they walked down the hall to her room.
“The tea is making me feel a bit hot, I'm going to keep the covers off for now.” She took a large gulp of the tea and sat it on her bedside table.
“Where shall we try to go?” Richard floated through the room to the unoccupied side of the bed. “The book said, focus on a place until you can visualize it and allow it to build around you in your dream.” Richard sat on the bed next to her weightlessly.
“I was thinking, something as simple as just our bedroom?” She gestured to the familiar space. “I can easily visualize this. If this works, we can go to more complicated places next time.” She yawed, fluffing her pillow as she rested her head on it.
Jackdaw reclined back against the headboard with a wistful gaze. “Shall I sing you to sleep?” He jokingly offered.
“Oh god, no.” She laughed and lay on her side, facing him. “If I wanted to listen to a goose strangling itself, I’d go to upper Hogsfield.”
Richard balked at her comment. “Alright, Alright,” He laughed. “No singing then. Maybe I can tell you a bedtime story?”
MC yawned again and blinked her bleary eyes. The hot lavender bath and the tea settling in her belly seemed to be doing the work of making her whole body relax. She gazed out her bedroom window and focused on the twinkling stars in the night sky.
“I think I will be asleep soon, my dear.” She yawed again, kicking the blankets to the side. “Meet me in my dream, will you?”
“Of course, my love. I will be there.”
His smile was the last thing she saw before closing her eyes. Her breathing was steady and soft, as her whole body relaxed. Soon, she was slipping into the land of dreams.
Darkness prevailed as her mind floated in space. There was a whisper in the distance and MC blinked into the abyss. There was nothing but the void as she slowly became conscious of her surroundings. Another sound came from behind her and she moved her head.
“Hello?” She called out, her voice feeling inadequate in the vastness of the space.
“MC…” The masculine voice came again.
“That's my name.” She said straining her eyes to try and see anything from where the voice was coming from.
“Visualize! Remember?” The voice was closer. “Visualize the bedroom.”
She was confused and let the words wash over her. “The bedroom? What bedroom?" Her mind wandered.
“Visualize your bed.” The voice was right behind her. She spun again but no one was there.
The longer she was in that space, the more memories flooded into her head. She knew that voice. “Oh… right.”
“Remember? The tea? You’re dreaming.” Richard’s voice rang out from all around.
“I’m dreaming!” With her realization, the ground beneath her faded and she was falling. It didn’t feel scary to her, it was exhilarating as the butterflies swarmed in her tummy. She smiled and began to visualize her room. She pictured the bookcase in the corner, the lamp to her right, and the window showing off her small garden on the left.
Soon swirls of blue began to move around the edges of her vision. Her falling slowed to a hover and her room began to form around her. She visualized the navy blue bedsheets and the fuzzy plush carpet, her ceiling with one exposed wooden beam through the middle.
Before she knew it, she was standing in the middle of her familiar bedroom. Things were off, like a candle stick instead of a lamp. The bookshelf was empty instead of filled to the brim with collectibles and knickknacks from her adventures.
A knock came over the door and she flinched. She walked over curiously, feet sliding over the plush carpet as her heart raced. Who could be trying to enter her bedroom this late at night?
“Hello? Who’s there?!” She asked, hand squeezing the bronze knob.
“It’s me, darling.” Richard's voice was muffled by the door. “I-...” His voice trailed off. “It’s your boyfriend.”
Her mind snapped into place. Oh, she was dreaming, and she was lucid! Very lucid! She lifted her hands to her face and made fists. She had all 10 fingers and toes. She was MC, and this was a dream she induced herself. “Ha!”
She swung the door open and smiled at the man on the other end. He was devastatingly handsome, standing several inches taller than herself. His brown wavy hair was perfectly styled. He wore clothes that were several years out of fashion as he clasped his hands at his waist.
“Boyfriend?” She grinned up at him. “I didn’t think we had a label.”
Richard’s features were twisted with emotion as he reached out for her. “Would you like a label?” He asked, stepping closer and finally, finally, touching her face.
MC’s chest squeezed as she closed her eyes allowing the first feeling of his warm touch to wash over her. “Oh.” She bit her lip to stop it from quivering as he caressed her cheek. Not a single chill down her spine, nor an icy prickle on the back of her neck.
His hand moved through her hair and he looked every bit as misty-eyed as she was.
“Your hair…” He let it fall between his fingers “It’s so soft, like silk.”
She cupped his face, brushing a thumb under his eye. “You’re eyes are such a pretty shade.”
A warm smile grew over Jackdaw's face, his dark lashes fanning as he looked down at her hands cupping his cheeks. “I’ve never gotten that compliment before having brown eyes.” His voice wavered with emotion.
“There's a hint of gold flecks in the center…” She added, moving closer to take him into an embrace while still gazing into his eyes. They wrapped their arms around one another, pressing their foreheads together. Richard's hand ran up and down the center of her back, gliding along her silk night dress.
She drank in his corporeal features, very solid, and very vivid. His skin was pale, and smooth, with a single thin scar dashing through his right eyebrow. She smiled and lovingly rubbed the tiny blemish with her thumb.
He drank in a shaky breath “I just want to hold you for as long as I can.”
The bed springs creek under their combined weight as they settle into the mattress. Finally, Richard was able to occupy the empty space meant for him on their bed.
MC giggled, feeling his arms wrap tight around her and their legs twine together.
“It worked… it actually worked.” She whispered, unable to wipe the smile from her face. She played with a piece of his dark wavy hair as his large hand splayed over her stomach.
“It worked… I-I can’t even describe how I’m feeling at this moment.” His eyes looked between both of hers and then down to her lips. “I never want this to end…”
“We have all night…” She answers, leaning in closer to his face.
“I long to feel every bit of you, my love. I don’t want to stop until I’ve memorized every inch of your body.” He leaned in as well, taking a breath before pressing his lips to hers.
There it was, the spark… The spark she’d always known was there between them, waiting to be ignited. As their lips met in a new angle, fireworks went off in her heart. It was a profound understanding, a soul-deep knowing, that they were weaved for one another by something much greater than their minds could possibly imagine.
Richard's hand moved to hold the back of her head, holding her into his searing kiss. His brows were knitted, and she wondered if being here like this took more concentration than he’d previously led on.
“Richard,” She pulled away, worried he might disappear from the dream entirely if they kept on, but his lips slammed back into hers in an instant.
“I can’t stop, I’m addicted.” He spoke between kisses, slipping his tongue past her lips. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I met you.”
She welcomed it, wrapping her arms around his neck as he moved to hover over top of her. If he wasn’t concerned, she would not bear the worry as well.
His weight, his precious weight, pressed against her as his soft lips captured hers over and over. It wasn’t long before she was drunk on his kisses, sighing and breathing heavier than before. This was much better than the countless times she’d envisioned this moment.
His hair brushed her cheeks as he moved his lips down her jaw to her ear. He tugged on her lobe gently, nibbling over the cuff of the cartilage.
“Ah…” She let out a pleasurable noise.
“Hm… sensitive ears?” He whispered, running his tongue along the outline. “Let’s see what else I can get away with.” He teased, kissing his way down the curve of her neck.
She gasped when his lips lightly sucked the skin. “Oh… thats nice…” Chills rushed down her arm. 
He moved to kiss her shoulder, lips quirked into a small smile. “I want to know every part of you that makes you gasp, my Darling. So that I may kiss every one of those parts over and over until you are breathless and wanting.”
A sense of pride came over her realizing she made the impossible possible again. She wasn’t sure she’d share this new knowledge with others. Would there be many people who would have the need to touch someone who's long since departed?
His hands moved along her frame, touching every inch of her as he promised. He met her lips again while his hand squeezed her thigh. “Must I ask?”
“No, keep going.” She answered confidently. "And don't stop."
Smooth hands inched their way up her night dress and her heart hammered away in her chest in anticipation of his next move. Her hands moved up and down his back, gently rubbing and caressing him as their tongues mingled.
Their actions were that of two lovers separated for too long and finally coming together at last. Richard’s hands had not stopped, pushing her night dress up until her stomach was exposed. He broke the kiss, eyes connecting with hers. She felt weightless in the wake of his gaze, a look of adoration and starvation riddled his features.
“I love you.” He whispered, his warm hand cupping the side of her face. “I love you more every minute of every day and fall head over heels for you with every smile you give me.”
“Richard…” She swallows the lump that is growing in her throat. “I love you too, and in all things. I love and desire you the most.”
He smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners of the expression. “If I could grow old with you, I would. And if you want to live out a life with me in your dreams, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
They were both smiling now, hugging one another and squeezing tight. She memorized the full sensation of him in her arms, the weight of him pressed against her chest, and the softness of his waves tickling her skin.
“I don’t want this night to end.” The words Richard spoke hung in the air.
“Me neither.” She pulled back, pushing his hair out of his face. “I’m actually curious about some things…” She admitted.
“Such as?” His brow quirked playfully.
“I want to know what you like.”
Understanding washed over his features. “I want to know what you like first.” He kissed her jaw then her neck and that spot on her ear that made her squirm.
She laughed, but the sound quickly turned to a gasp when his lips latched onto the skin and lightly sucked. The thin strap of her nightdress was easy to slip down her shoulders. He stopped kissing her. “I want this off.” He indicated the night dress with a tug.
She nodded eagerly. He sat back on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt while she easily slipped the silk dress off and tossed it to the side. He stopped before he got to the last button and raked his eyes over her nude frame. Swallowing thickly, he pushed off his own shirt and moved to kiss from her neck down to her chest. His hands joined his expedition, moving to cup her breasts just as his lips found their way to them.
She touched his pale skin, nails scratching at his back the more pleasurable his mouth felt on her breasts. He took his time, his tongue sliding this way and that, moving in every way possible to find the one that made her moan the loudest. He was studying her body, needing to know precisely how she liked it to use that to his advantage.
Her fingers twined in his hair, pushing him gently to urge him to go lower. Not much else was needed to make Richard move lower. He was eagerly kissing a trail down her body to make it to his goal.
This was a new side of Richard she’d never seen, of course. Something swelled in her heart watching his never-before-seen actions play out in front of her. There was only so far fantasies could go, but they would never tell you the nuances of the situation. Before this night, she would have never known how his kisses left fire in their wake. How he hummed in pleasure after making her moan. Or how soft his tongue’s touch would be once he found her clit.
She fisted the sheets, legs trembling on either side of his body. Richard rested on his stomach, using both hands and his mouth to please her. One hand caressed her thigh, keeping it open enough for him to get close enough to pleasure her. His other hand ran up and down her slit, gently touching and caressing her most intimate parts while his lips and tongue focused on her clit.
His soft hums and delicate licks sent sparks through her body. It was easy to get lost and forget this was all one big lucid dream. The tea had made it feel extremely real. If it wasn’t for the small nuances that were different in the room and the fact her ghostly boyfriend was now a solid man, she could have easily been fooled into thinking this was reality. She tossed her head back wishing this could be her waking life as well. She was quick to bury that wish, replacing it with just being grateful for the opportunity they were given.
His finger slid inside her entrance, slowly moving in and out. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and held him there, silently begging him not to stop. Waves of pleasure washed over her skin. She wondered if this was how it would really feel or if the dream was amplifying the sensations. Her stomach muscles clenched, preparing for an eminent release. The excitement her body felt having her ghostly boyfriend now physically touching her built the pleasure faster than she was used to.
Before long, his two fingers were curling inside just how she liked it causing her back to arch off the bed. She moaned his name and he rewarded her with faster movements and gentle sucking. That was all she needed to skyrocket over the edge. Her body came alive. The room blurred before becoming solid again. She focused on his tongue placement, the feeling of his warm hand rubbing her thigh and on his other hand with two fingers stroking her inside while the orgasm rushed through her.
Once the release ended, Richard took his time kissing up and down her thighs. Her heart rate started to come back down slowly, but he remained low, kissing every inch of her skin. After a time, he made his way up with a trail of kisses, wavy brown strands tickling her skin as he did. It wasn’t until he got to her mouth that he spoke again. “I want you.”
“I want you too.” She replied. It was a breathless exchange as the couple turned to face one another side by side. His trousers were discarded along with any shoes and socks he’d been wearing. She kissed him passionately, hoping the sun was still hours from rising.
Richard’s hand smoothed down her back until he met her thigh. With a gentle pull, he hooked her leg over his waist and moved in closer. As their lips met in a passionate kiss, her fingers ran through his hair. She was still so surprised by how saturated the color was. His usual faded form washed out all his color making it difficult to visualize what he had looked like when he was alive.
It was slow and gentle the way he pressed inside of her. She felt full in an instant and grasped at his shoulder. He paused, gazing at her for a long moment. “Are you okay?” He asked, throat bobbing as he swallowed.
She nodded, forcing herself to take a deep breath. “Yes, yes.” She kissed his pale shoulder, trailing her lips to his neck. “I am perfectly fine.”
She felt him shudder when her lips trailed over his neck. She kissed the shell of his ear and noticed his breath catch. It was a delight learning all these new things about the man she’d been sharing her life with for years now. Her lips met the curve of his jaw before capturing him in another heated kiss.
Richard’s hand grasped her backside, bracing her body for his thrusts. Their moans of pleasure were muffled by one another's lips. He didn’t lose control, and, instead, went at a slow steady pace. The two’s skin began to grow clammy the longer they made love in her dream. She wondered for just a moment if her skin in the outside world was just as warm. His body, his voice, and his passion all washed over her and soon she was unable to think of anything else but how real this moment felt between them.
They lay like that for what felt like hours. The tea doing its job of keeping her deep in this lucid dream with her partner. The dream didn’t start to fade until the sun was already well into the sky. It poured into her room through the window overlooking her small garden.
Her focus faded from the dream and back into her lit bedroom. She rubbed her eyes with her hands and let out a yawn. Her lips instantly curled into a smile, and a profound sense of fulfillment and joy filled her chest. Her nightstand was decorated with her familiar lamp and abandoned cup of tea from the night before. She glanced over at the bookshelf that was now full again with all the knickknacks she’d acquired over the years. She was sure she was back in the waking world once again.
She turned over on the bed and noticed Richard’s translucent form resting next to her. His back was against the headboard, arms crossed and eyes closed as if he were sleeping. She could only imagine just how much concentration infiltrating someone's dream could be, let alone being an active member of it.
She swiped her hand through his form and he immediately roused, uncrossing his feet. His eyes fluttered open and a bigger smile than she’d seen in a while was plastered on it.
Despite not being able to hug him at this moment, she felt closer to Richard than ever. They easily slipped into a conversation about how the experience felt for them and what they’d like to try next time. Not even an ill word from her mother could wipe the smile off her face. Even if the whole world was against them and their unusual relationship, at least she knew that their love transcended the boundaries of life and death. Where there was love, there was a way, and nothing could take that away from them.
She would treasure every moment with him, in waking and in her dreams. There was nothing they couldn’t do despite it being unconventional. She thought about how they could arguably do more than a normal couple could making her deep sense of love feel even more nurtured and reassured. Nothing could keep them apart. Not time, nor space, nor death itself.
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jecksaa · 10 months
A Ghostly Touch
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It's the last day of Kinkmas and I finally had a bit more inspiration! On the last day i give you Richard Jackdaw Prompt was Spectrophilia. word count - 1.6k Enjoy! and a friendly reminder MDNI, please only read if 18+ as always.
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Richard Jackdaw had roamed these halls for decades, watching students and teachers come and go. None of them had really paid much attention to him, nor had he shown an interest in them. Barely a brain shared between them that they would be able to solve his puzzles, or daring enough for an exciting adventure. Not until she started in her fifth year, she was the first student to talk to him in years. Her ability to solve his puzzles, her adventurous nature and her fighting spirit drew Jackdaw towards her. She had offered to help him, scout his tomb to find the missing pages and in return she helped him ease his mind about his death. Since that day he had found himself following her around the castle, and around the highlands. Jackdaw just wanted to watch her, all the adventures she would go. The ashwinders, poachers and goblins she fought and won against. The towns folk and students she was running errands for, and his personal favourite was watching her run around collecting those stupid blue glowing orbs all because the Caretaker was afraid of Demiguise. But he never interfered with any of her endeavours, just watching from a distance. He wasn’t sure when the watching turned into longing, he wasn’t even aware he could have those feelings being a ghost. But here he was longing for her, she was in her seventh year at Hogwarts. She had grown into quite the lovely young woman, she had adjusted to the wizarding world, but that didn’t mean her adventurous nature had disappeared. He watched her sneak around the castle every other night, whether that be to the kitchen to grab a snack, to another common room to spend time with friends or down into the musty old underground dungeon she liked to hang out in with those two Slytherin boys. Tonight though she had decided to sneak up to the Astronomy Tower, where her own little hidey hole was located. Jackdaw had been into many different variations of the Room of Requirement, but hers was definitely the most unique. Four vivariums full of many different types of beasts that she had rescued, a space too large for one person yet she has filled every corner of it with potion tables, potting stations, and mismatch furniture.
He passed through the castle walls, to his surprise she was no where to be seen. He floated between the rooms she would normally occupy, her cauldrons unattended and her plants unharvested. He checked all four vivariums with no luck. He stood in the middle of the main entrance, maybe he was wrong, maybe she had gone further up to the observation deck instead. As he was about to leave, a slightly ajar door catches his eye, a dim light passing through the crack. This room wasn’t here last time he visited. He drifted towards the room; a soft noise slipped through gap. The sight that befell him was like nothing he had seen before. A small bedroom with a small fireplace, an armchair, a corner bookshelf behind it and in the middle of the room a double wooden bed. And her lying on the bed, legs bent, skirt gather around her hips and her hand between her thighs, the softest mewls falling from her lips. Jackdaw froze at the sight, unsure if he should leave or stay… of course he should leave, this was no place for a ghost… but something in him couldn’t make him look away, she looked wonderful, sounded exquisite. Her sounds began to grow slightly, her breathing beginning to shallow, her chest heaving. Jackdaw wanted to be closer, wanted to see her completely, wanted to witness her reach that peak and fall off the edge. He floated towards her, needing to get her attention without completely startling her, he gave a small cough. She sprung up from the bed, eyes wide and darting towards him. “Merlins sake, Jackdaw…” Her breathing started to even out, her hand retreating from between her thighs, her cheeks a bright shade of pink. “How long… have you been there?” she asked. “Not long, but long enough.” His brow raised at her question; his arms folded in front. “Well… did you need something?” “I just saw you sneaking about, and I wanted to hang out again. It has been a while since we spent time together.” “Oh, it has been a while. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy with studying for NEWT’s, but umm… right now isn’t the best time.” Her skirt had been pulled over her legs, and her arms were wrapped around her knees pulling them into her chest. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Jackdaw paused for a moment, he thought to himself that she was the most exciting adventure he had come across in the longest time. “It’s just… it’s been an awfully long time since I’ve… seen that.” If ghosts needed to breath, he would have let out the heaviest sigh. “I was wondering if I could… watch?” “You want to watch… me?” Her eyes were wide again, her breath catching in her throat. Her gaze shifting from his, looking anywhere else but at him. “Sorry, forget I said anything.” He could see her embarrassment settle in. “No, it’s not that… I’ve just never had anyone watch before.” Her eyes slowly drawn back to him. “I guess all you could do is watch…” Her gaze looked over his spectral form.
Jackdaw raised his hands, how he wished he could touch her. He looked at them, turning them in front of him, looking through them he could see her settle back down onto the bed, her hands gathered her skirt back around her hips. He shifted to the end of the bed, taking a seat on the bench at the end of the bed, his elbows rested on the bed and his head rested in his hands. He watched her fingers slide between her folds, rubbing small circles into her clit. Her moans were a little louder than before, her legs shook a little with pleasure. His name was a whisper on her lips, he longed to be able to make her scream it himself. He had seen the reactions of the students when other ghosts had passed through them, like they almost felt them. He had always avoided such things, but he moved his hand across the bed to where her foot was, reaching for it. She trembled at the sensation, a soft whimper coming from her. “Can you feel that?” He asked. Her breathing was heavy. “I felt... something…” He shifted himself onto the bed, it didn’t bow at his weightlessness. His hand ran over her bare skin, up her calve and down her thigh. Her eyes shut tightly at the touch; her breath hitched; keen mewls escaping her. Jackdaw couldn’t feel anything, but if she could then just maybe, he could help. “Do you mind if I try something, you just keep going.” Her only response was a firm nod. He smirked at her eagerness. His hand danced over her thigh, moving it slowly down to where her hand was rubbing against herself, his hand joined hers. Her back arched; a sharp breath pulled from her “fu-uck”. “Does that feel good?” Jackdaw asked. “Y-es.” His smirk turned into a smile, pleased with himself he began to follow her movements. Watching their fingers glide over her sensitive clit, the way when she hit a certain spot it would make her moan a little louder. He could see her legs tense a bit, she almost seemed to be holding her breath slightly. His gaze dragged up her body, her free hand was resting inside her unbuttoned shirt, her bottom lip was in-between her teeth. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his afterlife.
His name was on her lips again, almost begging for more, more he could not give. Her fingers began to slide further down, they rubbed against her weeping entrance before they delved in. His ghostly fingers followed hers, he wasn’t sure what her fingers were doing inside, but he tried to mimic as best he could. Slowly rubbing against her walls, at least he hoped that was what he was doing. It was confirmed when her moans started to become desperate, her legs shook harder. “There, right there!” Her voice was begging him. He couldn’t deny her, he moved his fingers quicker, her pleasure was evident and loud. The hand that had been under her shirt was now grabbing at the sheets underneath her. Jackdaw placed his free hand just above her clit, his thumb relaxing on it, slowly rubbing circles. “S-hit, Jackdaw, fuck… please, I want to come.” Another confirmation that she could feel something. Her peak coming in high and fast. “Come then and scream my name when you do.” He was smug, proud even that he could make her like this even in this form. “Jackdaw!” Her body convulsed at the command, her feet firmly pressed into the mattress, her eyes shut tight, her fingers thrusting inside, her slick dripping down her skin. She laid there for a moment, fingers retreating slowly. They glistened in the dim light from the fireplace, he wished he could lick them clean for her. Her legs fell to one side, slightly rolling to her side. Her breathing becoming steady once again. Jackdaw floated over to the side of the bed, resting his arms on the mattress. “Looked like you enjoyed yourself there.” “I did, that felt…” She paused as she thought over her words “different. I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but I definitely felt something… and it was incredible.” Her lip pulled back in-between her teeth. He chuckled at her explanation. They stayed like this for some time, talking over some of the adventures she had been on recently before she drifted off to sleep. He attempted to place a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to rest. The softest smile graced her lips.
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rypnami · 10 months
Richard Jackdaw
(ravenclaw MC)
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i need to insane post about him because there's not enough in-game Jackdaw content and i am obsessed with this funky little man. based, of course, on the actual canon character and @ask-richard-jackdaw
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i put him in Ravenclaw because that was the only house i hadn't played yet, and i thought canon Jackdaw might be one. he loves puzzles, after all.
then i remembered he's kind of dumb. 'adeiu. is that latin... or...greek?' it's okay, we still love him <3
he was still a student when he died, but he was also working as an assistant at Ollivander's, so the widely accepted headcanon is that he was likely a 7th year, either 17 or barely turned 18 when he died. i know in game the MC is supposed to be a 5th year but i'm ignoring that :3
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in reality, i think Jack fits in either Slytherin or Gryffindor. my Jack would probably be a Gryf tbh. only someone with balls of steel would go into the haunted Hogsmeade shop AND the lady's spider infested basement when he's got severe arachnophobia.
now i just feel like image dumping so you all can see how adorable he is. i have no idea how i pulled this off. i simp so hard for a character i made in a video game based off another character in the exact same video game. i'm. super normal (lying)
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radical-ghostface · 10 months
Im once again taking Hogwarts Legacy requests! This includes headcanons, one shots and more gif posts! Any and all characters accepted. I completely lost my motivation to write over the past month and really want to try to get back into it again, so im hoping that requests might spark something lol
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animasola86 · 8 months
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It is that time again, darling! (breeding)
Pleasant dreams... and tentacles (somnophilia, tentacles)
Nightmares… and helpful snakes (tentacles, ophidiophilia/snakes)
A Bloody Mess (blood)
A Filthy Fantasy (Part 1) (cnc, bondage)
A Filthy Fantasy (Part 2) (bondage, threesome)
The Horny Ghost (spectrophilia)
Yours to take (public)
Lessons in Love-Making (voice kink)
A Scholar and a Pervert (bondage, overstim, toys, fisting, dp)
Pain Relief (dirty talk)
In Your Care 2 (noncon)
A Special Night (threesome/dp, tentacles)
A Special Kind of Liquid (overstim, cumplay, breeding)
Scars / Peace and Comfort / A Demonstration of Power and Support / A Demonstration of Pride and Pain / Doubts and Distractions (size, age gap, teacher/student, light dom/sub)
Fountain of Youth (facesitting)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Smut/Horror Synopsis: Sebastian asks you for your filthiest fantasy and then manipulates you into wanting to do it. WARNINGS: cnc/con non-con (rape/abduction fantasy), bondage, sensory deprivation (blindfolds), oral sex (f!receiving), orgasm denial, rough sex, snakes Word count: 7.9k
Read here (or on AO3)
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader x Ominis Gaunt Genre: Smut Synopsis: After that fantasy you talked about came to pass a little unexpectedly, you find yourself in a Slytherin sandwich. WARNINGS: cnc/con non-con (rape/abduction fantasy), bondage, sensory deprivation (blindfolds), threesome (f/m/m), oral sex (f!receiving), vaginal sex, anal sex (f! + m!receiving) Word count: 4.6k
Read here (or on AO3)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!mc Genre: Smut Synopsis: Sebastian demands a quick bj in the hallway. WARNINGS: semi-public rough oral sex, deepthroating Word count: 2.5k
Read here (or on AO3)
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Pairing: Richard Jackdaw x f!mc x Sebastian Sallow Genre: Smut Synopsis: Richard Jackdaw watches teenagers have sex and stalks one of them for more. WARNINGS: voyeurism, masturbation, improvised sex toys, spectrophilia Word count: 5.3k
Read here (or on AO3)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Smut Synopsis: Sebastian wants to experiment on you. WARNINGS: overstimulation, sex toys, fingering/fisting, breathplay, double penetration in one hole Word count: 10.3k
Read here (or on AO3)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!mc Genre: Smut Synopsis: Sebastian can't sleep and uses his girlfriend's disturbing dream to help him do so. WARNINGS: somnophilia, tentacles, non-con Word count: 3.2k
Read here (or on AO3)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Fluff/Smut Synopsis: Your husband wants another child because three aren't enough. WARNINGS: breeding kink, marital sex Word count: 8k
Read here (or on AO3)
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[ complete fanfiction masterlist ] [ AO3 ]
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Little blog update under the cut, if you're curious!
My writing and posting has slowed down drastically recently! I got bit by the burnout bug, I think, and I've been struggling to get my creativity back. But it is returning! In addition to my Sharp fic, which burrowed into my heart and refused to be ignored, I have a few more treats in my WIPs! I'm hoping to spend some time sitting down and getting things finished over these next few weeks.
I participate in NaNoWriMo every year, so I'm expecting not to have much content. But here are some things you can look forward to!
My first Sebastian x MC smut!
Richard Jackdaw!
More Sharp!
I'm also hoping to put together something Christmas themed in December, but I don't know if I'll have time to do something special and spooky for October. We'll see.
Thank you for attending the mad ramblings of a writer! Hope everyone is doing well!
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cuffmeinblack · 3 months
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Richard Jackdaw x f!MC (Lila Kirke)
An unexpected love affair with a man long since passed leads Lila on a desperate quest to pull him back through the veil to the land of the living.
She soon finds that such things come with a hefty price.
Series tags: explicit | forbidden love | pining | romance | death | canon divergent
Word count: 85.1k
Read on ao3:
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
✨ HL fic masterlist ✨
also crossposted at shadowtriovibes on AO3!
💌 inbox is closed for requests. i expect to have capacity in october!
currently writing: break a sweat
weekly updates can be found in the break a sweat masterlist
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Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
🩶 the deathday party (PG) [AO3]
🩶 as our lives change, come whatever 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 the potioneer’s apprentice (PG) [AO3]
🩶 rumor has it (T) [AO3]
🩶 break a sweat V1 🔞 (tumblr only)
🩶 blood, sweat and tears || break a sweat V1 pt. ii 🔞 (tumblr only)
🩶 sweat it out || break a sweat V1 pt. iii 🔞 (tumblr only)
🩶 never let 'em see you sweat || break a sweat V1 pt. iv 🔞 (tumblr only)
🩶 i think i’m gonna love you (for a long, long time) 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 a guy like you should wear a warning (T) [AO3]
🩶 dance in a storm in my best dress (T) [AO3]
🩶 bewitched, bothered, and bewildered 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 jealousy, you got me somehow (T) [AO3]
🩶 it's a sign of the times || signs of the times pt. i (PG) [AO3]
🩶 the train ain't even left the station || signs of the times pt. ii (G) [AO3]
🩶 before the origin of love (T) [AO3]
🩶 the waves won’t break my boat (G) [AO3]
🩶 ‘til we get the healing done 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 tell me anything (but don’t you say he’s what you’re missing) 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 i wanna be praised from a new perspective 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 fever (what a lovely way to burn) (M) [AO3]
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
🩶 take my hand 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 take a bite 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 the devil was once an angel 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 something wretched about this, something so precious about this 🔞 [AO3]
Garreth Weasley x f!MC
🩶 maybe i'm too busy bein' yours 🔞 [AO3]
Sebastian x Ominis x f!MC
🩶 the polyjuice plot (PG) [AO3]
🩶 only bought this dress so you could take it off (T) [AO3]
Sebastian x f!MC x Garreth
🩶 where there's smoke, there's firewhiskey 🔞 [AO3]
🩶 where there's smoke, there's firewhiskey, pt. ii 🔞 [AO3]
Gen Fic
🩶 waiting for the gift of sound and vision (G) [AO3]
🩶 let this be our little secret (G) [AO3]
Multiple/Other Pairings
🩶 tease me, please me 🔞 [AO3] - Sebastian/f!MC, Ominis/f!MC, Garreth/f!MC
🩶 these little numbers (Ratings Vary) [AO3] - Sebastian/f!MC, Ominis/f!MC, Sebastian/Ominis
🩶 your memory is ecstasy 🔞 [AO3] - Richard Jackdaw/f!MC
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grandeoatmilklatte · 7 months
Kinktober #3 🎃 - Garreth/MC/Richard x Voyeurism
Sincerest apologies for the huge gap in my writing (i'm sure a two week gap isn't that drastic to others but it certainly is for me!) I hope the smuttyness of this makes up for it! I'm sure this is super niche and only like, 3 people will enjoy it, but shout out to you if you're one of those 3 😂
Warnings: NSFW/18+ | m4sturb4t!0n mention | 0ral | PnV sex | spectrophilia | voyeurism | kind of a 3some in theory! | characters are aged up, 18+, and in 7th year! DNI if you are under 18!!!
Garreth Weasley x F!MC x Richard Jackdaw x Voyeurism - (1.6k words)
“You want to WHAT?!” she asked her ghostly lover with a face of shock. She needed to make sure she heard him right, since the request came out of nowhere, and was unlike anything he had ever asked of her before.
Richard hesitated, taking her shock as a no. “I…I’m sorry I asked.” his gaze went to the floor as he floated upwards and away from her. 
“No, wait! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so surprised. I just…want to make sense of it!” She backtracked. But “sense” wasn’t a word that could be used to describe any aspect of her “relationship” with the ghost.
After her first meeting with Richard Jackdaw’s ghost in her fifth year, the two became friendly, but that friendship morphed into an attraction by her 7th year. Despite their feelings towards each other, they knew they could truly never be together, and had made peace with this, agreeing to still have fun. They spent plenty of time together, Richard taking her to his favorite places in and around Hogwarts where they could be alone and enjoy each other’s company. To make up for their inability to be intimate with each other, she would often pleasure herself for him, fucking herself with her slender fingers or the handle of her wand while Richard would whisper filth and praise in her ears until she climaxed. 
To further emphasize that their relationship was strictly fun and friendly, Richard encouraged her to seek other (human) lovers in addition to him. She took this encouragement willingly in the form of Garreth Weasley, who was her boyfriend of the past six months. Garreth and Richard knew of each other, and Garreth didn’t feel threatened at all by Richard’s arrangement with her. He actually found the idea of a ghost getting hot over his girlfriend arousing. 
In the same way Garreth knew about Richard’s interactions with his girlfriend, Richard was aware of what they did behind closed doors. He was ashamed to admit it, but there were numerous occasions where he’d (both accidentally and purposefully) float past her room in the Room of Requirement when they were alone. The muffled sounds of her moans as Garreth did things to her would excite him. Richard always wished he could be the one drawing the sounds out of her, but he knew he couldn’t. So instead, he imagined being in the room with them, watching Garreth fuck her. This was when he was hit with an idea - he wanted to join them, not to partake, but rather to watch. It took him several days to feel brave enough to ask, and tonight he had floated into her bedroom to finally do so. 
Richard’s confidence began to dwindle the longer she stayed silent. He almost turned and left when she finally spoke up. 
“I’ll have to talk to Gar, but I think he’ll be okay with it.” She said with a smile. 
Richard’s eyes shot up at her, having not expected this answer. “Oh..well alright. Just let me know when that would be okay.”
Garreth’s approval came a day later, Richard and his mortal lover meeting to discuss the logistics. They settled on two days later, which happened to be Halloween, the night where the veil was supposedly the thinnest between the mortal and spirit realms. Richard found this a bit cheeky, and couldn’t determine if this was planned on purpose or not. 
Richard made his way to the Room of Requirement, the halls littered with seventh year students in varying degrees of drunkenness, all decked out in costume from the Halloween party in Gryffindor tower. He found his mortal lover already in the room with Garreth, whom he had not yet spoken to since the request to watch them.
Garreth seemed to be dressed as some sort of Greek god, wearing only a toga. Richard could understand why his mortal lover was so enamored with him - he had a gorgeous head of red hair, bright emerald green eyes, and a big smile. A portion of his chest was visible through the toga, showing that he was well built and fit. She, on the other hand, was dressed as a very sultry feline, cat ears adorning her head, thin black whiskers drawn on her face, and a skin tight bodysuit covering her body and hugging her curves deliciously. 
The trio exchanged awkward smiles and head nods, remaining silent for several minutes until the beautiful cat had enough. 
“Okay…well…we should probably get started…” she said as she awkwardly stood up, looking between the boys. Her heart fluttered as she looked them over. She cared for them both deeply, both of them making her happy in their own way. She took a moment to gather herself, before she straddled Garreth’s lap as he remained seated on the bed, pulling him in for a kiss. Garreth responded right away, laying back on the bed and pulling his girlfriend with him. 
They immediately forgot Richard was present, finding a rhythm in the way their bodies moved against each other as they kissed. Garreth flipped them over so that he was the one on top, continuing the assault on her lips as his hands trailed up the front of her bodysuit. As he slipped it off her shoulders and down her body, she looked over at Richard, who was watching them both intensely with his lips parted. If he could still breathe, she assumed he'd be breathing heavily in response. 
Once the bodysuit was discarded on the floor, Garreth was quick to disrobe himself. Richard watched as she spread her legs to accommodate Garreth’s tall frame. Garreth moved his lips down her body, leaving a trail of kisses until his lips reached between her legs. The room soon filled with her moans, the ones that Richard was all too familiar with. He watched as her hands threaded into Garreth’s red hair, pulling as he worked her, his tongue lapping up her juice and his lips latching on to and sucking her clit. She was done for once Garreth brought his hand into the mix, screaming his name as she orgasmed around his fingers that were rapidly pumping in and out of her. 
Once she had come down from her orgasm, Garreth wasted no time lining himself up with her entrance, sliding inside of her. Richard was in awe at how easily she took him, having taken note of Garreth’s impressive size when he first undressed. Her legs wrapped around him as he thrusted in and out of her, showing her tight hole no mercy. As Garreth pounded her, she couldn’t help but turn her gaze to Richard once again, who had moved significantly closer to the pair. She maintained eye contact with him as he changed positions, floating over to stand behind her and right by her ear. It was Garreth’s turn to watch as Richard leaned in, whispering, but still speaking loud enough that Garreth could hear Richard’s words. 
“You’re being such a good girl, darling, taking his cock so well. Does he make you feel good, baby?”
Her answer came in the form of a whimpered “yes”, while Garreth’s groaned at how hot this all was. Richard let out a chuckle, aware of how his words affected not just her, but Garreth as well.
“Doesn’t she look so beautiful like this, Garreth? She looks like an angel. Tell me, Garreth, does she feel good? I bet she feels…so soft, and so warm.”
Garreth groaned in response to the ghost’s words.
“She feels…amazing! You feel so good, baby! Are you going to cum for me, baby? Are you going to cum for us, baby? Richard and I want you to cum.” Garreth moaned as her body began to tighten around him. 
“Oh yes, darling. You’re so close. Please cum for us.” Richard added in as he brought his hand to her face. 
She swore she could feel a slight cold tingle on her cheek as Richard brushed his hand against it. This sensation paired with one final hard thrust from Garreth sent her over the edge, her second orgasm of the night hitting her hard. 
Garreth picked up his pace, his own release being moments away. He took his eyes off of his girlfriend and on to the specter, who had words of encouragement for him as well. 
“That’s it Garreth, you’re so close. She wants you to cum for her. I want you to cum for her. Be a good boy Garreth!”
Garreth’s release came immediately with a moan of her name, followed by the pair panting and trying to catch their breath. Richard floated backwards towards the corner of the room, wanting to give them both space to come down from their highs. 
Once they had calmed down and gotten changed into pajamas, Richard drifted back towards them as they snuggled up in her bed, ready to turn in for the night. Richard’s eyes couldn’t meet hers, a small feeling of shame coming over him for their actions tonight.
“Thank you for uh…allowing me to watch you. I hope it wasn’t…odd for you and I hope it doesn’t tarnish what we have.”
Garreth was the one to respond to Richard first. “Not a problem, mate. I will say I didn’t know what to expect tonight, but that was quite enjoyable. I think we’d love for you to join us again, wouldn’t we, darling?” Her response was only a nod as she looked up at Richard with sleepy eyes. 
Richard smiled. Although he could no longer feel most mortal emotions in his ghostly state, he felt a small tingle of happiness being able to spend time with her and further their “relationship.”. He bid the pair goodnight as he floated out into the hallway, already looking forward to the next night he’d spend with them.
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ashisgreedy · 11 months
Read on Ao3
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-Garreth Weasley-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC “My Fire In Your Veins”  Dragon-Shifter AU ✍️
F!MC "Fulfilling a Fantasy" Anal Sex✍️
F!MC “I Like Men On Their Knees~" Anilingus ✍️
F!MC "A Potion Of You" Professor Ch. 2✍️
M!MC “I Don’t Want To Be Parted From You"  Mutual Masterbation✍️♂️
F!MC “I Don’t Want To Be Parted From You.” Mutual Masterbation✍️
F!MC "Good Boyfriend" Fingering✍️
F!MC "Get A Room!" Foreplay/Feeding ✍️
F!MC "A Punishment Game" Spanking ✍️
F!MC "Everyday Is Kind of the Same~" Stoner!Gar
F!MC "Please Don't Tell..." Bodyguard AU ✍️
F!MC "You're Desperate" Cock warming Long AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "I'm Going To 'Play', and You're Going to Play." Long AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "Let Go, Come For Me AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "I'm Very Whiney" AUDIO 🔊
F!MC Eating out | Face Sitting AUDIO 🔊
⋆ ࣪. Fluff˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC "A Potion Of You" Professor Ch. 1 ✍️
HC F!MC - As Your Boyfriend✍️
F!MC "The Antidote" ✍️
-Richard Jackdaw-
Lore: Richard Jackdaw: A Timeline of Events.
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC - "You and Jack" Spectrophilia | Voyeur | "Forbidden" love ✍️
⋆ ࣪. Fluff˖ ࣪⭑
Richard Flirting AUDIO 🔊
Jackdaw & Garreth Make A Deal Part 1 AUDIO 🔊
Jackdaw & Garreth's Deal Part 2 AUDIO 🔊
Richard's Letter To Anne AUDIO 🔊
-Sebastian Sallow-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC "Catch-A-Ride" Forced O/Made to Cum✍️ || Biker!Seb Pic Inspo ||
F!MC Ignoring Kink Drabble ✍️
Fluff: Lifeguard!Sebastian Sallow x You ✍️
-Ominis Gaunt-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
Vampire!Ominis Gaunt x F! You | Biting TW:Blood Kink ✍️
-Imelda Reyes-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC “In Her Embrace” ✍️
GIF -Garreth Leaning on desk
Scenario Event - You're at A HL House Party Music HC✍️
⋆ ࣪.Music Playlists˖ ࣪⭑
Richard Jackdaw - A Moody Playlist 🎶
⋆ ࣪.OC content˖ ࣪⭑
Introducing: Cole Knight - OC
Introducing Bowbert - OC
Please let me know if any links don't work/are wrong. Thank you!
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jecksaa · 10 months
Ao3: Jecksa Links for my fics are below. I will update as I post All my fics are MDNI 18+ In the Shadow of What If? - Long fic - Sebastian SallowxLauren Horrow (my mc) All chapters out can be found here Dial Drunk - Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Once A Coward - Duncan Hobhouse x Cassie Blanc (F!OC) Chapter One One Shots Forbidden Frolic - Sebastian Sallow x F!MC A Ghostly Touch - Richard Jackdaw x F!MC A Sacrifice - Sebastian Sallow Solo A Ray of Sunshine - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC Not His Idea - Victor Rookwood x F!OC Alone Time - Ominis Gaunt Solo He Tried His Best - Leander Prewett x Saoirse Ryan (F!MC) A Lover of Literature - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Insert Carpe Diem - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Insert
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cuffmeinblack · 10 months
Richard Jackdaw x f!MC (Lila Kirke)
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Chapter 1: Fools and Hopeless Liars
Series tags: explicit | smut | pining | voyeurism | masturbation | sex | angst | death
Summary: An unexpected love affair with a man long since passed leads to a desperate quest to pull him back through the veil to the land of the living. Such things come with a hefty price.
The blush that spread across her cheeks was delicious as he smiled down at her. He may not be able to touch her, but words can have quite the effect all on their own; swinging moods and eliciting emotions with only a few uttered sounds. Richard had thought of all manner of things he'd like to say to her, to whisper in her ear; some of which might have shocked a lady of his time. Lila didn't seem the kind to shy away from such things—she had a fiery spirit. If he'd been living, he might have contemplated repeating the words one day. Asking for her company. Throwing his hat into the ring, as it were. But he wasn't. He had nothing to offer such a woman. He was a fool.
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cuffmeinblack · 7 months
Richard Jackdaw x f!MC (Lila Kirke)
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Chapter 10: Intra Muros
Series tags: explicit | pining | romance | sex | angst | death | canon-divergent
Summary: Lila and Richard make preparations to use the stone as Sebastian discovers something Lila has been keeping secret.
“Are you going to tell me what happened to you at the weekend, then? What in blazes is going on, Lila?” Lila dropped her voice to a whisper as she began scrubbing the outside of the cauldron. “It’s hard to explain everything, but…well, suffice to say I met Ominis’ family that night and it didn’t go terribly well.” “His family? Why in Merlin’s name would you do that?” “Like I said, it’s a long story.” Garreth sighed and shook his head, his hair flopping into his face as he scrubbed the cauldron ever harder. Lila’s familiar and unwelcome companion of guilt reared its ugly head then, gnawing at her chest with sharp fangs that threatened to tear her composure apart. Why was she keeping one of her best friends in the dark? Garreth would know soon enough, when Richard returned whole and mortal once more. The answer only dredged up the fears she’d fought so hard to bury. He might ask her questions that she hated to dwell on. 
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