#rif rambles
Ramadan starts soon (Monday, March 11) and I was of the mind to participate, if only to call for attention for what is happening in the world. But what will fasting do when there are people deliberately being starved? What will me fasting do when it most likely will go unnoticed?
Would anyone be interested in donating or buying E-sims in exchange of x reader fanfiction? For every donation or e-sim bought I write something the donator requests?
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 10 months
I love the scene in the middle Doomsday where c!Techno returns Do Not Read to c!Ranboo, because it so clearly demonstrate that c!Techno already likes c!Ranboo, and is just generally a great example of how c!Techno in general tends towards helping others so long as they haven't done anything to hurt him (and like. Sometimes even when they have. bc like. c!Ranboo was kinda involved in the Butcher Army)
It's the middle of an active battle field, like twenty people all trying to kill c!Techno, and yet the moment he sees c!Ranboo he stops and says "Ranboo! Ranboo! You're alright!" And immediately returns the book c!Ranboo is asking for, before following up with "get out of here, I don't have anything against you. Just flee in the battle, no one will no." And c!Philza also chimes in to assure c!Ranboo that no one will see them and that they'll be alright, and it's just so— adskdhafjstjsj
And- and also- and also, a few minutes later, you can hear c!Quackity in the background and he asks someone if they've seen his book, "Do Not Read" because he still has a grudge on c!Ranboo and he still wants to take them down, so he's trying to get the book back. (Because the whole reason c!Techno even has it was because he happened to pick it up when c!Quackity dropped it)
Also. When c!Techno sees c!Ranboo again later in the fight, he's kinda exasperated that they're still there but stops to ask them if they're alright again. (He also completely misses how utterly miserable c!Ranboo is when they say "same as yesterday", which I think is hilarious.)
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pynkhues · 4 months
curious as to your thoughts on the may december discourse (some spoilers i guess) - vili has come out and essentially said that he felt the film contributed to his victimization and hurt him. and the response from a lot of film twitter seems to be to yell ITS NOT A BIOPIC and to say he doesnt understand the film (gross). i feel like i dont really care if its a biopic or not, when the film literally quoted vili/mary kay, recreated the mary kay in prison photo exactly, and both charles melton and julianne moore studied vili/mary kay for their performances. to hand wave that all as "not a biopic" feels like a way of writing off any discomfort. i feel like the film should not have made those specific choices, but having done so they had a duty of care to vili. i dont think the film that ended up getting made is worth the continued trauma to vili even if it is art. there were other ways they could have told the story to minimize the harm and they chose not to - and i dont think that choice is a great commentary on tabloids or whatever, its just a ghoulish thing to do
I did see that, anon, and I do have thoughts on it as it's a real grey area in terms of creative license, art and storytelling, and it's a grey area that's been around really since storytelling existed, but before I get into that I just want to quickly clarify what Vili said, because I do think it's important.
Vili didn't say that the film contributed to his victimisation and hurt him, he said the film offended him because it was a ripoff:
“I’m still alive and well,” says Fualaau, now 40 and still living in the Seattle area, where the scandal unfolded. “If they had reached out to me, we could have worked together on a masterpiece. Instead, they chose to do a ripoff of my original story. “I’m offended by the entire project and the lack of respect given to me — who lived through a real story and is still living it,” he adds.
“I love movies — good movies,” he says. “And I admire ones that capture the essence and complications of real-life events. You know, movies that allow you to see or realize something new every time you watch them. “Those kinds of writers and directors — someone who can do that — would be perfect to work with, because my story is not nearly as simple as this movie [portrays],” Fualaau adds.
The reason I think this distinction is an important one to make is because in interviews since Mary Kay Letourneau passing, it's pretty clear that Vili - while absolutely being a victim-survivor - doesn't see himself that way, and even says pretty specifically in his Doctor Oz interview from 2020 that he doesn't see her as a predator or himself as having been preyed on ('there was no perversion...she was my wife and my best friend' are his exact words), and he's pretty clearly open to the idea of a film being made about his story.
I'm not saying this to diminish his feelings about May December at all (I strongly believe that Vili is entitled to feel any and every which way about the film) or to patronise his own understanding of what he experienced - I can't even begin to imagine the complexity of trying to unpack the life he shared with her - but I think it's important to reflect his feelings accurately and to provide a little context to those feelings.
With that said, do I think the creative team should've reached out to Vili before making the film?
Honestly, I don't know.
I think it's one of those questions in art where there's not really a right answer. If Vili's feelings towards Mary Kay are still lost in the silver linings of her grooming, any film that has his direct approval or involvement is going to run the risk of tacit endorsement. It also hamstrings the creative team and opens them up in terms of liability (I actually was a writers assistant on a TV show a million years ago that was sort of a bio pic and I can tell you for a fact that it was a disaster once the person it was based on got involved), and, of course, it runs the risk of shifting the focus of the story the writer is wanting to tell.
And that's the thing about art, right? By design, art is supposed to reflect us back to ourselves in ways that we might not always be comfortable with. Of course, that usually happens less literally than in how Todd Haynes has used Vili and Mary Kay's stories, but not always. Todd Haynes is certainly no stranger to the technique given Velvet Goldmine is pretty transparently inspired by David Bowie and I'm Not There is often confused as a Bob Dylan bio pic despite the fact that it's actually not.
Hell, everyone loves that Succession points a pretty clear finger to the Murdoch's, and while, of course, the Murdoch's - and Bowie and Dylan for that matter - have social, political and economic power that Vili doesn't which does impact the ethics of the decision, it's still made under the same creative ideology that aspects of a real story can render an artwork, a story, a film more emotionally authentic, can create greater resonance, can offer a sharper reflection of the world we live in and offer, perhaps, a message or a question that lingers.
All of this has actually kind of been funny timing as I just finished reading Sarah Weinman's The Real Lolita the other day which is a really excellent blend of true crime, literary history and critical commentary on this exact topic. The book explores the real life case of Sally Horner who was kidnapped by a pedophile in 1948 when she was 11 years old and was forced to roadtrip with him around America for two years. It's actually mentioned in passing in Nabokov's Lolita, but once you go a little deeper it's pretty clear how much of Horner and her story Nabokov used to create Dolores Haze / Lolita.
In the book, Weinnman asks the question as to why Lolita gets to be remembered when Sally's been left to obscurity, and of course, the answer is that there are other Sally's in the news cycle, but only one Lolita in art, and that hopefully in her writing Sally Horner's story she can write her back into bookshelves and place her back into this artwork but who knows if that's what Sally would've wanted (Sarah does, at least, talk to Sally's lone surviving family member, and makes a measure to show that it's very unlikely Nabokov ever did the same).
Was Nabokov wrong for not seeking out Sally's family for Lolita? Honestly, I doubt it even would've occured to him to do so, and the fact that we do now ask questions like this about the ethics of inspiration is, I think, a good thing. We should be critical of how stories are told and who is, and isn't, involved in the telling of them, but again, I don't actually think there are right or wrong answers here.
Fiction is always inspired by real people, real events, real life, it's a part of creation, it's a part of capturing a moment in time, it's about reflection and authenticity, but of course that's been rendered more complex in recent years by the fact that we live in a world that's ever shrinking and the people or the events that inspire new stories are inevitably brought into the public narrative in a way they just weren't back in 1955 when Lolita was first published.
So what does that mean for creativity and inspiration? I don't know, but personally I guess my thoughts would be that Vili is absolutely in his rights to be offended by the film, but I also don't think the filmmakers were wrong necessarily to not reach out. It's not the most ethical choice, but I also don't think it was an inherently bad one either. This isn't a Blonde situation where they write fiction and present it as fact, the creatives have been clear about it being inspried by what happened between Mary Kay and Vili, but they're also not saying Vili and Mary Kay are Joe and Gracie.
I appreciate you feeling like it's much of a muchness though given how they've apparently lifted entire scenes of dialogue. It's a murky question after all, and it's certainly one that's more complex when it comes to people like Vili and Sally than it is with the Murdoch's or even David Bowie, but yes, I'm not sure I see it as something inherently wrong, and I don't personally think it was ghoulish. I just think the specifics of this particular case just kind of shows how the sausage is made when it comes to storytelling.
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wonderbolts-stan · 3 months
I wish they had made Hitch anything but a cop bc
A. Cop
B. It has very little connection to animals or nature
C. Then Zipp became a detective making him redundant in a story way
I think he should have been maybe Animal Control/pet sitter?? And then after the movie he could become more free and lenient with his pets? Idk idk
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unforth · 2 months
Revelation: my whole life, when I've responded to sarcasm seriously, people have been like "uh...why you so serious... I was being sarcastic..." and it makes me insane because like... duh? Why am I not allowed to respond to sarcasm seriously? Why does it have to be treated as hOw DiD yOu MiSs ThAt I wAs KiDdInG? Basically: why is it framed as me failing when I absolutely knew it was sarcasm?
Anyway, this just happened with my wife (no shade, it's very rare with her as compared to like, my uncle, and I told her it made me uncomfortable, we're good, it was just the spur to the revelation) and I think I've realized why it happens and why it bothers me so much.
It's always framed as me missing something, but it's not.
I knew they were being sarcastic, and I chose to respond seriously.
THEY failed to interpret MY response.
Or: damn boy (genderneutral) sorry my Yes, And game is just SO FUCKIN SUPERIOR yall should work on recognizing deadpan. Skill issue.
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jesuisgourde · 6 months
the good thing about becoming a manics fan in like 2014 is that from the start i was disillusioned about them remaining even remotely politically radical after like 2002 so none of this is a surprise because i have never really expected them to be anything but gently but consistently listing toward center and now they have completed that journey.
mostly i just can't believe people are at all shocked by this turn of events considering nicky's lyrics and interview statements since like idk 2016 or something
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You try to teach her how to say “happy” and she gives you this look.
The file name is Autisiphone. Is this anything <3
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twobrokenwyngs · 1 year
omfg plss tell more about your tommmy fic!!
oh anon... when I tell you how glad I am that you asked...
back during the height of our obsession, @artigas and I were co-writing a tommy/alfie fic about tommy's opium addiction that was quietly sad and lovingly tender and scorchingly hot and it's a real tragedy that life interrupted it's creation.
essentially, the idea was this:
tommy would, of course, only partake when he was alone. he'd hide his propensity for opium use (poorly) from alfie, and it was always obvious to alfie when tommy was itching to use. and alfie, naturally, didn't like what the stuff did to him, couldn't reconcile it being tommy's go-to coping mechanism, and maintained a fear that it would be the thing to ultimately take tommy from him. but also knew there was no stopping him, and that any insistence toward that end would only push him away.
so one night, while tommy is restless and fiending and trying to urge alfie out the door so he can get to it, alfie decides to confront him about it. but instead of presenting some sort of ultimatum, he instead makes the offer to stick around and see him through it. he would oversee the dosage, and once tommy was high, instead of letting him just sink down into his existential misery, he'd make it a good experience for him. take care of him, soothe him, essentially take the wheel and drive tommy through the storm.
tommy'd get all relaxed, pliable and melty, and alfie would slowly disrobe him, touch him all over, explore tommy's various sensations, talk to him, praise him, encourage him, and basically take him to the point of ecstasy while he's in his opium-fueled state. let him drift but keep tugging him back down to earth, not let him stray too far, all the while coaxing him through waves of mind-numbing pleasure and complete comfort. it would be an immense show of trust on tommy's part, which alfie would be keenly aware of, because he'd be entirely vulnerable in that state.
in the end, it did have some sort of overall meaning about their relationship but it was also (if not mostly lol) an excuse to write some slow, syrupy, sensation-based porn and I wish we'd had the chance to finish it 😭
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kinaesthetiqueer · 4 months
there are some fun scenes that are completely out of the realm of both weiss' or nora's POVs and it drives me a little wild because i wanted to stick to theirs but sometimes i want to pop over to glynda or willow or raven or summer or any number of other characters
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goldensunset · 8 months
the exciting tumblr experience of scrolling to the end of a long post that’s sorta out there but at the same time like normal enough for here and trying to figure out if it’s satire or not before the end
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theradicalace · 9 months
now tell me why there was an ass shot of a cat in disastrous life of saiki k 😭 /lh
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readerinsertfanfiction · 10 months
Haven't written fanfiction or played the game in a hot minute, but I'm loving the recent Kyubei love in my notes and on my dash. 😍🥰😘 Bae deserves it.
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saturnsorbits · 1 year
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My Heart 💛
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bangthedoldrums · 2 years
saw the extended no way home and while there was plenty they cut for a reason.... They should have never cut the line "I just.... wanna see the holes" in the first place!!!!! and the fact it took an extra 9 months for me to find out about this lines existence is a CRIME
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cheshire-creeper · 2 years
parasocial relationships are bad but eeeeeeee the feeling you get when somebody acknowledges your existence and also somebody riffs off the setup you provided is just SO GOOD
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nsxreaders · 2 months
haiii hewowoooo u can callll me n or val (en_tine...) or 0 ... any pronouns okey :3 im writing PORN !!! of n and/or touya from pokemon bw .. <333 i write DARK THINGS like INCEST and GROOMING !!! WARNING FOR THAT !!!! 18+ BLOG !!! !!!!!! ahem ahurm ... welcome .,,, fap pls <3
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