archival-arrival · 1 year
a gender tied to the term or phrase "rigor mortis" a state in which a body goes rigid and stiff after death.
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a gender that feels as though it's died and entered a state of rigor mortis. this may affect how its perceived or presented and may or may non be considered a subgender of deadgender or corpsegender. this gender feeling as though it's died and entered rigor mortis may seem as its detached from any form of binary, possibly described as agender due to having 'died' but is still a gender there nonetheless just rigid and still like a corpse.
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sacrifesse · 8 months
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🪦 ⋆˙⟡♡ DEATH iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : deathe , deathette , deathesse , noire , noirette , reaper , reapette , reapesse , sacrifesse , grave , gravesse , wounde , woundesse , hades , desdemona , dolores , lilith , lola , lorelai , morticia , charon , mort(e) , pluto , thanatos , adrienne , apollo , grim(me) , grimesse , fatesse , fatette , scy , scythe , scythette , autopsie , autopsesse , autopsette , rigorre , mortisse , mortesse , mort(e) , plague , plaugesse , plaguette
— PRONOUNS : death/deaths/deathself , reaper/reapers/reaperself , sacrifice/sacrifices/sacrificeself , grave/graves/graveself , graveyard/graveyards/graveyardself , wound/wounds/woundself , mortician/morticians/morticianself , grim/grims/grimself , fatality/fatalities/fatalitieself , scythe/scythes/scytheself , plague/plagues/plagueself
— TiTLES : (pronoun) who is dead , the fallen one , the one of blackened sky and falling stars , the grim reaper , the last sacrifice , the final sacrifice , (pronoun) who visits the graveyard , the one with fatal wounds , (pronoun) who deals the fatal blow , (pronoun) who receives the fatal blow , (pronoun) who wields a scythe , the plague doctor , the bringer of plagues
— GENDERS : deadgender , cemeflowian , decaybodyhorroric , maggotgender , daechiren , mortuegender , monstruoususique , deathsaint , morieous , hearsegender , rigormortisphrasic , rigormortisdeaic , mortdeic , deathgender , cadaveric , deadsaint , deadthing , peacefuldecayic , angelideath , morseon , felimortic , mortiscruoric , autopsygender , mortelum , angelmortuic
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pt: death id pack
self-indulgent /end pt.
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