#rose lavillant is an actual unicorn
verfound · 4 years
can we submit fanart to you? I just read Of Punky Bois and Punky Colors, blinked, and now I'm inking a Lukanette drawing lmao
As long as you don’t mind me reblogging/posting and spazzing all over you and sending all the love your way 👀👀👀
(Yes please I’d love to see it!  It’s been a really rough week and honestly the most my brain can process rn is *grabby hands*  😂)
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a-chlolix-blog · 3 years
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Rose Lavillant/Pigella Paix (Pig!Rose)
Rose and Alix are quite close in this AU.
Rose even gets Alix into stuffed Unicorns, which she adores very much.
Rose still has her sickness and the headaches that come with it.
Juleka had told Alix, but Rose doesn't know this (at first), because Alix didn't treat her any differently.
But Scarabée's quite protective of Rose, much to the blonde girl's confusion.
Although Rose stayed away from Chloé like most others at first, she's one of the few people that noticed her being nicer.
Rose would even try to invite Chloé to hang out with her, Juleka and Alix after the concert in Pixelator. Which surprised Chloé very much.
Chloé: Why would you invite me to hang out with you guys?
Rose: We all had fun at the concert, we should do something similar again!
Chloé: ... Yeah sure.
And thus the unlikely friendship is formed!
Chloé hangs out with Rose, Juleka, and Alix as much as she can.
They'd even have secret slumber parties with Sabrina (as well as the other girls later on).
At one of these slumber parties, they talked about Scarabée and Kitty Claws, the lead to them talking about Prince Ali's visit that's coming up soon.
This leads to an unsuspecting conversation involving Alix.
Alix: Rose, you're an Angel & I love you, but my family's not related to the Kingdom of Achu, and I'm NOT a Princess.
Rose: But you could be! Everyone in your family has "A-L-I" in their names & most of the history in the Louvre came from ancident royalty!!
Alix: I'm done listening to this! *eats some more candy*
Rose, pulling Chloé next to her: Chloé, wouldn't Alix make a perfect princess?! She's nice, well-liked, strong, super cute...
Chloé, turns away to hide her blushing face: NO COMMENT!
Rose starts ship Chloé and Alix after that slumber party.
This is how the whole Princess Fragrance situation is different.
First, Chloé, Adrien, and Alix are excused from school that day due to their fathers being well-known & rich, have their kids meet with Prince Ali in new formal attire. So Rose isn't able to ask Chloé to give the letter to Prince Ali for.
Tikki is still sick & Alix promises to get to this "Healer" after the event with Prince Ali. Tikki being sick also keeps Alix from transforming into Scarabée.
Rose (with Juleka by her side) tries to ask the Doorman to let her at least give Prince Ali her letter to him.
When she tells him that she and Juleka are friends of Chloé's, he laughs at her & says "You've gotta be pulling my leg! If she had friends, they wouldn't be you two!"
Rose gets so upset, she runs off with Juleka trying to keep up with her.
But Juleka's too late the save Rose, as she's already akumatized. Juleka then runs back to the Le Grand Paris to warn everyone, even pushing that rude Doorman out the way to get in.
Adrien: *Sees Juleka running up to them* Juleka? what are you doing here?
Juleka: You guys have to run! Rose has been *gets grabbed by the Doorman*
The Doorman, grabbing Juleka's wrist: I told you to not come in here!
Princess Fragrance, shoots just the Doorman: DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY JULEKA!
The Doorman, under her control: *let's go of Juleka & bows to the akuma* As you wish, Princess Fragrance.
Instead of wanting to marry Prince Ali, she wants to transform him into a Fragrance Prince, so they could help people all around the world (with the mind controlling perfume).
She does actually wants to marry Juleka in her akumatized form tho.
Still believing Alix is a Princess even as an akuma, Princess Fragrance targets her too.
Little do they all know, Chloé snook to her room & transformed into Kitty Claws to help them out.
Kitty Claws is surprisingly flirtatious to Alix (despite being quite silent when she saw Alix in her dress as Chloé).
Alix is surprisingly able to sneak away from the others & Princess Fragrance to go get Tikki healed up & back into the action.
Of course they end up defeating Princess Fragrance & Juleka and Rose get to hang out with Prince Alix, Adrien, Alix and Chloé.
Rose and Juleka end up telling Chloé about how rude the door man was to them. Chloé of course tells André about the situation & the next time they see him, he's quite nicer.
When picture day was cancelled, Rose went to check on Juleka, only find out she was akumatized into Photo Finish.
This makes her Photo Finish's first victim & she's turnt into a photo.
Photo Finish, holding the picture of Rose: I'm sorry Rose... It's better this way. *kisses the photo*
Of course Scarabée and Kitty Claws do defeat Photo Finish & save Juleka.
They're involved with the photo shoot in the park.
Rose makes sure to kiss Juleka as much times as she can for each picture.
Rose and Juleka even push Chloé and Alix together during a couple of pictures that were taken that day.
When it comes to Kitty Section, Rose and the members have alot of fun playing while their friends are there.
Rose especially loves it when their performing for their friends. Like for Chloé's birthday party.
The party was going great (Rose & Juleka even happily watched Chloé & Alix dance together), until the Hotel gets akumatized and the heroes have to save everyone.
Of course they were able to save the day, but the party had to end.
Rose doesn't know what happened between Chloé and Alix on the Anniversary of Dalia's death, but she's happy that they're closer than ever.
Rose supports Juleka wanting to be a Model 100% & even tries to protect her from Top Model.
Like Juleka, Rose is a major fan of the "Swapped Heroines" Queen Coccinelle and Mau Noire.
After Family Man's defeated, Rose is able to figure out that Juleka is Empress Tigress, but keeps her secret quite well.
When Silencer appears, Empress Tigress quickly takes Rose to safety. Despite her refusing to leave her friends behind.
Although Luka was saved & Kitty Section got to perform on Live Television, Rose still wished she could've done more to help.
This wish of hers comes true when she's given the Pig Miraculous to save Prince Ali when he's akumatized into Rebel Heart. This is how it will go.
Prince Ali's back in Paris for charity work, but he's got these Bodyguards that won't let him sneak off to hang out with Rose, Juleka, Adrien, Chloé and Alix.
He would've loved to be involved with the sick kids & homeless people centered charities, but he's forced to be around a bunch of rich, mean and boring adults.
With promises of being able to live a fun and rebellious life in Paris, Prince Ali's akumatized into Rebel Heart.
An akuma with the ability to unleash the rebellious sides of his targets. He's also fast, strong, and has a staff as a weapon.
Scarabée, Kitty Claws, and the only heroes stopping as many of Rebel Heart's minions as they could while Rose tried her hardest to help them out.
She even comes up with a plan, which Scarabée has the perfect Miraculous for.
Scarabée then takes Rose and hides them both away so that she could give her the Pig Miraculous.
And now Pigella Paix is here!
The heroes put Pigella's plan into action.
Most of the heroes would hold off as much of Rebel Heart's minions as they can to get his attention.
This will Stallion Star a chance to Voyage to get Scarabée and Pigella close to Rebel Heart.
She then uses her ability "Gift" on the akuma, showing him what he wanted the most.
Pigella Paix: You just want to spend time with the friends you've made and help those less fortunate. If you stop this now, you still can!
Rebel Heart drops his staff, Scarabée takes it and throws it to Kitty Claws who uses her cataclysm to turn it to dust, & then Scarabée purifies the akuma.
Before Pigella Paix follows Scarabée to transform back, she winks at Empress Tigress. Letting her know who she is under the mask.
Of course Empress Tigress becomes a blushing mess.
Scarabée makes Rose the permanent welder of the Pig Miraculous & she's so very happy.
Rose then goes to find Prince Ali and the other, while Scarabée transforms back into Alix & does the same.
The next day Alix reveals to Rose that she's known about her sickness since the day before the school year started.
She even encourages her to tell them, saying "I've treated you the same after I found out, I'm sure the others will too!"
Rose reveals her sickness to the others & it goes surprisingly well. There's plenty of hugs and promises to treat her normally.
They keep those promises quite well & Rose couldn't be happier.
Empress Tigress and Kitty Claws often talk about how much they adore Pigella Paix and Scarabée whenever they're on patrol together.
Empress Tigress: Pigella is such an absolute angel of joy and happiness. She's such a wholesome sweetheart!!
Kitty Claws: Itty-Bitty has a plan for everything & looks so cool while putting those plans into action.
Pigella Paix & Scarabée: *blushing hard*
Kitty Claws likes to take selfies with Empress Tigress, Pigella Paix, and Scarabée before patrols.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @muggle-born-princess @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream @dcschart @princess-of-the-corner
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fandomsphere · 5 years
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Hi everyone! And we are back with our FANDOM-sphere posts. Thank you so much for all the support we've received with our first episode of the podcast. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can find it on YouTube or Soundcloud by searching FANDOM-sphere.
We are back to our usual Character of the Week post and for this week, we'd like to take some time to talk about Rose! Rose Lavillant is one of the purest characters within the miraculous universe. She is sweet and kind to everyone, she loves everything 100%, and is the lead singer for her band Kitty Section.
We have seen a lot of Rose throughout the show, and so today we want to focus on some of her stand out moments.
• Princess Fragrance- in this episode we see Rose at her sweetest. She is kind and trusting when dealing with Chloe. She doesn’t worry when giving her letter for prince Ali to Chloe even knowing that Chloe can be mean when she chooses to be. We also see how she chooses someone she crushes on. She liked Prince Ali for the most pure reasons: he is kind, generous, and wants to do good for others.
• The Befana- in this episode, we see one of several instances of Rose sacrificing herself to save her friends. She is brave even when facing an akuma head on.
• Gigantitan- in this episode we get to see Rose being… well, Rose. She is goofy and doesn’t quite understand things sometimes, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to do everything she can to help her friends.
• Captain Hardrock- this episode is important for one main reason: we find out that Rose is the lead singer for a rock band. I will never get over how shocked I was the moment she opened her mouth and started singing the way she did. Oh and also, we learned she loves unicorns.
And my personal favorite…
• Zombizou- the reason this one is my favorite, is that I love the moments we get here. We get Rose, sacrificing herself to save Chloe. But not only that, she physically carries Chloe to the bus when she doesn’t have to. We actually can see that she is struggling under Chloe's weight, due to Rose being the more petite of the two, and yet she doesn’t give up.
We also get to enjoy the scenes with Juleka comforting Rose after she was attacked by the zombies. (But I’ll get into that more on Thursday.)
Overall, Rose is an amazing character. She is kind, caring, loves her friends, and insanely brave. I’m curious to see what more we will learn about Rose as the show goes on. Also curious to see if she will ever get a miraculous of her own.
That’s all for this week’s character of the week post, but we'll be back again soon with our fanfic rec. Also, if you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the @ladynoirjuly2019 page for some amazing content from the fandom creators for this year’s ladynoir July.
Thanks for reading and thanks for visiting the FANDOM-sphere!
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Miraculous Art Mondays Week: 6 (6/25/18)
@Marinettesaweomeblog’s submission.
I made a personality chart for all the girl characters in Miraculous Ladybug.  Hope this is helpful/interesting!😊
Here are my submissions for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 if you missed them  Week 1 Week 2  Week 3  Week 4 week 5
Wanna join Miraculous Art Mondays?  Here are the instructions on how to get started:  Miraculous Art Mondays
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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Marinette is a sweet girl that has a personality between shy and outgoing.  When she is with her friends she is outgoing and fun.  However, if she is around Adrien (her crush) she is super shy and awkward. Marinette is clumsy on a regular basis; however, this does not stop her from trying.  Even if she fails, she keeps trying.  There are times that she can get discouraged and want to give up, but there always seems to be a voice inside her that tells her to keep trying. Her arch enemy Chloe can sometimes get the best of Marinette, but as her good friend Alya has told her, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing”. Marinette has learned to stand up to Chloe, sometimes too much so and it has gotten her into trouble.  Marinette also has a sassy side, when she gets mad she can say things she didn’t mean, but in the end, she realizes her mistakes and tries to fix them.  She doesn’t always make the best choices, but she always learns from her mistakes.  The best Quality that Marinette possess is her loyalty to her friends.  Everyone makes mistakes, what’s important is how you handle them.  Being Ladybug has helped Marinette realize how strong she can be and to never give up.
Alter Ego: Ladybug
Alya Césaire
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Alya is a super confident, determined and a total tech genius!  She is Marinette’s best friend and always willing to help her and her other friends. She is determined to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir really are, and will stop at nothing to find out!  Alya also speaks her mind and is not afraid of showing what she is made of.  She is also a big superhero fan, and her dream of becoming a superhero came true!  When she has been given the opportunity to work with ladybug and Chat Noir she jumped at the chance!  Alya is also honest.  Even though it’s hard for her not to keep the Miraculous that Ladybug has given her, she knows that it would be wrong to keep it.  Alya does not have a Miraculous of her own to keep yet, but she is more than happy to help save Paris whenever she is needed!  Alya often helps out Marinette when babysitting because Alya is a pro with kids!  Having young twin siblings has helped with that!  Often times Alya tries to help Marinette be with Adrien (even if that means taking over Marinette’s babysitting).  She also helps Marinette to be more confident around Adrien and to stick up for herself around their shared arch enemy, Chloe.
Alter Ego: Rena Rouge
Chloé Bourgeois
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Chloe could be categized as most people’s worst enemy.  She is stuck up, rude, and full of herself.  She thinks of no one but herself and is rude or mean to everyone else. There is only one person that she is “nice” to, and that is Adrien, her crush.  Her and Adrien have known each other since they were kids.  Adrien does not feel the same towards Chloe, however Chloe will not let herself believe that.  Anyone that doesn’t like her might as well drop of the world as far as Chloe is concerned.  Chloe’s closest friend Sabrina still gets treated poorly, even though Chloe could not live without her (putting aside that fact that Chloe would have to do her OWN homework if it weren’t for Sabrina).  Chloe can show a softer side sometimes, but that is very rare and definitely NOT when anyone else is 👀.  To top things off she is also the Mayer’s daughter. She definitely lives up to the serotype typical stuffy Mayer’s daughter.  She has got her father wrapped around her finger, and don’t you think she doesn’t knows that.
Sabrina Raincomprix
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Sabrina is Chloe’s closest friend.  Being that she is, she gets treated like a doormat most of the time.  Sabrina is an interesting girl.  You might think that she would get tired of constantly having to do Chloe’s “dirty work” and still get treated badly, but actually Sabrina wouldn’t have it any other way.  She enjoys doing Chloe’s homework and being her little servant.  Not saying that she probably wouldn’t appreciate a little more respect and a complement now and again from Chloe.  Sabrina leads a pretty modest life, so that’s probably a reason that she wants to be friends with the Mayor’s daughter.  It makes her feel important, even if that means not being well liked by her classmates.
Mylène Haprèle
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Mylene is a very shy and sensitive girl.  She is also very sweet and always willing to help out her friends.  She easily gets afraid of things that are even mildly scary, and she is NOT a fan of hard rock music.  Her colorful hair and unique outfit show off a personality trait that would not normally be seen.  She is positive and full of fun.  Her father is a mime and they are very close.  Mylene means the world to him.
Juleka Couffaine
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Juleka is definitely a girl that mostly keeps to herself.  Her outfit will tell you that she is goth.  However aside from her looks, Juleka is a great friend that is always willing to help out.  She seems to be close to one of her fellow classmates, Rose.  Even though Rose is quite the opposite of Juleka they seem to see the best in each other.  Juleka is always up to having some fun.  She also has a brother that shares many of the same personality traits. Introverted, quiet, and subdued.
Rose Lavillant
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Rose is one-of-a-kind.  She is SUPER energetic, hyper and positive.  Her outlook on life is anything but dull.  Even though you wouldn’t think anything could dull her sparkle, it can.  She is still very sensitive, and people that put her down can really hurt her.  Her clothes describe her, sweet pink that’s bright. Aside from her closest friend being Juleka (a girl that strictly dresses in dark colors) she has a bright personality that is sure to rub off on you!  It just makes since that in Rose’s world, you can never go wrong with sparkles and that unicorns are real!
Alix Kubdel
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Alix is anything but mild mannered.  She is super competitive and will not backdown. Her bright pink hair and lime green snakes going down her sleeves tell you about her personality.  She loves skating and anything active.  Aside from her no-nonsense attitude she will stick by her friends till the end.  Her father is quite the opposite of Alix, but differences aside, they are very close.  
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Miraculous Art Mondays Week: 6 (6/25/18)
@Marinettesaweomeblog’s submission.
I made a personality chart for all the girl characters in Miraculous Ladybug.  Hope this is helpful/interesting!😊
Here are my submissions for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 if you missed them  Week 1 Week 2  Week 3  Week 4 week 5
Wanna join Miraculous Art Mondays?  Here are the instructions on how to get started:  Miraculous Art Mondays
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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Marinette is a sweet girl that has a personality between shy and outgoing.  When she is with her friends she is outgoing and fun.  However, if she is around Adrien (her crush) she is super shy and awkward. Marinette is clumsy on a regular basis; however, this does not stop her from trying.  Even if she fails, she keeps trying.  There are times that she can get discouraged and want to give up, but there always seems to be a voice inside her that tells her to keep trying. Her arch enemy Chloe can sometimes get the best of Marinette, but as her good friend Alya has told her, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing”. Marinette has learned to stand up to Chloe, sometimes too much so and it has gotten her into trouble.  Marinette also has a sassy side, when she gets mad she can say things she didn’t mean, but in the end, she realizes her mistakes and tries to fix them.  She doesn’t always make the best choices, but she always learns from her mistakes.  The best Quality that Marinette possess is her loyalty to her friends.  Everyone makes mistakes, what’s important is how you handle them.  Being Ladybug has helped Marinette realize how strong she can be and to never give up.
Alter Ego: Ladybug
Alya Césaire
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Alya is a super confident, determined and a total tech genius!  She is Marinette’s best friend and always willing to help her and her other friends. She is determined to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir really are, and will stop at nothing to find out!  Alya also speaks her mind and is not afraid of showing what she is made of.  She is also a big superhero fan, and her dream of becoming a superhero came true!  When she has been given the opportunity to work with ladybug and Chat Noir she jumped at the chance!  Alya is also honest.  Even though it’s hard for her not to keep the Miraculous that Ladybug has given her, she knows that it would be wrong to keep it.  Alya does not have a Miraculous of her own to keep yet, but she is more than happy to help save Paris whenever she is needed!  Alya often helps out Marinette when babysitting because Alya is a pro with kids!  Having young twin siblings has helped with that!  Often times Alya tries to help Marinette be with Adrien (even if that means taking over Marinette’s babysitting).  She also helps Marinette to be more confident around Adrien and to stick up for herself around their shared arch enemy, Chloe.
Alter Ego: Rena Rouge
Chloé Bourgeois
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Chloe could be categized as most people’s worst enemy.  She is stuck up, rude, and full of herself.  She thinks of no one but herself and is rude or mean to everyone else. There is only one person that she is “nice” to, and that is Adrien, her crush.  Her and Adrien have known each other since they were kids.  Adrien does not feel the same towards Chloe, however Chloe will not let herself believe that.  Anyone that doesn’t like her might as well drop of the planet as far as Chloe is concerned.  Chloe’s closest friend Sabrina still gets treated poorly, even though Chloe could not live without her (putting aside that fact that Chloe would have to do her OWN homework if it weren’t for Sabrina).  Chloe can show a softer side sometimes, but that is very rare and definitely NOT when anyone else is watching.  To top things off she is also the Mayer’s daughter. She definitely lives up to the serotype typical stuffy Mayer’s daughter.  She has got her father wrapped around her finger, and don’t you think she doesn’t knows that.
Sabrina Raincomprix
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Sabrina is Chloe’s closest friend.  Being that she is, she gets treated like a doormat most of the time.  Sabrina is an interesting girl.  You might think that she would get tired of constantly having to do Chloe’s “dirty work” and still get treated badly, but actually Sabrina wouldn’t have it any other way.  She enjoys doing Chloe’s homework and being her little servant.  Not saying that she probably wouldn’t appreciate a little more respect and a complement now and again from Chloe.  Sabrina leads a pretty modest life, so that’s probably a reason that she wants to be friends with the Mayor’s daughter.  It makes her feel important, even if that means not being well liked by her classmates.
Mylène Haprèle
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Mylene is a very shy and sensitive girl.  She is also very sweet and always willing to help out her friends.  She easily gets scared of things that are even mildly scary, and she is NOT a fan of hard rock music.  Her colorful hair and unique outfit show off a personality trait that would not normally be seen.  She is positive and full of fun.  Her father is a mime and they are very close.  Mylene means the world to him.
Juleka Couffaine
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Juleka is definitely a girl that mostly keeps to herself.  Her outfit will tell you that she is goth.  However aside from her looks, Juleka is a great friend that is always willing to help out.  She seems to be close to one of her fellow classmates, Rose.  Even though Rose is quite the opposite of Juleka they seem to see the best in each other.  Juleka is always up to having some fun.  She also has a brother that shares many of the same personality traits. Introverted, quiet, and subdued.
Rose Lavillant
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Rose is one-of-a-kind.  She is SUPER energetic, hyper and positive.  Her outlook on life is anything but dull.  Even though you wouldn’t think anything could dull her sparkle, it can.  She is still very sensitive, and people that put her down can really hurt her.  Her clothes describe her, sweet pink that’s bright. Aside from her closest friend being Juleka (a girl that strictly dresses in dark colors) she has a bright personality that is sure to rub off on you!  It just makes since that in Rose’s world, you can never go wrong with sparkles and that unicorns are real!
Alix Kubdel
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Alix is anything but mild mannered.  She is super competitive and will not backdown. Her bright pink hair and lime green snakes going down her sleeves tell you about her personality.  She loves skating and anything active.  Aside from her no-nonsense attitude she will stick by her friends till the end.  Her father is quite the opposite of Alix, but differences aside, they are very close.  
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