#ruko rambles
yokuneruko-official · 10 months
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r1n-b0w · 4 months
I like how there’s no exact vocaloid lore, and some characters have their own little backstories (like Kiyoteru and Iroha I guess) but UTAULOID LORE IS JUST LIKE:
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I just found this and want more people to know about it
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yokunerook-official · 7 months
Someone just suggested I take a coffee.png and put teabag.png in it
I'll update in five minutes
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theangrycomet-art · 2 years
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The Gem Assessment
After a rogue gem meddled with the latest injector batch, all kindergardens have been placed under extreme scrutiny. Every soldier that pops their way out, gets scanned and tested for flaws, strengths, and durability.
However, Orange Diamond prides herself on having the BEST soilders of the empire. Even if she has to bend the rules to do it. Grey does not approve o this but she doesn’t particularly care.
If a gem is strong enough to pass her extensive testing, they will be added to her ranks. Thus a large amount of off colors are kept when they should have been Recycled because while they weren’t exactly how they were supposed to, they were improved.
The last set of gems to emerge from the kindergarden (about a decade later than the others), however, are an entirely different ball park.
[Pages 1-6]- [Next: pending]
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theangrycomet · 1 year
So, what would Amko's reaction be to some Ruby shards he thinks were Ruko's? Vice versa for Ruko.
Okay, so to explain before I dive into this, Ruko and Amko's Gems are VERY distinctive.
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Wow these look bad zoomed in- but you get the picture.
They literally have chunks of the other ingrained in themselves do to a certain someones handy work on the Kindergarten's injector, so it'd be kind of hard for them to mistake another gem for their brothers.
However, both of these gems are very emotional and not very logical so they would easily make that mistake in a panic driven moment.
Ruko would handle it... poorly. They'd be frozen, stunned, because who could possibly take out Amko to the point of shattering?
When he finally snaps out of it, he is in complete denial. Insisting that he's fine, that the corpse he just pocketed wasn't his brother, just some pretty, sharp shards of some regular rock. Yep. That's all it is.
He can break down later if when he finds Amko later.
Amko would also freeze, shut down as their trying to figure out any explanation for what they found that isn't "Ruko's gone." They would only snap out of it when someone or something approaches them. Unfortunately, that someone/thing would end up being the target for his turbulent emotions as it's easier to be angry than process.
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papus-clown-enclosure · 2 months
Who is vocaloid lucas and why did the thumbnail look like that guy who hung out with walter white(doesnt remember what jesse????) Looks like
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raposarealm · 2 years
Late night idea: Hitoshizuku/Yama Sankankei’s Synchronicity series, but the main characters are Iroha and Ui
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kokorowoutsu · 11 months
-- Muse Ramblings: Morgan
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Friendly reminder Morgan is a muse that is always watching and very protective and possessive. She’s the blog’s big red button and while she’s currently on vacation, she’s still a viable and big muse I have around. Her biggest trigger that will have her up in arms is if anyone harms her children -- that includes anyone on this blog or anyone she has formally adopted as her own. She jealously guards like any fae what is hers and hers alone to have, willingly sharing it with only a few which includes her mate, her mate’s family, and while it seems like friends of her children... in truth they are just as much her children as her children themselves are.
Her children (directly) include Ashe and Kianga from this blog. @night-gladion-and-their-ghosts ‘s Night, Jasper ( her grandson ), Gladion, and Lillie, @pokemon-experiments ‘s Ruko, @dimensionhoppinghybrids ‘s Juno and jointly shared granddaughter ( to her ), Eris.
If any of these children are in danger, she is likely to make a big appearance and be a problem unless its discussed otherwise.
Her children’s friends or significant others including but not limited to Leon and Grusha, @skullboneandunown ‘s Donovan and Flannery, @aotoreiki​ ‘s Rei/Ice, @night-gladion-and-their-ghosts ‘s Ashburn, @syllusion ‘s Sylvia, @dimensionhoppinghybrids ‘s many OCs that are connected to her mate, Joseph, and the like come secondary, but if it’s dire, she will make an appearance. ( Also recently added to this list but not fully fleshed out ( still in the works ) is @picavecalyx​ ‘s OC, Silva. )
( PMD AU counts her as being protective as well but as she prefers her solitude it needs to be discussed. )
You don’t want the Gardemom after you. In fact, that’s the last thing you want. 
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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yokuneruko-official · 2 months
Woke up today to find this PNG outside the UTAU file:
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I don't know what to do
I've already tried to get it to go away
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
me when im like the world’s only active sdra2 kin
i MISS everybody!! i know we weren’t really classmates!! i could care less though!! because i came from utsuroshima and i lived my entire life there in a month, and yes it was a month of killing and despair and awfullness but it was everything i knew!! you guys were everything i knew!! and yeah i have another canon but i really don’t know much about it. so i miss everybody even though we never would have met had it not been for ai mikado’s bullshittery.
i don’t know what i’m saying, i’m rambling, i’m not making sense—but i love you guys all so much whether that be romantically (hi yoruko hi yuuki) familially (hi nikei hi irlkado) or platonically (hi everybody else)
get back here you assholes!!! i love you!!!!!!!
-sora, sdra2/super danganronpa another 2/danganronpa #👕🥀
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Hello...did u know I really like yokune ruko and hagane miku...
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binarystarduet · 6 months
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— Happy Holidays, Bernie!! @handpuppetsbybrett
it wouldn't let me tag your text blog but that's alright! happy molly day, everyone give it up for molly day!! hehehe i love you! everything i want to say is under the cut 🖤
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my star crossed best friend,
⟡ I almost don't even know what to say!! I've gushed my heart out to you over and over again, and it remains the same– I love you! You're one of my closest friends in the entire universe and I wouldn't have it any other way. the way we could literally talk for hours, about anything? Text, call, anywhere, anytime! I hope we can hang out again soon, I'm sorry I've been so busy! Maybe we can watch MagiRevo together... maybe the bandori movies if you and Zora haven't gotten to them yet? hehe. speaking of, too, will forever be so crazy the bond we share across our kins as the four of us. like there's vnc, and mygo, and gangstar, sirius, and I'm sure there more to discover!!! it's like fate wanted us to stay friends forever. and who am I to argue with that. I mean, honestly, thank you for staying as long as you have, and for wanting to talk to us more. I can't imagine my life without you or Rey in it and I'm so happy that we met!! I could ramble forever and ever about how amazing you are, how funny and charismatic you are, and how patient and comforting your person is but it's all silly sappy stuff I tell you every day! I just wanted you to know that you're someone so special to me, you always know what to say, you understand me when I don't even get myself, and I appreciate you so so much... have a great holiday this year, I hope you like your gifts!!!!! LOSERRRR
You were quite possibly one of the most difficult to choose kins for, I say this affectionately, because we share so many sources and you are so many of my favorite people and comforts. My theme was "characters I knew you as in another lifetime", and I chose who I chose for that reason! Honorary potentials were Cerberus, Lotte, Crona, Noé, Tomori or PAREO, Luz, Luigi, and Fluttershy! among others. Celeste, what a shining little light you were! Thank you for teaching me new things every time we talked, and for bringing joy to our town or island. wherever you lived, of course. It was always a delight having you around, I know your brother was so proud of you too! you were someowl very special to me. I'd ruffle your feathers if I could, haha. sincerely, that weird human who showed up one day. Hau!! Come here you! I love love looove you so much! I knew you as many, but right now I want to talk to you as Selene. My brother, my best friend in the entire universe, you were one of the first people I met when I moved to Alola, and were definitely my first friend. I have only the fondest memories with you, thank you for being in my life! I hope the sun is shining where you are! and... Kaoruko... so much to say here. You know, I never once held a grudge, well, that is to say maliciously. I wanted you to look my way, acknowledge me, I looked up to you so much, in ways I don't think you ever knew. It motivated me. You were more than family to me, Ruko, you were eternally something that mattered in ways I can't express. I'm so happy that you're in my life, both then and now. Chasing Sirius, but that I'm always right behind you, and that I will find you again and again. I love you, and hope you'll be waiting for me in the future! ♡
bottom text ⟡ Mao 🖤
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Hello. This is a side blog for all sorts of ramblings. I may spam post.
My main blog is @prettydollnothuman - any likes, responses, follows, ect. will come from there.
I guess I will use the name Dollie on this account.
I’m 20 years old, so please be mindful of that when interacting with me. I avoid interacting with minors.
I will vent a bit on this blog, but I don’t intend to post anything triggering and will put appropriate CW/TW in my posts if I think it may be.
DNI/Blocking Rules:
I have standard DNI/instant blocks, but will also not hesitate to block anyone trying to bring me into discourse or trying to use my page to platform it. I refuse to have my queerness or disability be used as political ammunition, and should be free to post about these things without having them be used as fuel for discourse, even in cases where I agree with the person using it. That is my ONLY statement on any sort of discourse. I will also block you if you try to direct any sort of religion/spirituality at me. This does not mean that I am not supportive of religion or spirituality- it just means that part of my beliefs involves not having other people’s beliefs applied to me.
A little bit about me:
I like anime, VOCALOID, gaming, drawing, writing, cooking, baking, dressing up, and collecting things.
I’ve been pretty involved with the internet and gaming pretty much all of my life. It started out with Pixie Hollow, Minecraft, and Roblox. My current favorite games are the Persona series, the Fable series, and gacha games.
I’ve been interested in drawing, writing, anime, and VOCALOID for about 8 years now. My introduction to anime was through nightcore videos, and my first anime was PMMM. I’ve been trying to draw in an anime style ever since then, even if my style has moved away from generic anime. My favorite VOCALOID is Hatsune Miku and my favorite UTAU is Ruko Yokune. My favorite anime/manga are Dorohedoro, PMMM, and BRS.
I have a lot of collections, including manga, Xbox 360 games, DS games, and Hello Kitty mugs.
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theangrycomet · 1 year
How do Amko and Ruko know that they should fuse when rejuvinated when Ruby and Sapphire did not?
They didn't- Amko and Ruko will always be more prone to fusing with one another due to how they were made.
They literally have chunks of the each other's gems in their own. - it's part of why they are so messed up in comparison to typical Amethysts or Rubies, both physically and psychologically.
Amko has a Ruby's temper and protectiveness for his "assignment" (ie Ruko) whereas Ruko has an Amethyst's friendliness and positive attitude. Etc.
When they first fused, it was Amko trying to protect Ruko from the Diamond court.
When they fused the second time post-rejuvenation, it was Ruko trying to comfort Amko as the off-color amethyst was beginning to get into a panic attack.
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pokemon-experiments · 2 years
While Ruko was with Kianga he would be mostly silent, and spoke when the other spoke. At least until they reached the titan. Ruko had never seen a Pokémon grow so large and yet here it was. The battle was rough on all sides, but ultimately the titan would be defeated and their path to the herb clear. Though he would use Aura Sense and what he felt from the plant was astounding. Just being near it a master of aura could recieve the medical benefits that come with the plant. The reason being that the healing aura of this plant fill the cavern that housed it and the smaller ones around it. It was so strange, and yet it was unheard for a mere plant to hold this much aura.
On the trip back Ruko would ramble on about all of the possibilities these plants could provide. What good could be done if research on the plants could be done. The benefits that mass groves of the herbs could bring. Or even what Lucario could learn by studying the aura alone. His kind were the first to master aura after all. Though he avoided mentioning labs of any kind as to not upset Kianga as he had done once before.
His mind was ablaze with wonder and possibilities. Though once they got back he would set that aside to focus on training the Charcadets. At least until they evolved. After that he told them to spar without his instructions. This was mainly so he could watch them as individuals. Now that they were evolved their training would require them to focus on different points, but at the same time this made him reflect on a few things.
He had forgotten Bone Rush because he thought it unimportant, but now he thought it had been a mistake. He needed to re-learn the move and forget Calm Mind. So after everyone had gone to bed he made his way out. He remembered the basics of how one formed a Bone Rush, but it would take time and practice to perfect it once more.
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