#rumbelle fanwork
rumbelle-scream · 13 days
good way to start the day! 👍
i love them a little too much. im in a time crunch so i got meself some rumbelle feels through vidform. praise the editors! (PRAISE!)
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helenvader · 3 months
A pointless post of my hyperfixation history on Tumblr.
The reason why I set up my account (I think 11 years ago): Once Upon a Time (Rumbelle shipper). No longer applicable; it wasn't really that good from season 2.
The (long) lurking years: A Song of Ice and Fire. Still valid.
Fandom that took me out of lurker mode and inspired me to start writing fanfic in 2021: Shadow and Bone (Aleksander stan). No longer applicable.
Fandom that made my creativity explode (fanfic, stills, gifs, fanvids): Rings of Power. As expected, a Halbrand/Sauron fan. Still very much in my heart. Season 2 better be good! I have been enjoying myself too much to lose this.
Joined in 2023 by Foundation and The Terror (gifs, stills and one fanvid for both). Favourite characters: Hari Seldon and Francis Crozier, respectively. Still alive and well.
Joined in 2024 by Discworld. Just sharing quotes, since my usual fanworks are for visual media. It's hard to do a video without footage when you can't draw. :-) Favourite character: Havelock Vetinari.
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eevylynn · 3 months
My Fandom Trumps Hate Offerings
Organizations this charity auction benefits: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups (See full list.)
Type of fanwork: Fan art
Subtype(s): Drawing/painting/etc.
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf, Avatar The Last Airbender, Once Upon a Time
Highest rating: E
FIRST CHARACTER: $5 - sketch, $10 - line art, $15 - flat color, $20 - full shading.
EACH ADDITIONAL CHARACTER ADDS: $3 per - sketch, $5 per - line art, $9 per - flat color, $11 - full shading on 1 character.
BACKGROUNDS: Solid color - free; Simple: $5 for sketch or line art, $15 for flat color, $25 for full shading. Detailed: $15 for sketch, $30 for line art, $50 for flat color, $75 for full shading
Minimum Bid: $5
Fan art details: Digital artwork, 3000x3000 pixels, 300 dpi
Especially interested in: Sterek, Sterydia, Stydia, and almost any other TW pairing, Kataang, Zaang, Zutaraang almost any other Atla/LoK pairing, Rumbelle, Swan Queen, Swanfire, almost any other OUAT pairing. Willing to draw Furry, Mpreg, ABO dynamics
Unwilling to address: Incest, scat, watersports, mecha
Other notes: Willing to just have a prompt for listed couples, but I would prefer for the bidder to have input beyond that. I want to make sure my bidder receives fanart worthy of their donation.
Special interests: F/F ships, Poly ships, Racial or cultural experiences of nonwhite characters
Auctions run from 8:00AM EST, 5 March 2024, to 8:00PM EST, 9 March 2024. Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted. If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the creator's bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! We will NOT notify you if someone outbids you. If you would like to track changes to this bidding sheet, select Tools -> Notification Settings. Email notifications may not be immediate, so we do not recommend relying on them near the end of the auction period. Bookmark this sheet so you can check it manually. FTH will only notify you if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
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ifishouldvanish · 9 months
RumbelleTEAs.com Update
Hey rumbelle fam,
Just putting it out there that the site will be down for probably the foreseeable future?
This is for two (and a half?) reasons:
1) It was built on a tech stack that is now pretty outdated, and it seems the queries that actually make the site work are no longer returning the data they need to. So... I would need to do some poking around under the hood to see what exactly is causing the problem and time has become a pretty scarce resource for me lately
2) Uh... Hosting is getting quite expensive 🥲 I've been hosting the site on the same webspace I host my professional portfolio site on, so it hadn't been an issue, but my portfolio site is also in need of a massive redesign/rebuild that I won't be getting to any time soon, so it's really not worth paying what it costs to keep the lights on there either, especially given I'm not actively looking for work atm (bc I'm currently working full-time at a pretty great company 😊)
2.5) The amount of fanworks we create has sadly calmed down a LOT since the show ended, so there doesn't seem to be as much of a need for the site as there was 2-3 years ago? (As much as I would love to keep it up for posterity or whatever)
That being said, I am looking into other tech stacks and less costly hosting solutions, and the ideal outcome is that I'll be able to migrate everything and have it back up in a month or two. But like I said, time is precious and I can't guarantee anything
Thanks to everyone who helped make this fandom a real community for so many years, who organized (and in some cases continue to organize) all our fun events, and helped manage the site with me! Y'all are the best, and I sincerely hope to have things back up soon! 🤗💕
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abovethemists · 1 year
Are there any fandoms/ships that you support in general but don't really consume or create fanworks for? Any particular reason why? What, if anything, might inspire you to start?
Oh, tons! I watch a lot of shows and like a lot of ships. But rumbelle is definitely the outlier for me. I don’t usually write or read fic for other pairings no matter how much I might enjoy them. Rumbelle was unique because I just wanted /more/ and the show wasn’t giving me it. I went though a big Jaime/Brienne GOT phase, but never wrote fic and think I read maybe 2? I love stranger things but that whole fandom is a mess so I don’t engage. I was excited for Jopper finally getting together and I love the teenage tragedy of Hellcheer. I’ve read a couple of Hellcheer fics but haven’t been super engaged with it. Right now my hyper focus is Ted Lasso and my main ship there is Roy/Keeley, but again no desire to write fic or read it (even though the show did them so dirty this season).
I don’t know. I’ve only had two pairings where I was really inspired to create/consume more and I think it was just more feeling that they weren’t getting their due on screen (or page) so I wanted more. But there’s got to be some special spark there. I haven’t found that again post rumbelle yet.
Thank you for the ask!
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teaespensonawards · 2 years
Our 2022 T.E.A. Winners!
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I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Rumbelle fandom on tumblr over the past year. In the past ten years! Holy crap, ten years. 
Thank you to all of the fanwork creators, every damn one of you. Thank you to the people who read and enjoy art, especially those who leave encouraging comments for creators. 
All right, that said, how would y’all like to see this year’s winners?
2022 T.E.A. Winners
A Moment’s Peace and Quiet, by @shadowedoracle​
The Hunt for the Green Unicorn, by @woodelf68​
Presents, by @kelyon​
Silver Tongue, by @thestraggletag​
Trinity, by @deliriumsdelight7​
A Change of Seasons, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Begging on His Bended Knees, by @kelyon​
Jupiter’s Water, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Evening, by @peacehopeandrats​
Tattercloak, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Her Angel, by @kelyon​
General Awards
Covet the Dark Within, by @comradegiddybiscuit​
Mr. September, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Tattercloak, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Jupiter’s Water, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Pompeii: Burn for You, by @reolf​
Rumbelle Me a Story, by @peacehopeandrats​
Disparate Pathways, by @eirian-houpe​
Disparate Pathways, by @eirian-houpe​
Presents, by @kelyon​
Special Categories
Keeping Up Appearances, by @comradegiddybiscuit​
Trinity, by @deliriumsdelight7​
One of the Others, by @mareyshelley​
Darkness Falls on Hyperion Heights, by @eirian-houpe​
Goldzilla AU, by @phoenixfeatherquill​
Covet the Dark Within, by @comradegiddybiscuit​
Brought to You by the Color Blue, by @eirian-houpe​
Virtual Session, by @thestraggletag​
Mr. September, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Character Awards
Her Angel, by @kelyon​
Begging on His Bended Knees, by @kelyon​
A Rose in Winter, by @emospritelet​
Neverland Kiss, by @milaeryn​
Just One More Kiss, by @milaeryn​
Best Overalls
Finding a Cure, by @deliriumsdelight7​
Awarded to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole.
Congratulations to @thatravenclawbitch for being such a beloved contributor to the fandom! <3
@milaeryn @comradegiddybiscuit @mellkat1986
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully and spectacularly filthy little corner of the fandom!!
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kelyon · 4 years
Who was your all time most hated character on Once?
Oh, there are so many choices...
First off, I want to give an honorable mention to both King Arthur and Hades. What I hate about them (and season 5 in general) is just the complete and utter waste. 
Its an intriguing idea, to have an evil King Arthur. It could have been good--to have a man who was told from childhood that he was a hero and was destined for great things, only to grow up and learn that you need to actually do good in order to be good. Camelot could still be a whole Stepford kind of place, but instead of Magic Mind-Control Flowers (yeah, remember that?) it could just be whole group of people who just believe what they’ve been told for years. And Arthur knows he’s not that great, but he’s doing his best and if he doesn’t keep everyone believing in him, what will they believe in? So what if he’s lying, it’s better than letting his people down!
But Arthur wasn’t nearly that interesting or sympathetic. He hypno-roofied people (including his wife!) for purely selfish reasons. Plus he was boring and whiny, and he looked like any of the twelve other brown-haired scruffy  British men who’ve appeared in this show over the years. (Yeah, I know, Arthur has a reason to be British, but the point stands.)
Hades is also dumb. You can tell they’re trying to do the James Woods Disney Hercules fast-talking deal-making thing, but it does not work. I’m not too bothered about his role in the story (although the “love story” with Zelena is truly terrible.) But I just really hated the performance. I hated the way Hades talked (especially the way he said “Gastohn”), I hated his face when he did the stupid hair thing. I hated... I hated. 
Now for the real contenders!  
I think any Rumbeller has a... contentious relationship with Killian Jones. And yet Hook is only my second least favorite character! There is something to like about this guy. He’s a good foil for Rumple, a useful amoral wild card, and sometimes it’s nice to have a character who isn’t a true believer in the midst of all the magic nonsense. I understand why the guy has fans and I think there is much that can be done with him in fanworks. 
A little goes a long way. Especially with the snark. If you are in a situation where a solution seems ridiculous but it might actually work, pointing out that the solution is ridiculous IS NOT HELPFUL. That’s my biggest criticism of Hook, that he’s not helpful. His story function is to be a henchman, the person who says “Why do you think that will work?” and then the real villain/hero can explain to Hook and the audience why something will work. 
Hook never stood on his own. He was brought into the show as Rumple’s rival, then Cora’s henchman, and then eventually Emma’s love interest. But if you left him alone, if you put him in a situation where he had no one to be adversarial to, he would just... fart around and drink. The only motivation he’s ever had was to kill someone who is immortal. So... there’s nothing to him. There’s no point to him, either in the show as written or on his own as a character. 
But Zelena is still worse.
Everyone else I hate because of the wasted potential. Zelena has no potential. She is not worth talking about. And she just... keeps hanging around. If she had died at the end of season three, it would have been a stupid end to a stupid character. BUT SHE CAME BACK. At the end of season four Adam and Eddy just pulled Zelena out of their asses for... dumb, dumb reasons. 
I hate Zelena. In terms of fanfic, the only reason to include her is to murder her violently, and even that isn’t really worth it. If I can work my will, I will never write about that character. I will force Elphaba Thropp into the OUAT universe before I even think about including Zelena.  
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rumbellegiftswap · 3 years
For the gift swap, is this like the Rumbelle Secret Santa, in that we are expected to send weekly anonymous asks to our giftee?
It's essentially the same procedure, yes.
Definitely stay anonymous to your giftee. Definitely communicate with them regarding their prompt. Get details about what they do and don't like in their fanworks; find out which character ruins a fic for them, or if they have any triggers. You want to make a good gift for them, so find their fandom sweet spot!
And of course, answer all asks received from the person making your gift, to give them the info they need.
Beyond the essential communication to get information, I hope that you'll stay in touch with your gifter and giftee just to chat, get to know each other, etc. However, I'm not making it a requirement that you communicate X number of times during X time frame. I'm not here to hover over anyone. I trust that each pair will handle communication in a way that works for them.
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emospritelet · 4 years
4, 7, 12, 15 for the New Years fic asks meme thing
4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom this year? Which one?
Well, I only write for Rumbelle (and its Anyelle variants) so no, definitely not
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
On the positive side, I’d like to try to read more fics this year. I spend most of my time writing rather than reading, and there are so many great writers out there in the fandom and so many fics I keep meaning to read and then don’t :(
On the negative side, I’m going to start blocking anon hate rather than just deleting the fuckers. I don’t have the time or energy for it.
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
Nah. I kind of edit as I go and then do a last read-through when I finish a chapter and I don’t see that changing.
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks?
Chronic illness, fatigue and overwork. Situation normal tbh :( I haven’t signed up for a gift exchange in years because I can’t guarantee i’ll be well enough to do it and I don’t like letting a giftee down :(((
Thank you!
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rumbellemdm · 5 years
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The new event is a go! Welcome to Rumbelle Mother’s Day Mania! Here’s a short overview of the event. For more detail, please visit our FAQ’s, here.
Rumbelle MDM is a family-centered event, where anyone can post fanworks in any medium. Works will be posted on May 12th, Mother’s Day in most countries. You can write fic, draw something, paint, make a playlist, honestly, anything goes. Since it’s already been asked: yes, you can make it as angsty or smutty as you like. You don’t have to, though. As long as you have fun creating it and the fandom enjoys it, you’re good to go!
You can sign up between March 12th and April 12th. If you sign up AND post something on the day, you get a fun extra: you’re entered into a draw to win a prize! This is a random draw, so everyone has an equal shot, no matter their follower count. Of course you can also post on the day if you haven’t signed up, and if you don’t end up posting because, well, shit happens, we’ll understand. If you sign up, please do give it a good effort to post something, though. 
So the call is out to anyone in the fandom: sign-ups open soon, please reblog this to help get the word out! Let’s make this an amazing event!
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rumbellebigbang · 6 years
First check-in for the RBB!!
If you’re signed up as an author for the Rumbelle Big Bang, we need you to check in by sending us an email to [email protected]
There’s no form to fill out for this roll call, because it’s super simple. Just let us know that you’re still here, that you haven’t forgotten about this event, and you’re working on your fic. We need to know that you’ll be ready to provide a plot summary and all content warnings by Oct 28th. Seriously... an email that says: still here, haven’t forgotten, working on it, will be ready by Oct 28th will be more than sufficient.
Artists -- your time is coming! The matching process will start on November 1st. You’ll have a few days to look over the provided plot summaries and submit your top choices, and then artists and authors will be matched and all the teams can start working together to create beautiful collaborative fanworks!
We are still accepting sign-ups for artists till the end of October. If you need more info, the art requirements, schedule, and sign-up form are all on the blog. 
If you have questions or need help with anything, just ask us! We’ll be sitting here, on the table in the Dark Castle, waiting to hear from you. 
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jackabelle73 · 6 years
Mmm, what’s a reverse bang ?
 @scribbles-by-kate asked the same question. It didn’t occur to me that it wasn’t a universally-recognized term. 
A Big Bang pairs up fanfic authors and fanartists to work on a joint project. The goal is that by the end, each fic has fanart of some kind to go with it, and each piece of artwork has a fic to go with it. 
In a ‘regular’ Big Bang, the writers go first, by submitting a brief summary of the fic they plan to write. (This part is done anonymously, so it’s not just a name-recognition popularity contest.) The artists name their top choices of which fic they want to create art for, and the mod(s) match everyone up as fairly as they can. Some people won’t get their first choice, or even their second, but I’ve been in the situation of not getting my first choice, and still had a great time with the Bang. 
After the writers and artists are matched, the mod puts them in touch with each other, and they collaborate to create fic and art that complement each other. Usually the matches are kept secret until the works are posted. 
A Reverse Big Bang works in much the same way, except that the artwork is created first. The artists submit their artworks (anonymously), which don’t have to be finished at that point but need to at least have enough done so viewers can see where they’re going with it. The writers state their top choices, the mod matches them up, they collaborate. 
On an assigned day, the artist and writer both post their works and the fandom gets to roll around like excited puppies in all the pretty new fanworks. If it’s a big event with lots of participants, typically the posting schedule will be spread out, with one team per day posting. 
This type of event usually stretches over months, to allow time for the multi-step process. Whoever’s going first has to produce a fic summary or rough WIP art, then everyone needs time to look over the choices and submit their picks, time for matching, and then the second half of the team needs time to do their work after discussing it with their partner. So yeah, it all takes a while. 
With all the great events already going in in Rumbelle fandom, I’m just not sure where we’d fit a lengthy event like this. But if there’s interest, I’m open to suggestions of when to run it. 
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thestraggletag · 6 years
Wanna know what’s the worst? Knowing how amazing the rumbelle fandom was back in the day and expecting to find that same community (with the same awesome assortment of fics) in other fandoms and just completely coming up short. Like a lot of my other fandoms have overlap with Rumbellers so when I get into a new one where there isn’t (Riverdale the FP and Alice Cooper ship) I feel like I’m in a barren wasteland.
We’ve been spoiled by Rumbelle, definitely. Specially in terms of fandom and creative fanworks. Not just the amount of it, but the quality. I know I don’t get that in most of my other fandoms! And new people join and begin writing every day! Some of my favourite writers are recent ones and I’m so glad they fell into the trap that’s Rumbelle. 
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ifishouldvanish · 3 years
Thank you 😭
I'm so, so honored y'all gave me three TEAs this year, and absolutely floored to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. I know I have been totally MIA from the rumbelle fandom this year, so that y'all even thought of me is just 🥺🥺🥺💕
I'm sure it's almost entirely because of RumbelleTEAs.com, and I'm really glad my little pet project has become such a valuable resource to you all during TEA season-- a time when we can look back and celebrate all the amazing work we've done as a fandom.
That being said, I want to thank again, the volunteers who have made the site possible over the years:
It's a lot of work to keep the site up to date with everyone's FYCs and rec lists during the campaigning rush. The database has grown to over 1000 fanworks, nominated (or marked eligible) for almost 2000 categories.
I especially want to thank @mareyshelley, who has been an absolute godsend. They've been a volunteer for every year of the site's existence, and handled almost all of the data entry this year. It's been a really difficult and busy year for me, so I haven't had the time/energy to pour into fandom like I used to-- but every time I'd carve out some time to update the site, I'd find that they had already gotten everything up to date and that there was scant else for me to do except check for any duplicates and improve a bit of code behind the scenes. 🙈
So... seriously, seriously, THANK YOU, @mareyshelley. I feel this award and the honor that comes with it is as much yours as it is mine 🤗
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abovethemists · 4 years
6, 15, 24 for the New Year's asks.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Well, my yet to be posted fic that’s first on my list is my Rumbelle Historical Romance that I’ve kind of gotten in to. As for things I haven’t started yet? I don’t know. I’ve got so many half formed, half written fics in addition to so many WIPs that I don’t plan on starting something completely new for a while. 
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 
I have two kids that take a lot of time and energy. Also my husband is looking for a new job out of state so moving is a real possibility in the next year. And I’m trying to finish up a third edit of my original manuscript and I really want to get that done in the next couple of months. I’ll try to still make time for fic though. 
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
...finally finished Purgatory after six years.
Fanfic asks for the New Year
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teaespensonawards · 3 years
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Congratulations, winners of the 2021 T.E.A.s! 
Congratulations to everyone who managed to create anything during 2020, honestly. Last year was some... mmmmm... don’t want another one of those years. Yeah.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s T.E.A. event! And thank you, creators of all of the fanworks in the Rumbelle fandom. You’re the ones who make this event possible in the first place, simply by creating the works that we flail over. Creators, enjoyers, Rumbelle lovers - thank you all for being this fandom.
(Note: if there are any works on this list that you want to read or have a nice, long gander at, the mods of the RumbelleTEAs.com site work hard all T.E.A. season to gather and tag them for your convenience. And as long as we’re here, please think about leaving comments. Not just on the winners’ works. On every piece of Rumbelle fanwork that you enjoy. Comments are happy-making and help to feed those hungry, hungry muses.)
Now, ado done, please click through the read-more to see this year’s winners!!
Family - The Long Road Home, by @jackabelle73
Comfort - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Fix-It - If Tomorrow Never Comes, by @mariequitecontrarie
Reunion - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic - The Safest Place, by @thestraggletag
Kink - In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley
Romance - Creature Instincts, by @thestraggletag
Threesome - Much More Than This, by @killingkueen
Best First Time - Undone, by @nerdrumple
PWP - The Ninth Button, by @maplesyrupao3
BDSM - Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon
Why? - Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3
Death - Would You Care to Dance, by @mrs-stiltskin
Hurts So Good - Hope is a Thing with Feathers, by @theendangeredslug
Best Date (Overall) - The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Courtship - Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best First Meeting - Heatstroke, by @emospritelet
Best Bathing Scene - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best One-Shot - Distractions, by @thestraggletag
Best Drabble - In Death, by @timelordthirteen
Best Post-Ep Fic - Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic - Walk of Shame, by @timelordthirteen
Best Movie AU - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Book AU - Around the World in 80 Days, by Megara_Bee
Best TV AU - Awake, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Historical AU - Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best AU - Intended, by @maplesyrupao3
Best AU!OUAT - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Series - I Must Be Warmer Now ‘verse, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Novel Length Fic - The Contract, by Wandering_Willow
Best Holiday Fic - Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen
Best Remix - In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery
Best Crossover Fic - Date Night, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle - With Rue and Beauty, by @mareyshelley
Best Storybrooke - Golden Rings, by @kelyon
Best Travel - La Chacarita, by @thestraggletag
Best Golden Lace - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Woven Lace - In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best Woven Beauty - The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen
Best Background Swanfire - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Side Pairing - Undone (Ruby/Archie), by @nerdrumple
Best Supernatural - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi - Dark Sight, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Creature AU - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Forgotten Gem - Alone in My Tower, by @spottytonguedog​
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic - Desperation, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Secret Santa - There’s Snow Place Like Home, by @killingkueen
Rumbelle Christmas in July - Dark Spring, by @nerdrumple
Fluffapalooza - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) - Speak of the Devil, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) - The Trouble with Bikinis, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle is Hope - An Appreciation of Brownie Batter, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Belle - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Dark One!Belle - The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Best Lacey - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Spinner!Rumple - Masters of Destiny, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best (Worst) Villain - The Piano, by @xiolaperry
Best BFF/Wingman - The Wingman (Charming/David), by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Fan Art - Rumple and Belle in Gold and Blue, by @vayuvayu
Best Graphic Art (GIFs) - Color, Brilliance, and Strangeness, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Graphic Art (Still Images) - Lust, by @virgidearie
Best AU in Art - The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Fluff Art - Dark Castle, magic mishap, and blankets, by @jenitosam
Best Angsty Art - The Sutherlands AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Smutty Art - Weaver and Lacey Getting Kinky, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel - Ogilvelle AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Dark One Form - Real Inside Rumple Holding Belle Back, by @dekujin
Best Use of Color - Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin
Best Artist - @staypee
Best New Artist - @vayuvayu
Best Author - @timelordthirteen
Best New Author - @deliriumsdelight7
Best Rumbelle Fic - Keys to the Cell, by @emospritelet
Best Anyelle Fic - Breaking Cycles, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyem Fic - Social Distancing, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year, the Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to…
And last, but definitely not least...
Newbie Spotlight
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully and spectacularly filthy little corner of the fandom!!
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