moonyartsblog · 2 years
You will probably have understood: since yesterday, with the post about Johnny, the series concerning Gymnastics has opened.
So I couldn't continue with....
Series 3 post 2: I never drew Ryan but this position immediately brought him back to my mind.
And how to resist that uncontrolled urge of this beautiful feline?
Nothing, there is no resistance and is given rope. ✨
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Series 5 post 12: Aesthetically speaking, we all think Ryan is perfect. But he probably doesn't think so.
He is a young man extremely conscientious of himself on every front and, this knowledge, leads him to improve himself more and more.
The only detail that he would like to change but that he cannot is the fact that, unlike other felines of his age, he is the smallest.
Although he has a well-built and sculpted physicality, he is confident and fearless, the well-hidden emotional problem is feeling "inferior" to him.
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