#s: dakmi — a shakespearean bubblegoth love story
glowmo · 2 years
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glowmo · 3 years
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glowmo · 3 years
s: daesid — to believe in believing again
s: taeseok — while i'm alive i'll be with you. for love and death go together s: taesik — while i'm alive i'll be with you. for soul and blood are inseparable
s: yerin — we made love and it was salvation f: kang siblings
s: sungbeom — deeper into the history of my grief s: minki x gi — like father like son ship: junbeom
s: yunyeon — the truth is i love you more than i should ship: hyunho
s: soyul x hyunjin — rage had turned me bloody but your love cleaned me as if it were water ship: hyoyul
s: jongsoo x eunbi — LOADING
s: wongyu — 'i love you' i say to him. only it comes out 'hey'
ship: hide x minki
s: hakyeon x soomin — i could sleep inside the cold of you s: hakdo — then he baptized me with his deathless
s: sujin x yeosang — LOADING
s: weebs — 'this is not a joke' you mouth. 'love me' s: wokexan — when i'm with you the world gets quieter
s: yena x hyuk x kai — LOADING s: yena x hyuk — hate shifts and becomes almost electric. like love s: yena x kai — LOADING f: yoon twins
ship: aquagem s: jiahn x cherry [wip]  — LOADING
s: soulaces — i kiss our hands and speak the language of unborn stars ship: sunny x kenny
s: hanbin x kie [wip]  — LOADING s: daebin — instead of fiction brother i will offer you an apology
s: noonguk — i made this place for you to love me ship: marvin x jeonguk
s: yanjae — i'd do it all again. everything s: wokekaz — i fucking love you man. i fucking love you to bits
s: sejik — use me if you need to. my heart i'll handle s: sunjik — he once had love this girl with a love most unrestrained and true ship: devjik ship: dakho x jik ship: junhee x jik
s: dakmi — a shakespearean bubblegoth love story ship: nami f: yang twins
s: moons — you were inside me like my pulse
s: nanakou — only the sun has come this close
s: chan x yoona — the world is heavy and we carry it together f: bang siblings
ship: soojay
s: taeun — we can't escape what we've made of ourselves
s: suran x dowon — i would love you even if you killed god
s: yanglin x gunho — a kiss like a last gunshot
s: hugo x miyeon  — LOADING ship: serah x miyeon
s: jeongjoon — i say i want you inside me and you split me open with a knife ship: joonzhi
s: minji x jinwoo — LOADING
s: demwoo — for you i'm a tangled mess of affection and bold enough to break heaven ship: demdae
s: gonavi — my body is a house but yours is a home
s: yohan x hajun — LOADING s: yohan x jinwoo — i made a god out of you on purpose so i could not reach you ship: yozhi
s: thea x tao — LOADING s: zitao x ursula — i don't trust you to love me in a way i could understand ship: ziwook f: li siblings
s: rentaro — how do i outrun a knife that follows me wherever i go ship: jiseok x shotaro
s: sayaren — i took  him into me as if he were a god s: sayako x izanagi — a knife on the tongue turning into a tongue
s: woobin — his body always kept mine inside of it ship: wizbin
s: yeol x minjoon — look how long this love can hold its breath s: yeol x kenji — LOADING s: yeol x kenji x minjoon — our drenched hearts s: kenji x minjoon — i drank all the salt in him
s: bluewinter — it's hard to remember the days before you. i don't know if there were any
s: biya x heesung — everything i love leads me to danger
s: vilai x beam — was it love or just hate. who was the hunter. who the prey
s: devtak — i have endless understanding for you. and endless love to go along
s: ryuta — raw heart or the absence of it
s: irou — to touch me is to touch the devil and be scorched but you kissed me anyway
s: callek — foolish foxtale of want
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