#sail emotes
Sail Emotes/ M+M Crew/Moth Crew is a groomer btw
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
sail deactivated LOL!!!!!!!! get fucked groomer ^_^
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kathaynesart · 7 days
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"Hey, Omega? Could you do me one last favor?"
"Of course, Captain."
"Could you... say something he would have?"
"...'You did good, Nardo.'"
Obviously I woke up and chose violence for this round of the Fashion Competition.
For the "Sail the Seven Galaxies" theme I wanted to do a sci-fi hologram projection design for Omega with the concept of him being the AI of a spaceship. ...But I was too lazy to design a ship so I went and added emotions instead. I'll be going up against the amazing @less-depresso-more-espresso this round! Best of luck to us both! :D
Inspo under the cut:
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patroclusdefencesquad · 3 months
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they were so sick for this
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preacherboyd · 1 year
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Black Sails | XXXV.
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fellsoleander · 1 month
uh oh watching xxi and im so fucking unwell…. NEED to kill the director of this episode because that sequence of flint breaking down in his cabin is SOOOO fucking good. how 3/4 of the scene is shot from behind flint so he’s left in shadow and the only time we see his face it’s only half of it… as if his grief and rage and pain is still something only he can see… and even at the end, when we are so close to seeing his full face, the camera slowly backs away and hides him from view with the table, as if warning us that this view into flint is not for us. we hover so close to the edge— we are right over his shoulder, we see his shaking hands, we see him slump, we hear him sob— but we are not allowed in. the cinematography really reinforces the message that no one, not flint’s crew, not silver, and not even us, the audience, gets to see the shattered man underneath, because that undoes it all. that breaks the illusion of the monster of the high seas. and that’s the last thing they can afford to do now.
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
slowly parsing through all my feelings and thoughts about the ending and it's like. silver can accuse flint of waging his war out of rage and because he has nothing to lose, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. in fact it's actually so wild how flint, ultimately, is one of the only characters who keeps hold up such an unflinching, stubborn, white-knuckled hope. that there can be a better world and that it is worth fighting for. it's the one thing, no matter how much silver has become (like) him that he never understood, neither from flint nor from madi, who is one if not the only other character this applies to as well, although it's obviously different for her.
and then just. how flint got it from thomas and miranda, the two people silver keeps comparing himself to while not getting that yes, their loss made flint the way he is, but their love and loving them made him who he is just as much. "I don't think he would want me to." and silver doesn't get it. he loves them both but he entirely fails to understand them. at his core he is still selfish, it just means that now, it manifests in not wanting to lose them - madi especially - to this war, and so he will betray her/them if that means he doesn't have to see her/them dead (it's obviously a bit more complicated with flint, but even if he did kill him, he would probably twist it in his head as a kind of 'saving,' babygirl be delustional enough). he got so much from flint, except for the most important part, the one thing that kept flint afloat for all this time. something something hope is an action, it's bruised knuckles and bared teeth and keeping going despite despite despite. god.
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zevranunderstander · 5 months
also all the people that are like "you should watch black sails if you liked ofmd, wwdits and good omens!" are literally insane to me and not just for the reason that these shows have so fundamentally different tones and genres and target audiences but because some people literally just watch everything that has "gay content" JUST because of the gay content.
like. do y'all not have tastes and genres and themes you enjoy? like. i saw recent booktok hit red, white and royal blue and black sails on the same queer rec list just a minute ago. are you literally just watching things that are gay, because they are gay? do you like black sails because 5 characters are gay and they did that "gay switch" everyone talks about and not because it's about characters who deal with all forms of social ostracization and oppressive systems, while enforcing other oppressive systems on other characters, while all failing to see the real threat of colonialism, white supremacy and civilization on the horizon and how it's everyone's choice to assimilate into the status quo or die trying to fight it?? hello??? red white and royal blue???
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creacherclown · 5 months
“Flint’s too macho” “Flint gives into toxic masculinity”
um… are we talking about the same dude that almost burst into tears when talking about what a good person he thinks his nerdy little boyfriend is?
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heycarrots · 1 year
Importing my Twitter musings for maximum emotional damage. I’m . . . sorry? 😬
@jaynovz actually inspired this because we were talking about memories and trauma and how they relate to Silver in our chat for her episode of Reading Between the Lines Podcast. She mentions memories in a vault, which got me thinking about how James is doing the exact same thing. Oh! Which made me realize something else! Holy shit . . . that’s WHY he prods Silver for his past! That’s why he tells him how important all parts of him are, his present, his past, his trauma, it’s all important to embrace. Why?? It’s a lesson he learned from Miranda. One of the last.
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Okay, I’ll stop screaming and just continue with my Twitter thread . . .
Once again thinking about how those flashbacks dance around James’ and Thomas’ love story up until episode 2X05. You can certainly hold to the belief that the only reason was to drop that twist mid-season, but let’s think about how we engage with memories.
Some memories are so overwhelming that we avoid them. We don’t have time for them. We tuck them away in a drawer in the darkest corner of our mind where we are convinced we will be safe from them. That’s all well and good if those memories aren’t shared with anyone else.
The flashbacks, we realize very early on, aren’t simply exposition. They exist in Flint’s present reality; memories triggered by Flint’s quest seemingly nearing its end . . . Thomas’s dream finally within his grasp. Equally important, they are triggered by Silver.
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It’s very important to remember that we don’t get a single flashback until they are triggered by Silver working with Flint. He begins to remember Thomas because Silver reminds him, not of Thomas, but of himself. He’s now understanding how much of Thomas he’s embodied himself.
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In season one, Miranda chastises James for never addressing his loss. For tucking Meditations on a shelf and hiding it away from himself. He’s angry not just because she shared that book with Richard Guthrie, but because she’s reminded him of its very existence.
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The flashbacks are all from Flint’s perspective, as he’s focused on his goal. He’s remembering their vision for Nassau, pushing on that bruise to continue spurring him onward, no matter the cost, no matter the casualties. He never brings up Thomas by name. Not once.
It’s Miranda who brings him up by name. Miranda who is desperately trying to get him to remember the love. Remember the true reason he’s doing what he’s doing. She knows he can’t. It’s too much. It’s too painful. And so every single flashback is from Flint’s perspective . . .
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Until episode 2X05. When we see that dinner scene with Alfred Hamilton again, when we see that first kiss, it’s Miranda who is thinking of it. That’s HER memory of it because James still can’t look at it. It’s like staring into the sun.
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The writers weren’t skirting around the reveal, it was simply being told to us by a character too traumatized to give us the whole story. We needed Miranda’s perspective. She hands him the book and it’s the inscription that finally breaks him. Finally gets him to open that drawer.
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But the memories tucked inside that drawer are not Miranda’s. He doesn’t go back to the dinner scene, to that kiss. What we see is what Miranda didn’t see. We see James’s memories of the book.
He couldn’t look at that book because it wasn’t the memory of a tender first kiss at dinner, it was the unbearable intimacy of sharing that book, the private intimacies and love that’s had time to breathe for a bit. Miranda calls it shame because she doesn’t have those memories.
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So while it’s true that Black Sails was planned to build up to this reveal from its infancy, it’s equally true that James’s story is told in one of the most organic and ultimately honest narrative arcs I’ve ever seen.
So much of the beauty of this show is derived from the absolute mastery of the writers creating at the very peak of their craft and we should all remember that, during a time when those same creators, who have given us so much, are fighting to be compensated fairly.
Black Sails is the gift that keeps on giving, and onion one might never reach the center of. Considering all of this, I’m beyond excited to see what we are served up with the Percy Jackson series. If it’s anywhere close to the quality of Black Sails, we’re in for a real treat.
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I followed this blog because I’ve been thinking about this whole thing recently and wondered if anything further ever came about of all of this, and I just want to say that I was friends with- however he/they/she calls themselves now, but I will just say Sail. I’m gonna use they/them simply because I don’t know what they go by and last I met them I’m pretty sure they went by they. Memory is shit though, forgive me :(
I was rather close with them, not an irl friend but close nonetheless, and blocked them- I think it was a good few months ago now- pretty sure it was earlier this year but I don’t know. I’ll have to find the screenshot of my last text to them, it’s on my phone somewhere.
I always had a part of me that doubted the things they claimed about pretty much everything (not trauma stuff, I won’t comment on their traumas, that would be fucked up) but tbh, I didn’t want to believe they were capable of everything in the document. Dumb? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes. Do I regret leaving them? Not at all, especially in retrospect.
I don’t know where they are now, I don’t know if you have any updates but- they treated me and the rest of my system incredibly badly through our whole- mind you brief- friendship and it’s taken me awhile to come to terms with that, and I can’t imagine what you went through beyond that document. The document is saddening enough.
Sorry if this brings up memories you didn’t want but, thank you for speaking up about this, and I am glad that it seems they’re not on social media anymore. I hope they got help.
It’s tempting to leave this anonymous purely out of anxiety that if they still check this blog (yes, they did that religiously) they’ll figure out who I was and I’ll end up dealing with shit after I have just escaped it but tbh I won’t, come what may I guess :P
Hi!! Thank you so much for reaching out and I’m so sorry for what they put you through as well. Nothing more has really come of this. I dont believe theyre on social media anymore and I haven’t had any updates. I haven’t been on tumblr much either or social media in general.
And don’t worry about bringing up memories or anything ^ Ive come to terms with it honestly and Im in a really good place at the moment. I hope you’re able to cope with and heal from whatever you went through 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Although Im not active here beyond responding to asks this blog exists to create a safe space and spread awareness and Im genuinely so glad its serving its purpose. Thank you again for reaching out and Im so sorry you were hurt by them too.
(Also not thinking theyre capable of these things isnt dumb at all. Theyre very manipulative and in general you’re gonna want to believe the person youre closer with. I didnt think they were capable of grooming wither until right before I made the doc which, if I remember right, was 1-2? years after it happened)
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
regarding sail-emotes idk how you can like. GROOM someone accidentally............. how do u like. date a 14 year old when u were almost 17, a damn near full fucking ADULT, and then say it was on accident. you sexualized a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD and had the fucking GALL to say it was "an accident".
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ministarfruit · 1 year
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leqclerc · 1 year
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Official Seb spotting in Monaco!!!!!!! 👀❤️
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 10 months
there's this scene in season 1 of black sails where flint is talking to mr. gates about how he's going to sequester some of the urca gold to help make nassau safe and livable, but that they can't tell the crew because they don't understand what's in their own best interest and will waste it. and it's like. that's what happens to flint, in the end: both miranda and silver go behind his back to try to force him into the life they think he should have, miranda in season 1 with her letter asking that he be granted a pardon so they can make a life in boston, and silver in season 4 when he has flint brought to the plantation with thomas instead of allowing him to continue his war.
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fuck-you-jack · 9 days
never gonna be over jack rackham talkin to teach like he's charles vane's widow (he is)
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