[ 📲 message sent: ]  when our friends ask us how we met, what are we going to tell them? funny answers only. {frank for matt!}
[text: Castle] Frank, how much have you had to drink? [text: Castle] Cause last I knew, we didn't have "friends". [text: Castle] Only common enemies [text: Castle] But I would tell them we met from your fascination with BDSM. [text: Castle] Leather and chains.
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@samhlaiocht liked for a one liner for nat
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"Most of what i remember is hazy....i.,..i'm sorry."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@samhlaiocht in response to Frank being a dick
                            STEVE DEFINITELY DID NOT EXPECT FRANK CASTLE TO TURN UP ON HIS BACK PORCH THIS FINE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Honestly, he might have missed it entirely, absorbed as he was in his little art studio, but his dog kept barking like crazy, so he had to check, and lo and behold: The Punisher in all his glory. Now there's blood on his floor, and Steve itches to get a goddamn mop. The dog is hiding in the kitchen, probably afraid of Castle. "He has manners," Steve says in put-on shock. "Wonders never cease." Then he gets his first aid kit because he might be an asshole but a helpful one. The little case is placed on the table next to Castle. "Now, where are you bleeding the most? I can't see shit with all that dirt and blood."
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governmentofficial · 1 year
@samhlaiocht​ continued from [x]
      His brow dropped into a furrow, eyes watching Mycroft with an expression mixed somewhere between sadness and confusion. "I disagree. I think it's hard to let people in, yes - and sometimes you'll get hurt. But then I think when you let the right person in, then it all becomes worth it." His shoulders lifted into a shrug. "I mean, I don't know much about you or what you've been through but speaking from my own experiences - I didn't want to let anybody in after my divorce. Cause I was afraid of getting hurt again. But then the loneliness affected me far more than the fear. So -" His hands dropped to his pockets. "I don't know. I know you're an intelligent man and my opinion means squat all to you but just - Don't close yourself off, I guess."
“The problem, Detective Inspector,” Mycroft began to reply, as formal as ever, “is that I am sure you felt that your wife was the right person too.”
She clearly wasn’t, though. The cheating was enough to tell Mycroft that, and the divorce was evidence that Lestrade realised it too. Considering how common similar outcomes to relationships were nowadays, how was he ever supposed to be confident that somebody was ‘worth it’?
Besides, even if he could be confident, heartbreak was inevitable. Eventually, whether on purpose or not, something always happened.
Mycroft then waved a dismissive hand. “None of this really matters,” he stated. “I am not build for companionship. Such a thing is a trait that runs in my family. Being closed off suits us far better than any alternative.”
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consultingsister · 1 year
james bond never has to put up with this sort of shit. {From Severin!}
a meme / for @samhlaiocht + severin moran
"James Bond wore fancy suits all the time, you fucking bet he dealt with this shit."
It was the fourth suit that she had forced her soon-to-be brother-in-law. Despite promising it would take less than an hour, they had already been here for two.
Celia sits crossed-legged on the silk-lined fainting couch, sipping her third glass of champagne. Dressing other people comes in a close second to dressing herself. She gets all the enjoyment of new shiny things without having to get half-naked in a little room with a curtain. Actually, to be fair, most of the shops she buys from do have proper dressing rooms. "Anway, you said you were up for spending some time together. What happened to our sibling bonding time?" She gins, cheekily.
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The editor tilts her head and considers. "Mm, nah, I liked the second one better. Do you need a plus one to the wedding?"
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somewherebetweenrage · 11 months
@samhlaiocht continued from here
   It hadn’t exactly been a sophisticated greeting – ‘why aren’t you dead?’ really? – but the figure on the ground is apparently too preoccupied to care. He pushes himself to his elbows, then his feet, nowhere near as injured as any normal human should be (but then, the world is home to a lot more super, meta, enhanced humans than it used to be).
   Eyes drop to the vibranium arm that the stranger stretches out between them, catching sight of it only a second later than his mutation. Ferrokinesis brushes over the metal, feeling each joint return to its proper place, admiring its construction.
   A comment about regularly being thrown from moving trains dies in his throat, replaced with fascination at the metal limb. The mutant has heard of Bucky Barnes; now it’s time to test if the soldier has heard of him. “Erik Lehnsherr.” A half-second pause. “Your arm is impressive.”
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first13 · 1 year
@samhlaiocht continued from here.
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If Margaret was under the impression that Steve was stubborn then she clearly could see that trait had been drilled into him from a young Bucky, apparently. Because the man was insistent beyond measure.
"It's a miracle that I'm here." There was still a lot of adjusting to do on her part, but the benefits of being a spy meant that she was able to adjust to her surroundings fairly quickly. In her short time here she had learned a lot, enough to get by. Thanks to Steve, the rest of the Avengers and now Bucky. "We just got you back Barnes" She points out, "It's a miracle they were able to help you in Wakanda, but I don't think he can take much more." She pointed out. If she couldn't convince him, she wasn't beyond putting him down for a few hours. "He can find another woman if he wishes, he cannot find about James." She points out, "You represent a lot more to him than I do Bucky" It's a plead of sorts, because she doesn't want to get physical with him, but she was already assessing what she could use close by.
"I love him" She whispered, "Too much to watch him go through that again." She moved her hand to her hip, "So what's it going to be Bucky? Are you going to fight me on this?"
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fiirstnephalem · 11 months
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samhlaiocht asked: "Close your eyes and take my hand. And don't peek, I'll know if you do." {From Bucky for Sima's bday!}
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"Okay...?" HIS INSTRUCTIONS HAD BEEN clear, but that did not stop her from questioning what he was up to in her mind. Nonetheless, Sima followed the instructions that he'd given her, and with the small pressing together of her lips, she closed her eyes and extended out her hand so that she could take his, waiting for what might happen next.
@samhlaiocht SIMAS BIRTHDAY 2023 / ACCEPTING
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vxctorx · 1 year
continued x
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As he regards the pistol which is tauntingly thrusted in his direction, the corner of his mouth inches into a grimace that is suspiciously reminiscent of a pout. ❝—For your information, I know how to use a gun, and I happen to be an excellent shot. It’s only that my targets have never consisted of people.❞
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ghstbrthr · 1 year
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⭑ ࣪˖ @samhlaiocht : ' Oh ! Hey ! The guy teaching me to fight gets all distant and weird and grumbles about you sometimes ! ' Sam grinned and pointed in the direction of the other man for a second. His head tilted to the side and he listened for the sounds of another heartbeat before relaxing — the unconscious guy was still breathing, great. The vigilante stuck out his hand to where he hoped Mister Castle was standing, ' I'm Blindspot, or Ghost Brother but that tends to just be people who need my help. '
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The pain radiated through every fiber of his being. It was a hard thing to admit; he was terrified. This wasn’t how he thought he would die. The rage in Barney’s eyes had sent a chill through him when he had first woke chained to a wall on the rooftop to see his brother standing over him, feeling an ominous sense of dread for what was about to happen. At least one fractured rib, broken fingers, and countless bruises later, the archer found himself staring at the wrong end of an arrow.
Eyes squeezing closed and turning his head to the side just as the arrow was loosed and buried itself into the wall next to his head. There was flash of relief at the familiar sound but it was gone in an instance as a small sonic wave rippled through him, creating an intense pressure in his head until it became too much, the coppery taste of blood filling his mouth, and suddenly could no longer hear his own screams, blacking out. When he came to, he knew how bad his injuries were, feeling the blood trickle down his neck and unable to hear his shouts for help.
His wrists were raw and covered in dried blood from struggling against the chains that locked him to the wall, though now Clint laid still and quiet under the sun beating down on him. The lack of food and water in combination with his injuries were beginning to get to him, making it so the only thing he wanted to do was sleep, closing his eyes to conserve what little energy he had left as he waited patiently for death.
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@samhlaiocht liked for a one liner for steve
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"Yeah , pal , i haven't had as much time as you to adjust to all this. My head still feels like it's stuck in the freezer."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@samhlaiocht in response to the goddamn lawn
                               STEVE PUFFS UP IMMEDIATELY — to deny it, to complain some more about the dirt, to defend every wife out there that rightfully reams her husband out, who the hell knows. But then Castle gets out a knife (see, that box is so filthy you can't even open it anymore without wedging a blade under the rim, Steve wants to get out his most aggressive cleanser and scrub it until it's shining, or, preferably, make Castle do it while he's watching) and produces a bottle of… fertilizer. For the lawn. Steve squints at the shiny label of a perfect English park. "But the fertilizer will make it grow quicker, right? That's the opposite of what I want because then I have to mow it even more often."
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imjustanauthor · 1 year
@samhlaiocht continued from [x]
       "Oh yeah?" Greg's lips twitched upwards, grinning into the rim of his pint before he placed it down, attention looking over to Charlie. "You know I could say the same for you, right? Besides, how am I supposed to meet anyone these days? The online dating stuff is hard. And approaching people in the pub is just awkward. What about you? Do you go on dates?"
It wasn’t that hard to talk to strangers. Well, not in Charlie’s opinion, anyway. Maybe Lestrade was shy? He certainly didn’t seem that was at work, but it wouldn’t be unusual for a man to act one way around his colleagues, and another around an attractive lady.  
“Oh, I’ve not gone on a date since before I was shot. I’m focusing on my daughter right now, you know? Trying to reconnect with her before a blink and she’s all grown up.”
That, and he wasn’t really in the right place to date. Not yet, anyway - not after how his last relationship had ended. But Charlie didn’t want to talk about that.
“I have dated since my divorce, though,” he instead added. “It was nice. You should give it a go. I mean, it’s not like you’re rushed off your feet with work, is it? You’ve got a helper to run around for you.”
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mutatedangels-a · 1 year
@samhlaiocht // una x severin
"Greedy boy, haven't had your fill yet?"
Una's voice could almost be missed, layered underneath the endless thumping of the music in Snake Eyes and the chatter between the girls and their clients—if you weren't familiar with the sound of it.
So it was a good thing she liked to be buddy-buddy with almost everyone that came in through the nightclub's doors, much to the chagrin of the other girls. Not to steal their clientele in any way, but so that her presence—whether it be by name or by voice or by mane of blonde hair or sparkle on glossy lips—would remember her and turn around when it was her time to take the stage. And hopefully give more tips.
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Was that stealing their clients, in a way? Eh, she didn't want to bother with the technicalities. One of her favorite regulars was sitting alone all pretty at a table, anyways, ripe for the taking and yet, seemingly ignored by the other girls. This was her chance to sink her teeth in.
She set two drinks down on the table and sat beside Severin, crossing her legs and claiming one of the glasses—filled to the brim with a pink concoction—as her own and gesturing that he was free to take the other if he pleased. After wiggling her brows at him, she continued, teasingly: "Not that I'm complaining, but weren't you here yesterday? Just couldn't get enough of me, could you?"
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malfaith · 1 year
@samhlaiocht / from here
Neither Lucius nor Narcissa ever mentioned to Draco Narcissa's problems in having him . . . nor the fact that she could not have children after him. The accusation still makes his lips turn down and his eyes go cold. "I assume they saw they would have to deal with you as an elder brother and decided to stay home." He'd thought about breaking the Malfoy tradition as a young man`, having two or three children, but it was . . . not in the cards for him. "You'll simply have to give us several grandchildren." Lucius is privately sure that he could convince one or two grandchildren of his way. He's always been convincing. And children love ice cream.
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