#sammi talks about her portrayal of vanitas asmr LMAO DJHFGK
rxcusant · 4 years
im having a big thonk about vanitas, my portrayal of vanitas, so  im going to ramble about him. nothing negative i just like talking about him
so like. vanitas isnt shy about calling himself an abomination, to him its as casual as talking about the weather. Its gonna rain today and im an abomination, whats for lunch? its like a matter of fact. then he pops into soras heart and he can only manifest a form like an eldritch abomination and he kinda vibes with it?? hes not particularly bothered since at least he doesnt have soras face and looks like the horror hes always viewed himself as. 
but but but then the INTERESTING thing happens! hes freed from soras heart and given a chance at a new life! and, speakingg from a perspective where hes steadily adjusting to life, THATS WHEN BEING AN ABOMINATION ACTUALLY BOTHERS HIM !! he just CANT view himself as anything other than an abomination/monster/creature of the dark. the idea of accepting that he could be human is a strange and unusual concept and has never applied to him before.  its like....how do you convince someone that theyre human when all their life theyve never been treated like one. 
i just think its neat to see him develop to a point where this mentality hes accepted and embraced has morphed into a complex that hinders even the smallest things like sleeping in a bed. neither me or him couldve predicted this and while im enjoying it vanitas is losing his marbles, or what remained of them. ive written him as this shameless gremlin who enjoyed harming others for so many years that writing him in this scenario where he can be a normal boy has REALLY BEEN SOMETHING 
having said that ive been writing him chilling out for awhile now and if he doesnt do something awful in another verse hes gonna scream LMAO
vanitas as a whole is a super interesting character to write-- if you take the novels into account anyway cause the games be like He Will Punch You And Call You Idiot And Leave-- hes a boy whos been through hell and back and been so twisted and warped, its been fascinating to dip into that mindset,pick it apart, and put my own spin on it. 
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