benhasdrowned · 2 years
(This isn't an ask. This just a praise for Mun. And sorry if ask and all that stuff isn't really much activite but I just had to say this. So I decided to take my sweet and precious time to scroll all the way to the very beginning of this blog. Took me probably an hour idk, but can I just say how much your art has changed and improved, how the whole blog and story had progressed over time and how much has it changed. AND I COULDN'T HELP BUT LAUGH IM SORRY, SOME OF OF THE OLD STUFF I JUST HAD TO LAUGH TO WHERE I TRIED TO HIDE MY LAUGH FROM MY PARENTS. *COUGH* anyway it's really amazing how such things can change and become more, like the story and art of your whole blog. It amazes. And so I must thank you Mun, for just having this blog and all the other amazing works you have created, I even seen your stuff on Instagram and it's just chef kisses all around. I won't even be anonymous for this, I just had to say from a I guess small artist to another artist I wanna call a big artist and even author for such amazing works! Keep creating such good things for all your fans and all the new comers who find your works and finds them amazing -Samua)
( This is such a sweet message! Thank you so much for taking the time to scroll through my blog and witness the good, the bad and the absolute cringiest hehe! I give you all of my kudos!!
I still see myself as a small artist, I have such a way to go. But, I ADORE the unique perspective of another artist viewing my work! I respect your opinion and I thank you again for taking the time to go down through my blog.
Thank you again and never be afraid to contact me if you ever want to share some of your own work!
MUN. )
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