benzatthanin · 8 months
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psychdiarys · 8 months
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BONUS for my bostonmew thoughts
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only friends text posts part 11
check out: << part 10
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akkpipitphattana · 8 months
sand has been through hell and back and yet being placed in a pool with two Hot Wet Men that he once loved and currently loves has him looking the most stressed he’s ever looked
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spicypussywave · 8 months
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laurenkmyers · 8 months
i wanna be yours
summary: canon divergence (ep 11)- what if sandray and boeing actually had a threesome? this is my take on how it could have gone.
no beta, we die like boeing's chance of actually winning sand back. read on ao3
Sand slowly enters the pool and Ray watches him with heat in his eyes. He turns to look at Boeing, who in turn, looks right back. 
Ray knows exactly what game Boeing is trying to play, but Ray also knows that Boeing won’t win. 
Ray has to admit Boeing is gorgeous. But the toxicity rolls off him in waves. It intrigued Sand enough to fall for him once, and it intrigues Ray enough to try and figure out why. If Sand needs to get Boeing out of his system one final time, then Ray is happy to oblige. Because he also knows that Sand belongs to him now. No toxic ex is going to swoop in and take what belongs to Ray without a fight. But what Ray can do is offer up crumbs, feed the pecking little bird until its crop is full and let it fly far, far away. 
Ray takes a sip of his whiskey and sets it back down. He sees the way Sand looks at his almost empty glass and sighs.
“One last sip for courage, Sand. Don’t worry about me.”
He hears Boeing huff out a small breath before he too looks at the glass and then tilts his head back at Sand, who is now looking away from Ray, which simply just won’t do.
“Sand, baby. Look at me.” He asks sweetly, but with a clear air of command. 
Without hesitation Sand’s eyes snap back to him. 
“Good boy.” 
Ray watches the shiver run down Sand’s spine as the water ripples between them. “Come here and kiss me.” 
Sand moves effortlessly into Ray’s awaiting arms, pressing their bodies intimately together as he leans forward and kisses the remaining whiskey from his lips. Ray makes a point to moan softly into Sand’s mouth before he bites down and drags Sand’s bottom lip with his teeth, a move that is always guaranteed to make the other soft and pliant. When Ray pulls away he watches Sand’s eyes flutter open and relishes the way his pupils have blown wide. He dives in for one more quick peck before completely turning his head to the ever watchful eyes of Sand’s ex. 
“Boeing?” Ray asks, elongating the name to make it sound whiny. The effect lands nicely as Ray watches Boeing’s eyes flicker down to his pouty lips. A soft ‘mmm’ escapes Boeing’s open mouth as he slowly drags his eyes up to meet Ray’s once more. 
“You’re too far away. Come closer.”
It shouldn’t be this easy, and yet it is.
Boeing eyes him impressively, but he nods because he’s nothing if not eager, the man looks primed and ready. He slowly shuffles forward and angles one arm around Ray’s shoulders to anchor himself as the other one wraps identically around Sand’s. Sand is already pressed quite close to Ray and yet he can feel Sand’s body press even closer, that when the rapidly hardening cock against his stomach twitches, Ray has his answer. 
But Ray wants to see it, so he smirks and looks between Sand and Boeing before he addresses Sand once more. 
“I want you to kiss Boeing.” He demands confidently. 
Sand’s body sags further into him in defeat. He wants this. Ray knows he wants this. But he also knows Sand won’t do it unless Ray tells him to. “It’s okay, baby, I want you to.” He encourages, tugging Sand’s chin up and away from him and turning it towards Boeing, who is once again eyeing Ray with an impressed look of hunger. He continues on, “Go ahead,” He directs at Boeing this time, “kiss him like you mean it this time.” 
Boeing hears the petty in his words and it doesn’t phase him, he dives right in, latching onto Sand’s top lip like he owns it. He nibbles and sucks and pulls and bites. It takes a minute for Sand to respond, shocked it seems, at the enthusiasm with which his ex is kissing him. But when he kisses back he does it tentatively. Ray knows Sand’s kisses intimately, knows how to make him lose his mind and kiss him into oblivion, but he also knows when his boyfriend is holding back. This kiss is the latter. It makes Ray feel hot all over. Sand will always find Boeing attractive- that much is obvious- but having the physical confirmation in front of his very eyes that Boeing has no hold over Sand any more? It’s a comfort as much as it is a turn on.
Doesn’t mean Ray can’t still have his fun with them both, for old times sake. 
Ray grabs both Sand and Boeing by the back of the neck and joins in the kiss. It’s hot, wet, and messy as fuck, but it feels so good. Sand immediately turns his head further into Ray which makes him smile into the three-way kiss just as he pulls back. He tugs on Sand’s hair to pull him away from Boeing and then kisses Boeing full on the lips. 
Boeing kisses exactly how Ray expected him to kiss, sharp edges and biting chaos. It’s entirely intoxicating. Suddenly, Ray knows exactly why Boeing thinks he can walk back into Sand’s life like he never left. Ray looks forward to proving him wrong. 
Sand, however, is clearly feeling something if the panting in his ear is anything to go by and it makes Ray realise his own erection is almost painfully hard against the slippery bodies in front of him. He immediately seeks to rectify the situation, but Sand is already halfway there. His hand is roaming freely under the water, seeking to touch and tug and pull Ray back to him. So Ray obliges, because he belongs to Sand as much as Sand belongs to him. He lingers only minutely and then smiles into Boeing’s still open mouth. 
“My boyfriend doesn’t like to share.” 
Sand slips his hand into Ray’s boxers until they’re slipping down his legs, and before Ray even has a chance to kick them off completely, Sand is lifting him out of the pool by his thighs and settling him down on the edge. The moment escalates quickly and before Ray has time to process his next move, Sand’s lips are wrapped around the head of his cock and he flings his head back with a loud groan. When he opens his eyes, eyes he hadn’t even known he’d shut, it’s to see Boeing following Sand’s movements as he swallows him up and down. It makes Ray want to thrust up into Sand’s mouth. So he does. And his gorgeous boy takes it all, swallows around him and let’s Ray fuck his throat like it’s nothing. Boeing looks on with wistful envy. 
Ray enjoys the power he has so much he’s feeling selfless. He extends a literal and figurative hand in Boeing’s direction.
“Sand’s a little busy at the moment, but get over here and I can show you how good I am with my hands.” 
Boeing doesn’t dare deny him. He’s too obviously turned on to deny that he likes what he sees, and he very much wants Ray just as much as he wants Sand. So he makes his way back over to where Ray is perched on the side of the pool with both legs now over Sand’s shoulders. Sand pulls off of Ray with a loud pop and watches Boeing get out of the water until he’s sat side by side with Ray. He’s about to say something but Ray shushes him and pushes his head back onto his cock.
“Don’t get distracted, baby. It’s just a hand job between friends.” He says as he wraps his hand around Boeing’s cock and squeezes, forcing both men to react, Boeing with a deep rumbling moan, and Sand with a protesting whine. Ray ignores Boeing’s obvious plea for more by squeezing harder before answering Sand, “If you’re good for me I’ll let you show Boeing how much I like having your cock inside me.” Sand swallows harshly and nods wordlessly before descending back onto Ray’s waiting cock. 
“And as for you…” Ray addresses Boeing around a staggered moan, “let me make you feel good. How do you like it, Boe? Slow and steady?” He releases his grip and pumps his hand slowly up and then down Boeing’s cock. “Or hard and fast?” He then deliberately picks up the pace and twists his hand accordingly as it reaches the weeping head. When Boeing jolts forward and almost falls back into the pool Ray laughs, “Fast and hard it is.” 
Boeing smirks, falls onto his back, and allows Ray to do as he pleases. But Ray’s hand stutters the moment Sand chokes on his cock, and then everything happens so fast, the moment his focus is back on Sand, the next thing he knows, his orgasm is approaching at light-speed and it only takes three more seconds before Ray is shooting his load into Sand’s awaiting mouth. 
Luckily, Ray recovers quicker than usual, a likely side effect of his lack of alcohol intake today he notes, surprisingly, and quickly blurts, “Don’t swallow it all, Sand. I want you to feed some to Boeing. If he wants your mouth back so badly he can have it coated in my come.” 
Boeing almost chokes out what sounds like a soft but urgent, “You’re crazy.” as Ray tightens his hand around him once again. And because he’s great at multitasking, Ray uses the other to encourage Sand up and out of the pool so that he can straddle Boeing. 
Once Sand settles himself over Boeing’s abs he looks at Ray for confirmation, and when he gets it he leans down to kiss Ray’s come into Boeing’s mouth. Surprisingly, despite his earlier comment, Boeing opens up and takes it all with stride, he even fists a hand into Sand’s hair to lick further into his mouth.
Ray has to admit he’s kind of affected, and not necessarily in a bad way. He likes having Sand’s attention solely on him, but the thought that Sand is currently kissing another man with Ray’s taste on his lips has him fighting his jealousy by exposing his possessiveness. It’s making his cock valiantly twitch back to life. 
Sand pulls back and licks his lips, savouring the last drop and it sets Ray on fire to witness. Suddenly, the only thing that matters is getting Sand’s cock inside him now. Ray lets go of Boeing’s painfully hard cock and stands to shaking legs. 
Sand smiles dazedly up at him and croaks out a rough, “Ray?” And it’s so endearing that Ray can hardly stand to look at him, especially as he’s still straddling his very naked ex-boyfriend. 
“I need you to fuck me, Sand.” 
Sand’s eyes glaze over, and Boeing ceases to exist. Sand rushes to his feet and pulls Ray over to the loungers. He lays down first and holds his hand out towards Ray. 
“You wanna ride me?” Sand asks, full of fire, like the thought alone has burnt a hole in his brain and he can think of nothing else. He somehow produces a bottle of something Ray recognises as lube from underneath the towel and Ray finds himself giggling. 
“You were feeling pretty confident this was where the night was headed, huh?”
“Ray..” Sands huffs out a breath, “Shall we count the amount of times you’ve suggested a threesome since we got together? Better to be safe than sorry.” 
Ray giggles and tries to gain back control by straddling Sand and crawling up his body. Sand immediately stops breathing to take in how close they are. He leans in to kiss him, but Ray pulls back and dips his lips to hover just above Sand’s ear. 
“I don’t need any prep, I took care of it in the bar earlier.” 
When he pulls back, Sand is looking at him with an awestruck look on his face. He starts, “You-” but Ray interrupts, “You were taking too long, I got antsy, and decided to finger myself as a distraction. It was a pretty good distraction, and now I’m all ready for you. See? Win-win. Don’t you think, Boeing?” Ray calls over his shoulder. Because Sand may have forgotten Boeing was still there, but Ray certainly hasn’t. 
Boeing approaches them and sits down on the lounger next to them. “You know, Sand, I have to admit I get it. You always did like the crazy ones. We’re a unique breed. Keeps life interesting.” 
Ray kisses Sand to tune out Boeing’s words and the laughter that follows. He grabs the lube and squirts enough out to work it up and down Sand’s cock before lining himself up and slamming back down in one fell swoop. Sand yelps out the loudest noise Ray has ever heard and grabs Ray’s hips in both hands to hold him still until the overwhelming feeling subsides on both ends. Ray is holding on by a thread himself, feeling so full so fast. Maybe he should have taken his time a bit more. But Boeing’s continued giggles bring him back to reality as he decides to grind himself on Sand just to hear him moan again.
“Damn, Ray, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Sand make that noise before. You must be tight.” 
Ray’s face changes to his darkest smirk, “Best he’s ever had.” 
And to prove his point Ray picks up the pace and bounces on Sand’s lap. The slapping sounds so obnoxious they almost drown out Sand’s adorable little mewls of ecstasy. A tragedy really. But Ray gets his point across either way. 
“Why don’t you put that mouth of yours to better use, Boe. I’ve got a dick that still needs sucking. As good as Sand is in bed, he can’t fuck me and suck me, so d’you wanna make yourself useful or what?” Ray sneers, not even trying to hide his horny dislike anymore. 
The glint in Boeing’s eye proves he’s not quite done with them yet either, so he says, “sure, I give great head. Don’t I, Sand? You always liked the way my lips looked around your cock.” 
Ray’s patience is wearing thin, “Prove it. Stop talking and suck.” 
Boeing settles himself next to Ray’s legs which are still straddling Sand’s hips and he works his way down Ray’s weeping cock. Ray has to admit the man’s mouth does look obscene all stretched out around him like that, but Sand thrusts up into him at just the right angle and Ray’s thoughts blur into nothing but SandSandSandSand as he repeatedly hits that sweet spot. The combination of wet heat around his cock and Sand’s precision has him flying towards completion far sooner than he thought. But all he can think about is getting Sand’s lips back on him before he comes. 
He leans forward, sucking Sand’s bottom lip between his teeth whilst simultaneously grinding down on Sand’s cock, and making pretty noises that seep into Sand’s mouth. It all becomes a bit too much to bear, and Ray is extremely overwhelmed with feelings. A desire for moremoremore. Ray wants to scream and cry and tell Sand how he makes him feel, and as his orgasm approaches he finds himself whispering a sweet but surprising, “I love you” into Sand’s mouth as he topples over the edge. Just as he’s about to come back down to Earth he hears Sand’s desperate voice float through the haze. 
“Say it again.” 
Ray smiles knowingly, he opens his eyes and sees Sand’s own filled with tears. He knows exactly what Sand needs.
“I love you, Sand.” 
And that’s all it takes for Sand to follow into the abyss. 
Through the come down he realises that Boeing is still lapping away at his spent cock, the deluded bastard. Ray rolls his eyes. But before he has time to say what he really wants, Sand is already saying words. 
“I think it’s time for you to go, Boeing. You never cared about me and you don’t actually want me back. You just want me because I’m happy.”
Boeing licks his lips of Ray’s spend and moves to kiss Sand one final time. Sand doesn’t respond so he pulls back eventually.  
“You’re right. I was bored and you were always a good fuck so I figured why not? Turns out your boyfriend is even more of a psychotic slut than I am. Figures.”
Ray’s possessiveness kicks back in before Boeing can spew more bullshit, “Just leave, before I drown you with my bare hands and show you how truly psychotic I am. Sand belongs to me now. We clear?”
“Crystal.” Boeing laughs as he walks away, “Got yourself a keeper there, Sand.”
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tswizzlesfan · 8 months
tell. boeing. to. get. lost. now. 🔪
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hotasfahrenheit · 8 months
Ray and Boeing are both super ready to keep upping the ante without realizing that they're both insane, but Boeing clearly does not understand how feral Ray is ready to be about Sand and the fact that being in that pool is risking his actual life.
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Is Boeing's hair kinda messy here because Ray tried to drown him? Has he ended up at the bar because Ray and Sand threw him out after he tried to cause havoc at Ray's house? Boeing is usually immaculately put together and this is the most split second shot but he's not here, he looks rough for him
Will he ever learn his lesson or will he continue his reign of chaos and just wander off to cause problems elsewhere?
I could watch an entire show about Boeing causing problems and getting into messes let's gooooooo
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ladyironsky · 8 months
Just some thoughts I had about Sand and the Sand/Ray/Boeing situation we find ourselves in. We are shown time and again that Sand is way too nice for his own good (even his mother says so) and that he has a worryingly low sense of self worth.
Now some fans have pointed out that Sand needs to stand up for himself more, especially in earlier episodes during Ray's explosive anger and jealousy, but the thing is- Sand tries. He tries to set boundaries between himself and Ray at certain points. He avoids Ray, ignores his calls and texts, refuses to tell Ray where he and Nick are vacationing up in the mountains.
The problem is that even when Sand does try and draw these boundaries Ray walks all over them. Ray finds and confronts Sand when Sand ignores him, drives two hours at night through the mountains to find Sand and share a bed with him and Nick, despite the fact that the two are uncomfortable with Ray's presence.
And now we have Boeing (the ex who hurt Sand badly) inserting himself back into Sand's life despite how uncomfortable Sand looks when talking to Boeing; who is clearly trying to manipulate Sand and put a wedge between the new relationship between Sand and Ray, who is pushing and pushing despite another boundary Sand has set and is once again being ignored- he just wants to be friends with Boeing.
Given how naturally manipulative Boeing seems to be we can probably assume he was that way during their relationship as well (maybe not to this extent but still). So we can see that no matter who the romantic relationship is with, as soon as Sand draws a line it will be crossed. So why should he react badly when it keeps happening? Sand is probably so used to his boundaries being ignored that he doesn't even notice it now.
Which is why he doesn't blink when Ray goes from loving to abusive in the blink of an eye; why he doesn't know how to react around Boeing now, let alone Boeing and Ray together.
Sand has a hard time standing up for himself, but it seems anytime he does decide to do it, it's immediately ignored. So it kind of explains why Sand might be so stilted in the ep 11 confrontations with Boeing, why he didn't immediately push Boeing (again someone he was deeply in love with) away.
IDK just some of my thoughts after reading some other interpretations of how Sand handled the situation in ep 11.
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everytimeigetmoody · 8 months
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i'm sick, bro. i am the first person in line to defend ray, but i can't with this fucked up powerplay. it's amazing for the drama and we all know a threesome suggestion is his go to move, but damn sand looks so viscerally uncomfortable. i have a lot of feelings about this trio.
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Ray and Boeing making out was so violent no wonder Sand left right away
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theflagscene · 8 months
“Do it or I’ll do it myself.”
Why was I thinking about Ray saying that last week and now he actually said it, I love it. Let the bitchy fights begin!
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akkpipitphattana · 8 months
giggling to myself thinking about that awkward as hell car ride from the bar to ray’s
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Just opened tumbler & got the fcking biggest spoiler for the very last episode of my current fav show that aired today. what have I done to deserve this??????
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tswizzlesfan · 8 months
will you please excuse me i need 2 business weeks to calm down even though IM NEVER RECOVERING FROM THIS
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hotasfahrenheit · 7 months
More surprising on Ray's end than Boeing's but like.... Sirs
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linoisacutebean · 8 months
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