#sanzu lore
thepinkjoker · 11 months
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗
𐕣 Name: Haruchiyo Sanzu 𐕣 Birthday: July 3rd 𐕣 Physical: 6'0", blonde short hair, longer on one side lean but muscular, two diamond shaped scars by his mouth, various other scars, tongue piercing, scattered tattoos 𐕣 Personality: a little unhinged, loyal, cunning, ruthless, loud mouthed, stubborn, deceptively charming, surprisingly funny, thrill seeker, psychotic border lining on sociopathic traits, has a hard time feeling any empathy or guilt at all let's be honest he's a little more than yandere 𐕣 Likes: mexican candy, sour candy, yakisoba noodles, his old friends, cigarettes, bud, clear liquor, working, traveling 𐕣 Dislikes: Dishonest people, pushy people, being bored, being called Haruchiyo unless you're close 𐕣 Strengths: able to read people and the situations around him even while under the influence, once you have his loyalty, you'll always have his loyalty 𐕣 Weakness: quick to anger, speaks before thinking, easily hurt 𐕣 Hard Limits: scat, mommy kink, ageplay, feet, vomit, vore 𐕣 Kinks: D/s dynamics, manhandling, exhibitionism, voyeurism, knife play, gun play, sex under the influence, dub con, non con, CNC, dumbification, bondage, breath play, corruption kink, somnophelia, breeding, forced breeding, orgasm control, mean/hard dom, degradation. All giving. Probably more but, I'm tired. 𐕣 Other Information: After losing his way when he cut ties with Mikey, Sanzu attached himself to Shuji Hanma upon Hanma's return to Tokyo. Much to Sanzu's surprise, the Reaper brought a new friend in tow. In her curiosity Death took one look at Haruchiyo and realized he was hurting just as much as she was, but instead of trying to cope he pushed poison in veins nearly every hour of the day. Death offered him a new home, a new place with her and Hanma in exchange for one thing. No more hard drugs. Desperate to belong, Saznu agreed, sobering up and becoming part of her ranks. He's lower in rank than the reaper, mainly running errands and running point over their subordinates while Death stays at the head of their operation.
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apotelesmaa · 5 months
I think lord death didn’t need to die but he chose to die because he wanted to avoid being forced to explain literally anything or say sorry to the witches for making a graduation requirement killing them. “Can you explain asura” “can you explain your relationship to eibon” “can you make peace with the witches” no but I can die and traumatize my 15 year old son and make him the new god of the world. That and he didn’t want to apologize to women for calling the head witch a bitch.
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hangeswif3 · 4 months
Nerve wreck
Pairing: Rindou Haitani x pregnant!reader
Warning: pregnancy, strong language, the Haitani brothers are a warning by themselves.
Note: a bit more lore into pregnant!reader and Rin. My bf and I just broke up so this might be either good or bad.
U know the drill, English is not my first language so pls be nice. I love u all and thank u for reading, x.
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You were walking around the house, cleaning a little bit. Trying to stay active was kinda difficult when every time you did something Rindou insisted on you resting. You didn’t complain though, you were being so spoiled that every time you wanted something he would run and get it for you.
It had been 3 weeks since the incident with his “co-workers.” You had had a big conversation about that, but ultimately you weren’t opposed to meet the people he spends most of his time with, you knew they were dangerous but so was your boyfriend, and he could keep you safe. Now he was out again, it was already nighttime but you couldn’t sleep so you got up and started to clean a little and move stuff around.
You were carrying a lamp around trying to figure out were to put it when you felt an excruciating pain in your belly, it was so strong that made you drop the lamp and cause it to shatter on the floor. You grabbed your belly and sat down, trying to breathe. 10 minutes passed when you felt the pain again, something wasn’t right.
You reached for your phone as you could and try to dial your boyfriend’s number. The pain was so strong that was causing you to have trouble breathing.
Rindou was in the car with Sanzu and Ran, Mikey had instructed them to follow around some gang members all day, to try and get some more information on their plans.
“Man, this idiots are dumb as fuck if they don’t know by now they’re being followed.” Said Sanzu, clearly annoyed by the task. “It’s not like we’re the most discreet fucking people.”
It was true though, they weren’t even trying to be discreet. They just wanted an excuse to kill them and get this over with.
But to be fair, the men were pretty stupid.
Ran was telling Sanzu how it would be better if he didn’t have bright pink hair, but Rindou just zoned out for a moment, his phone was vibrating in his pocket and he really had no idea who might be. The only people that called him to his personal phone were you and Ran, and half of those people were with him right now.
He couldn’t help the weird feeling in his chest when he saw your name on the screen, you never called him when he was working. So it had to be an emergency.
Without a second thought he responded.
“Are you okay?” Was the first thing he said, earning Ran’s attention, who shushed Sanzu and stared at his brother to try and understand what was going on.
“No, I… agh… the baby…” you said, barely able to talk. “There’s something wrong, Rin.”
“I…it’s okay… I’ll be there” Rindou wasn’t finding his words. He was feeling the most scared he had ever felt in his life. “We’ll be there.”
He looked at his brother, and his look of utter panic made him realize what was happening.
It was you.
“Stop the car.” Ran said, and Sanzu did it without a word, sensing the tension.
“Rindou, I’m scared.” You said almost crying.
“I-I’ll be there.” Stuttered Rindou, he could feel his heart pounding and his voice shaking.
Ran was noticing how scared his brother was, he was listening to the conversation so he grabbed the phone.
“Hey princess, it’s me.” He said with the calmest voice he could find.
“The one and only” he said smiling “now, I know you’re scared but everything’s gonna be okay, alright? I need you to breathe for me and be ready at the front door okay? We’ll be there in 5.”
“O-okay, in 5” you repeated, trying to breathe.
“Yes, good girl. See you in a bit” was all he said before hanging up.
Ran turned to his brother.
“Man, you have to calm down.” He said serious.
“We have to go, I’ll drive.” Rindou said, trying to get out of the car.
“Hell no, you’re gonna kill us all.” Sanzu said from the drivers seat. “I’ll drive.”
He looked at Ran from the mirror and he only nodded, signaling Sanzu to start driving.
Sanzu remembered very well the was to Rindou’s girl’s house. He was driving as fast as he could (which was very fast for Sanzu), ignoring all the traffic signs and earning a bunch of honks and insults from other drivers. He was a surprisingly good driver.
The arrived at the house in a time record. Rindou got out of the car immediately and went to get you.
You were waiting at the front door, like Ran said. You were sitting on the floor holding your belly. You were crying but trying to appear brave.
Rindou tried his best to look calm for you. He helped you get up carefully and led you to the car.
“Are you okay?” He asked, once you were sitting by Ran.
“Y-yeah, I’m good.” You said, wincing from the pain.
“Let’s go” Rindou said and Sanzu started to drive as fast as he could but trying to be more careful.
Sanzu looked concentrated, for once, he wasn’t playing around.
The whole way to the hospital Rindou was trying to calm you down (and calm himself down as well) by giving you words of affirmation and rubbing your belly.
You arrived at the hospital and Ran was the first to get out, running to get a wheelchair. Rindou helped you get out of the car and get inside.
“She’s almost seven months pregnant, and is in a lot pf pain.” Rindou said hurriedly to the lady at the front desk.
A nurse quickly got you into a room to get checked out. Rindou was with you the whole time, holding your hand. By now you were fully crying, you were so scared.
“Well, let’s listen to the heart.” The doctor said, placing the medical instrument in your belly and listening carefully. “Sounds like everything’s okay here.” He said.
He ran some tests and finally got the ultrasound machine to take a look of the baby.
You were still holding Rindou’s hand, you were calmer now, but still nervous.
“Looks like everything’s okay with your baby.” He said.
Both you and Rindou seemed to be able to breathe once again. He smiled and kissed your forehead.
“So, everything’s okay?” Rindou asked.
“Yes, the pain she was experiencing are regular cramps. Many pregnant woman feel them through their pregnancies, but looks like your little girl is nice and healthy.” The doctor said.
“Girl?” You asked.
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“We decided to wait but, you’re telling us we’re having a girl?” You said, laughing and crying at the same time.
“Im so sorry” said the doctor “but congratulations. I’ll leave you too alone now”
When the doctor left you and Rindou looked at each other.
“I guess we’re having a girl.” He said.
“Yeah, I guess we are.”
He smiled and kissed you.
Rindou left you in the room so you could change and he could tell Ran that everything was okay.
“Im having a girl.” Was the first thing he said to him.
Ran immediately knew that everything was fine.
“Hell yeah, I knew it!” He said before Rindou started explaining everything that happened.
Sanzu, who had been sitting by himself in the waiting room, finally decided to approach them.
“So, is she okay?” He said, trying to look like he wasn’t worried.
Rindou looked at him, surprised.
“Yeah, she’s okay.” He said, and Sanzu nodded. “Thank you for the, uh, ride.”
“Yeah, don’t even mention it.”
Both men stayed quiet for a while. Until you came out of the room, going directly to Sanzu.
“Thank you for everything, mister Haruchiyo.” You said, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
Sanzu stayed still, his face turning pink. Ran laughed at him while Rindou rolled his eyes, you took your boyfriends hand and walked to the front door.
“Our girl’s gonna have an amazing family.” You said, smiling.
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rizsu · 1 year
to each their own manjiro sano. wakasa imaushi. gojo satoru.
sum. relationship moments
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manjiro sano.
it's not a secret that mikey's private about his life—private to the point where no one knows if he even lives in japan (specifically tokyo) anymore. so, it's more than safe to say that everyone in bonten's inner circle was surprised when mikey ended the meeting early due to you being in the hospital. of course not for pregnancy—mikey does not agree with kids and you think they're a little too expensive.
we have kokonoi, who didn't hold back with his curiosity. simply asking his boss, “who's the girl and why's she in there?” sanzu, who holds back whatever he wants to say. rindou and ran, who are quiet but nudging each other as a sign. kakucho, who offered to drive mikey to the hospital. and lastly, akashi and mochi who lacks interest in the current topic. they're curious but not like the others.
mikey declines kakucho and ignores the questions, opting for a simple “do whatever. i'll be gone for two days.” before leaving one of bonten's many headquaters.
busy footsteps, random conversations and the clinks of medical glass tubes replace the silence for noise. he hates it. mikey hates the hospital. he doesn't know why nor does he want to know why—he just does. maybe it's the countless times he's been here to hear the confirmation of someone's death or maybe it's the unsure feeling of whether someone's going to die or not. whatever it is, he doesn't care.
“excuse,” mikey stops a nurse. he's been walking around in confusion because he refused to ask which room you're in but the consequences of walking around is getting to his legs. keeping his hands in his pockets, he continues, “do you know which room and floor patient y/n is?”
giving him a customer service smile, the nurse looks down to her clipboard before responding, “she's on floor four, room twelve on the left.”
you've got to be fucking with me.
mikey steps to the elevator, slapping the “floor 4” button while he waits for it to open with an attitude. maybe today isn't his day.
and you? you're absolutely calm. nothing much is going on in your room other than you eating some chips while watching the cartoon that's showing on the t.v.
raising the bag to empty all the crumbs in your mouth, you choke a little seeing a small, black silhouette.
mikey walks closer, flicking his finger on your forehead, “you.”
“listen, i didn't see it.” quick to defend yourself, you try to explain the lore behind you ending up in the hospital for a broken ankle.
mikey sits on the bed, hand caressing the bandage over your ankle. if you study his face, you can see a little smile on it. very, very little smile. looking up at you, mikey eyes your expression before asking, “are you okay though?”
nodding a “yes”, you pull his hand away from your ankle and intertwine it with yours. a silence dawns on you both—the same silence that takes over before mikey initiates a kiss and so he does.
using his free hand to hold your chin, he brings you closer and connects your lips together. you can say it's his way of continuing a conversation. after all, mikey's shows his love in actions instead of words most of the time.
wakasa imaushi.
who is wakasa if not the number one trickster? certainly not himself if he's not. it's a daily occurrence for wakasa to pull a prank on you at least three times week—at minimum that is. at twenty-seven, wakasa takes pride in being the only one who can catch you at surprise.
but sadly, all jokes must come to an end. although he's a childish trickster, he also gets drunk which makes the perfect equation for terrible drunk decisions and hangovers worse than satan himself.
“just come here, pleaseeeee.” “no.” “i'll just die then.”
there are four words to describe a sick wakasa and they're: dramatic and extremely clingy. you've been dealing with this since dawn. mr. drink-it-all had an outing with his friends and came back home knocked out, red cheeks, a hand gripping on a beer and him slung over benkei and shinichiro. now you're suffering the consequences of being a good girlfriend and taking care of him and his hungover.
making a u-turn from the kitchen to his body sprawled over the couch, you place down the bowl of soup and some painkillers, “eat up and eat it all.”
before you can walk away, wakasa grabs your arm and yanks you down onto his lap. immediately snaking one hand across your stomach to secure you there, he happily eats his meal.
“this tastes good.”
“let me—”
“make some more.”
“ok but you—”
“is there any more?”
pinching his skin, you feel your eye twitch, “cut me off when i'm speaking one more time i swear.”
laughing at your sentence, wakasa puts the spoon down. he leans back on the couch and pulls you into his chest even more. this time, both hands are circled on your stomach. lowering his head on your shoulder, he complains “feelin' like shit.”
“finish your soup and we'll go to sleep after.”
gojo satoru.
it's silent. too silent for the two that live in the house. well, when push comes to shove and arguments take place, it's bound to be a tense silence. here we have gojo satoru, a man that can't take anything seriously and y/n l/n, a woman who also can't take anything seriously but nothing good comes out of arguing with someone who's just like you.
after a heated argument, you've marked your territory by sleeping in the middle of the bed and gojo's marked his by making a “fort” with the cushions, a random sheet and his designated pillow. although both parties and comfortable they can't help but think that something's missing.
gojo's the first to make a move. he opens the “door” to his fort but stops himself. he vividly remembers what happened last time he annoyed you when you were mad. the fear still lives in him. on your side, you're already at the door, debating whether you should go to him or not. i'm sure the couch's uncomfortable, you worry. after all, gojo's long and the couch isn't.
sneaking up to the couch, you try to be as quiet as possible incase he's asleep already. tiptoeing up to where you think gojo's at, you're met with a mess in the living room instead.
“...gojo fucking satoru.” “knock before talking!”
you feel exactly like a cartoon character that has those three veins pop up when mad. if gojo's anything other than serious, he's childish. now don't get it wrong—you absolutely love him but most times he does questionable things that makes you go ‘???’
“knocking” on the cushion, you wait patiently for gojo to open it. kicking the cushion out from inside, gojo crawls out and stands up to face you. now it's him, his pillow and his grin that he's desperately trying to hide.
“okay jokes aside, i'm sorry.” gojo breaks the silence first. he awkwardly shifts around, rocking back and forth on his feet wondering if you'd let him hold you right now.
it's your turn to stifle a laugh now. he's cute, you think. if there's another thing about gojo it's that he's awkward and cute with his apologies (well at least to you..)
“it's okay, satoru. now fix that mess and come upstairs” pulling him into a hug, your hands travel up and down his back before you give him a little kiss, pulling away to walk back upstairs to leave him with his fort.
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kyuushi · 19 days
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I present... the character relationship chart from the second official fanbook! Thanks again to the Kyuushi Discord server for the scans, Aroshi for help with cleaning, Shells for proofreading, and Crimson for Mebi's "fry" 😆❗
Like last time, there are some notes under the cut!
Mippiki: As a reminder, this word is a combination of "three people + one small animal (armadillo)" and refers to Rona, Draluc, John, and Hinaichi.
Little-big Bro: Himari calls Rona "chii-nii" (小兄) to differentiate between him and their eldest brother, Hiyoshi. Ironic considering their heights…
God of Popularity Polls: In case you're wondering who that random old man is with arrows to Rona and Draluc, that's him, the God of Popularity Polls. Ura-Shinyoko stole his seiyuu in the anime…
Bio-employees: Autumn is capable of just growing living entities like Rokumon and Chinoike in their lab. Very normal publishing company.
Cement: Chinoike's gimmick is that he only speaks in wrestling terms. I don't know anything about wrestling myself but Google tells me that a "cement style" wrestling match is a serious match where both parties do their best to genuinely win, as compared to an exhibition type match which is more staged/for fun?
Niga, Sanga: Kuwabara and Sanzu are a ninja and kunoichi respectively. Their village names are parodies of the famed Iga ninja. Ni means 2, san means 3.
Useful mobs: Mob = background character. Bonnoki and the fandom's beloved bg boys Miki Kanae and Yoshida Terukazu-san❗❗ There's lore behind these 2 but I won't get into all that here, I just want to mention that Yoshida-san is based off a real person's art. Hopefully we'll get to see the 3rd useful mob in a relationship chart someday!
Piyo-chan: Ventrue accidentally made himself appear as this cute bird avatar on a Noom (Zoom parody) call with the other old bloods. They'll never let him live it down.
Black Silhouette: This is the three brothers' mother, Gabriella! Her face was hidden for quite some time before she finally made a fully drawn appearance in chapter 297.
As always please do take my translations with a grain of salt; I'm just a fan translator and while I did have someone help me with proofreading, the possibility of mistakes remains. If you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to me here on tumblr or on Discord, @ ash in the Kyuushi server.
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togamest · 2 months
chapter 1: cave in
❝ i'll tie my handlebars to the stars so i stay on track, and if my intentions stray, I'll wrench them away...then I'll take my leave, and I won't even look back. ❞
word count: 3,188 content: no reader mention, mention of character death, alcohol and drug usage, grief, seeing ghosts, mentions of blood & gore a/n: here is chapter one! this is a lot of lore building and setting the stage for reader to appear next chapter — you'll see them very soon, don't worry! i didn't intend for izana to appear in this chapter or in this fic in general, but given how owl city focuses a lot on schizophrenia and mental health and all that jazz, i figured having him around as a guiding compass for kaku would be really sweet <3 tags: @suyacho @qichun @kenpachisbrat @highpri3stess @fengxun @benkeibear @bleach-your-panties @enchantedforest-network @thehoneypotserver
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Kakucho is bored.
Well, "bored" may not be the best way to describe his feelings. What do you call the sense that nothing matters to you anymore? The numbness that sinks in after you've lost the one thing that made it all worth it? Whatever that is, Kakucho feels it deep inside of his bones as he wanders into the warehouse after Koko to inspect the latest shipment from one of their overseas partners.
Koko is much more suited to this lifestyle, although he's not the only one under crippling stress, much that he's placed on himself. He's dyed his hair white, and Kakucho can't help but laugh at recalling how close it is to Inui's shocking blonde hair. They'd match, oddly enough. He didn't seem to react the same way after everything shook out, but something definitely changed—warped—in him since Inui deserted him. The details behind that separation are kept behind tight lips, but Kakucho can read a room. It wasn't good.
A sigh from Koko forces him to return to the present instead of meandering on that thought stream. "This all looks good," he says simply to the worker as he tucks a clipboard underneath his arm. The worker says nothing, responding with a short nod before making the preparations to move the stacks of drugs onto another palette. Koko moves back outside, Kakucho following him quietly behind as they pause on the dock, staring across the ocean.
It's pretty today.
The breeze is full of summer warmth, the sun sparkling on the ocean's deep blue waves lapping at the shore deep below their feet. He could stay out here forever if he wanted to, his eyes sliding shut as he basks in the sunshine. Koko says nothing, simply allowing him time to soak up the sun; he knows they both need it, having been inside dealing with the Haitanis and Sanzu's shitshow relationship with Takeomi. It had been horrible lately; the boys were getting stir-crazy, and Koko had to wrangle them. 
The man in question lights up a cigarette, offering a drag to Kakucho with thin fingers, painted nails flashing in his vision as he takes it, allowing the nicotine to smoothen his mind for just a moment.
"Izana would have loved this."
Kakucho's head snaps around to look at Koko. He's staring at the ocean, unblinking, his eyes narrowed. The cigarette is back in his hand, but it rests at his side, untouched, barring Kakucho's usage. There are no remnants of sadness on his face, but rather a steeled resolve etching itself into the stress wrinkles beginning to show on his skin. He doesn't sound like he's going to elaborate, and Kakucho doesn't know what forces him to say it, but he doesn't have the heart to stop himself after he hums in agreement.
"Inui would, too."
He's met with a scoff, a flash of hurt echoing across Koko's face before it's gone, the blank, analytical facial expression taking its place so fast that it's as if Kakucho imagined it. He places the cigarette in Kakucho's hands before turning on his heel, strutting back to the car, throwing over his shoulder that Kakucho doesn't have to accompany him back. "Take this spare time when you can get it," he says before sliding into the car and disappearing on silent tires. He's still not sure why he lit the damn thing in the first place, but he takes another rip; something tells him that he looked as if he needed it, not Koko.
Now, it's just Kakucho, the sun, and the sea.
With a visitor. A typical visitor these days.
He can see him. He can see Izana sitting on the pier, swinging his legs in front of him. His old Tenjiku jacket is stained blood red, mixing with the lighter red of the cloth in a horrific display of gore. The gunshot wound is still there, a massive hole in his chest, though no more blood will spill from it. Nothing else about him has changed; his silver hair still brushes against his chin as he moves his head, the earring that Kakucho now has tattooed on himself as a remembrance tinkling in the wind, the only reminder that he's here in front of him. Izana leans back on his hands, looking up at Kakucho with those beautiful lavender eyes, and Kakucho feels his own going glassy.
Now, now, he hears Izana's voice speak so clearly in his mind, as if he's here with him; there's no need for tears, alright, Kaku? Sit with me.
He abides by his ghost's wishes, taking a seat with a huff on the pier's edge. He doesn't reach for Izana's hand. It won't connect; he's tried it before. Instead, he simply sits with the apparition of his friend, smoking the rest of the cigarette, the breeze shifting through the trees, the waves hitting the shore so gently. It's like a painting right before him, one he can simply reach out and touch whenever he wants.
Are you happy, Kaku?
He scoffs again, ignoring Izana's stare into his soul. He knows he's looking at him, and he can tell without checking the expression on his face. There was this face Izana would make whenever Kakucho lied to him; white lies, big lies, whatever it was, he'd know. He chalked it up to being able to read people well, but Kakucho knew better; Izana was paranoid. Paranoid that Kakucho would leave him, that he'd be alone again even after all those nights spent together with Kakucho whispering to him that he would never think about doing that to him. He'd never.
He immediately jokes that it seems like Izana is okay with abandoning him. It stings.
"I s'pose," he says shortly, watching the cigarette smoke curl into the sky. It's a pale white, almost see-through. The nicotine continues to settle into his bloodstream as he looks back down at the ocean waves lapping at the shore. Happy. What an elusive word in a business that is so violent, full of bloodshed and rage and anger. How can he truly be happy when the one thing that did make him happy is no longer here? How does that work?
You're not. You're lying, Kaku. I can tell when you're—
"Yeah, yeah," he groans, rolling his eyes and finally turning to look at Izana, "I know."
Izana's laugh sounds like wind chimes, the type that mothers hang outside of their kitchen windows that ring and sing whenever the breeze hits them. She'll lightly tap them when it's time to come home, to settle into the kitchen, and have whatever food is on the docket for that evening. Something that Kakucho has only read about but never truly experienced; the love of a mother, or parents for that matter. A family. At least Izana had a parent as absent and unforgiving as she was.
They sit silently for a while after that, Izana kicking his feet off the pier and Kakucho finishing his cigarette as he presses it against the wet pier, successfully dousing it.
What will you do?
The question takes Kakucho by surprise. "What?" he croaks, and Izana's lips crack into a smile.
What will you do about making yourself happy again?
"Dunno. How'm I supposed to be happy when you're not here?"
Izana's face shifts into a frown.
You have Koko, and the Haitanis, and—
"They're not you!"
His voice sounds like thunder as he snarls, cutting Izana's sentence off. The rage goes as quickly as it comes, the blood in his veins cooling as he realizes how irritable he's been lately. Ever since the wake for Izana, he's not felt the same since then. He's not felt happy since then. What was there to be happy about when the one thing that kept him going suddenly disappeared? Fucking Kisaki—
He doesn't realize his fists are balled up in his lap until Izana's ghostly touch brushes against his skin. It's the first time Izana has properly touched him and the first time it's actually worked. This whole haunting thing is still new to Kakucho, but he doesn't mind it; how could he? He's got a chance to remember his best friend; why would he question something like that?
Izana's smile is warm, like a blazing fire compared to how cold he feels.
You should go back to where I'm from. It should do something for you.
"The Philippines?"
Yes. Maybe you'll find someone who can help you. Some time away could do you some good.
He had been working a lot lately. He deserved some time off, even though every single one of his paid time off requests had been denied by Koko because he's "the only one I can trust" for some reason. Although, between the choice of him, Mochi, and the Haitanis and Sanzu, he can imagine why Koko thinks that. He's undoubtedly the most reliable, although not as craft as the Haitanis and certainly not as batshit as Sanzu. Not to mention, Takeomi isn't one for dirty work; he prefers to sit on his throne and watch everything play out in front of him. He's more like Taiju Shiba than he lets on.
However, at least Taiju donned his jacket and fought when needed.
He thinks about it some more. "What do I say to Koko?"
Do you really have to say anything?
His eyes go wide. "You mean…go AWOL?"
Why not? It's time they realized they're using you, Kaku. You're not happy, I can tell. 
He nods to himself. "I'll think about it."
Izana's smile is so large it could rival the sun's rays. Good.
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The club is so sweaty and hot that Kakucho feels like he's melting.
Even in the VIP section above the music, the heat is unreal. Something about heat rising floats through his brain as he leans back, some sweet thing on his hip with cotton candy lip gloss pressing against his cheek. She's clad in almost no clothing, and he doesn't know her name, only that she fancies him. He needed someone to get his mind off his heavy talk with Izana.
AWOL. He could, he really could just leave. He doesn't have a last name; he could find a new one. The wedge might force Bonten to collapse; he thinks about Sanzu attempting to take over his position of watching over Koko, and Koko's face alone causes him to chuckle. The girl asks him what's so funny, but he shakes his head and waves her off. She shrugs and continues her movements, although clearly frustrated with no returns on her advancements.
A slender hand reaches for her cheek, tugging her in another direction, and Kakucho's gaze follows her to where she lands, right in Ran Haitani's lap.
He grins at Kakucho as the pretty thing slides onto him, his large hands resting on her waist. She's pretty stunning, he'll admit that; definitely more Ran's type with the bubblegum aura she has coming off of her. Her gaze is needy, doe eyes staring up at Ran as his own slide closed, leaning back against the couch as she does her handiwork.
A clap on his shoulder forces Kakucho to turn to the side and meet Rindou's purple gaze.
Rindou's eyes are not the same as Izana's, he's noticed. While Izana's were cold, steeled, and unwavering, Rindou's were more…smooth. Sensual. He was ready to con any moron who walked into the club out of a few thousand dollars and their dignity if he really wanted to make the guy squirm. He makes a good pair with Ran, who's just a different flavor of grimy; sure, he may not cheat once he finds a girl, but the problem lies in the question being asked.
He's drinking something tropical with an umbrella stuck in it.
"Kaku-chan," he slurs, and the signifier automatically has Kakucho's lip curling. "Kaku-chan? Jesus, Rindou, how much have you had?" he says gruffly, but the purple-haired man only laughs, rolling his eyes. "Who cares, man," he says, a little more coherent, "ya look bummed the fuck out. What's goin' on in that brain of yours up there?"
It's not like Rindou to get so personal, but his resolve begins to slip once he's had a few. Kakucho's seen it happen before, and it happened just like this. He knows his honeyed words aren't going to help his mood—
"Ya look like ya need a vacation, man."
The sentence has Kakucho floored. How the fuck did he know that? He thinks as he stares at Rindou, who has now realized his words are landing coherently, and a massive, drunken smile pulls at his lips. The dimples on his cheeks are small but present as he does so; Kakucho resists the urge to reach out and poke them, one by one. His face is a soft red, covered in blush from the drinks and the cocaine that's been laid out in front of them.
"I do?" he asks, not knowing what to say beyond questioning him. Rindou nods, taking another massive swig of his drink before placing it on the table and looking back up at him. "Yeah, y'do," he nods solemnly, "and frankly, y'deserve it. You've done a lot f'us, y'know? Always helpin' Koko out, makin' sure we don't do any stupid shit—"
"Yeah, well, you end up doing it anyway, so I must be doing a shit job." His tone is firm, but he can't help chuckling at Rindou's sentiments. They might be empty, but they're something.
Rindou's laugh is high-pitched and nasally as he slaps his thigh. "Ha! Well, y'do ya best, I'll say that much," he says, nodding as if he's made a great joke.
There's some silence between them, the music taking the place of the lack of words before Rindou looks at him. It's with a different expression, and his eyes seem much clearer, almost like the drugs are wearing off…or kicking in. Kakucho can barely tell the difference anymore. However, there's something knowing in his eyes, chilling Kakucho's blood. The heat around him feels nonexistent under Rindou's gaze; it's like he's caught in a predator's web as if he's seeing if Kakucho would dip like that.
"You know," he says slowly, his hand clapping on Kakucho's shoulder a little too firmly, "if ya ever did just fuck off to who knows where, I won't tell anyone. Scout's honor or whatever the fuck people say."
"I'm not planning on going anywhere."
"Yes, y'are. Can see it in ya face."
Kakucho blinks. "Fuck off, Rindou," he growls, but Rindou shakes his head.
"I'm bein' f'real, Kakucho. Don't think anyone was as fucked up as you were after Izana. You were his best friend, man; I get it if ya feel like ya have to escape—"
Kakucho's voice is ice as he gently lifts Rindou's hand from his shoulder, placing it back onto his lap. "Don't you dare speak his name," he says, his tone so terrifying that Rindou's eyes widen as he begins to stand, "and don't you dare tell me that you get it. You don't. You love this life. You love the attention, the drugs, the fucking women, you love it all. I don't. I'm not made for this shit. It's obvious—"
Rindou's hand grabbing his pants leg has him pause, and his response has him turning around again.
"So leave."
"What?" It comes out as a hiss.
"Leave. Go. Go tonight, man. Just fuck off. If ya don't like it, don't stay. You're a grown fuckin' man, aren't ya?"
"Fuck off, Rindou."
And with that, Kakucho grabs his coat and stalks out into the cold night air. It hits him as soon as he steps foot outside of the club, one of the doormen running up to him and asking if he needs a ride. He shakes his head. It'll do him some good to walk alone as he begins to wander down the street. He's sober, having not touched alcohol since Izana's death (he'd had a long battle with alcohol after that, to the point where he'd be betraying Izana himself if he put a bottle to his lips again). He almost wished he wasn't as he pulls his coat tighter around him.
He can see Izana next to him, so much shorter than him but somehow keeping pace.
Rindou means well, you know.
"Yeah, he sure fuckin' sucks at showing it," he groans, curling over himself to light up a cigarette. Izana doesn't comment on it, but Kakucho can see in his eyes that there's a fleeting sadness there. Sadness that Kakucho has kept up such a toxic habit.
You shouldn't smoke those.
"Oh yeah, and go back to the bottle? You've seen me on that. Trust me, this is better."
Izana shrugs. I guess.
There's quiet after that as Kakucho wanders. The street gives way to fewer streetlights, the stars above him sparkling and taking his breath away as he looks up. He sees Izana looking up at him, a grin tugging at his lips. They're so pretty tonight, aren't they? He says, and Kakucho nods, taking a seat on a nearby bench to take a load off. He takes a drag from the cigarette, leaning back against the bench. Izana settles next to him. It's not that he has to since he's dead and his legs don't tire out, but it's a nice gesture.
Rindou wanted you to leave.
"Was that you? Putting thoughts in his head?"
No. I can only be seen by you. You know this.
Kakucho sighs. "Yeah, it'd be cool if that wasn't the case, but thanks for making me feel special."
His name is said in such a firm tone that he can't help but look at Izana dead in the face.
You have to go. You know you do. Even Rindou noticed.
The weight of what he's saying sinks heavily onto Kakucho's shoulders as he leans forward, his forearms on his knees as he clasps his hands together in front of him, the cigarette being held between his lips. He already has a destination; it's clear everyone else around him thinks he deserves one, and Rindou won't even remember what he's said tomorrow morning once the drugs have worn off. This is his chance; this might be the only chance he gets to leave.
There's a song somewhere playing faintly, and the lyrics are the final cherry on top.
Please take a long, hard look through your textbook 'Cause I'm history When I strap my helmet on, I'll be long gone Cause I've been dying to leave Yeah, I'll ride the range and hide all my loose change In my bedroom 'Cause riding a dirt bike down a turnpike Always takes its toll on me
"Alright, fine," he huffs, and Izana's eyes light up next to him. Really?
"Yes, you insufferable idiot." Insufferable? You love me. "Yeah, yeah."
The universe is pelting him with messages, nods, and winks. He can see fate standing before him, her hand outstretched. She smiles expectantly, her eyes twinkling as his rough hand takes it.
See what happens.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear for the mdni banner and the gradient dividers! disclaimer: please do not copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first! © jousk4s 2024-2025.
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my favorite Touhou lore right now is that the Hakurei barrier is like, nigh impenetrable from the inside, once you are in Gensokyo you cannot leave, unless you have some insane ability like Yukari’s. the only non-Gensokyo place accessible from Gensokyo is the fucking moon, and even then it’s difficult and unsafe to do so. the Lunarians are the only race of people shown to be able to get in and out of Gensokyo with ease, but even they can’t cross the Hakurei barrier.
however. getting *into* Gensokyo is evidently extremely easy. literally the only thing that has to happen to you is that you have to be forgotten or discarded by humans, be a victim of bullying (Mike), get Really Really Into Religion (Sanae), get called there by someone who already lives there (Mamizou), get kicked out of college (Yumemi), fall asleep (Maribel), or literally just get lost. a seal showed up in Gensokyo, a landlocked region hidden from the world by an extremely powerful divine barrier, because it was sad that people stopped paying attention to it in the outside world. literally insane. great lore.
edit: sorry i forgot about Sumireko she is also an example of how stupid easy it is to get into Gensokyo. sorry girlie
SECOND edit:: i know that there are technically a lot of “non-Gensokyo” places accessible through Gensokyo (like the underworld, Sanzu River, Higan), but those places aren’t really accessible by Outside Worlders unless they fucking die, whereas if you live in Gensokyo you can kind of just walk in whenever you want. and those places do not provide access to the Outside World, so for the purpose of making my point i chose to include them as part of Gensokyo. now get off this post i’m tired of it getting notes *sweeps you with a push broom*
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Inspired by some friends on Discord, Death from Puss in Boots: TLW in Ginga style cuz you knew it was bound to happen 😏
Since Ginga has several references to Japanese lore like shinigamis and the Sanzu River what if in the Gingaverse there was a Death-like shinigami who specifically takes on a wolf form for Ohu soldiers? Or just dogs in general?
And yes I’m practicing with copic markers again
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sknmannn · 2 months
Tokyo Revengers: Vanta—The 1st Iteration.
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Disclaimer before you go through my near endless amount of complete nonsense all for a passion hobby of world-building for my Tokyo Revengers OC World, Known as Tokyo Revengers: Vanta or their shorter name, TRVanta or just Vanta:
This is the first iteration of Vanta lore that I have worked on and refined within a 2-month time frame and some lore may or may not be changed in the future. Also, some parts of the lore may not be in chronological order or there for extra details and tidbits to give my OCs more life to them.
Aside from that, time to start the yap fest.
For an Introduction to our dear Main Character of the series, Shimamoto Koji. He seems like your run-of-the-mill teen going about in his middle school year, being the president of the School’s Infocomm club and pretty harmless aside from his sly and playful demeanor with a tinge of a dog’s carefree attitude…Well almost, besides the fact that he’s pretty noticeable yet invisible. Looking like a mummy all wrapped up in gauze with an eye and strands of his messy hair sticking out. You may ask him what’s under that bandage of his but until now no one knows what goes on under there.
And then we have Yamakawa Hisora, Koji’s best friend. Pretty popular half-gaijin schoolboy—A mix of Japanese & Canadian blood and a knack for theatre acting. Of course, he’s in the drama club, no surprise. But it is surprising how the schoolgirls fawn at the “exoticness” of being a mixed blood but meanwhile, Koji’s out here being an Okinawan & American mix. And yeah, Hisora being the extrovert just decided to befriend Koji and now they’re the best of homies.
(Fun fact: Hisora was Koji’s first-ever friend)
Yeah okay enough of the slice-of-life crap, this is a Tokyo Revengers OC world, reminder. Those two are gang members in the upcoming gang Tokyo Manji Gang. Under the 5th division led by captain Yasuhiro Muto and vice-captain Haruchiyo Sanzu. I thought that it’d make the most sense because I intentionally sort of “manifested animals in a human form”, so Koji’s aggressive behaviour during gang hours mirrors that of a dog, specifically a K9 police dog unit. Hisora being based on falcons, I found out about a thing called Falconry which it sort of has the same outcome as police dog training in the sense of sniff out the bad people or traitors. And the traitor thing? Well from my research the 5th Division is like the public morality council where those under that division can just whoop people’s asses and even fellow Toman members to without repercussion.
Keeping it brief here so in layman terms Muto is the pet owner and Koji and Hisora are the pets that attack when Muto goes “sic ‘em” if yk what I mean.
On top of having to settle gang stuff, Koji’s always on the phone. It was because of some that had been keeping poor Koji on a tight leash. “S-san” or as the man behind the phone calls himself. Getting his little lackey Koji to sniff out the wanted in the delinquent world with his investigating abilities shown unintentionally by Koji when he had accidentally solved a murder on a message board, 2chan.
And with the recent slew of wanted people and higher demand by S-san, Koji isn’t gonna be able to track them down by himself, he’s gonna get some help with good old friends of his—The Pharaoh’s Kids.
Koji and Hisora aren’t the only animal-like ones in the gang world that other delinquents know about. They actually made a name for themselves in a group the other delinquents lump a group of exceptional peers in—Nicknamed “Pharaoh’s Kids”, They’re a set of 6 animalistic fighters that are assigned and thus represent a respective Egyptian God.
The first two as you already are familiar with, is Koji, who represents Anubis and Hisora, who represents Horus, under Toman to keep it short and sweet.
The other 4 include, but not in order of power:
Miyazaki Junshin, representing Set/Seth. Valhalla member.
Fujita Hitsuto, representing Khnum. Black Dragons member.
Furutani Arakawa, representing Sobek. Tenjiku member.
Saratani Seki, representing Bastet. He’s not under a gang, refuses to join one despite exceptional fighting skills.
The reason and workings as to why the represent the Egyptian god they represent, here’s what I wrote over on discord:
>Koji: Canines, and sometimes police dogs.
~E.g. fights on all fours, heightened sense of “smell”, overall dog-based behaviour.
>Hisora: Falcons/peregrine falcon (that’s how Hisora has his colour palette)
~E.g. like falcons, Hisora dashes (more to “diving” to target and aims for the head for maximum stun
>Junshin: SPECIAL CASE, not a certain animal, but based on certain nocturnal species due to “set animal” being an unidentified animal that resembles a few modern animals REFER TO IMAGE 1 AND 2
E.g. functions way more at night, can sense things like Koji, stubborn asf in battles in general (stubbornness is depending on who you are/your strength)
>Hitsuto: Sheep, goat, ram, sometimes horses are used as refs
E.g. thick head, so uses his head to bash into people. Horse kicks a lot aside from fighting in a choreographic manner. May cause broken bones.
>Arakawa: crocodile
E.g. Grasp strong enough to break turtle shells, TANKY AS HELL, usually remains still and eventually attacks in a single swift swing.
>Seki: Cat, any feline in general
E.g. has rings that work as cat claws to “scratch” or flank opponents as a means to weaken them, also ambushes without notice by making use of his “lack of presence” sometimes.
(Author’s note: if there is “>” it’s lifted from my discord chat logs unless stated otherwise.)
Back to the topic in hand. If you did also question why they’re lumped in together despite them all in different gangs and looking like they just won’t want to interact with each other because, well, rival gangs, is actually because they USED to be in a gang together, excluding Seki, who formerly was identified as a female during the time and is an acting “external help” which made Seki part of PKs (Pharaoh’s Kids).
~The PRE-storyline (part 1)~
>Rei (Seki before he realised he’s trans), was on the verge of getting SA’d, by the gang leader of the gang Koji, Hisora, Junshin, Hitsuto and Arakawa were in.
>Koji did NOT accept it and got really mad and went haywire, resulted in the gang leader in the ICU due to how hard Koji bit down on the jugular, partial skin was ripped out by just his teeth
>So he was sent to Juvie as the rest watched—It was before Koji decided to play a “little game” with the rest of the PKs, calling one by one to tell about his idea and ultimately telling each and every one to start “hiding”, like hide and seek but by joining an existing gang. Hisora ofc, wanted to wait for Koji and the two talked again and discussed it a few times and both settled on Toman.
Keeping it as brief as possible, these wanted delinquents that S-san has assigned Koji to seek the head of was Zwischenzug, a polar opposite of the Pharaoh Kids yet two sides of the same coin with are Yuichi, who just keeps coming back non stop despite being caught, Mamoru, Setsuna and the Abe Brothers.
(Author’s note: There is a major change between Zwischenzug and Pharaoh’s Kids’ dynamic. Do not use the current Zwischenzug lineup as lore ref until U update it. And reminder, Like the PKs, Zwischenzug is not a gang/group of delinquents that made a gang BUT a just a ‘category’ other delinquents decide to lump them in to. Will also elaborate on the captures in future iterations.)
In a watered down version, Koji now has to go “seek his hiders” who were told to seek refuge at the gangs of their choice (or not). The order of getting each Pharaoh’s Kid does not really correlate to the order of the major gang fights shown in the OG series. Excluding Hisora since he’s already been on Koji’s side through his Juvie time, it’s Hitsuto, Junshin, and Arakawa in that order.
Hitsuto’s a hard head hothead, who started to vow his loyalty to Black Dragons (not really) recently but Koji managed to talk through his thick skull. He’s still in Black Dragons (up until Christmas Conflict Arc where he’s outed as a traitor and his ass got jumped)…despite Koji somehow surviving non stop headbutts and bludgeons. Guess Koji was too stressed and pissed to die.
Junshin was a LONG fight. The day before Bloody Halloween, Junshin was easy to get convinced to meet up with Koji but only at night, since Junshin’s is more active at night and he could sneak out of his mansion more easily rather than in broad daylight. Junshin gets pretty pissed at how suspiciously pushy Koji was and it snowballed into a fight under the highway. These all stretched through the night and until sunrise. Remembering that they need to take part in a gang fight without a drop of sleep, they meet again at the abandoned car lot only to fight their tired asses off (again). Koji of course, has a higher disadvantage because he isn’t used to chronic lack of sleep like Junshin. It was a stalemate, but Junshin gave in to help Koji out due to the influence of Baji’s death and Kazutora’s arrest.
Just as Koji thought “hey, I have more people on my side, maybe I get get Arakawa in no time”, him and Hisora gets jumped AS WELL for vehemently refusing to do what their ‘Master’ Muto said, resulting in a leg fracture on Koji and an arm fracture on Hisora. Lmao, that costed the two an arm and a leg (mb I had to). AND YET THESE STUBBORN MFS went against their superiors wishes and still showed up to the Tenjiku fight anyway. For Arakawa obviously.
Arakawa…OH ARAKAWA... He may be a dumbass but he isn’t stupid. He’s way more stubborn and stronger than the previous two. From what seems like just a rough play to him while taking down weak Toman members down one by one. He’s pretty much like the only one who takes the least seriousness in this situation. That of course costed him A LOT when he went overboard in beating and choking the living hell out of Koji.
And what do you know, Arakawa had awakened the full extent of Koji’s anger that manifested and clouded Koji’s mind, stripping Koji of his last bit of humanity and bringing the animalistic manner to the max…Arakawa accidentally got Koji to repeat the old incident. Feeling true fear of a prey when Koji’s bite outnumbered Arakawa’s exceptional tanky body and arm strength. If it weren’t for the interruption of the Blue Ogre, Koji would have just have killed Arakawa and lose vital information Arakawa may have held. This arc was the moment Koji’s mauled-up body was shown on full display, scar covering a good quarter of his body.
And at the point? Where’s Seki? Well, no one knows where Seki is…yet. Hold on. Seki starts with an S. Could he…could he be THE S-san?
Rather thought-provoking for the bandage-faced boy. Maybe if he finds Seki whom he suspects as S-san, not only he can catch more wanted people, he can finally reason with and get answers from S-san!
Oh Koji wasn’t just a background character inside the juvie walls, no. Don’t believe it? Ask Kazutora Hanemiya. He seems to recognise the dog boy well, or “Nikuman”, he calls Koji. They came across each other at one point.
(Yeah this section of the lore is all made because of one shitpost idea I did)
PRE-Storyline (part 2)
>ANYWAY BACK TO MAIN THING, Juvie was where Koji came across Kazutora, the two were acquaintances. They’d just talk to each other when they happen to pass by each other YOU GET THE DEAL. Then the way Kazu was the first to saw Koji’s feral mode was when a fight broke out due to inmates bullying him about the biting, gagging and taunting about it, etc.
>Kazu was at the corner and watched SHIT GO DOWN and saw the whole thing, even aftermath where he saw bite marks on hands, legs and even the damn NECK bite.
>Aftermath resulted in Kazu being lowkey scared of him but still tried to talk to him
> Wasn’t enough because Koji was bailed out by his adoptive mom (that Koji always sees as his actuall mom and openly calls her mummy, WE LOVE YOU MRS. SHIMAMOTO) after Hisora and the rest convinced her || mom and openly calls her mummy. WE LOVE YOU MRS. SHIMAMOTO!!!) after Hisora and the rest convinced her.
This all happened during the Valhalla arc of the original series and Koji & Hisora bumped into one of the Toman. However after the Valhalla Arc which got Kazutora in Jail, that didn’t stop Koji from squeezing some leads and information out of him. Of course it’s for a price still, you’re not gonna get info that easily from Mr. Hanemiya.
In order to get that sweet reward, Koji has to defeat banchous from schools around the hood—One school banchou defeated will get Kazutora to gain respect for the legitimate strength rewards Koji with tidbits of info in tiny crumpled up/folded papers that Kazutora will sneakily slide through the glass pane. All of these infos pieces together will reveal whereabouts about a certain someone that knows a lot about Seki. This person is Ian Rivera ( @chejirevv’s OC), and as it turns out, had been trying to get Seki into Valhalla but it was like herding cats all until Valhalla was destroyed.
Arakawa has heard of Jou Moriatsu (a mutual on discord’s oc) and told Koji that he set up a meeting with him on behalf of Koji and yeah, Koji now has more help but he did that by surprisingly, promising Moriatsu to be his friend. Hisora was NOT too happy about it, jealous even.
As it turns out, once the final PK was found, Seki is ultimately not S-San due to contradicting views and personality that Koji thought, which led Koji to a dead end. From the news of S-san, Seki decides to make a somewhat exception and helps out Koji. Now with the PKs back together and Koji’s growing skepticism towards the man behind the screen, S-san with each capture of the wanted delinquents, Koji now has a NEW bounty hunt on his hands—finding the identity of the man who tormented him and put him on a leash for all of his teenage years.
No development in this lore yet but the rough walkthrough is that S-san is actually a guy named Satoshi Kimura who hated delinquents because of a major event between (holy fucking shit) Satoshi’s and Koji’s older brothers and the fact that Satoshi was blamed for his older bro’s death. He just lead Koji on and turn his head on him and get Koji himself accused and get kicked out of Toman, Hisora too because he’s “in cahoots’.
And then Satoshi gets defeated.
No concrete lore yet for this part too but during the time frame between 2006-2008, it was finally the time Koji had some damn peace and the PKs being art students get in the same art-centric High School (except for Junshin who’s in University and Arakawa, who’s taking a gap year.)
JK Satoshi was petty enough at Koji to join and gaslight the Yakuzas to be on his ass but Koji pulled an uno reverse and Satoshi is finally killed.
That’s right, the thing Koji has for Mitsuya.
Ending the 1st iteration of Vanta’s compiled lore on a lighter (and fruitier note), let’s get to it.
It was fine at first, just the typical nice classmate who’s, deservingly, the president of the Home Economics club who just sits in front of Koji. They didn’t talk much besides when the Home Economics club needed some aid from the Infocomm club for photo taking, up until they recognised each other when Mitsuya was trying to find the bathroom and came across Koji next to a tree without the Kitsune Mask that he constantly wears during gang hours, recognising that gauze-covered face of his.
So then the two began talking more often than not, sharing artistic interests. Koji began to just felt something different in him, mistaking it as his intuition telling him that Mitsuya was “using” him in a sense, he just hates him at how much Mitsuya began to get “distracting” to him. It was eyebrow-raising for the lavender boy at how strange and sudden Koji’s hospitality towards him changed, but still staying with him.
On Koji’s side, it didn’t occur to him that there even was a term to describe how he sees Mitsuya the way girls see him until he found the term. He was skeptical as usual at first, thinking about the time where he went to a middle school event where all the girls were dressed in cute maid outfits and charming the other boys (excluding Seki, or “Rei” at the time), but Koji just wasn’t swooned by the actions one bit, just seeing it in a platonic manner or “just a strange girl thing”.
“Gay? Ew, I’m not that.”
Then he began to think of that word more and more in proportion to Koji now realising the strange feeling towards Mitsuya was actually Koji crushing on him and he, for the lack of a better word and sorry for being corny, became a Tsundere. Even if his frisked cheeks aren’t visible because his face is covered, his left ear sticking out was a dead giveaway to blushing because Koji’s blush can spread from his cheeks to his ears.
Yes Koji at one point got really emo because he thought he was out of Mitsuya’s league after accepting that he’s gay and that Hakkai would win but yeah turns out Mitsuya wasn’t even into Hakkai and that Hakkai and Hisora was in cahoots behind his and Mitsuya’s back tryna get the two together.
It’s getting kinda long but basically their relationship is slow burn-y, and with their gang life being in the mix between the two. A few angst here and there where Mitsuya gets really pissed at how Koji keeps pushing away yet he’s body language is yelling and begging for safety and assurance.
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This is where, aside from Koji’s mom, before(?) the Tenjiku Arc where Koji’s strutting around without the gauze rolls and slightly after the a Christmas conflict, Koji has no choice but to reveal his mangled look to the boy he likes and surprisingly Mitsuya took it well and they had a heart-to-heart talk, leading to the two getting WAYYY more close.
They eventually confess on 26/08/2006 but the angst does not end there with how they’re now also hiding their relationship because they’re in a delinquent world and not some sunshine and rainbows world.
(Author’s note: Good lord Mitsuya x Koji is literally either
And ESPECIALLY the second one in terms of slow burn and angst and no Koji and Mitsuya didn’t break up they’re just angsty as fuck)
Too lazy to type so have discord and insta story screenshots
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Total Yapping word count: ~3232 words
Aaaand with that I end my yapfest here. I’m done…for now lol. Sorry if it’s rushed, I did this in 3 days and 1 hour per day because I just started my year 2 and there’s already homework *cries*
The compiled lore is purely written on my trusty iOS notes app mb y’all and double mb because the lore is LONG long imo.
Tysm if you took the time to read it, I really appreciate it because I have been working on the lore seriously for 2 months and polishing things here and there!
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@star2fishmeg @chejirevv @anemptypuddingcup @sharpkiwislayer @kayjayxx @w975x
Dm for add or removal!!
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turnthepagevn · 11 months
Babe wake up, new Yuuri lore just dropped
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Yuuri is very affectionate in her own way. She's self-conscious about how cold her body is to the touch, so she tends to avoid snuggling, but she is fond of kissing her partner on the hand, wrist, cheek, and forehead. Snuggling her in summer is heavenly though, and she'll allow it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) She's a bit reserved, but she opens up once you get her laughing about something. Her favorite video features a cat wearing a showercap in a bathtub while the camera slowly zooms in as the first notes of Hips Don't Lie play. Yuuri is also very caring, and quick to help her friends when they're in need.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) She wants to cuddle so bad, but she's worried her "corpse feel" will be off-putting. She's more likely to cuddle in summer or when you're running a high fever. She tends to wrap herself around her partner, which is very funny when they're taller than her. (She is 5'1)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Yuuri is actually a master of the domestic arts; her cooking is spectacular, she can clean just about anything, she's an excellent hostess. This is entirely due to her upbringing; her father had both Zack and her go through fairly rigorous etiquette lessons, which included learning how to properly conduct tea ceremonies, not that they ever use it. Yuuri is also talented with flower arranging!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) While she does have some yandere traits, Yuuri would likely end things quickly and cleanly if things needed to end. She's kind of weird that way.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) She would like to get married, although she's hesitant given her nature as a reaper. She's too shy to ask the other reapers for their takes on it, otherwise she'd ask. Still, she'd really love to have a romantic wedding. Her ideal wedding would be in fall.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) GENTLE GENTLE GIRL. Yuuri is known for being one of the more comforting reapers around, and almost always has a kind word or a shoulder to cry on for the souls she guides to the afterlife. Physically, she has a featherlight touch and steps lightly wherever she goes.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) She likes hugs, but as mentioned, she's so self-conscious about her body temperature that it makes her shy away from hugging. Please hug her. She needs it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Surprisingly, she's rather quick to say it! Part of it is because she's acutely aware of how close people are to death at any given moment, so she doesn't like to waste time with dancing around the subject.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) She's not really the jealous type, but she can get clingy when she feels insecure. Words of affirmation will reassure her quickly though.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Her kisses are light and delicate, almost like petals landing on your skin. She likes to kiss her partner on the neck, as she can feel their pulse most strongly there. She enjoys being kissed on the top of the head.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) She's fantastic with children, and is typically assigned to guide them when they pass away.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Her ass is ASLEEP in the morning!!! Yuuri is a night owl through and through, and her Actual Paying Job is a work from home position. (She is a backend software dev.) Time functions weirdly when she's on the river. (Which river? The Sanzu River? The River Styx? Who knows. It is a river, that's all she is allowed to say.)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Parallel play! Yuuri enjoys bringing her computer into the living room of her and Zack's house so she can work and still be around the people she likes. If she isn't working, she might be down to watch a movie or binge a show together. She can also be convinced to go on a night hike. Her night vision is far better than a human's.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) It takes her a while to open up about herself fully, but once she does, she's pretty cavalier about it. That said, she's still pretty mysterious.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) She is exceptionally patient! Zack is consistently impressed with what she deals with, and wishes he was more like her in that regard. She was a bit more hot-headed when she was alive. Maybe it's being undead that keeps her more mellow?
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Yuuri takes care to remember small details about people, and actually has a record of every person she has ferried to the other side. This reccord can only be accessed by her or one of the judges of the afterlife.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) Yuuri remembers the first night spent with her partner the most fondly, as it's when she started to open up and feel more at ease around them.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Yuuri is VERY protective, and will not hesitate to spill blood for the sake of someone she loves. She has considered throwing someone overboard while ferrying them to the other side, but she refrains. It isn't unheard of for reapers to do that though; without a reaper to guide them, the soul will never reach the other side. This is the fate of those who manage to piss off their guides. As far as being protected, Yuuri doesn't think she really needs it, but she appreciates when people stand up for her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) She tries so hard. You can expect an elegant flower arrangement on your anniversary, and the cutest cakes on your birthday. She wants you to feel loved, after all.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Yuuri isn't always the most expressive person, to begin with and when she's mad, she can be even harder to read. She can also get pretty manipulative when she's angry enough. Fortunately, it takes a LOT to make her angry.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not very. She does her makeup, but she doesn't focus too heavily on how she looks. She can be a bit self-conscious about her hair though. Some people make fun of it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) If she's actually gotten close enough with you to start dating you, then yes.It's getting her to actually form an attachment that's the tricky part.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Yuuri genuinely enjoys ikebana because it encourages her to slow down and take things one step at a time. She teaches friends who are interested in it as well, and often gives out arrangements as gifts.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) She can be a bit fussy about hygiene, but she's generally understanding of bad mental health spells. Aside from that, being a dick to her brother is a good way to end up getting thrown overboard when she ferries you across the river. She also can't stand people who are cruel to animals.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) She tends to curl up when she sleeps, and it makes her look smaller than she already is. Also she drools.
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red-letter-imagines · 2 years
Aside from his joint content with Senju, Sanzu also streams gameplay videos often. He leans more toward survival horror games like Resident Evil and Outlast, and his tendency to curse up a storm during a jumpscare has gone viral more times than he can count. He is guilty of having thrown his mouse or controller at the screen. Senju can be heard cackling in the background, sometimes even Takeomi joins in on the fun via an offscreen voice telling him off or explaining some of the game lore as Sanzu plays.
Senju is known for her hauls and reviews. She keeps up with the latest trends and receives PR packages from various cosmetic brands. Her makeup looks lean more toward the “everyday wearable” side, with a keen interest in complexion products like skin tints and BB creams. Many of her videos feature her putting makeup or nail polish on Sanzu; their fanbase has a consensus that Sanzu looks like a girl in makeup.
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zaenaris · 2 years
Chapter 263: there’s so much to unpack
Oh boy.
So from that one extra in Weekly Shonen Magazine from Wakui, we already knew that Makoto (Papa Sano) died in an accident and that Sakurako (Mama Sano) died from an illness. We didn’t know when tho. I always wondered if it would have been just lore or if it would have been included in the story.
First of all, Makoto confirmed cheater. 
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I gave him the benefit of doubt since we didn’t really know when Sakurako died, but now it’s confirmed he died when Mikey was 3 and that poor woman died after him and she probably helped raising Emma and cared about her even if she wasn’t her daughter, given how heartbroken Emma looked was when Sakurako died. It’s true she probably didn’t have much choice since Granpa Sano decided to take Emma in (it’s not clear when Sakurako fell ill, if Makoto and Sakurako used to live with Shin and Manjiro in their own house and then they moved to Granpa’s after Makoto’s death/when Sakurako fell ill) but given Emma’s reaction and the few moments we see her, she seems a quite nice person, she would have understood it was not Emma’s fault
Maybe when Makoto died (and in the following years), Mikey was too young at the time to understand his father’s actions but, holy shit, Shinichiro was not. I wonder if we will ever see something on Shinichiro’s POV because it was fucked up. I wonder what he thought about his father.
And at any rate, maybe not immediately, but at some point Mikey must have realized what Makoto did. Wonder if in the next chapters/flashback we will learn more because, while Sakurako knew what Makoto did (maybe she learnt about it only when Emma was brought to Granpa Sano’s house when she was 4 and Makoto was already dead, but still, she knew), she never spoke ill of Makoto.
Sure, she was quite cryptical but she always talked about him
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Maybe she was still genuinely in love with him, never got a closure and trying to process everything herself, while trying to preserve some sort of good/neutral image of Makoto to Mikey, until he would have been old enough to make his own idea about his father? Idk, but it’s interesting, especially since Manjiro says “Then I’ll be like daddy too!” (Idk lil dude, it doesn’t sound the best of the ideas to me)
Mikey develops this idea the crying is for weak people, that he hates weak people and since he is strong he must not cry, he has to be strong to protect his mom (and later everyone else)
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which is perfectly normal for a child wanting his mom to get better and to protect her, but, as we have seen many times in the manga, being physically strong won’t save you from pain and loss. Probably he felt he failed in saving his mom.
We saw Mikey crying in the story, but he always try to be strong and hide his sadness
When Mikey scars Haruchiyo, Sakurako was probably dead already, and all these feelings Mikey had and couldn’t process, only worsened. 
It’s interesting tho that Sanzu and Baji where still with Mikey after what he did to Haru - it’s implied some time passed, since Haru’s hair is longer (and Sanzu already was already on cloud nine watching Mikey beating the shit out of everyone. I guess the moment that changed Sanzu definitely was when he got scarred). Anyway, I still need Sanzu’s pov on this shit and what happened immediately after that because sure as hell Shin and Takeomi must have been terrified to see Mikey like that, Haru covered in blood and laughing and Senju in tears.
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We know that in this period of time, Mikey was particularly vicious and that he calmed down only when he met Draken, which happen at the end of the chapter. Guess we will see his meeting with Draken from Mikey’s POV and we will see how this event changed him and his ideas.
The both look like lost puppies, how can they be so precious😭
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kisakis-boyfriend · 28 days
The lore of the Sanzu and Ran rabies anons is cinematic material. I'm bouncing on my seat with popcorns seeing how the universes create like the big bang
Right? It's like some mystery novel is unraveling in my inbox 👀🍿
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Hey! How about Wakasa for the character ask game?
Thank you for asking!! Didn't expect him at all, so that's v nice!
My first impression
Ah. Ikemen — niccce
Oh wait Black Dragon founders??? HELL YEAH; important AND interesting! Bring BD lore in!
My impression now
He carried sm and he deserves his vacation and to be drowning in beer doing nothing but fishing all days like he dreams to. Shinichiro's death and reveal about Time Leaping messed with his head a bit so that's why he's not as energetic as he was as a teen. When he makes a decision, he knows it and what it can trigger but he still does it cold-headed if he feels he has to. Wish we had more on him so I could dig more without feeling like I'm making things up. Ikemen.
Thanks you for revealing the fact Shinichiro was a time leaper, Wakasa
Favorite thing about that character
He knows how to keep secrets but he reveals them when he feels it's necessary. Keeping secret and being trusted is good and all, but the fact he's willing to share the truth after years of silence because he thinks Mikey deserves to be told? To know exactly what's happening to him and why? To know about what his brother's done? It may not change anything to Mikey's state (it likely didn't) – it's too late –but at least he'll know why.
He's the sole reason we got the Original Timeline flashback/arc. And for that reason only—
Least favorite thing
Like the rest of BD 1st gen: How little we saw of him!!! :(
There's too little information!!!
Also the fact his hair was half-cropped disturbed me at first (but I've learnt to love his zebra haircut)
Favorite line/scene
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"Honestly speaking, I'm glad Manjiro died." (Chapter 270)
Where he was coming from was understandable – but that was still unexpected and the fact he said that to Shinichiro out of everyone.. Wakasa mourned Mikey already, and cannot bear to lose Shinichiro. He rather lose his friend's brother than his friend. And it's not like he takes the value of Mikey's life away (he suggests to celebrate his passing after all) but Wakasa is not one to have a confused and unsure mind. He doesn't like wasting time with overthinking. He has clear-cut answers to everything, and he's glad that Mikey died, and it's sincere – he's not a liar – and he was scared he'd completely lose his friend and he really, really thinks that now that Mikey's dead, Shinichiro is freed of every burden (he'd take a while to recover but he will, it's Shinichiro) and then it doesn't happen. He loses his friend anyway.
His introduction scene is one of my favorite too – first we can't see him coming, and then he's so tiny next to Kakucho???
Favorite interaction that character has with another
The hime moment avjfklalxkb big brother figure Waka W
The mutual trust he and Benkei have when fighting (and outside of that, I'm sure) is also top-tier
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
Sanzu and Takeomi. Takeomi, because Wakasa and Benkei are only ever seen interacting with Shinichiro and Takeomi's chapter is 3/4 about Shinichiro but there's this uncomfortable wall canon (unwillingly or not) but between Takeomi and Wakasa&Benkei that I Don't LikeTM (it's really interesting tho! Ofc their relationship is tense, but I just wish to see how it was before Takeomi got corrupted. Or even when he was, but before the end of BD.) They founded BD together!! They saw each other maybe daily for 5 years straight – their teenage years – wdym there's almost nothing about them!!(aside from Wakasa's 'A day in his life', Benkei's 'A day in his life' and Takeomi's 'feared/disliked person'???)
And then Sanzu.. Wakasa and Benkei are taking care of Senju – it'd be nice to know what they think of Haruchiyo. If they used to interact with him (and Senju, and the other kids) when he was younger; what their thought about Takeomi regarding the situation, ...
I know the Akashi siblings' nickname is the 'mysterious siblings' but still. I need answer goddammit.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Hikishima from Wild Strawberry
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They both like sweet, are strong, look younger than they are, and most importantly: they're both short—
A headcanon about that character
Okay, you gotta hear me out-
His relationship with Benkei was totally inspired by Yoshitsune no Minamoto and Benkei from Japanese History. Hence, Wakasa comes from a rather wealthy family. He's the youngest of a handful of siblings and was born out of wedlock (he's still loved dw). Most of his physical appearance comes from his mother.
(Also – yes he does like lollipops and has a sweet tooth but the stick he constantly has in his mouth is a dango stick. And I'll die on this hill.)
A song that reminds of that character
Oof, though one!
哀悼、そして日常は続く(:"Farewell and then the everydays continue") covered by 宮下遊(Miyashita Yuu) perhaps? It doesn't only remind me of Wakasa so I'm not completely satisfied but here. Let's grieve Shinichiro together.
(Edit: forgot to mention! The translated lyrics can be found in the comments!)
An unpopular opinion about that character
I think the fact I like Takeomi more is not the general consensus lol It's just that canon offers more elements to understand Takeomi's character depth yknow?
Favorite picture
The hidden 28th volume cover. Idk. His posture scratches my brain right.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
okay, sorry, totally random but i am living for the mitsu lore. the love triangle between you, meguru and sanzu is so interesting (well not a love triangle anymore because sanzu is already out of the picture, sorry). i feel like sanzu is that male lead that doesn’t want the female lead and meguru is the second male lead that ACTUALLY has feelings for her. soz its night time and my mind is running wild.
no because i love how my lovely followers are very invested in my character anons (as they should!! my character anons work very hard and i love them with all my heart) and it’s so cute to see your opinions on them!!! also, this is so amazing i didn’t even think of it this way 😭 ‘sanzu is out of the picture’ PLSSSSSSSS i have faith in him :(
and that thing about the male lead and female lead? omfnsksndnsksksn KDRAMA WHO????????? also yes i tend to chase after men who don’t want me
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
oh i am absolutely up for joining y’alls band au with hcs and stuff 👁
also still busy reading through the lore but i have one question. do hanma and/or sanzu have a tongue piercing? that’s all i need to know.
actually i lied, more brainrot that just came to me: i think sanzu would look really cool with snakebites- assuming he still has his scars i think at some point he should get so confident abt them that he gets snakebites to even further highlight them
i have a sanzu obsession as well as a snakebite obsession forgive me
welcome to the circus my friend
what if i wanted to give kokonoi the tongue piercing. what then. /hj no bcuz i was gonna be like omg yeah sanzu has it now since hez a :P character (i think) but then i was like hol' up.........who's the og :P...? KOKO. so yeah he gets it now and little addition to it is that inui is obsessed with it. thatz it.
bUT YES SANZU HAVING SNAKEBITES<33333 fits their band's vibe too frfr!
its ok elys virtue has her shuji obsession u can have ur sanzu obsession
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