#scar is almost always used to further grian and his angst
bipbopdepmop · 4 months
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something something these guys are almost always used as just a sidepiece to grian
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fruitwanderer · 8 months
I don't. Understand people thinking Bdubs is a cheaty kind of guy. His whole THING is choosing A Person and sticking to them - he's loyal to a FAULT. Just because his brand of loyalty involves sarcasm, banter, and a slightly twisted definition doesn't mean it's not REAL to him. Because part of his loyalty is running himself into a blade if he thinks it can help His Person.
BDUBS made Scar run for Mayor. BDUBS made Ren take up the King's Crown. BDUBS took it from "oh, our lives are tied together this time?" to "Impulse and I are in LOVE."
Now, yes, he gets the big Traitor brand on his back, because of 3rd Life. "Oh, Bdubs betrayed his closest ally for a clock!" OR!!!!! OR!!!!! Bdubs recognized an inseparable pair in Grian and Scar, knows that he's not good enough to help Impulse beat them in a head-on 2v2, and throws himself on a metaphorical sword to give Impulse sympathy in the eyes of the audience!!! Either he kills Impulse, and things play out exactly as they do - or Impulse beats him, and looks a hero for it! (And Impulse might actually be smart enough to find away around the bond of the desert, in a way Bdubs can't.)
Bdubs threw himself onto the poisoned blade of Reputation, in a way that the fandom seems poised to ensure he can never recover from. Anyone can betray anyone else, but it'll always cycle back to Bdubs somehow. He played the long game, and chose the Heel role, and he'll choose it every god damn time if it'll make the people he care look a little more the Face.
Coughs. I mean. Uh. Bdub.
Thinking about this thinking about this cus like
Okay we, in my system, call him many things, but the main two? Bastard and Fool.
He is a bastard, he is a fuckin bastard when he feels like it. Again pointing to Last Life, but also pointing to 3rd Life when he put Etho to death for the crime of wearing a helmet when they were in green.
As for fool? It's because he can be foolish, or seem foolish. He's the jester that mocks the king and hopes he can get away with him, but sometimes he simply can't.
And him being a bastard and a fool is part of the ecosystem of the servers he's on, no matter what server. Attack of the B-Team? He was a bastard. (Yes I am mentioning that series, I feel ancient at the mention of is name. We didn't watch Bdubs then, but we're def not gonna watch it now).
And also thinking about this reminds me of LimLife and what feels like an almost untapped source of angst for Bdubs.
Because it is true, in the Life Series, that he is The Traitor. Further on that, it is true not many trust him, especially when it gets later in the season. Just thinking about TIES using him as an excuse, someone to pin the blame on and mock. Thinking about how genuinely hurt Bdubs was after he was killed by Impulse and Tango, immediately wanting to seek revenge.
Just gah, he can be such a self-centered prick in the Life Series, but he's one that actually cares about and has loyalty to His Guy and that's something I adore about his character.
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i-am-bibbling-piss · 2 years
Watching their Watcher escape. (Writing!)
Still new to using Tumblr, so I’m unsure of how all this cool shit works. Enjoy the drabble though! This is my take on a Watcher Grian, so I’m gonna make him a special boy that didn’t get to go home! Light warning for angst and descriptions of pain. 
Discs. Grian blinks awake, unsure of when he even fell asleep. The cold void greets him as it always has, empty and shining with stars that don’t truly exist. Yet this time, it’s different. There’s a pulsing warmth moving towards him, something he can barely remember before the time the watchers decided to claim him. They were so proud of him for being who he was, stripping him of his joy and excitement and leaving him in the inky darkness like a decoration, a trophy to show to all your friends to prove you’ve done things. On rare occasions they’d visit, stroking his hair and mumbling about how amazing and wonderful he was, but then they’d leave, his skin still tingling where they held him so gently. So cold. But… Warmth. This is new. Bee boy. Shifting, Grian’s muscles and bones ache to the core from not moving for god knows how long, screaming in protest as he reaches out to the gentle pulsing. Despite the pain flaring up, he continues, almost numbly so as he becomes desperate to feel that warmth on him. It changes and heats up further as he reaches out further. He’s now stretching his arm with light pops and cracks in the joints from lack of use, the sounds disappearing into the void. Echoes of laughter and voices he can’t recognize sing back to him as he drifts closer. Did he finally find an escape? …Did he not recognize his friend’s voices? Fear claws up his throat, and despite the flash of sharp stinging that makes his mind blank for just a moment, he strains both arms to reach forward, flailing them in hope to see his friends again. To remember their faces. The warmth surrounds him and soothes the aching, a hoarse whimper pulling out of his throat as he sinks into it. Black space and blue tinted lights fade into a glowing orange color, bright with clouds dotting the scene… There in front of him. A boy. Grian can feel the tears running down his cheeks at seeing someone for the first time since he’s left that cold place, limbs shaking with effort.
Feeling seeps into his nerves all at once. The grass under his feet, rocks and sticks digging in painfully to the sensitive skin. The wind moving past him in swirls of energy and life. The warmth of the sun on his face as it sinks down past the edge of the world. “Who the fuck are you?” Golden hair with a streak of white… None of his friends had hair like that. Did they? “What the actual fuck-” They stumble back, and Grian shakily raises his own hands. Talons? Paws? Grian looks down at his own hands. They look… different. He looks at the stranger’s hands. Pale skin with light scarring, five fingers extended with nails on the ends of each. Grian looks down at his own once again. Scaly and black. Flipping them, there are paw pads tinted a dark purple on the palms, sharp talons curling inward when he flexes each of the five fingers individually. “You- Are you a god? Are you with XD?” Everything is too much. Too much new information. “I-” His voice. “I don’t-” What’s wrong with his voice? “I don’t know.” Grian swallows back the wave of inhuman noises that threaten to spill past his lips, trembling like a leaf as his voice comes out… different. It echoes and swirls in the air like a chanting of voices rather than his own. Looking at the stranger, they seem to have heard the same thing, fear in their eyes. “I- Please. Please help me.” He lowers his voice to a soft whisper, afraid that if he speaks loudly again he’ll break down into tears with how much it reminds him of them. Hesitance. Grian’s begging a child to help him. Of all people, he should be seeing a therapist, and that thought alone is enough to make more tears fall. It’s surprising how much he remembers when he’s finally back home. Back as a player. And here he is. Asking someone who probably doesn’t even get involved in large server drama until they’re of age to heal the scars that Grian has endured, scars that therapy would help heal somewhat. “Alright. C’mon, you’re gonna attract attention with those eyes and wings ‘n shit.” A hand on his. Grian’s skin erupts into pins and needles at the touch, warmth flaring under his skin as his bones creak and melt into lava. It’s painful, and he widens his eyes as more tears fall. He can’t form the words to describe the touch fully, but the chanting in his mind screams pain over and over until it’s a symphony of shrieks and yells. Everything goes black.
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