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lostxmelody · 6 months
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minchiutau · 7 years
Quartet Night Live Evolution Pamphlet Interview Translation
I’ve seen some of the scans of the photos going around but nothing about the interview part and as a QN trash i am, here i am translating it! But first let me translate what these seiyuus wrote on their respective sign Morikubo Showtaro: Tonight for sure, EVOLUTION!! Suzuki Tatsuhisa: For everyone’s sake Aoi Shouta: From now on, forever Maeno Tomoaki: We are Quartet Night!
(Long post ahead)
Morikubo Showtaro as Kotobuki Reiji
When you first heard about QUARTET NIGHT solo live, what did you think about it?
“Eh? What kind of joke is this?!” was what crossed my mind. On 5th live greeting, because I said something like “This time, it’ll be our Evolution Eve!”, the staffs told me “You said something like that, right? Then let’s do the ‘evolution’!” And “Oops i’ve done it” was what crossed my mind after that *laughs*. When we first appeared at live, we performed with “Excuse us, we’ll be in your care,” kind of feeling. It’s thanks to STARISH that QUARTET NIGHT is able to be the way it is right now, so I was surprised. But even with the four of us, if with this chance we would be able to show audience the ‘continuation’ we weren’t able to in previous time, maybe it’s a thing we have to do after all.
Please let us hear your goal regarding the solo live!
We have to show you our ‘evolution’; not only for the new songs, but we have to level-up our performances of the songs already performed in the past, so I’m feeling nervous now. But of course, we will have the chance to do stuffs we couldn’t do on all-character concert so I’m also excited for it. It’s such a chance for us-- so I want to make it a time where the audience will say “It’s exactly what QUARTET NIGHT concert should be!”. Coincidentally, when staff told me about the plan for the first time, Tatsuhisa was also on the same place. He also shared same thoughts with me, and i felt like ‘even without saying anything we all have same feelings’ and it made me happy. 
What is the song you like the most from QUARTET NIGHT?
It’s hard to choose just one song. But the one with deep memories for me was when we all look at each other and walk around in circles on ‘Marriage’ stage performance. It was really fun and it felt like the four of us is finally one. We all looked at each other’s face while smiling and singing. It was unforgettable. 
Other than Reiji’s song, is there any QUARTET NIGHT member solo song you want to sing?
This will be really off-topic.. but when Myuu-chan and AiAi sang ‘Tsukiakari no DEAREST’, their harmonies feels really good. And when it comes to ‘RISE AGAIN’ Rei-chan and RanRan will sing as if they’re howling their feelings out. The four of us have different things we’re good at, and that’s exactly our strong point. When on duet like those, it feels like we’re pulling out each other strong points.
It’s the theme for the pamphlet photos, but if you could think of one place, what kind of place would you prefer for a night date? What do you think would be the answer if Reiji is the one answering?
I love car, so it might be a drive date. To get across the Aqua-Line and head towards Chiba-- go through the bay coast and after that we’ll turn back and take break at Odaiba. If it’s Rei-chan he’ll probably take his partner to a Ferris Wheel in Odaiba. By request, he might even take the ‘Kotobuki bento’ with him *laughs*
Please tell us your “Legend Memory”.
I think everyone already know how Shouta sang all demo/prototype-version of early utapri songs. The more he sang throughout the series, he started to be able to copy the characteristics of the actual character voices. Even later, we were able to tell who’s supposed to sing at what part without seeing the lyrics card. At the end, his version even became a reference for me. That skill, was ‘legendary’!
What makes you feel glad to be able to voice Reiji?
Reiji is a mood-maker, but he’s actually shouldering a lot of things; You could feel the depth on him, which is very human-like. There’s a lot of things i could relate from him. The more i act as him, I feel more ‘synchronized’ with him as a person. As a voice actor, it’s an encounter i feel really grateful for. I like singing and dancing, but for me who’s not good at doing both at the same time-- meeting Reiji helps me overcame my weakness. Also, all of the staffs always do their best to support us and it makes me really happy to be able to create something with them. I’m really grateful to be able to feel how much love their poured on this project.
How was 4th season of the anime?
Up till now, no matter what kind of words were thrown, Reiji always went “Now, now~”; But this time, he showed us his cold expression and even went out on his own leaving “I can’t take this anymore” as last words. I saw the Rei-chan i haven’t seen before. Maybe, his anger pilled up along with “I can’t do this anymore” kind of feeling, and halfway he felt deep sadness. As people get older, we do have tendency to feel sadness between our anger. That part feels so him for me. If he couldn’t smile, he probably thought he had no choice but to go away. To be honest, i thought the scene was hard to do. I was really nervous at the recording, but when it started, I’m glad i was able to do it naturally without thinking much.
What kind of role Reiji has among Quartet Night?
He’s what ‘unites’ QUARTET NIGHT. Even so, Rei-chan himself is actually just happen to be the oldest and the most experienced among them so he unconsciously became the mediator. It’s not quite like “Without me they’re done” kind of feeling. His motivation is probably something else. I think, he purely thinks “Even though our personalities are really different, when it’s combined it’ll definitely bring unbeatable power so I want to sing with the three of them!”
Suzuki Tatsuhisa as Kurosaki Ranmaru
How was today pamphlet photo-shoot?
The car used as props was really cool. Though when we’re talking about Ranmaru, it should’ve been a bicycle *laughs*. I always feel like this, but when shooting for Utapri I feel confused in what position should i act. Even when I want to, I’m not Ranmaru. At one side, i’ve been blessed with a chance to be able to show an image of those world.. with such dilemma in mind, i tried searching what i could do. If i’m alone i feel uneasy not knowing what’s ‘right’, so I’m glad Maeno joined me from midway. To tell you the truth, it would make me feel the most comfortable if the four of us are here, though. 
When you first heard about QUARTET NIGHT solo live, what did you think about it?
When i expressed about how “I want to take revenge” on 5th stage, I wasn’t even thinking of this possibility. The first time i heard about how this live ‘might’ take shape was a bit later. Of course, “Is that for real?” came into my mind. But utapri staffs are people who wouldn’t stop once they start proposing a plan, so I hope this live could widen the world of utapri. It seems like they received our feelings toward QUARTET NIGHT and started working on the plan and prepare stuffs needed. As a mere voice actor, i can’t say much-- but I feel really happy to be able to see the actual fruits of each seeds planted by them.
Please let us hear your goal regarding the solo live!
Through the anime and the game, each time i read the dialogues, i feel that my understanding about Ranmaru has deepened and increased. We’ve been blessed with a chance to hold a live, so within my power as a voice actor i want to be able to convey a live which will leave the audience saying “So this is how Quartet Night would be if they’re real..” and feel satisfied with our performance. There’s no way it could go perfectly at one-go, and there might be a lot of tasks to do, but i’d be happy if i could answer it one by one.
What is the song you like the most from Quartet Night?
Song from 2nd Season of the anime, “Poison KISS”. It really feels like they jumped out from the game world. Also “Excuse us, from now on we’ll be joining here.” feeling was strong for me. I was also really happy to be able to see QUARTET NIGHT moving on screen. I saw the scene with a lot of feelings mixed as one. While asking myself about why it felt so great to see it turned into anime, i came into different way of thinking. It feels so different to imagine a scene inside my mind and to lend the strength of an animator.  Also one more song, the one in which Showtaro-san said he cried while recording-- “KIZUNA”. From now on, it’s probably a song which will grow even deeper within our feelings. 
Other than Ranmaru’s song, is there any Quartet Night member solo song you want to sing?
It feels strange, but I came to remember all of other member songs sang on live to the point that i would unconsciously hum those songs. This is what happens often with QUARTET NIGHT. But rather than to sing those songs, i want to sit among the audience and feel each ‘world’ painted by those songs. With that, i would probably face Ranmaru and he would say “After all, I’d only do it in my own way.”
It’s the theme for the pamphlet photos, but if you could think of one place, what kind of place would you prefer for a night date? What do you think would be the answer if Ranmaru is the one answering?
This is completely my own preference, but I’ll probably go to see a late-night movie. Also, rather than a pub, I want to search for a late-night pancake house. I mean somehow, i always crave for sweets at midnight. Ranmaru would probably take her partner with his bicycle to a riverside or something. But in the end they might ended up going at their usual recording studio. 
How was 4th season of the anime?
It was a season when our power as a group strengthened. Up until now, QUARTET NIGHT was more or less just four people somehow gathered as a group. After this season, their sense as a group becomes stronger. We talked jokingly in the past about how “If Reiji is missing QUARTET NIGHT would probably disband” but i wasn’t expecting it would actually turned into such story *laughs*. He’s what glued them together, what bonds them. 
Please tell us your “Legend Memory”.
At the start of the year when i returned home, it somehow ended up with me reading my graduation essay. I felt legendary-level embarrassed at stuffs written on it to the point that i want to bury myself on the ground. 
What makes you feel glad to be able to voice Ranmaru?
To be able to meet all of the staffs, and of course all of the casts. As the season continues, of course i feel grateful to directors of each season, but also for the fact that I had more chance to talk with other casts and to build up a good relationship with them. Just like how Ranmaru gave me a lot of things, I would be happy if i could give something back to Ranmaru.
What kind of role Ranmaru has among QUARTET NIGHT?
Maybe, the stoic one. He’s the type of person who wouldn’t let any drop in quality. And when it comes to the one ‘bad at giving up’, he definitely won’t lose to anyone. 
Aoi Shouta as Mikaze Ai
When you first heard about QUARTET NIGHT solo live, what did you think about it?
The four of us always got fired up talking about stuffs like “What kind of song would be great next?” but until now we’ve always been on the same stage as everyone from STARISH so it never even crossed my mind to be able to hold a solo live. I was really surprised, so at the beginning i was on “Are we really doing it?” stance... That it’s really happening, not to mention we’re getting close to the actualization-- I still can’t believe it.
Please let us hear your goal regarding the solo live!
The news came to audience on 4th season of the anime and everyone is probably putting their hopes up for it so i’m feeling really nervous. But the fact that it granted me a chance to sing as the part of four makes me really happy! Shouldering QUARTET NIGHT’s Mikaze Ai, I want to overcome all the pressure and enjoy it to the fullest along with the members-- and of course everyone!
What is the song you like the most from QUARTET NIGHT?
The one i personally like the most is probably “KIZUNA”. Thanks to all of the support, we were able to leave a result on our single. From now on, i think this song would be the one which both of us members and all of the people supporting QUARTET NIGHT up till now, could be proud of. I also consider “God’s S.T.A.R” a special song for me as it was also a song which united the bonds between the four of them.  It was hard for me to choose, but I like the two songs from 4th season which in my opinion, ‘describe’ the current QUARTET NIGHT.
Other than Ai’s song, is there any QUARTET NIGHT member solo song you want to sing?
Rather than wanting to sing any of it, I love how our individual performances describe our different personalities accurately. To sing with a maracas-mic is something only Reiji could do, and of course there was time i felt “That must be nice..” or “As expected from Reiji!”. If it’s Ai there’s no other choice but to hold a computer while singing *laughs*. Also looking at Ranmaru’s solo at 5th live, as a person involved in this work and as an individual, I could feel how he was shouldering everything in front of the stage. He (Tatsun) said “It’s not 100%”, but personally i felt surge of power even more than that. Camus-sama is camus-sama, I could never forget how he came down from the sky. It was obviously a scary place to stand on (heights). But Tomo-nii, he really became Camus-sama. 
It’s the theme for the pamphlet photos, but if you could think of one place, what kind of place would you prefer for a night date? What do you think would be the answer if Ai is the one answering?
Maybe a private cafe.. or more like we would be reserving a cafe and we would be eating an original menu created by myself. If i could cook well, I want to create a fruit sandwich tower like Ai did. This was a part explained in the game, but Ai would probably take his partner to ride on a Ferris Wheel or to go to the Aquarium-- such place where he could create memories. 
Please tell us your “Legend Memory”.
This is not exactly a memory, but for me it’s ‘not to wear underwear while recording’. There was one time when I was covered in sweat after a dance practice and the next job was recording for a song. At that time i didn’t bring a change so i took it off and did it. Surprisingly i was able to sing it in correct nuance. From that on, when i considered a song difficult, i don’t wear one on the recording. 
What makes you feel glad to be able to voice Ai?
I’ve always had a complex for my own voice. I first got the chance to voice Ai when i was troubled about whether i could survive voice-act world or not with this kind of voice. His attitude and approach towards his work thought me a lot of things. At first, i felt really anxious to participate as ‘senpai’ role of STARISH. But I felt really happy knowing how utapri fans came to love Ai and it gave me a lot of strength. It reminded me that “I have to work harder as Aoi Shouta”. Because Ai exists-- because everyone is by my side, I could spend my day everyday cheerfully with a smile!
How was 4th season of the anime?
At the part where the three of them looked at the night-sky, Ranmaru and Camus were about to fight again. But this time, rather than doing the usual “Stop it.” it felt like Ai came to a realization about how “It can’t keep going on like this.” and tried to stand between them. He was probably anxious about losing what they always consider ‘usual’. To be able to share feelings with people on his side, I felt like he learned a different thing from what Haruka taught him inside the game on this season.
What kind of role Ai has among QUARTET NIGHT?
The one who passes information to Reiji. Something like “These two are fighting again!” or “Geez, father say something!” *laughs*. That was also one of the reason they were about to get disbanded though.. In usual position, he’s the youngest child who unconsciously makes others want to take care of him, but at the 4th season he’s the one who tries to calm down his hard-to-control older brothers with a “Good grief...”
Maeno Tomoaki as Camus
How was today pamphlet photo-shoot?
A vintage car was used at the shooting and as someone who loves car-- my tension went up. The car had classy-vibe on it, it was wonderful. On 2nd episode of 4th season, when “KIZUNA” was played, on the music video there was also a car like this. Next time, it would be nice if we could hold a shooting with the four of us. 
When you first heard about QUARTET NIGHT solo live, what did you think about it?
My heart was thumping so loud it was about to burst out (<<he said doki doki de kowaresou LOL) *laughs*. I’ve heard about how the staffs was ‘planning something’, but considering how busy the four of us when it comes to schedule, and also problems of the hall; I thought it was only “It would be nice if we could do it~” kind of talk. So when they finally told us “We’ll be doing it on this date!”, I deeply felt “Ah, It’s really going to hapen, huh?”
Please let us hear your goal regarding the solo live!
QUARTET NIGHT, after all is a group who participated from halfway of the series, so of course i had my doubts about it. But the fact that we were granted such a place by everyone who supported and watched over the growth of the characters, is such an honor for me. So it’ll be nice if it could be a stage fitting to be titled “A payback” to everyone. The amount of people performing declined so unlike the usual live we might be having a lot of troubles, but that included, I want to create a nice stage with the four of us.
What is the song you like the most from QUARTET NIGHT?
For me it’s our first group song, which gave me the chance to be on utapri for the first time, “ QUARTET★NIGHT”. To think of it now,  the song started with “Tsuite oide (follow us) LEGEND DAYS”. But on our newest song “God’s S.T.A.R”  there was a phrase “Densetsu nante namanurui (Things like ‘Legend’ are not enough)”, somehow you can feel their evolution. I wonder if Agematsu-san and his crews created those songs with such purpose on their mind. They’re such a story-progress-oriented group. 
Other than Camus’s song, is there any QUARTET NIGHT member solo song you want to sing?
Hmm.. each of the songs are made of the character existence, so i can’t think of it that way. I think each song is wonderful they way it is.
It’s the theme for the pamphlet photos, but if you could think of one place, what kind of place would you prefer for a night date? What do you think would be the answer if Camus is the one answering?
I want to spend time on a place where you could see nice night-scenery or illumination; and after that, to drink good-quality wine on a nice restaurant. If it’s Camus, he’ll definitely take his mademoiselle to a place she wants to. If she says anywhere is fine, he’ll probably escort her to a secret cherished place... while probably falling from the sky *laughs*.
 Please tell us your “Legend Memory”.
It was when Tatsuhisa was injured at 5th live. QUARTET NIGHT naturally, but also along with STARISH as one, we were united on a feeling of ‘wanting to deliver the best thing we could’. Injury is a really serious thing, but it was an unforgettable experience for me.
How was 4th season of the anime?
There was that one scene when Cecil received an advice from Camus directly. With that scene, i was able to realize how their relationship with STARISH also getting better. Even with a lot of things happened, QUARTET NIGHT was able to reunite and even do a tour together.. they grew a lot as a group, and I think it’s really cool.
What makes you feel glad to be able to voice Camus?
To be able to receive a chance to perform in front of everyone on a big stage. To begin with, i’m the type to feel really attached to each character I acted as. Even among it, Camus feels really special to me. To change atmosphere, i wear camus’ cologne, and I even started wearing contact lens on daily life after wearing one on live-- those are the biggest changes. So that more people could feel the character through me, i even wore blue-color contact lenses on my works after 5th live. I really love the group called QUARTET NIGHT. I don’t want to feel any regret such as “I should’ve done that like this...”, so I want to do everything i could with my best.
What kind of role Camus has among QUARTET NIGHT?
To describe it in one word, he’s their ‘Joker’. There’ll be a time other people would be troubled by how to properly place his ‘high status’, but once it’s matched on place, he has an image of a powerful guard. To tell the truth, Camus and Ai have limitless potential to the point that I won’t be surprised if they start flying to the sky *laughs*. On the other side, it increases the hurdle for me; but that’s exactly why i think i have to work harder. For me, he’s also someone who gave me a goal to reach.
Thank you for taking time to read!
There’s another cross-interview part with Morikubo/Shoutan and Tatsu/Maeno, but it’ll be too long to include here, so I’ll translate it on different post soon!
Also check out my report of the actual live if you haven’t!
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