#selachii sorry
sharkapology · 4 years
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Living for the shark tracking app
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sharkapology · 5 years
Sharks are your friends :-)!
"b-but they kill people!"
Well, one, that's a flawed view of an statistic that's not nearly as common as you'd think; two, that's a common phenomena spread worldwide by the 70's movie Jaws which kick-started every other monster shark movie, completing the shark fearmongering cycle of hell.
Three! They keep nature balanced by being a predator and like any fucking predator, they're important for population control. Being an apex predator/at the top of the food chain in most ecosystems makes them key to controlling a lot of predator species, even, giving they can occupy tons of places in a food chain/web at once. So if you extinguish a shark species, you guessed it! You've done it fucked up! Natures gonna go fucking bonkers! Fuck you!
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sharkapology · 5 years
Get one thing straight about sharks!
They are predators.
Just like dogs, cats, and a bunch of other fluffy mammals.
But that doesn't mean they're evil.
It just means you need to be careful wherever they inhabit, and just. Not go swimming when they're around, not purposefully hurt them, etc. You know? Like any predator!
But most importantly, unlike a lot of animals that attack us (and sharks don't even do it that much, at all) sharks dont do it to eat us. We aren't even tasty enough for them, or nutritious enough. They bite because they want to taste or out of curiosity.
You know what makes sharks die and starve? Humans polluting their environment, they live there. We use the beach for leisure and fun, but they LIVE there. They breathe, eat, and sleep in the beaches and oceans. They have more rights to be there than we do.
So remember!
🦈fatal shark accidents are extremely rare and more often than not would occur due to blood loss instead of eating a human
🦈sharks live in that beach, you came into their home for fun and now you're kicking them out
🦈sharks and rays are hunted by the millions for food or byproducts from their bodies, or killed on sight (sharks) because of worldwide fear
🦈you can't "replace" anything in nature. The biological imbalances and impacts that causes are catastrophical and the food webs can't be restored without the apex predators.
🦈speaking of which, you are NOT part of a water based food chain at all. Unless by a super rare accident, in this case with sharks, you won't be part of it.
🦈some sharks are indeed hyper violent and territorial. But take the last characteristic in mind: you're in it's territory, you built something for it to live in. They live there. You're playing there. Get out if you know where they live. (I'm talking about the bull/zambezi shark and the tiger shark)
If you want a source, here's one, but you can search abt the other stuff I said here.
Don't go out there claiming to own the beach where other species live. Just because an animal kills a person, it doesn't mean it's bad: it means it's an aggressive predator and you should stay out. But also, I'm not saying anyone who dies in an animal attack deserved it for not following the warnings, of course I'm not.
Just be careful with shark warnings and DONT go anywhere that's notorious for having a large shark gathering.
And remember: sharks don't infest waters, they live there!
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