#senomon tech
enhashoutout · 4 months
Things I noticed while watching High and Low the Worst X again
I was watching High and Low The Worst X while I was on lunch break and then had more realizations and wanted to write about them lol
These are probably nothing new and someone else probably already noticed these but I wanted to make a post about them sooooo
I’ve watched the movie so many times now idk why I just realized the weight of the three scenes I’m about to talk about. But also I feel like I notice something new every time I watch the movies so I'm gonna cut myself some slack.
Amagai being the only character in the movie who genuinely doesn’t have a sense of friendship/comradery with anyone else.
The first time we see the 3 schools alliance meeting is the opening of the movie, and I remember when I first watched the movie I was like "well damn this looks like a solid ass team" only to find out later that they were in fact not really a team lol 😂 but anywaysss
Watching the movie this time I just realized what Fujin says to Amagai in the first scene in the restaurant where the 3 schools are holding their meetings.
Reiji is first to jump up and say "Let's get this brawl started," and Ghandi jumps in telling Amamgai that their troupes and weapons are ready. Shoji laughs and says that weapons are typical Kamasaka behavior which prompts them to jump at him and Fujin, Raijin, and the other Ebara guys jump straight to his defense while Shoji continues sitting. Amagai tells them to "get us more" while tossing the money bundles in their direction.
Every single fuckin character in this scene's facial expressions have me dying because the disbelief on their faces😂
Shoji looking at Amagai like he's full of shit.
Fujin, Raijin, and Ghandi are looking at him like "wtf?"
The background characters are looking at him in disbelief also like I was WHEEZING when I realized this. Back to the characters who are the main focus of this specific camera frame though, Ghandi and Fujin.
Both characters turn to Amagai with the BIGGEST look of disbelief on their faces and Fujin says "You don't trust we can do it huh?"
To which Amagai says "What's the use in trusting you guys?" and goes on a spiel about how being powerful means you trust no one and not even giving them a slight chance. He also goes on to say that being powerful means bringing everyone else down to their knees and tells the other 3 schools "Just shut up and stick with me. I'll show you what it's like to be at the top." Ryo's face when he says this is a whole other conversation for another day.
I'M SORRY BUT THE LOOKS REIJI AND SHOJI GIVE HIM AFTER HIS LITTLE SPIEL HAD ME ROLLING🤣 Like both characters gave him the most judgmental expression and then you got Shoji over here looking away and rolling his eyes PUH-LEASE I AM DEAD🤣
Aside from all of this being extremely funny to me, this plays into my point from above. Yes, all these looks are super funny but it really shows how as "bad" as the other guys are they still run in the same way that Oya and the other S.W.O.R.D gangs do, through friendship and comradery.
Fujin asked "You don't trust we can do it huh?" because Ebara most likely runs on comradery as well. You don't pay someone to do shit for you, they just know to trust each other to get it done. This is a concept that Amagai does not and can not understand because he's been conditioned to believe that the people around him are not worthy of trust or friendship due to his status, they just work for him. As long as he throws money at their feet, they'll do what he wants.
That's like kind of sad actually, the fact that the other "antagonists" of the film still know friendship and he doesn't... I still hate his guts though. We love Ryoki but we don't love his character Amagai.
The way Shoji vs Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he’s working for Amagai
I think everyone can agree that within that 3 school alliance, Shoji Sameoka was the only character with working brain cells (full offense to all the other characters lol no one else in that room had critical thinking skills I swear). From the first meeting we see, the audience can already tell Shoji is the only character who has doubts about this alliance but also questions it; while everyone else has doubts but proceed to just follow Amagai's orders. This eventually leads to Shoji being the one to suggest that Ebara drop out of the alliance because he thinks it’s stupid which then leads to him agreeing to Todoroki’s terms of dropping out of the alliance if Todoroki wins against Fujin and Raijin. I feel like Shoji as a person judges the other characters based on what he knows/hears about them.
We see this when he confronts Suzaki. Shoji asks Suzaki why he would come to Senomon and work under Amagai when he was the one running Nami High. Suzaki tells him to mind his own business. Shoji is asking Suzaki from a place of strength. Based on the dialogue, it seems like Shoji knew Suzaki and Amagai’s reputations before this alliance. I deduce this down to Shoji knowing that Suzaki was the strongest at Nami High and knowing that Amagai isn’t actually physically strong compared to the other characters, he just likes to cause trouble and make others work for him. People fear Amagai not for his strength or skills as a fighter, but simply because he has the money and status to be at the “top”.
This brings me to believe that Shoji was asking why someone as strong as Suzaki would even work under Amagai who is clearly not a match for him strength wise. It seems like Shoji is asking Suzaki why he would be scared of Amagai’s money and work under him when Suzaki is clearly stronger. I think this is because the Ebara guys ranks are based on their strength/who is the strongest (I make this assumption from the fact that Fujin and Raijin are straight up gym bros lol) so Shoji can’t understand why Suzaki is working under someone clearly weaker than him.
Tsukasa’s question is the same….. but also different.
Tsukasa strikes me as someone who really gets to know someone personally to the best of his abilities before he makes his own judgment on them. We see this with Rao in the movie. Tsukasa could’ve taken everyone’s word for it and been like “oh Rao is a big mean monster” but he takes it upon himself to find out who Rao actually is through Mercy. This is how he finds out Rao isn’t actually all that bad like the stories suggests and that Rao fights for good reason (for his siblings). This trait about Tsukasa is why he asks Suzaki why he fights for Amagai but is also why he’s the only one who is able to understand why Suzaki fights for Amagai without a direct answer.
When Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he works for Amagai, he says “why do you work for a guy like him? Does he has some kind of dirt on you?” and Suzaki just keeps quiet. This brings me to believe that Suzaki probably had a reputation for being the strongest at Nani High but also fought people within reason, he didn’t flaunt his strength just because he felt like it.
Tsukasa asked him based off the kind of person he is and not his strength. I'm assuming Ryo fought people within reason and not so much for fun or to assert his dominance over others with his strength, so him working under someone who has as shitty of a personality as Amagai probably threw Tsukasa off a bit.
He is also however able to tell that there is a friendship there even if it isn't great. At the end when Yuken and Todoroki ask why Ryo would work for someone like Amagai, Tsukasa says it's because he means more to Ryo than that. Alluding to the fact that Ryo is doing stuff for Amagai because he sees him as a friend even if everyone else doesn't.
Okay, I'm done now😂 this wasn't as deep as my other analysis because it's not super deep with comparisons or anything like that it was just stuff I noticed while watching the movie again.
I have fics I'm working on for all the S.W.O.R.D leaders and more for Fujio I'm just swamped with assignments and working a little slow
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star2fishmeg · 10 months
Personally a Housen/Oya babe myself but am curious to see the dynamic
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Hi! Just wanna say i really like your writtings and i'd like to make a request only if you dont mind 💖
Could you please make lao x housen! Femreader where they meet each other for the first time (during 3 aliance) and reader was abt to be targeted by reiji himuro but Lao was there taking over thinking she couldnt fight eventhough she shows she's a good fighter at the end. Both shock seeing each other since she only heard bad rumours abt lao and lao dont know this is the girl from housen people been talkin abt. Kinda awkward at first but reader has this easy going but lil cocky persona. They then meet each other for several time unexpectedly and started to like each other secretly.
Anyplot will do cuz i'll leave it to you. Sorry for writing to long to explain the plot that you might take as inspo 😘
Love you 3000 xoxo
Big Mouth
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Character(s): "Rao" Misaki Mario (x reader), Ueda Sachio (slight x reader)
Plot Line: As per usual when Seibang's Kendo team showed up at Housen for practice, the gym was locked. Having to track down the boys yet again for the keys, you run into an unusual male.
Warnings: High and Low Violence
Note: Thanks so much for the request! I didn’t use everything you said because I like to go with the flow when writing (a stylistic choice on my part not your fault) so I hope you like a couple of surprises I sprinkled in.
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“All–” You huff as another student comes barreling towards you causing Jamuo to let out a girlish yelp as he gets out of the way. Quickly, you snap your bokken down right on the back of the guy’s neck chasing him, making the guy instantly collapse to the ground in pain, “I wanted–”
Kicking in the door to a classroom, you see three more Senomon tech students inside–all instantly turning around at the commotion–but no Housen students in sight; more specifically no Odajima. A fact that makes you let out an aggravated sigh as the students begin to come at you,
“--Was the gym keys!”
It was true. That was all you wanted. 
Hailing from Seibang Girls’ High School, your school had a lot of prestige and, most importantly, class. Two elements you tried your hardest to embody when you entered high school as a first-year. Though, it was at times like this even two years later, that you failed miserably at that.
Due to your close relationship with Ueda Yui and eventually the boys at Housen, the girls Kendo team you were captain of often borrowed Housen’s gym for practice. Most of the time caused by the fact the softball team was taking up your original practice space. Which is normally fine until you show up to Housen and no one is there to unlock the gym for you guys. 
Meaning as the closest to the Housen members, you had to go track down the keys. 
“I swear to fucking–” You start feeling an aggravated twitch go through you as someone kicks you in the back. One you instantly return ten fold by kicking the guy in the nuts, “Odajima! When I find your dumbass you are dead! Dead, you hear?!”
You really lost your class in situations like this. Really. 
As Jamuo yelps about some other students coming after you two, you instantly grab the cowardly male by the collar and jump through a window. Landing on the roof of an area down below. Jamuo sputters, attempting to catch his breath after what you just did, but you are more interested in something else.
Based on the black and gold uniforms amongst the red, you could only guess the six males fighting on the ground in front of you hailed from that chaotic and unruly boys’ school. 
“What…” You mumble, already feeling a headache come on as you attempt to wrap your head around the situation, “How the fuck does Housen get in some much trouble…? Oi, Hey!”
Not allowing the Senomon Tech guys on the ground in front of you enough time to turn around, you leap from the roof and onto the group. Kicking most to the ground and hitting a guy in front of you with your wooden sword in the process. 
“Wha–” You jump in surprise, stopping you from going after another student, as a person–a full on person–is thrown past you like a ragdoll. As you turn to your right to look at the source, you see a rather tall and looming Suzuran male standing there; who freezes in his tracks as he sees you, “Oi! Watch it!”
However, it wasn’t in the way the male at first thought intended as you threw your sword, smacking a student that was sneaking up behind him. Quickly, the Suzuran student turns around and chucks the knocked out one through a window; putting him out of commision and out of the way as you get closer to him. Not even bothering to jog to go grab your sword, you take the opportunity to look the male over, beginning to realize that he looked oddly familiar. Not in the way that you have seen this male before but that he looks exactly like someone Sachio once described. 
“Hey, Oi. Pay attention next time, pretty boy.” You say, huffing as you grab your wooden sword poking the male in the chest as he continues to stare at you. Raoh, slightly taken aback by your words and action, seems to freeze once more, “We don’t need you getting injured. I’m too busy today to be kissing any boo boos away.”
“There they are!” Scrunching your eyebrow slightly in annoyance, you begin to curse Housen out in your mind as backup for the opposing group arrives. All armed with pipes and wooden weapons; Kamasaka students. Of course.
When would Sachio be back again? He never forgot to leave the keys at Housen whenever you had practice that day. 
“Oi!” You yelp as while kicking some guy in the gut, a strong arm suddenly wraps around your waist, lifting you up and bringing you around as he spins. It takes you a moment to realize it was this Raoh guy grabbing ahold of you. In his other hand a Kamasaka student, who he swung around before eventually throwing into a crowd of them. 
“A little warning next time?” You say, raising an eyebrow at him as he places you back down on the ground. You can tell Raoh is a bit flustered by your confrontation and sarcastic attitude. However, he was no were close to how flustered he became at your next words, “I like to be manhandled but jeez take me on a date first, will ya?”
Without another word, you kick a metal pipe away from a twitching injured student on the ground and walk off. Leaving Raoh without an opportunity to ask what you mean. Allowing him to just ponder with all the chaos going on around him.
Little do you know the impact you had on him just from the brief moment in time.
“Ow. Ow.” Odajima curses as you continue to look through his pockets. The young man dangling off Jinkawa, quite bruised and battered from the fight. However, you don’t pay it any mind, instead lighting up when your hand comes into contact with familiar metal. You nearly scream with joy as the jingle of keys is heard as you pull it out of Odajima's front pocket. “Oi, watch your hand–”
“Thank you, God,” You yell, cutting the Housen student off from his whining as you kiss the key to the gym. Finally–fucking finally–you got the keys. “I need to call the girls.”
“Oh? Sachio?” 
As you begin to pull out your phone, Housen practically erupts in excitement as they see their leader–Ueda Sachio–at the front of Senomon Tech. A sight you are relieved to see as well. No more days of chasing down the keys to the gym.
“Sachio,” You whine, not hesitating on jogging up to male. Him seeming quite taken aback that you are here, “You need to make a copy of these keys. I can’t keep on tracking down Housen for them. Do you know how long the ride was here?”
At your whines of agony, Housen begins to laugh. Not taking the pain you go through in trying to find them seriously. Even Sachio can’t help but let out a chuckle as he brings up a hand to wrinkle your hair. 
“I’ll be sure to–” Suddenly the smile on Sachio’s face wipes clean as he spots something behind you, “What is Suzuran doing here?”
Turning around, you nearly jump in shock at the group of black uniformed males standing behind you. More specifically Raoh, the boy you were fighting with earlier, that literally was towering over you. 
“Hey– Oh.” You are taken aback as Raoh suddenly pulls out his phone and hands it to you. As you stare at the blank contact on the screen of it, It takes you a moment to put two and two together, “Oh… Do you want my phone number?”
Raoh nods his head, seeming patient despite what you’ve heard as you begin to slowly put it in. All the while Housen and Oya look on confused. Wondering what in the world was going on and how the two of you knew each other.
“Are you free this saturday? At three o’clock?” Raoh asks, his deep voice catching you off guard once more as it is the first time you heard him speak today. With a small and meek nod of your head, the Suzuran man smiles. Though only for a moment before he gently takes the phone from your hands.
“It’s a date.” You let out a small gasp as Raoh leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead; unable to stop your heart from doing a summersault at the romantic gesture. One of his large hands running down the back of your hair to the tips of the strands as he pulls away; bringing some hair to fall gently back to your face as heat rises to your cheeks, “I’ll pick you up at two.”
As Suzuran begins to walk away, leaving everyone stunned at what just took place, it is–of course–Fujio that breaks the dead silence of the situation. 
“Oh, good job Raoh!” He cheers, giving his friend a thumbs up. While he didn’t understand what just took place or the context behind it, he knew the Suzuran male just asked a girl out. So like every male, he was supportive of the heroics and guts behind it. Well maybe not every male in this situation. 
It is as Raoh gives Fujio a thumbs up back, that everyone else breaks out of their stupidor. Especially Sachio who instantly challenges Raoh. Declaring that you were friends of Housen, thus part of Housen. Even Odajima hopped off Jinkawa to challenge the other students of Raoh’s faction.
It seemed like an all out brawl was about to commence with everyone present.
Well… everyone but you. You, still shell shocked, couldn’t believe getting in a fight for Housen got you a date with the Misaki Mario of Suzuran. You couldn’t wait to tell the girls about this one. They would be so excited. 
Though… Yui might be a little disappointed as she has been trying to set you up with her brother for as long as you remember. 
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
Messed With the Wrong Girl… (part one)
Pairing: bf!Tsukasa x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, slight violence, mild language, happy ending
Wc: 1.4k
AN: The High and Low series simply does not have enough content, so I decided I would write some myself. Here is part 1!! Part 2 will be coming out soon!! I’m excited for this one, and if you haven’t watched the High and Low series, I highly recommend it :)
Much love ~ ember
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I’m in deep this time…
The first thought in your mind, as you are being taken away. You can hear the group of boys who had just kidnapped you laughing, and high-fiving, saying that Oya High is going to regret messing with them.
Senomon Technical High School. Even after their brawl with Oya high, they still linger around like roaches in an old motel. They had successfully taken Tsukasa the first time, and now you. How did you end up in this situation? You were simply waiting for your boyfriend to meet up with you after school. It was rare for Tsukasa to be late, so you waited out front of Oya high, hoping that he would be there soon, knowing that even the entrance of the school is not the safest place to be. It’s not that you can’t take care of yourself, you grew up in a family of fighters and gangs, they taught you everything they knew. However, when it's one against five, the odds are shifted quite a bit…
Since you transferred to Oya high, your life has been eventful, to say the least. You were sent there because of your habit of fighting at your previous schools, and options were running low. Despite what others think, you are rather patient, and level headed, until someone starts talking bad about someone you care about, after that, its game over. Once you started at Oya, it was like you indirectly owned the place. Being one of the few females that attended the school, you always had someone around to protect you if a fight broke out, as it does everyday. The guys wouldn’t let you fight, but they were well aware that you could, if needed. Conveniently, you have the luck of almost always being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Inside the school walls, Tsukasa has always been the one to protect you. It’s one of the things that drew you to him. However, outside of the school, if Tsukasa wasn’t around, you were out of luck. Thankfully, most of your time outside of school was spent with Tsukasa, and Fujio.
However, this time, your luck ran out. One minute you are in front of Oya high, the next, there is a nylon bag over your head, and you are being carried away. You knew it was Senomon Tech, seeing the group of boys walking towards your general direction, though you were hoping they would keep walking past. Naive thoughts like that are how people end up in your situation, in this town.
Tsukasa POV
I am so late, and I couldn't let y/n know considering I was in the middle of a fight… I'm sure she’s waiting out front, it’ll be okay Tsukasa…
My thoughts running through my head faster than my feet are carrying me. The fight that broke out was unexpected, I didn't even have time to get my things gathered before it happened. Being late drives me crazy, and especially in a town like this, I gotta make sure y/n is okay
“Hey babe, sorry for not texting you sooner, a fight broke out right as I was leaving. Where are you?”
There, y/n is always good about messaging back.
*30 minutes later*
“Y/n, where are you? It’s been 30 minutes, it never takes you this long to answer? Are you okay?”
*one hour later*
“Fujio, something’s wrong, y/n isn’t answering my messages…”
“I’m sure she’s okay, Tsukasa. She’s pretty tough.”
“No, she always answers right away, something is wrong. We have to go find her.”
Buzz buzz
“Y/n? Where are you? Are you okay?”
“I figured you would be worried about her. She’s okay, for now.”
That voice… I know that voice too well. “Where is she, let me talk to her”
“She’s okay, for now”
So he’s the one who took Tsukasa? And he thinks I’m gonna listen to anything he says? This guy must be an idiot
Simple thoughts rolling through your head, though they’re constant. Beating yourself up for getting into this situation, you avoid looking at anyone, as you are tied to the railing, unable to get out.
“I think I’ll keep her here for a while, it’s nice having a pretty face around. I told you Senomon would come back for you, and I know she’s the crown jewel of Oya high, don't go thinking this time will be anything like the last.” He said before hanging up the phone.
“How sweet that you have such a caring boyfriend, y/n.” The man said with a smug look on his face. “I wonder how long it’ll take him to call back asking about a negotiation…” he continues.
You dont let out any words, but your face says everything you want to, and there was no way that anyone could miss the message. Though you were saying nothing, your face read, you’re an idiot, and you’re gonna get your ass kicked.
Picking up on the message, the man stood up, calmly walking towards you.
“I’m Amagai Kohei. I run this school. And I’m not afraid to set you straight if I have to. Be obedient, and we won't have any issues. Disobey me, and it’ll be another story.” He said now looking at you straight in the eyes, much closer than you would like.
“Such a pretty face, I'll keep you around for a while.” He says, grabbing your chin, turning your head to look at him, though you refuse.
“Look at me while I’m talking to you.” He says in a stern tone that you ignore.
Pushing you aside, he stands up again and walks back to his original spot. The silence fills the room, as you refuse to say anything to anyone, and everyone is waiting for you to say something. Anything.
“I guess things may have to be done the hard way. Suzaki. She looks a little too comfortable. Tighten her wrists more.” He says calmly, though you can hear the intent behind each word. He wants to break you. He wants to make you his. He wants you to be in pain till you have no choice other than to listen, because only then will he allow you to be comfortable. But you know your strength. You know that he wouldn’t be foolish enough to do anything too terrible to you. So, being the stubborn person that you are, you stand your ground.
As Suzaki walks over to tighten the rope that is around your wrist, you wait till he is close enough, and without any suspicion, his feet are kicked out from underneath him. Pure shock filled the room, and stretched across everyone’s faces, even Suzaki.
Kohei, with his short temper, immediately stood up and stormed to you. Grabbing your shirt by the collar, he took a hold of you. *Smack!!*
The sound echoed throughout the room, and shock filled everyone that was present. You didn't move. You let the stinging pain settle in, refusing to give the man the satisfaction of knowing that he hurt you. You bit back the yelp, and the tears, that threatened to be released.
Everyone in the room was staring, waiting to see what was going to happen next, and again, without a word and without suspicion, Kohei’s feet were kicked from underneath him. Anger taking over him, he grabbed you again, and let his fist fly, landing just below your eye.
Before he could do anything worse, Suzaki pushed Kohei back.
“Ko-Chan, we don't hit girls! How can you sink that low?” Suzaki says in a thunderous voice.
Without another word, Kohei leaves the room, storming off. Before Suzaki left, he apologized for Kohei’s actions. He would have offered to bring you an ice pack, but shortly after Kohei stormed off, he yelled for Suzaki to follow him, leaving you alone.
That night was the loneliest you had been in a long time. Usually you would be with Tsukasa, watching movies, cuddling, eating your favorite take-out food, but instead you were tied down, left alone in a room, in a place that you are not familiar with. The throbbing sensation on your cheek kept you awake, thinking about what Tsukasa is doing. Thinking about how mad he is going to be when he sees your black eye, and rope burns around your wrists. Hoping he doesnt get mad at you for getting into a situation like this.
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emeraldbabygirl · 24 days
Rao could literally fight the whole of senomon tech with one hand while wacking off with the other I swear
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Please refer to my rules before requesting. Please and thank you.
i. High & Low
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Who in the High&Low series would have allergies?
Sannoh Hoodlum
White Rascals
Oya High
Murayama Yoshiki
Batter... Batter... Swing! (6K; Oneshot)
Kyoudai (1.5k; Request)
Rude Boys
How to tell Cobra (6.5k; Oneshot)
Daruma Ikka
The Tanuki Yokai (2K; Request)
Big Mouth (2K; Request)
Senomon Tech
Suzuki Ryo
Shhh... It's Okay (3K; Oneshot)
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