battleofthewawas · 5 months
I normally wouldn’t put something so serious on a side blog (and especially not the tournament), but it sort of relates to it, so I’m going to share some news.
As of today, it is 100% confirmed that Cloudcat will never be returning to this tournament, along with her creator.
I’m sure many of you knew of the creator of Cloudcat, whether through the tournament, the cult that their scug had gathered, or through other means.
I checked their account today in hopes of finding one of their OC’s to draw for them as a gift, and it went straight to an error screen. I thought I had misclicked, so I tried again. Nothing.
The creator of Cloudcat is just…gone.
At some point between the end of the tournament and now they had deactivated their account for reasons I’m sure were completely valid.
I’m still devastated, though, because I was actually starting to consider them a friend, and that’s really hard for me (especially online).
It’s one thing when someone you follow deactivates. It’s another thing entirely when it’s someone you care about.
If you’re reading this, by some slim chance, I’m not asking for you to come back. You left for a reason, and I respect that. I just have one more thing to say to you before you go.
I will always remember you, and I will miss you, Rainworld Obsessed Cat.
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battleofthewawas · 2 months
so, slight change of plans…
Remember when I made the Mass Attack to solve the problem of there being one extra slugcat?
Well, apparently I somehow FORGOT TO INCLUDE TWO ENTIRE SLUGCATS in the mass attack, these slugs being the Fly Whisperer (@program-251) and the Cadaver (@skittlescat). I sincerely apologize for not noticing this for so long, and I assure you that you are not just going to be booted out of the tournament. I have a plan.
In order to solve this issue, I’ve decided to make a 3-way poll with both of the unfortunate slugcats against the one who was defeated in the mass attack, Sky’s Light (@cashmonei)! Whoever gets the lowest amount of votes in this poll will be out of the tournament, while the other two will be allowed to compete in the second semifinal with the previous semifinal’s winners!
I hope you get the second chance you’ve been waiting for!
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battleofthewawas · 1 year
...okay the Cloudcat propaganda is honestly getting overwhelming
Feel 100% free to just take the Plagued out and replace them with someone else's slugcat
I know this is probably a stupid thing to get overwhelmed by but I get freaked out literally just listening to the original OneShot soundtrack it is not surprising for me
Feel free to block the Cloudcat tag if you’d like! Unless you really want your slug out of the competition, which I do have a good replacement at the ready.
Hey Cloudcat fans, I know you love Cloudcat, but could you lay off the propaganda for a while? Thanks!
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