#seulgi | the cat who couldn’t land on her feet
cloudphillips · 4 years
Interlude: Act II
"There you are!"
  Seulgi was happily humming a tune as she tended to the plants in Greenhouse when Sooyoung suddenly barged into the room and decided to disturb her. "I've been looking everywhere for you." She approached the Hufflepuff but stopped short when she saw her friend cooing to a weird plant preserved inside a pot filled with water. It looked like a bundle of slimy, grayish-green rat tails, and appeared completely horrendous. "Ew! What is that hideous creature?"
  "Don't be rude Sooyoung. Plants have feelings." Seulgi continued caring for the plant, singing a lovely song while removing excess slime on its surface, and acted like she didn't hold an abomination within her grasp. She turned to her friend and addressed her with a frown. Displeasure coated every inch of her words. "Apologize to Gillian."
"Gillian who?"
  Seulgi pointed at the repulsive plant that she was tending. "Gillian the Gillyweed."
  "I'm sorry but--" Sooyoung exclaimed in disbelief. Her mind couldn't quite comprehend what Seulgi just said. "--you call your plant Gillian?" Her gaze landed back on the hideous creature named Gillian and couldn't hide her disgust. It was quite alarming to see the Hufflepuff acting all protective of the Gillyweed. Had Seulgi completely gone mad?
  "Yeah. You got a problem with that?" Seulgi crossed her arms and regarded the Slytherin sternly. She didn't look amused. Her stance was wide and eyes were narrowed as if she was ready to fight her friend over the custody of this plant. Well, she could claim ownership over the Gillyweed since nobody wanted it anyway.
  "No. Not at all." Sooyoung noticed the aura of hostility and backed down from the challenge. After a moment of swallowing her considerable amount of pride, she apologized for whatever sleight she had done to the weed. "Sorry for hurting your feelings Gillian." That seemed to appease Seulgi because she gave the Slytherin a smile of approval before continuing her task. She proceeded to trim the overgrown leaves of a Belladonna and carefully extracted its poisonous essence into a glass vial.
  "So, what brings you here? I know that you didn't come just to watch me water the plants." Seulgi's guess was spot on. Sooyoung had a different reason in mind when she visited the Greenhouse. She needed a special consultation from the resident Herbology expert. The Slytherin leaned against the table and knocked off a clay pot. Thankfully, she managed to catch it in time before it fell to the ground. She gingerly placed the pot back to its rightful place and the intense stare she got from the Hufflepuff was almost overwhelming. Seulgi had never looked so intimidating before. What's it with these plants that got her friend so overprotective? "Look, if you're just gonna break things in the Greenhouse then you should just leave. I still have some Venomous Tentaculas to attend to." She pushed past the Slytherin to grab the a rusty shovel on the wooden rack. The Hufflepuff took some fertilizer and repotted the Belladonna.
  "It was just an accident! I'm actually here for your help!" Sooyoung raised her palms in surrender, a gesture to placate her friend, before broaching the topic that resided in her thoughts. "Anyways, do you still have some spare Devil's Snare. I could really use one." She tried to be polite as possible in order to get what she wanted. The usual traits of a bonafide Slytherin influencing her actions.
  Seulgi narrowed her eyes as she glanced at her friend in suspicion. "You're not gonna prank the Caretaker again, are you?" She raised the shovel in her grasp and pointed it towards the Slytherin in accusation, like how one would brandish their weapon against a target. The rusty metal just inches away from Sooyoung's face. "Joohyun warned me a few days ago not to give you access to the plants in the Greenhouse."
  "Joohyun is not the boss of you." Sooyoung countered easily and it looked like her statement hit straight home when Seulgi decided to ponder on things for a moment. This rarely ever happens so she decided to press her advantage and use her cunning for her own gain. "You are your own person." She pointed the threatening shovel away and moved closer. "Come on Seulgi. Just a pot of Devil's Snare and I'll get out of your way." The Hufflepuff frowned in contemplation. There it was, the obvious sign of resignation, any minute now and her victory will be at hand.
  "We don't have them anymore. The Headmaster of Mahoutokoro, a famous wizarding school in Japan, asked Dumbledore for some samples to be used in their research. They were shipped just this morning." Seulgi observed the frustration growing on Sooyoung and ignored it in favor of trimming the poison orchids.
  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" The tall girl pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned in annoyance. "I could've saved my time and just bought a Fanged Frisbee in Zonko's Joke shop." She glared at the Hufflepuff. The thought of strangling her friend seemed like a brilliant idea right now.
  "I wanted to see what you were up to and seeing as that you're up to no good, I will intervene in a way I know how." Seulgi donned on some gardening gloves and handed Sooyoung a pair of nose plugs. "Here, put these on." She left the Slytherin to her own devices and proceeded to the storage room. It took quite a while for her to return but when she did, another weird looking cactus was tucked in her arm as she brought the pot over to her friend.
  "This is a Mimbulus Mimbletonia." The Hufflepuff announced proudly, like how a parent introduces their child, and gestured towards the plant that was covered with boils rather than spines. "A very rare magical plant with healing properties. If prodded, it uses a defensive mechanism in which it produces Stinksap. A dark green liquid used to nurse ailing animals. Many people have tried to describe the odor of Stinksap but its foulness is difficult to articulate."
  Sooyoung scowled in disgust when she took the hideous cactus. She accidentally poked its warty surface and a sticky green liquid squirted out from one of the boils. "Careful!" Seulgi warned but it was too late. The murky substance landed on the emerald necktie Sooyoung donned and the foul smell reached her nose which caused her to suffocate and gag. Have you ever tried to leave a fish out in the open for days until molds start to form then suddenly cool it inside a refrigerator and let the odor just waft throughout the enclosed container? Well, the Stinksap smells similar to that rancid scent. It was so horrible that Sooyoung thought she was gonna faint. Thankfully, Seulgi was there to support her and she helped pull the Slytherin back to her feet.
  "If you're gonna prank someone, you might as well employ less dangerous methods." Seulgi removed the nose plugs and occupied herself by watering the Venomous Tentaculas. She expertly dodged a spiky vine that aimed to strangle her and narrowly avoided poisonous bites from the nasty creatures. "We wouldn't want to have another Moaning Myrtle in the school."
  Sooyoung stared at her friend in amazement. "Seulgi. You're a genius!" She was about to engulf the Hufflepuff in a big embrace but then she remembered that she still had the Mimbulus Mimbletonia within her grasp. She doesn't want to encounter another foul incident with the Stinksap. "How can I ever repay you?"
  "Just don't let me catch you making trouble. I don't want to spend my time supervising detention. Oh, if Joohyun asks, tell her you smuggled this from Knockturn Alley." Seulgi shooed the Slytherin away from the Greenhouse so she could resume her tasks. She still had a Bundimun infestation to eradicate. She took out her wand and gave it a wave. Suddenly, all the gardening materials levitated in the air and proceeded to arrange themselves neatly on the storage rack.
  When Sooyoung exited the doors, she took a moment to pause in the hallway and bask in the sweet pleasure of triumph. Oh, just how she loves having the upper hand. It's a feeling she wouldn't exchange for the world. Now, how can she sneak this into the Beauxbatons magical carriage without getting caught? The Slytherin donned a menacing smile when the solution came into mind.
  "It's payback time."
  "Broaden your minds!"
  Joohyun stared hard at the tea leaves, all those squiggly shapes and vague figures giving her vertigo, and it caused her quite a lot of distress when she tried to discern the symbols in the cup. She could've sworn she saw a lumpy spade within the blackened reside but she wasn't too sure. If only her eyes would cooperate and lessen her blurring vision then she'd be eternally grateful. Otherwise, she was stuck reading the written context in her Divination textbook. Now, it says here that the spade means good fortune. That's brilliant! It never hurts to have good fortune in life.
  "Look past the veiled mysteries of the future!"
  However, she noticed something strange in the tea leaves. There's a strange shape that looked almost like wonky cat and according to the book, it was the universal sign of a deceitful friend.
  Suddenly, doubt clouded her mind when she glanced at Yerim, her assigned partner in Divination. She was sitting across the table and sleeping discreetly throughout the whole duration of Tessomancy. Were the tea leave sending her a message? Was her friend really conspiring against something she didn't know about? Joohyun wouldn't know for sure. Maybe she should stop being suspicious for once. The Gryffindor was her friend. Surely, she wouldn't betray her trust.
  But then again, Yerim wasn't even trustworthy enough in the first place.
  "Ms. Kim!"
  The Slytherin Prefect inconspicuously elbowed the resting Gryffindor and desperately shook her awake when Professor Trelawney called her attention. Yerim slowly stirred to consciousness, looking all disgruntled and apparently displeased that her sleep was interrupted, then realized that she was still here, stuck in Divination class. Oh great. She must've fallen asleep from all the boredom. Blinking away the drowsiness, the Gryffindor obnoxiously yawned and wiped the drool off her face. "Yes Professor?" She drawled in reply, seemingly unconcerned that she was caught napping in class. Yeah, just typical Yerim shamelessly disregarding authority figures like it's her favorite pastime.
  Thankfully, Professor Trelawney found no insult in the Gryffindor's blatant disrespect and just urged her to share the vision to the rest of the class. Yerim was a peculiar student after all. Despite her tendency to cause trouble, she was one of those people truly gifted with Sight. Most, if not all, of her predictions came true and rarely does it happen to be incorrect. She had the potential to become a great Seer.
  The professor moved into the firelight. Her large glasses magnified her eyes to several times their natural size and she looked quite odd draped in gauzy, spangled shawl. Innumerable chains and beads hung around her spindly neck, and her arms and hands were encrusted with bangles and rings. When she approached their table, Joohyun noticed how thin she was, like a mass of gangly limbs and bushy hair. "What does your inner eye see?"
  Yerim internally groaned because damn! She was having such a great dream and she did not appreciate being woken up. How dare they interrupt her unhealthy sleeping pattern and why the heck did she take this class as an elective? Oh right. It's because she wanted to drink free tea. Professor Trelawney makes a wicked chamomile brew and it's truly one of the best she has ever tasted.
  The Gryffindor grabbed the little porcelain cup on the table, obviously making it known to everyone that she was exasperated, and sighed heavily as if reading Joohyun's tea leaves greatly inconvenienced her, like she would rather be doing something else right now instead of participating in this boring class. Yerim knows she was being a prick but what the hell? Her little nap was cut short and she always gets irritable whenever she didn't get enough rest. "I see a droopy bird or something. I don't know. I'm grasping at straws here." At the mention of the said animal, Joohyun felt her back stiffen and her heart race. The memory of Seungwan's Patronus suddenly flashed into her mind. The one they mistook for a bird instead of a Nightingale. Her stomach churned with anxiety when she thought about the possible implications this could mean. "That means good news is coming."
  This is bad.
  This is really bad.
  Professor Trelawney hummed thoughtfully and gestured for the Gryffindor to continue.
  "And oh my--" After rotating the cup on a different angle, she squinted to better study the tea leaves and recognize its distorted figures. "--Is that a heart I see?" There was a mischievous glint in Yerim’s eyes when she playfully wiggled her brows at Joohyun, like there was a little secret only the two of them shared. The Gryffindor was up to no good and the Prefect tried to ignore the alarm bells ringing in her head as she fought to maintain her composure. "Aww Joohyun is a lucky one. She will find her true love." Yerim was teasing her. That mocking tone alone was enough evidence for her not to be trusted.
  "Hmm let's check. Give me the cup." Professor Trelawney requested for the cheap container and Yerim handed it to her gladly. She looked a little pleased to have gotten rid of that blasted cup. It seems like she won't be searching for loopy lines and creating makeshift symbols out of them anymore.
  Only a brief moment passed when the professor studied the tea leaves then she was suddenly screeching like mad and screaming murder throughout the class. She was wheezing like she couldn't breathe enough air into her lungs and her appearance turned beet red. Professor Trelawney looked like an asthmatic person who got their allergies triggered. Her bizarre actions completely spooked everyone in the room and there was a wild, almost feral, glint in her eyes when she gazed upon Joohyun.
  What is it?
  What did she see?
  "My dear--" Professor Trelawney croaked weakly, voice sounding hoarse like a sandpaper rubbing against a rough surface, when she regarded the Slytherin. Her frail and shivering form looked seconds away from withering. She seemed completely terrified. "You have the Grim."
  Well, that escalated quickly.
  "Oh shit! She's gone nuts." Yerim sniggered under her breath as she tried to contain her laughter. The concerned stares she received from everyone in the room only served to amuse her more. Of course, it was typical of the Gryffindor to find hilarity in a grave situation like this.
  The Grim.
  An omen of death.
  The Prefect wrung her fingers together and bit her lip anxiously as she pondered about the significance of this finding. She knows that the professor just predicted her supposed death but does she have to make such a grand spectacle about it? Joohyun knew that as humans, they were all gonna die someday, but heck! Professor Trelawney didn't have to be that extra. Fear was something she didn't need in her life.
  Joohyun grabbed the fallen cup from the ground and gingerly placed it back on the table, not even bothering to study the tea leaves and confirm the professor’s claims. She needed to get out of this place. All those stares and unwanted attention was suffocating her.
  This abrupt development caused Professor Trelawney such distress that she had to dismiss the class earlier than expected. She scuffled inside her miniature break room, while totally ignoring the confusion of the students, to get her much needed peace of mind.
  Joohyun quickly packed her bags and left the room before she got caught in the stampede of students. She cast her head down and assumed a low profile in order to avoid attention. For now, she needed to visit the Black Lake. It was her little sanctuary. The only place where she could be alone with her thoughts and hide away from everyone and everything.
  Unfortunately, the universe had other plans in mind.
  "That was so wicked out there! I have literally never seen her go completely bonkers." The Gryffindor troublemaker immediately caught up to Joohyun and settled by her side. Yerim felt in good spirits but her cheer came to a halt when she noticed her friend apparently deep in thought. The Slytherin Prefect must've been bothered by the Grim incident that happened earlier.
  "Go away Yerim. I need to be alone for a while." Joohyun hastened her steps and literally power walked down the spiralling staircase in the hopes of losing her friend but the Gryffindor had such tenacity that she kept in pace with the Slytherin. Yerim was a bane that just wouldn't leave.
  "Stop worrying about it Joohyun. Professor Trelawney predicted the death of a student every year since she came to this school and none of them have died yet. At least, that's what McGonagall said." Yerim tried her best to comfort her distraught friend but knew that she doing such a bad job at it. Troublemaking was something she could expertly do but this? This was a whole different story. She needed a crash course in How To Be A Supportive Friend 101 for this to successfully work. "Besides, I'm better at Divination than that sorry excuse of a professor and I know for a fact that there wasn't a blasted Grim in your tea leaves." The Gryffindor sounded too sure of herself. It was quite concerning.
  They lapsed into a moment of silence with Joohyun still deep in thought and Yerim squirming at the awkwardness of it all. Dear God! The Gryffindor never considered that Tessomancy could have such detrimental effects on the mental health. If she knew the Slytherin would act like this, then she wouldn't have asked Joohyun to attend the Divination elective with her. They're suffering all this hassle just because of freaking tea leaves. They reached the corridor of the East Towers and that was when the Slytherin decided to break the silence. "Is it true?"
  "Is what true?"
  "That you saw a heart."
  "Oh my. Interested are we?" Yerim wiggled her brows and that was it. She was back in her teasing mode. The Prefect didn't deign a reply and just maintained a neutral expression. The Gryffindor felt chastened. She should treat this topic seriously for it was no laughing matter to Joohyun. Oh crickets, she might as well be honest. "I was just making things up to be honest. Maybe I saw a heart but maybe I didn't. The point is, you shouldn't  get reassurance in those tea leaves alone We can't wish for something and have it magically given to us. That's not how the world works." They reached the Grand Staircase and their little chat had to be momentarily interrupted as they were forced to separate when a bunch of students from other houses bustled in their direction to get to their next class. Thankfully, both of them had a free period so there was no need to rush. They had all the time in the world.
  Suddenly, Yerim had a brilliant idea.
  Maybe she could use this moment to execute the plan. The Gryffindor could influence the Prefect's decisions by giving subtle suggestions here and there. Make Joohyun see a whole new perspective by sharing her words of wisdom while concealing her true motives. Yep, that's it! She was going to make this work. Yerim did a little mental exercise to prepare herself before she could flex her silver tongue.
  Once the coast was clear, The Gryffindor siddled back beside the Slytherin and continued her speech as if nothing happened. Yerim was hell-bent to make Joohyun join their cause. After all, this plan wouldn't be successful without her. "Sometimes you got to take matters into your own hands. If you want to find true love, be prepared to sacrifice. Seungwan won't return your affections if you make no effort."
  At the mention of the Ravenclaw, Joohyun whipped her head up so fast, she thought she was gonna have a whiplash. "Who said anything about Seungwan? This isn't about her." The Prefect was acting in denial and it took all of Yerim's control not to roll her eyes and openly mock her friend.
  "Bitch, don't be dense! I've seen the way you look at her." The Gryffindor sighed in exasperation. Anyone with functioning set of eyes could see just how Joohyun was head over heels for Seungwan. Merlin's beard! Even a blind person could notice her gay yearning. "You look at her as if she was the ocean and you're dying to drown."
  The Prefect couldn't retaliate so the upstart Gryffindor pressed her advantage. If things go well, victory will be such a sweet reward indeed. "The point is, love isn't easy. If it was, would it really be true at all?"  Yerim paused to give her friend a sympathetic smile.
  "If your love for Seungwan was easy, would it stand the test of time?"
  Joohyun pondered on those words and realized that maybe her friend was right. The world isn't handed to them in a silver platter. Sacrifices had to be made in order to get what you want. It's a give and take relationship. If she wanted to find true love, she must be ready to cross oceans. If she wanted to have Seungwan, she must be prepared to drown. "You're right." The Slytherin was impressed. For being such a troublemaker, Yerim possessed an astute mind.
  Yerim sensed the conflict within Joohyun and decided to go for the attack, straight right to the jugular. This is it! The moment of truth. Whatever bullshit she was gonna say, she better make it sound alluring. She's got one chance to make this work after all. "You know. There's only one way to solve this problem."
  There! The trap has been laid.
  Now, all that's left is for Joohyun to--
  And she took the bait!
  Hook, Line and Sinker!
  Yerim mentally congratulated herself for a job well done. Joohyun's full attention was focused on her and she couldn't help but feel delighted. Everything was going smoothly now. It was time for her to satiate the curiosity that has been piqued. "First, let me tell you about the Tale of a Lavender."
  "Once upon a time, there was a little lavender.
Purple petals so enchanting. Her beauty a wonder.
The bees would come in colonies
To get a whiff of her scent caught in the breeze.
  The little lavender would pay them no mind.
For she couldn't return their affections in kind.
And like any flower, she was drawn to the sun.
The only one who could make her feel undone.
  But the sun was so far up the sky.
Unreachable and so very hard to come by.
So the little lavender chose to love from afar.
For she'd rather embrace this cruel fate than lose her shining star."
  A rueful smile was on her lips when she finished the narration. Yerim had a knack for creating stories on the spot. She made this one as relatable as possible and ensured that it was devastatingly tragic enough to tug the Prefect's heart. Now, it was time for a lesson in literature. "Now, let me ask you a question. Why did the story end sadly?"
  "The lavender was contented at loving the sun from afar." Joohyun replied like the obedient person that she is. That's good! It means she was paying attention and was receptive to suggestions.
  "Exactly! The lavender didn't even try to put up a fight. She just sat there and ate her salad!"
  "Yerim. I don't think lavenders could actually eat salads."
  Yerim groaned in exasperation. She never thought it'd be this hard for the plan to work. Merlin's beard! Sooyoung better pay her an adequate compensation for the efforts she'd done or else she'll riot! "You are missing the point Joohyun! Don't you get it? You're the main character in the story. You are the lavender--" The Gryffindor was fully shouting now and was seconds away from ripping out all her hair just to make the Slytherin see sense. "--and Seungwan is the sun! If you don't do something to make that nerd notice you, then you'll have a tragic ending too!"
  "Join the Triwizard Tournament!"
  That was it. Yerim just threw the bomb.
  "I'm sorry, what?" Joohyun didn't know if she heard it correctly.
  "Join the Triwizard Tournament and become the Hogwarts Champion." The Gryffindor said with such determination, it inspired Joohyun a little. The intensity burning in her eyes was enough to render anyone motivated. "Win the tournament and you will be crowned with Eternal Glory--" Yerim paused to grin at the Slytherin confidently. Her smile was so infectious that Joohyun couldn't help but beam herself. "--and maybe Seungwan will get to see you in different light. You will not be Joohyun the best friend anymore, but you will be Bae Joohyun, beauty extraordinaire and potential love interest.
  Potential love interest.
  It has a nice ring to it.
  "Thanks for the concern Yerim but I'll be fine. Seungwan just needs a little more time, that's all." The Prefect sounded doubtful, never really knowing who she was trying to convince. Was it Yerim or herself? "Besides, I can always wait-- oof!" Joohyun was about to turn around the hallway when she accidentally collided against a brick wall. She lost her balance and fell to the ground hard.
  The Gryffindor stood from the side when she watched her friend collapse on the floor. Everything moved in a slow motion as essay papers dispersed on the air like confetti and study books landed on the ground in a big mess. It was like watching Joohyun in one of those typical scenes in muggle television where the protagonist accidentally crashes into the main love interest. They make eye contact while gathering the materials and immediately spark a connection.
  Yerim smirked in amusement when the stranger jumped in to help the Slytherin and save the day. This was entertaining. She'll just move aside and observe as of the moment since her friend wasn't really in immediate danger. Maybe she'll intervene when it gets too dramatic.
  Now, where the heck was that popcorn?
  "Merlin's beard! I'm so sorry." The sound of a deep masculine voice bombarded Joohyun's ears in vexing waves and she looked up to see a stranger gazing at her. He was tall, sporting a cropped raven hair neatly styled to perfection and shimmering pools of almond brown eyes. His innocent features were cinched with worry as he helped Joohyun regain her stance. Judging from the fur cloaks and blood red robes that he wore, it seemed like he was from Durmstrang, another magical school situated in northern Europe. "I didn't mean to bump into you." He possessed quite a pleasant face but Joohyun couldn't be bothered to care because he leaned too close for comfort and invaded her personal space. She disliked their close proximity. It's safe to say that the Slytherin Prefect didn't quite appreciate it.
  "I'm fine. It's okay." Joohyun proceeded to gather the scattered written sheets and journals. She ignored the way how the Durmstrang boy kept a firm watch upon her and just minded her own business. The snatched the stray pieces of parchment on the air and tucked them in her arms for safekeeping. Once all the books and papers were accounted for, she placed them inside the bag before finally acknowledging the stranger. "Thanks for the help." She blew off the stray strands of hair away from her face and regarded the stranger, who was still staring at her. The unwanted attention Joohyun was receiving greatly unnerved her.
  He must've realized that he was gawking because he broke out from whatever trance he was trapped in and apologized. "Forgive me for running into you. I wasn't watching my direction." The Durmstrang student looked completely out of his element, like a fish out of the water, as he kept stammering and opening his mouth to utter words but failing completely. He had never seen such a breathtaking woman before and it certainly caught him off guard how this Slytherin goddess decided to grace him with her presence. In the end, he managed to settle his nerves and introduced himself. "I'm Park Bogum by the way." He waited for the recognition to dawn in her eyes but felt disappointed when it didn't come. His name was well-known in the wizarding world, with him being a Quidditch superstar and all, so it was quite surprising to realize that this woman wasn't familiar with him.
  No matter, he still had more important things to worry about, like getting to know this beautiful stranger's name.
  "Everything's fine sir." The Prefect brushed off his concerns and adjusted the straps of her bag. "It was really nice to meet you but I have to go." She raised her hand and waved at Yerim, who stood by the corner while leaning against a statue, then signalled her to get moving. Joohyun was about to leave when she felt a hand latch onto her arm. Her back stiffened and she turned to glare at the intruder. She did not like being touched by strangers.
  Bogum immediately realized his error and released his hold. He raised his hands in surrender and tried to placate the offended girl. "Sorry. Can I make it up to you somehow?" There was an optimistic glimmer in his eyes when he stalled the Slytherin in the hopes of prolonging their interaction. He flashed a winning smile and tried to make himself appealing. His charms never failed him before and it certainly won't fail him now.
  The Durmstrang superstar was in for the biggest surprise of his life when the Slytherin woman rejected his offer and completely ignored his allure.
  "Thank you but there's really no need for that." Joohyun was itching to escape this awkward situation so she just bolted down the hallway without waiting for Yerim and left the tall stranger to the dust. After taking a series of twists and turns, she didn't stop until she found the safe sanctuary of the Courtyard. She hunched over and breathed in the sweet smell of freedom while ignoring the stares she got from the students in other houses.
  "Bitch! Why did you run away?" Her peaceful moment was interrupted when Yerim stormed in her direction, looking like she was about to murder her at the moment. "I can't believe you just rejected Park Bogum! The freaking Bulgarian Chaser literally asked you out!" The Gryffindor screeched in frustration. Her friend had the opportunity of a lifetime but she completely wasted it.
  "He was being obtrusive." The Slytherin defended herself. She felt suffocated back there. He kept on advancing, pushing through her boundaries, and disregarded her discomfort. After recovering from that little cardio exercise and gather her composure, Joohyun straightened her robes and dusted away the dirt on her sleeves. She tamed her somewhat unruly hair to make herself more presentable. A frown settled on her features when she regarded the Gryffindor. "I didn't like it."
  "It looks like he's just another one of those bees."
  "If you won't stop talking about the Tale of the Lavender, I swear to God--"
  "No Joohyun, you don't understand. Look around you." Yerim gestured at the surroundings and Joohyun did as she was told. So far, she found nothing of interests. Just a bunch of statues, untrimmed grasses and wild animals nesting in the Courtyard. She glanced back at the Gryffindor, not getting the point at all. The younger sighed in exasperation and nudged her head towards a group of students huddled together. "You see those two Hufflepuffs and three Gryffindors-- No, not there... those standing by the fountain-- Yes good." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "They'd been gawking at you ever since you arrived. They are your bees Joohyun. The bees attracted to the lavender."
  When the Slytherin made no response, she resumed her lecture.
  "Of course, you wouldn't notice that because your mind is preoccupied with something or rather, someone else. When will you realize that Seungwan doesn't want a lavender?" Yerim grabbed her friend by the shoulders and stared deeply into her eyes, trying to make her friend see the gravity of the situation. If Joohyun doesn't do anything then she'll be stuck waiting for the love that will never come. "She is the sun. She will only adore the sky."
  That statement alone seemed to shake Joohyun to the core. Is it true? Would Seungwan only see her as a friend? Will she never notice the heart that beats only for her?
  "But we can change that Joohyun. Join the tournament and be the Triwizard champion. Bask in the eternal glory and admiration from hundreds of people. Then Seungwan will realize that you belong to each other all along." Yerim could see the cogs in Joohyun's brain work nonstop. That was a good sign. It means that her friend was finally considering her suggestions. "Do it for her. Do it for Seungwan."
  "Be the sky."
  "Are you sure she's coming?"
  Sooyoung shivered from the cold and blew warm breath on her freezing hands. It was already midnight, with the moon shining brightly on the heavens, when the two troublemakers snuck out after curfew and reconvened in the Great Hall to update each other about the plan's progress. Ten minutes into the meeting and the Slytherin already regretted coming for she forgot to bring a coat or anything that will keep her warm. "We've been waiting for like, 30 minutes. I need my beauty sleep since I still have to deliver something tomorrow."
  "She'll come." Yerim replied resolutely as she consulted the Marauders map and traced the steps that belonged to Bae Joohyun. She just left the Dungeons and headed towards the Grand Staircase. "She promised me earlier." She pulled her gold and scarlet cloak around her quivering body and exhaled heavily. "What are you delivering anyway?"
  "Nothing. Just a little gift to a very special friend."
  Yerim frowned.
  "You don't have any friends."
  Sooyoung pointedly glared at the Gryffindor. "You know what I mean."
  Then it dawned on her. "Oh." The younger girl shrugged and went back to consulting the map. "Try not to get caught then."
  There was moment of silence and the distinct sound of crickets could only be heard from the quiet night. Everyone peacefully slumbered in their rooms. Hopefully, nobody figures out the illicit activity currently happening in the Great Hall. Sooyoung gazed at the Goblet of Fire that was resting atop a marbled pillar. It's blue flames casting a luminous light that drove away the darkness of the room. A subtle smile danced on her lips. Her plans were coming to fruition. It was only a matter of time for everything to be fulfilled.
  "So how does this work? How will the Goblet chose a winner?" Yerim sparked a small conversation to pass the time. It was freezing out here and she had to distract herself to stave off the cold. "What's the next step?"
  "Well, when either one of them gets chosen, they'll get so much attention from people and their admirers will come flocking around like wild beasts. The goal is to make each other jealous to the point that one of them gets fed up and take matters into their own hands." Sooyoung clapped in satisfaction at the sheer brilliance of her plan. She could already picture the scenarios in her mind. "Joohyun and Seungwan will confess their undying love for each other and live happily ever after as they ride into the sunset. See? Everybody wins!"
  "Okay. I'm sure you've meticulously planned everything down to the last detail but did you stop and think that maybe there's a possibility that neither of them will get chosen as the Hogwarts Champion? Other powerful witches and wizards will be joining after all and it will be a tough competition. They're not the only ones vying for the prize." Yerim aired her concerns and when she didn't receive a timely reply, she glanced worriedly at her friend who turned stiff as a board. "Sooyoung. Did you really think this through?"
  The Slytherin opened her mouth to respond but closed it back again when she didn't have any. Holy crap! How could she be so stupid that she forgot that one little detail? "Wow. I haven't really thought about that." She tapped her chin and shrugged. "I just assumed that the Goblet of Fire would choose either one of them."
  "Fucking hell Sooyoung!" Yerim jumped from her seat and started pacing anxiously. "This is a major loophole!" Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! This is so not good. Karma will come back to bite her due to all the manipulation she did to Joohyun. Oh god! She was gonna die in the hands of the Prefect. Damnit! Everything was sailing so smoothly but this blunder had to happen. "Joohyun is so gonna murder me."
  "Should I cast the Confundus charm on the Goblet?" Sooyoung offered a solution but the Gryffindor was ready to rebuke her.
  "No, are you nuts?! It would take a really powerful spell to hoodwink that shit, a magic way beyond the capabilities of Fifth Years like us." Yerim anxiously bit her lip and fidgeted with her fingers. Sweat started to condense on her forehead and her breath quickened. Never before had she feared for her life. She consulted back the map and her heart hammered against her chest when she saw Joohyun nearing the Great Hall. "Oh shit! She's coming!"
  The Slytherin immediately ran to her side and urgently whispered. "Quick! Cast the Disillusionment charm!" Yerim took out her wand and hurriedly muttered the spell on the both of them. She looked down on her body, or rather, what had been her body, for it didn't look like anything like hers anymore. It was not invisible; it had simply taken on an exact color and texture of the marbled statue behind him. The Gryffindor seemed to have become a human chameleon.
  As if on cue, the doors of the Great Hall burst open and only the cold brush of the wind entered the room. No one came. Sooyoung glared menacingly towards Yerim's direction and hissed under her breath. "You said that she'd come!" The Gryffindor retaliated by hissing back. "She did! She's just wearing the Invisibility cloak!"
  Sure enough, Yerim was right because they suddenly heard the pitter-patter of footsteps that grew louder. They waited with bated breath as they saw the silhouette of Joohyun suddenly appear under the moonlight when she took off her magical cloak.
  Joohyun approached the Goblet of Fire and stepped within the misty white boundary line that encircled it. Her gaze carefully tracing the intricate patterns carved into its bronze surface. She couldn't help but feel awe. If it weren't for the bright blue flames, this goblet would look just like any ordinary cup. It's not even made of gold. How can something look so simple yet contain extraordinary power?
  The Prefect scolded herself for dallying. It did no good to prolong her suffering. She was only delaying the inevitable. She dug deep into her pockets and pulled out a spare bit of parchment.
  Bae Joohyun.
  It was the name written on the small piece of paper. In a few moments, she was gonna cast her name into the fire and leave everything to chance. All she ever wanted in life was for Seungwan to notice her, to declare the love she had long kept hidden, and maybe this was her chance.
  A chance to be distinguished.
  A chance to be praised.
  A chance to be seen as someone worthy of loving.
  This was her taking matters into her own hands. This was her preparing to drown.
  As Joohyun closed her eyes, she dreamed of captivating brown eyes, silky blonde locks and warm smiles. She dreamed of sweet laughter, addicting scents and feather light touches. She dreamed a dream that was never a dream. In the end,she could only hope to wish.
  Let it go.
  Do it for her.
  The Slytherin opened her eyes and stared at the parchment in her hand.
  This is it.
  It was time.
  Be the sky
  "For Seungwan."
  Joohyun casted the paper into the fire and watched it burn to ashes.
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13kana · 6 years
the cat who couldn’t land on her feet | @13xseulgi
“swear to me!” the woman howled through her tears and her fury, her aged voice on the other end of the phone line cracked and splintered, heaving morose and exhausted. “swear to me you’ll find her… that you’ll--…. that you’ll hurt her.”
“darling, i’m not that person anymore, i cannot--”
“you owe me. or have you forgotten, izanami?” kana bristles at the old nickname-- now hated in her ears. “shall i take my gifts back from you? are you no longer in need of them?”
“come now,” she attempts to sooth the older woman, thankful that the beastly creature cannot see kana’s strained face, cannot see her eyes flickering over to the other young woman, her prey, a changeling, sitting almost a world away at the other side of the shop, waiting for her order to finish up, unaware of kana’s attentions or intentions. kana keeps her tone low, safely in the baritones, where she is more powerful, where her voice resonates with control. “blackmail is beneath you, we both know it.”
“takeda-ssi…” the broken woman on phone inhales and kana can hear the pain in it. she’s dying. “my girl, my precious little girl is dead. because of that wretch. because of that mangy, filthy cat.”
“you told me you’ve already cursed her.”
“it’s not enough! that was before….”
kana pauses a long moment, understanding the implication without the need for words, understanding a little too much, a little too well-- the emptiness yawning inside her, spasming and echoing the ghost of her own child, the hollowness in his eyes, the tiny fingers reaching and reaching and reaching; it’s a hell, outliving one’s own family, being the last survivor. “i will deal with this for you, old baba yaga.” the decade-old nickname chuckles itself off her lips in reply, her chest tight with the hope that she sounds honest. she doesn’t know how she feels yet, not yet, not before she’s met this harsh, repulsive familiar, this cat with all the bad luck on the planet.
she hangs up the phone quickly after hearing the older woman’s exhale, taking that as leave to end the connection, and only has to wait a moment or two before the changeling collects up her food and heads out from the shop, kana hot on her heels. “excuse me, love.” her voice rings out across the busy city sidewalk, the midday sun hovering cold and white against the buildings and surrounding populace. getting the other to stop, kana breaks, sharp, dark eyes guarded and incredulous. “you don’t know me, but i know you. i know of you. i know what you’ve done and i know what you need to fix it. walk with me… let’s talk.”
0 notes
byuniieo · 5 years
‘Lovely Guardian - CH 1’
Tumblr media
「pairing: baekhyun x reader」
「genre:mafia!AU racer!AU & little bit of university!AU」
「☻A ♡F ✿S (later on)」 ✧ 「༄ - on going mini-series」
→ Main Masterlist
→ Lovely Guardian Masterlist
Word Count: 4365 
·˚A/N✎ ﹏ I made a playlist (on spotify) that helped me create this story!! Feel free to listen to it !!
Lovely Guardian’s PLAYLIST ❀
。・゜    ♡ ・ 。       。・゜     ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜   ♡ ・ 。
Being early october meant there was rain and cold wind. It was fall and it’s one of your favorite seasons despite you not like being cold. You liked being able to wear warm and big baggy hoodies and the rain made you nostalgic, you thought about the man with the jade green eyes.
You usually stay up till 3AM mainly because you just can’t bring yourself to sleep so easily. I guess you could say it’s insomnia or sometimes you just think too much before going to bed. Last time you thought about having a dragon for a pet and then in the morning you ended up trying to do some witchcraft on a cat, which resulted you in chasing a cat. And no you didn’t get the cat but you found a convenience store that sold some good noodles.
Right now you were sitting at a kitchen island, with all your papers, sketch books and sketches laying around but you were sound asleep. You were just resting there ever so peacf-
“Xeno! Wake the fuck up! Your class starts in 12 minutes and i’m not driving you there!” You felt something smack the right side of your face and as you look up you instantly jumped off the stool you were once sitting on as there was a flying a book headed your way. If you could go back in time, You would’ve rather much gone back to your apartment then to have knocked on this crazy girls door at 3am.
“Damn..be a little nicer, it’s barely 7-” You quickly turned around to check the clock on the living room wall, “7:18..” You scratch the back of your head then taking a small glance the person who kindly interrupted your small sleep, which was the one and only, Kim Joy. A while ago you decided to crash at Joy’s place since tonight you didn’t want to be home alone. You and Joy met when you were in high school, 5 years ago during sophomore year. At that time you thought you met someone who was fully capable of being responsible, sadly enough you bumped into the next big hot mess and here you both are. Surprisingly still alive.
You started to pack your things into your backpack when you decided to actually look at the girl. There she stands tall and beautiful from the roots of her black hair to the very bottom of her heels, dressed in a tight black dress with a brown coat gently falling off her exposed shoulders. You had the urge to brush back the hair falling down, framing her angelic face. Its when you hear her that you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Just take a picture and get over with it.” You look up to her eyes just to see her wink. She’s always been confident in herself, either her body or her face. She never failed to show off her looks. Of course she wasn’t cocky about it, she just liked the attention.
You felt a small chuckle leave your lips and you turned around heading towards the door, “I’m good, Later.” You softly mumbled as you pulled on your old black boots and swung your bag over shoulder.
Opening the door you felt the cold air touching your face and then you heard Joy yell out from inside, “I PUT AN ORANGE JUICE BOTTLE IN YOUR BAG AND DON’T COME BACK LATER CAUSE IM NOT OPENING THE DOOR FOR YOU”
The door slams shut right behind you with a small smile adorning your face as you make your way to your first class of the day. Reaching into your pocket to take out a cigarette from its packet and you lit it up with your pink pocket lighter. Lowering your pale hands you inspect the glitter polish chipping off your nails, you puffed out a cloud of smoke without removing the cigarette from your lips.
You could say you enjoyed dressing up and looking stylish. Occasionally you’d do your makeup and nails. Some days you end up walking out barefaced and still be dressed nicely but now you could care less, with your pink oversized hoodie, over your black ripped jeans and your dirty black pair of boots.
Feeling your body get colder you cover your honey colored hair, then placed your cold hands in your hoodies pocket, you hoped the day would be better than yesterdays.
Although you already knew not to expect much from life.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Your classroom felt warm and comfortable but looking outside you saw raindrops dripping from out of the sky onto the sidewalk below. Luckily you managed to make it to class on time, and now you were just heading out to get some coffee on this cold rainy day. Walking out of your class you saw a couple of students walking around with their umbrellas. So pulling up your hood on, you walk forward and under the rain.
“Hey Xeno! I thought you said you were quitting school?” You turned around to look at the owner of the voice and the hood on your hoodie slides off your head exposing your head to the cold rain.
You look up to see his soft brown hair falling over his dark orbs, you quickly notice his simple outfit, black jeans and a light grey hoodie under his jean jacket and the open umbrella loosely laying on his shoulder. You looked up to meet his eyes and his boyish smile, “Oh Sicheng..” Returning his smile you walked over to him and you grabbed his hand to pull him after you.
You started mumbling a response to his earlier question, “I did say that, and I was going too..but Seulgi said she’d buy me food for the year if I stayed..” Your face scrunches up as you turn to smile at him, “and well you know me.”
A fit of laughter erupted from his chest as he pulled you back and placed your hood over your head. He then turned you around grabbed your bag and gently pushed you forward, “Why am I not surprised” He muttered as he walked behind your small skipping figure, watching you step and splash in puddles.
Rain was a happy thing for you, because it reminded you of the man with jade green eyes. You and him used to play outside in the backyard on rainy days, and even though you got sick the next morning you never regretted it. Sicheng being someone who grew up with you knows this, so he let you be. Sicheng was always like an older brother to you, He held your hand when you were scared, he helped you when you struggled to do things on your own, and he always peeled your oranges because you just never could. He was legitimately the brother you never had. You and Sicheng met when you guys were little, he was your next door neighbor and since then you’ve always been together. Him and his family weren’t the closest or the best and because of that he adored you more since you never pushed him or blamed him for shit. Life can be a cruel ass, especially to those who have already “fucked up”.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“Aye, Xeno want to come with me to the repair shop with me?” Turning around you saw Sicheng fixing the bags on his shoulders. 
“Sure! Is Seulgi there?” You tilted your head watching him start walking in another direction, you began to skip behind him.
“Yeah actually, They’re all most likely there since it’s friday the shop is closed. Meaning they’re taking this time to modify their own cars.”
“Are you going to make me help you?” 
“No, Last time I did that you almost broke Yeol’s window”
Your face turned bright red at the horrible memory, In fact what Sicheng said is true you sort forgot to focus on what you were doing because of Toben, Chanyeol’s dog. He was running around and nudging your legs for attention, you shuddered at the memory of Chanyeol threatening to make you into Toben’s chew toy if it were to have happened, “Yeah uh, Maybe that is a better idea.” 
Sicheng emitted a small chuckle, “Well no shit, Sherlock”
You walked beside him under his black umbrella, looking up you saw a glowing galaxy drawn all over the place. You drew those for him because you were criticizing him for being “basic” and in the end he challenged you by telling you that you couldn’t do better, which resulted in a glow in the dark galaxy right over his head on rainy days.
You pulled your hood lower on your head turning to look at the steps you take, “How’s Taeyong?” 
“I actually haven’t seen him in a while. He’s probably selling drugs again.” Sicheng released a sigh as he looked down at his feet too. 
You knew these boys belonged to the world of “bad”, the world where there’s illegal races, drugs, violence, sex, murder, so on so forth. It didn’t bother you, You knew these boys since you were young and even if you knew your life was in some sort of danger for knowing them.. You didn’t really care. You yourself smoked, but never drank or did any xanax, heroin or any sort of drugs. You also never went to one of their illegal races. They never forced you to come but they did ask if you wanted to tag along to which you usually always refused.
“Do you think he’s taking them again..?”
“I hope not, even if he was I doubt it make any difference” 
“What's that supposed to mean ?!” You turned to smack his chest.
“Nothing! Nothing! aH! I'm being attacked by a dwarf!” Sicheng pushed your hands away and closed him umbrella and started running away from you. 
“Get back here you muffin top!” Running after him in the rain while your boots splashed in every puddle your small foot landed in. With a bright smile on your face you declared a race, and of course the loser buys lunch.  
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · 
“Hey Win! Can you pass me the T9 on the front counter”
Confused by the new voice you frown up at Sicheng.
“Who’s that?” You reach out and grab the umbrella from his hands.
“Kai, He’s been a racer of Suho’s for a long time but Chanyeol just brought him here in the garage a couple weeks ago” He turns around taking off his jacket and tossing it on one of the chairs nearby. “He’s pretty chill guy you might like him, but there’s this other guy that I know you’ll be happy to see.” 
Right as he finished his sentence a white cloud ran alongside Toben, barking and jumping at your feet. 
“Viví~” you cooed at the white puffy dog. Crouching to their level you patted their heads and rubbed their bellies. You picked up Viví and cradled him in your arms. 
Standing up you walked behind Sicheng as he made his way over to this Kai person and girl when you saw this man it’s like you saw a literal god. With his honey skin, his well defined face and body, he looked like an actually god, but your mind only thought of one thing..
“Woah, Its Fancy Squidward from Spongebob!” You heard Sicheng snort and look over to see Chanyeol dying of laughter right besides his yellow Mustang GT350.
Your eyes widen in realization, “Oh! I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?!” You buried your face into the dog in your hands as you walked back to hide behind Sicheng. 
That’s when you heard laughter coming from “Fancy Squidward” himself. Peeking over Sichengs shoulder you saw the boy reach over to grab the screwdriver from Sicheng’s hand. 
“That was a very lovely first encounter” He looked up to meet your gaze. “Hi” He smiled at you, “Im Kai, or Jongin”
“Y/N,” Sicheng moved out of the way to start working on his car, “Sorry about that I didn’t mean to say that loud” You bent down to let the Viví play with Toben. 
“You’re all good” He giggles, “Oh! That’s right uh that’s Sehun” He pointed to a black Aston Martin Vanquish right behind him. Tilting your head you noticed another tall guy standing besides the car. Instantly you recognized his face and ran towards him.
“Sehun!” You jumped up to hug him and he quickly responded by wrapping his arms around your waist as he laughed into your shoulder.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” He placed you down and pinched your cheek, “Still short as ever”
“Hey! You know what go back from where you came from because I am not liking your attitude” You slapped his hand away and crossed your arms.
“You guys already know each other?” You turn around to look at Kai and nod.
“Yeah me, Sehun and Joy met in high school” You turn to look at Sehun, “He’s just older” You stick your tongue out.
“You know he’s the same age as me right?” Sehun pats your head, “tear tear” He starts teasing you by making his fingers in the shape of T’s and imitating your pout.
“Im taking Viví!” You watched as he walks towards the car he was working on.
“I hope we become good friends” With that Kai patted your head and strolled after Sehun.
Grumbling to yourself you walked towards Chanyeol who was sitting on the floor fixing his cars tire and draped your body over his back releasing a sigh. You look at what he was doing and saw his hands skillfully move all over the place, Sometimes he grabbed his notepad and pen and wrote a few notes down. It’s like if he was so engulfed at his task in hand, he blocked out what was going on around him.
“Is anyone using the upstairs room?” You poked his cheek and waited for a response while skimming through all the tools he was surrounded in.
“No, I think it’s empty,” He placed one of the tools on his leg and started fixing a few things with his hands, “Let me guess you’re tired already?” You felt his back vibrate with the sound of his laughter.
“Yeah” You hopped off his back and made your way towards Seulgi, “Hi sexy!”
“Hey Xeno, brought  me anything today?” She stood up from where she was inspecting her motorbike and turned to at you. You noticed the faded bruises decorating her face. There was a small cut on the corner of her lips and a small stitch on her forehead.
“Hey what happened to you?” You walked up to her and grabbed her face.
“Just a little rough play” She looks down at you with her a slight sad expression and when you looked at her eyes it’s like if there was some sort of unspoken words, and she just wanted to spill but instead she lightly slapped your hands away, “Go rest”
With that she turned around and started working on her bike again. Seulgi never really acted that way, She was honest and blunt with her words and always spoke up about what she wanted, You were concerned about Seulgi’s behavior but you didn’t want to push it, if she’s not in the mood, sometimes it’s best to give her time, you kind of learned that the hard way. Slowly walking towards the stairs to head up stairs you saw that Sicheng wasn’t to far from there so you strolled over to him.
“Hey Winnie, I’m going upstair.. Im kind of tired” You placed your head on Sicheng’s shoulder and scanned over the motor he was trying to work with.
“Okay, Rest well. Call me if you need anything” He looked over at you as you pulled away from where standing and made your way up the stairs with Viví and Toben trailing behind you.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The sound of a roaring engine and an argument was heard making it way towards the garage. Chanyeol immediately stood up grabbed his gun and walked towards the big doors. Everyone also felt kind of iffy about the atmosphere and got ready to attack.
“It’s just Irene and Taeyong at it again,” Sehun yelled out towards them, being the closest one to the big doors  he was able to peek outside and see who was causing the commotion. “and I think B’s car”
Him and Chanyeol walked over to the big doors and pushed them open allowing a red Lexus CL500 roll into the garage, with an arguing pair following behind. Behind those two were 5 others trying to split them apart before they’d scratch at each other’s throats.
“It’s the same bullshit with you!” Irene glared at Taeyong from where she was walking.
“Well what else was I supposed to do! What could I have possibly done when there was literally 5 guns pointed at me!” Taeyong gripped at his hair looking at Irene as she walked around the red car mimicking him.
“Hey I’m talking to you!” Taeyong walked up to Irene and pulled on her wrist and lord have mercy on him because that was the worst decision he could’ve possibly made.
That was enough to piss Irene off, she grabbed his arm and twisted it to turn him around and she pushed him against the closest wall, “Don’t you ever lay your fucking hands on me” She slammed him into the wall again and before it could’ve gotten worst Seulgi ran up to her and pulled her away.
“You ruined it all! You put her in danger again! We have been keeping her safe for more than half of her life and this is where you get us!” Irene trashes in the arms of Seulgi and soon Sehun and Joy are running up to her in an attempt to help keep her in place.
“I’m not mad about the fucking time we spent! I’m mad that you can’t be her fucking friend and think about where your decision brought her!” She managed to rip away from their grips and ran towards Taeyong punching him right on the side of his face.
“Irene that’s enough!” Everyone started shouting and trying to pull each other away from each other. They weren’t aware you woke up and started  watching from the top of the stairs.
Everyone except one.
Your eyes met another pair. His eyes were in a slight glare but droopy enough to not crease his forehead. His lips seemed to be a natural pout, and the strands of white hair slightly falling over his eyebrows.
He looked ethereal despite you knowing he wasn’t anywhere near pure.
You broke out of your trance and glanced towards Irene as she kept trying to attack Taeyong. You didn’t understand the reason behind the violence, using your words can be strong enough to bring a point however whenever someone deeply upset violence seems to be the easiest way out.
You made your way down the stairs drawing a bee line in your head to where Taeyong stood. Without realizing it, the white haired boy had his attention on you since you met his gaze.
But just as your foot touched the floor a gunshot erupted from a gun and echoed through the garage.
With wide eyes you saw Taeyong falling to the floor, as his body touched the ground a small pool of blood started forming around his side.
“Fuck! B, get her out!” The sound of gunshots erupting from different guns, the sound of shattering and yelling soon become white noise as your mind goes blank and the bad memories come rolling to your head like a bullet train.
After all these years you seem to never forget those jade green eyes fluttering close.
“Honey, I’m here. Always.”
You felt a soft hand slightly tug you down behind the red car and as you looked up you saw the boy with white hair.
“I’m here, so don’t panic. I need you to listen to me so I can help you.” His dark eyes look right into yours as he pulls your hood over your head. Tugging on your arm closer to the cars door.
He takes out ,what you assume, is his gun from his pocket and in one quick motion he opens the door and slightly pushes you inside. As he does this he tosses something towards the garage doors.
And just as it touches the floor a cloud of smoke appears from the small item and everyone scatters to their own cars.
Before crawling to the other seat you managed to see Taeyong being picked up from the ground. You released a sigh of relief as you saw that the one picking him up was Sicheng.
You made your way to the other seat as the white haired boy closed the door behind him and turned on the engine.
The sound of the engine was followed along with a few more, you peeked out the window to see 3 vehicles. Chanyeol’s yellow Mustang GT350, Sicheng’s white Toyota 86, and Seulgi’s purple Suzuki GSX250R.
You felt the boy leaned over your body, so you turn to come face to face with him, his eyes met yours as he felt your lips slightly brush over his cheek. 
Immediately after meeting your gaze he pulled the seat belt quickly buckling you in and speeding out the garage. 
“Here.” You look over at him, seeing he’s looking up ahead, your gaze slowly trailed down to his hand extended out towards you. Grabbing the earphones from his hand you plug them into your phone to tune out the sounds around you. 
And from the corner of your eye you see him smirk while taking out his gun.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You feel a light tap on your shoulder waking you up from your sleep. Sluggishly you pulled out the buds and slightly turned your head to look at the person who just woke you up. 
You see the boy slightly turn his head towards you, but the darkness outside catches your attention. And like you weren’t just asleep about a while ago you quickly looked outside the windows to be met with twinkling stars and empty fields.
“You aren’t kidnapping me right..” You slightly turn to look at the boy besides you who is seemingly entertained by your comment, “..Please don’t kidnap me.. I have yet to try cheesecake and- and I- I still haven’t tried the new coffee at the gasoline station across the street from my home so please don’t kidn-” 
The boy besides you suddenly chuckles and the sound erupts some sort of feeling inside your stomach because of raspy and deep it sounded in your ears.
“I’m not kidnapping you, besides Win is right behind us.” Your gaze fall to the side mirror and you notice the white car behind you instantly recognizing the cars plates.  
“O-Oh sorry.. my names Xe-“
“Aiko. I know it’s Aiko.” Your eyes widen as you hear your given name.
You didn’t hate it. It just always scared you cause it seemed to always bring you wrong attention. You were afraid that what happened to the man with jade green eyes.. would happen again. You were afraid of losing someone again because of that given name.
Yoon Aiko.
The name Aiko meant “Love Child” in other words “child who will be loved” but it’s meaning felt foreign to you. So you changed it to Yoon Xeno, Xeno meaning “foreign” or “strange”.
“How do you know my name..?”
“You’re the daughter of..” He turns to look at your eyes and seeing how they looked confused his brows furrowed in confusion as well, “Do you know who you are?”
“Yeah I’m Yoon Aiko..Why?”
“No. Do you know who you are? Your background? Your family? The place you were born in?.. Do you know Sir Lyeth?”
Lowering your gaze to you hands on your lap, your mind repeating the last question.. Do you know Sir Lyeth…?
“No, I don’t know any of these things. But if you do.. You have to tell me.” You look up at him with determination.
Of course you know Sir Lyeth, He was a friend of the jade green eyes man, and when he passed Sir Lyeth was your caretaker. But one day he suddenly disappeared and you were forced to move elsewhere, leaving you to where you are now.
“I can’t do that, It’s not my place. It would be better if you heard it from Win or Taeyong maybe even Irene or Suho but not me.” 
“Why not you?” You see him change the gears while steering with his other hand. 
“Because I’m Byun Baekhyun and I’m the last person you’d want to hear this from”
“I’d rather hear it from you, It hurts less if it’s the actual truth.” Stars twinkle outside and all around making it feel as though it’s falling right onto you.The car’s engine can be heard running and the gears being changed can be felt and heard from inside the car. 
“There’s no going back now princess.” He turns to look at you with a slight frown.
“When you were born, everyone working for your parents feared for your life. You we’re your parents first and an only child, You were a miracle because your mom wasn’t capable of giving birth to you on her own but you made it. To everyone's surprise you were a girl, they wanted to keep you but they knew your life was endangered. Since well,” You heard him take a deep before he turned to look at you, “You’re the child of one of the biggest and strongest mafia groups out there” 
And just with, that your world had stopped. Suddenly the sound of the engine and the sound of the running tires behind turned into silence. You could almost feel your own pulse and the blood slowly running through your veins. 
You.. are the daughter of a mafia.
。・゜    ♡ ・ 。       。・゜     ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜   ♡ ・ 。
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。・゜    ♡ ・ 。       。・゜     ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜   ♡ ・ 。
✎ᝰ┆I was so nervous to post this, I will be going through and fix some errors ( ・∇・) It’s kind of sloppy forgive me, I was really nervous :’) But any who I hoped you enjoyed!💘
ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ¹⁰/²¹/¹⁹
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