#shadow pulling a jackal squad: part 2 on sonic makes him Really Angry
son1c · 2 years
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“sonic is under my protection now.”
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@infinadow-week Day 2: Canon/AU (The Enemy of My Enemy AU) Word Count:  1583 words Pairing: Infinadow, Shadfinite Summary:  After Finn is injured from a battle, Shadow comes to check on him in the infirmary. A/N:  The AU I chose for this prompt is one I came up with called The Enemy of My Enemy AU (the link gives better description). Additional note: I chose for this version of Infinite to go by Finn instead of Zero to create a stronger distinction between the two (since they have different backstories and shiz).
Finn hadn’t stirred since the nurse had tended to him and put him to rest for the night. He didn’t have the strength to fight back, but he certainly had a lot to say on the matter. The rest of the squad, whose injuries weren’t nearly as serious, resided in their own bunks under the nurse’s orders so Finn could rest peacefully in the infirmary.
Shadow, however, wasn’t as keen on catching up on sleep. He didn’t have to, really, but he also wasn’t a fan of having a total stranger tell him what to do. Once the nurse had slipped out, Shadow stepped in to check on Finn, who had yet to awaken.
Shadow walked quietly over to the bed. Once he reached the beside, he gazed down Finn’s sleeping form. Finn’s back faced him, his silver dreadlocks draped around his shoulders and back in messy tendrils. He seemed peaceful.
Shadow’s eyes drifted from the back of Finn’s head down to his midsection, partly covered by the blanket pulled over his form. The bandages that wrapped around Finn’s torso peeked out from under the blankets. Shadow clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, trying not to focus on it too much..
Ever since the doctor had created those imposter copies of him, it had brought nothing but trouble to him and everyone around him. The copies weren’t like the androids Shadow met before; they held all of his own abilities, right down to the finest of details. They were soulless copies, a cheap imitation, but strong adversaries nonetheless.
As if having to deal with the copies weren’t enough, Shadow had to also put up with the squad’s attacks, as well. On more than one occasion, Shadow received a strike or two from one of the Jackal Squad, only for them to quickly realize their mistake when they saw Shadow’s unamused expression.
Finn, however, never hit him during the battle. Not even once. Shadow couldn’t understand how this was the case. Finn had never once mistook him for one of the doctor’s copies. While the entire world thought Shadow had played a part in Sonic’s defeat, Finn knew him as innocent, even going as far as to offer his hand in alliance.
Shadow supposed he should have been thankful that Finn was alright. His injuries weren’t fatal, but it certainly gave the squad a scare. It wasn’t until after the battle that Finn even noticed that he was hurt. When he had collapsed to the ground coughing up blood, however, it sent everyone into a panic. Shadow had to carry him back, despite Finn’s weak protests.
Shadow shook his head lightly. “You reckless idiot.”
“You know, some people would find it creepy to have someone watch them while they slept,” came Finn’s quick reply.
Shadow blinked and he froze in place, eyes wide. Finn sat up and turned himself to fully face Shadow. Without the blanket covering his midsection, Shadow could see the full wrap of bandages around it. He tried not to think too much about it.
When Finn finally faced Shadow, his eyes clenched close and a light hiss escaped his lips. He watched Finn pull the blankets back and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Once his toes touched the ground, he began to try to stand.
“What are you doing?” Shadow questioned. Shadow placed both hands on Finn’s shoulders. “You need to rest.”
Finn growled at him and slapped one of Shadow’s hands away. “Let go.”
Shadow shook his head and pushed Finn back down as gently as he could. Despite his intentions, Finn quickly came back down to the mattress with force. He yelped sharply and grabbed his side. Shadow instinctively reached towards him, but Finn opened his eyes to glare at him.
“Don’t,” Finn hissed.
Shadow retracted his hands and crossed them. His gaze fell downwards, away from Finn’s heated gaze. “Sorry.”
“‘Sorry’?” Finn repeated. He scoffed. “‘Sorry’ doesn’t fix this.”
Shadow looked back up at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Finn let out another growl, but it was quieter. He looked down at his stomach and rested a hand on it lightly. He shook his head, a small chuckle escaping him. “You make me so damn angry, you know that?”
Shadow tilted his head, his brow arched in a question. Finn just scoffed.
“We just fought an entire pack of clones that look and act just like you,” Finn responded. His anger seemed to have shifted into irritation. “And while the rest of us have to lick our wounds, you’re still standing, right as rain.”
“You’re mad because I didn’t get hurt?” Shadow questioned. He scoffed. “Now I wish I didn’t carry your sorry ass back here.”
Finn’s expression softened, but his aggravation did not disappear. “Some of us had to work hard to get as strong as we are… And then you come in, making all of it look so damn easy. You don’t even have to try at being strong; you just are.” He shook his head. “What I’d give to have that.”
Shadow blinked. Finn hadn’t been exactly welcoming since they had become allies in light of the war, so hearing such a genuine, albeit bitter, compliment was surprising to say the least.
Finn seemed to note Shadow’s surprise and shook his head. “Don’t get it in your head that I like you or anything. You’re still a pain in my ass.”
“A pain in your ass who still agreed to help you,” Shadow reminded him, “and saved your life today.”
Finn smirked. “Oh, how gracious of you!” He brought the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically and leaned back as if he were swooning. “How will I ever repay my knight in shining armor?”
When Finn bat his eyelashes at him, Shadow sighed heavily. “Now you’re being a pain in the ass.”
“Takes one to know one,” Finn replied, dropping his hand from his face. “The first thing you did was kick my ass, after all. Seems like the biggest pain the ass you can be, don’t you think?”
Shadow arched a brow. Finn barely acknowledged the night they met in the Mystic Jungle, let alone how it ended. Despite their agreement, Finn wasn’t exactly friendly towards Shadow by any means. Not that Shadow was too social himself, but the point still stood.
“Are you still mad about our fight?” Shadow asked before he realized. “In the Mystic Jungle?”
Finn frowned. “You call it a fight; I call it an ass-whupping. I never stood a goddamn chance against you.” He sighed and closed his eyes. “And now we have to fight a whole batch of those copies Eggman made.”
At the reminder of the troubles they faced, the image of Finn lying out in the desert came flooding back to him.
“How are you… feeling?” Shadow questioned. His eyes focused on Finn’s midsection. “I know you’re hurt, but… How do you feel?”
Finn traced his hand over his bandages. “I was coughing up blood a couple of hours ago, so I’d say I’m definitely doing better than I was before.” He looked Shadow up and down quickly. “You seem dark and brooding as usual, so I take it you’re fine, too?”
Shadow rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine.”
Finn arched a brow, almost disbelieving. Then, his smirk returned. “Is that why you decided to come see me in the middle of the night while everyone is asleep?”
“I was just checking to make sure you were fine,” Shadow replied, his brow raised in questioning, “why else would I be here?”
“Is that why you also made sure that Isis was out of the room before you slipped in to come see me?” Finn questioned, arching a brow. When Shadow didn’t respond, Finn grinned. “Aw, you care about me. Don’t I feel special?”
Shadow let out a small groan. “Read it however you want, I was just checking on you.”
“In the middle of the night while everyone is asleep,” Finn repeated. He brought a hand to his face. “Are you sure all you wanted was to check on me?”
“What are you implying?” Shadow wasn’t in the mood for games.
Finn shrugged, his hand tracing along his jaw line softly. “I’m just saying… You only came to see me when we were all alone and no one was around to bother us…”
It wasn’t until that very moment that Shadow suddenly realized what Finn was implying. He stared at Finn, whose brow remained arched. His lips pulled outwards into a mischievous smile, his fangs glinting. Shadow felt his cheeks begin to burn.
“I wasn’t- You’re being- I was just checking on you!”
“Oh?” Finn chuckled, which only made Shadow angrier. “Well, then… I suppose I’ll have to think of another way to repay my knight, won’t I?”
Shadow went completely still. His mouth opened slightly in a small ‘o’ shape, his wide eyes fixed on Finn. Then, without warning, he stood up from the bed, turned around and walked away from Finn.
“Don’t worry,” Finn crooned, “we can always pick this up on another night…”
Once Shadow reached the doorway, he turned sharply towards Finn. “I should have left you to die out there.”
A devilish grin played across Finn’s lips. “Love you, too, Shadow.”
For the briefest of moments, a flash of heat went across Shadow’s face. He growled in anger and stormed out of the doorway, leaving Finn to laugh alone in the infirmary.
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