wishingstarinajar · 9 months
LV 20 (Royaul) Cross was brought up recently in other people's posts and it got me thinking about @stankychee's Knight and if he were LV 20. Nothing canon but just a "what if" scenario because those can be fun! He's already a big boy (bara) so why not stuff some power in that package? xD
I like to think he'd try and hide it from Monarch, if possible. His reasoning would be that Monarch wouldn't want a "servant" who is considered more powerful than him. So, wishing to stay at his lord's side, Knight would keep the high LV suppressed and it is torture because the power writhes, churning through his bones and soul and seeking release. He becomes unfocused, distracted, prone to uncharacteristic outbursts, and falters in his duties, but he remains ever so determined to appease his lord and master.
Yet all the while, Monarch grows suspicious of his bodyguard's missteps and begins to pry, frustrated with the thought that Knight isn't honest with him.
And in the end, it turns out that Monarch would have been fine with it. Impressed even, knowing he has such a powerful and strong creature under his command, one who would do anything for him without question. He'd be considered worthy to stand by Monarch's side and receive his blessing to use all that power in his name.
Soooo just a little "what if" that has been buzzing about in my head today and figured I'd share xD
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nashdoesstuff · 1 year
Dream Tournament: Round 1, Poll 1
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Hello Wish! How are you doing?
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Gotta love it when you send an Ask too fast, especially on accident xD But hey, I'm doing good, thanks! Hope you're alright as well.
Thank you, Indi and Monarch are precious to me too. Unfortunately, I haven't written any fics about them as of yet, and the "comics" (less than three panels) I have drawn are nothing story-driven. But all I do have is what can be found on my main blog and the @swap-ink and @chrysalisofdreams blogs, and also on the Toyhouse profiles of both characters.
Thanks so much!
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Are any of your Nightmare ocs slimy?
>.> uuuhh
I only have one Nightmare OC, which is Ephialtes from @tippingscales and he's smoky x'D So no, I don't have any that are "slimy".
I'd have said yes if Monarch was a Nightmare but he's a goopy Dream instead so still nope.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Does the corruption on Monarch and Emperor work so that someone would have to always "carry" it around, be corrupted? How would that work since only Dream and Nightmare have the ability to eat the apples, or is it different in your AU
To start with, the AU (https://chrysalisofdreams.tumblr.com) is indeed inspired by Dreamtale/ShatteredDreams but doesn't follow all the same beats/plot points/themes/etc. Same with my other Dreamtale-inspired AU (https://tippingscales.tumblr.com). There are plenty of differences and the corruption and "apple eating" bits are some of them.
The Entity, as the sentient corruption is called in Chrysalis, was imprisoned in the tree many years ago and its poisonous hatred would seep into all the fruits growing from that tree. It was forbidden to touch and/or pluck these corrupted apples. As it mostly goes in Dreamtale-inspired AUs, the Nightmare of the bunch eats the apples and becomes corrupted. In this case, Emperor ate as many apples as he could and allowed the Entity to escape its prison and possess him... which was not intentional on Emperor's part but hey, always gotta read the fine print when making deals!
The consumption of hate-infused apples is a necessity for the Entity's corruption to take hold of someone, this is fact, buuut the Entity has its preferences too. Because the Entity is sentient, it has a personality and interests and can fall victim to temptations and similar. When Monarch ate one of the remaining hate-infused apples, the Entity was very intrigued by the development, especially because Monarch possesses a powerful positivity-infused soul (a gift from the creator of the 'prison' tree to fight back against the Entity), and wouldn't it be great to extinguish that powerful thing, or corrupt it to grow even more powerful? Yes, it would!
So the Entity switched hosts and while it hasn't won full control over Monarch's empowered soul yet, it is content with possessing him because of the added bonuses, like being able to enter other universes that have positivity in them.
You can read more about the AU's summarized backstory here.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Do Knight, Monarch, Emeperor, etc need normal nutrition? Like normal food?
Not exactly. Monarch and Emperor have no need to sustain themselves with food, be it human or monster food. But they can eat if they wish for it. For instance, Monarch has a bit of a sweet tooth but treats sugary food more like a special treat so he doesn't eat it often. Also, both of the brothers have a thing for nectar drinks.
Slasher and Knight have the usual needs any monster has when it comes to eating (and drinking). Have to replenish their souls somehow! For one, Slasher (Emperor's main man) loves to eat and will gorge on hot dogs with far too many toppings.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Question about (or to?) Knight, would he ever betray Monarch? Like if he thinks he is going too far or something, OH or maybe goes to the other side with good intentions on trying to help Monarch or something like that? -Wait what does the other side even want??? (Sorry I'm a bit new to the au so I dont know much xD)
Answered by @stankychee:
I don't think Knight could betray Monarch even if he wanted to, his loyalty is unwavering to his shatter dream. Even if he knew it was wrong deep down, and maybe he would faulter and question on whether or not it was the right thing to do. All it would take is a few assuring words from his Lord and it would be back to business, and Knight would obey. But if betrayal was at the cost of Monarch's survival he would do it, he cannot bear to be parted and left alone to rot.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
What is Monarch's goal? With Emperor and the rest of the world etc. OH and Knight, if he gets what he wants (whatever that might be) what would he do with the tall very VERY large knight guy?... *cough*
Monarch's goal is similar to Nightmare's goal: to let the multiverse and its people destroy themselves by the negativity he enhances and/or strengthens. But because Monarch still has constrained positivity left inside of him, he doesn't need an entourage of lackeys (aka the Bad Sanses) to cause havoc in places someone like Nightmare can't access. He does it all by himself, with his bodyguard at his side.
Speaking of the bodyguard, Monarch will keep Knight around for servitude. He's useful and loyal, and for reasons Monarch doesn't fully comprehend and is a bit frustrated about, also good on the eye.
When it comes to Emperor, Monarch leaves him be, for the most part. If he doesn't bother him then he won't waste energy on him either; he's got better things to do than waste time on his previous (and weaker) host. Though, he is amused whenever the fragment of his corruption remaining within Emperor gives the poor guy a bad time. Watch him squirm and struggle a bit, such joy.
But Inner Monarch misses his brother dearly and will at times "convince" Monarch to seek him out and have a few words but these little meetings usually don't end on a hopeful note.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
how much taller is Knight than Monarch?
I'd say Knight is one and a half or two heads taller than Monarch.
Knight is a bara Sans so he's way bigger than what we're used to with OG Cross. And while Monarch is taller than the OG Dream and his pre-corrupted form, as seen here, he's still shorter than Knight.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Does Monarch sleep? Random question I know XD
I hadn't thought about it but now that you've asked, I am leaning to that he does.
I have another Dream-inspired OC (Oneiros) who too is corrupted but doesn't sleep. He gains his rest by feeding on a mortal's positivity that he induces through their dreams. Because he's so addicted to positivity, and the amount he consumes acts like too many cups of espresso 24/7 without the hyperactiveness, he has no need to rest/sleep.
So, I think it would be funny if such a powerful creature like Monarch needs his so-called "beauty" sleep. That he still has a "weakness" that is simply a normal need.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
How did Monarch meet Cross? Or-.. uh Knight? And what did he think of him in the past, early in their relationship compared to now?
Let's call him Knight *nodnods*.
As far as @stankychee (Knight's creator) and I have discussed, Monarch was drawn to a specific AU because of the depressing aura it emitted. Within the AU, Monarch found a castle and though it seemed abandoned at first, its halls and walls were filled with a sense of loss, loneliness, and sadness. Most of that atmosphere was induced by Knight, who was the sole survivor of something tragic (details still forthcoming) and lived a very lonely and listless life in that empty castle.
While it was basically "love at first sight" for Knight, Monarch was only interested in the castle and what Knight could offer, like protection and servitude. There were no romantic feelings whatsoever. However, "Inner Monarch" (the uncorrupted version of Monarch that's still present somewhere deep inside that goop) was quick to take a shine to Knight and so, aside from the fight between good and evil inside of Monarch, there is now also a battle for affection.
At the current, their relationship wobbles between "business" and "blooming" but it is an unrequited love story for the time being, with both Knight and "Inner Monarch" pining for the other while the corruptive Entity within Monarch wants nothing to do with it.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Is Monarch made of butterflies? Why do they always fly around or out of him? Is it more of a metaphor?
No, he isn't xD
Concept-wise, Monarch and his brother Emperor are themed after butterflies and moths, like the monarch butterfly and the emperor moth. They've had a fascination/liking towards these pretty little bugs since their creation.
"Inner Monarch" (aka the uncorrupted version of himself that's still fighting back) never allowed the corruption to wipe away his fondness for butterflies but it did twist into, well, collecting many specimens by sticking them on fancy corkboards for display. To have something frail, innocent, and beautiful be trapped forever, even in death. But, at least he has a greenhouse filled with live monarch butterflies to appease "Inner Monarch"... This is one of the reasons why he is surrounded by them in some of the recent drawings I've doodled.
During our last doodle session that resulted in the "booty appreciation" comics, Chee and I did muse about Monarch being able to (involuntarily) summon butterflies whenever he manages to get flustered or feel good feels, and that we have "Inner Monarch" to thank for that. Buuuut I'm still deciding whether this will be a thing or not so it isn't anything "canon" to Monarch's design as of yet.
As for his brother... After the Entity's corruption (the black goop and negativity that corrupted Nightmare/Emperor) shifted from Emperor to Monarch, the small fracture that still resides within Emperor at times speaks to him in the shape of a moth.
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
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Monarch won't think of anything else but that booty now.
Knight belongs to @stankychee~
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wishingstarinajar · 11 months
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A doodle of Monarch relaxing in his greenhouse
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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Some art in response to the (now finished) Dream Tournament that was held by @nashdoesstuff.
My boys Monarch and Oneiros were up against Shattered!Dream and Swap!Dream and welp, they didn't even last a single round xD Their opponents were too great and powerful (and handsome!), as expected.
Dreamtale @ jokublog Shattered!Dream @galacii-gallery Swap!Dream @song-song-a Shattered!Monarch and Oneiros @wishingstarinajar
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
Is there any way to get more info on Monarch and Knight and their AU?
The only ways atm are:
to ask me (about Monarch) or @stankychee (about Knight).
to browse the #shattered!monarch tag here on Tumblr/my blog.
to check out Monarch's Toyhouse.
There is no dedicated blog with info as of yet. The characters and their (currently unnamed) AU are still in development, sorry!
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