#shaw: well i mean i know it’s for couples but wtf do we do
For fanfic writer questions: All. Of. Them. Alternatively: 15. 21 and 25
Lmao 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm doing all of them.
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1. Phone, on Google docs. My phone is an absolute mess.
2. Fanfiction? About two years ago. Don't ask about original stuff. Oof
3. Loki fics, poems.
4. Both? Both. Both is good.
5. Terrible. Ok I'm kidding, I'd describe it as poetic, in a way? Overly poetic is good, ig. But it's also overly dramatic- something I hate seeing in people. Which makes me a hypocrite, ig. Lmao.
But in all honesty, I'm pretty flexible in my writing. Even while writing poems, I can easily shift from writing about EXTREMELY dark stuff (trust me, you don't wanna know) to something light and fluffy, which is a good thing, I guess? But it also feels a bit suffocating sometimes because I have a habit of reading my stuff from the POV of a reader, once I'm done with writing it. So I try to make it as bearable as possible. People nowadays don't always like intense stuff, and since I'm a freaky gal who started reading Shakespeare in third grade, it becomes difficult for me to give up my very intense style of writing. I probably don't make sense, but, uh. Whatever. Point is, I'm not perfect.
6. Random stuff. Seriously. My cupboard can set me off in a writing frenzy- most of the time,however, I don't even know what inspiration is. I meet her very infrequently- so infrequently that she's very forgettable :')
7. No? Sometimes? A couple of my fics were inspired by songs, I suppose. I also unpublished one, if I remember correctly.
8. The title. Oh god, that always makes me lose sleep. And also, the descriptions. Either I'm overly descriptive, or I end up writing a whole one shot in less than 300 words. Why Am I An Idiom is going to be the name of my autobiography, if I ever write one. (And yes, it's is Idiom. Long story.)
9. I don't really have any fixed place for writing. I've been known to write poems in the bathroom, so
10. Do I have a current WIP? I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with them. All I've been writing lately are one shots.
11. I don't count, but I have over 45 drafts
12. If you're talking about fics, then there's this fic I wrote, called Alien Ardour, a few months ago. I unpublished it due to several reasons, but I honestly love it. Also, I really like my one shots Scandalous and Silenced.
13. Like in total? What's 63+48+9? And it's ongoing.
14. Loki. Duh. And death. I love writing about death :')
15. OCs if it's multichapter, reader insert (NO Y/N, PLEASE, TAKE THAT AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE) if it's a one shot.
16. Repetitive question.
17. The Soul Trade. A few chapters were for aesthetics, but ok.
18. Loki. Only Loki. And uh.... Drarry. That's my fricking OTP.
19. @caffiend-queen. I love several other authors but she's always the first to come to my mind when I'm asked this question.
20. No
21. Coffee shop AU 😂 I don't even regret this
22. Idiots to lovers
23. 2 years. Fun fact: my first fic was a Drarry fic. I love it so much that it's still on Wattpad, even though I've not updated it in like a year.
24. Haven't we all?
25. Motivation? Who? What? Okay I'm kidding, I read fanfics. Seriously. Either I reread my own and edit them to sorta get back the feel of writing, or I end up reading a new fic. Smut who?
26. I was eight when I started writing, for heaven's sake. I don't remember.
27. If you're talking about fanfiction, then it's definitely @ohhhmyloki and @latent-thoughts (Tumblr won't let me tag y'all, for some reason). I used to write before I read their works but I quite literally began my journey with smut after reading their fics. And I don't think any of my fics written before that even exist anymore. But if we're talking about writing in general, then it's O Henry and Bernard Shaw. Maybe Gerald Durrell. Did I mention that I love Gerald Durrell?
28. Loki.
29. Idiotic. Messy. Freaky.
30. Um, I don't really wanna say this, but it's Just A Kiss Goodnight. It may be my most 'famous' fic, but it's definitely not the best. For one thing, I wrote it in less than a week, and I haven't edited it. And there's no fucking smut. I'm not saying that smut is necessary to make a fic good, but it doesn't have any intimacy in it. It's definitely not boring, I'll give it that, but it's childish.
31. Wtf is the difference
32. What kinda question is this
33. One shot? Depends. I can be freaky fast and write one in less than fifteen minutes, or I can take literal weeks to finish one.
34. Dude, what's the normal font in android? I have no idea. But one of my favourites is monotype corsiva, when I'm on my laptop.
35. Both.
36. I don't
37. All of my works, oof 😂 well, no. But there's this fic I've written, called Let's Get Drunk Together. And another. It's called Three Isn't A Crowd, After All. Cringy af
38. Smut. Dark poetry.
39. WHY ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS REPEATED? It's idiots to lovers, ffs
40. On Tumblr? Average is 60, I think.
41. Yes
42. Writing.
43. All the time
44. Yes
45. I can be as thirsty and smutty as I want without being judged, bless fanfiction.
47. I can do anything and everything I want. I can make a unicorn fuck a werewolf and nobody will judge me. Or maybe they will.
48. Yes- Wattpad and Ao3.
49. Google docs, word.
50. Fucking Y/N. Like, not literally fucking Y/N, but uh- I mean, I'd totally fuck my clone? But Y/N isn't me, I hate Y/N. And I hate people who just comment on your fic to promote their own fics. We write for your happiness, please at least do the courtesy of appreciating that and not disrespecting our efforts. Most of us spend nights lying awake to give you stuff to read. And also, people who just comment to say,"Update," two minutes after you've just updated. That's RUDE.
51. High school AU
52. Cock, pussy, salacious, sepulchral, pulchritudinous....... I don't have a one track mind I swear
53. Giggled. FUCKING GIGGLED. I don't understand WHY people have this tendency of writing,"she giggled," and,"he chuckled." I don't know why but GIGGLED sounds like something not EVEN a simpering schoolgirl would do. I don't giggle. Not once have I seen peeps who write GIGGLE associate GIGGLE with men, which is something that I find very disturbing and sexist. Call me biased, go on. But I might not even have been here now because I'm from THAT orthodox and sexist a family, and if they'd been any more sexist, I'd have been killed after birth, so don't even dare to come near me with a ten foot pole if you're sexist.
54. Well, yes, I think. I certainly don't hate it, or I wouldn't write.
Dang, I spent over half an hour writing that. Hope that made even an iota of sense.
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asleepinawell · 6 years
General physical contact headcanon and Physical appearance headcanon
General physical contact
shaw - i don’t think general physical contact really bothers shaw that much. like people being physically affectionate, yeah, probably uncomfortable and awkward, but i don’t think she has a strong aversion to contact. annoyance at people touching her for no good reason, absolutely, but it doesn’t freak her out (i’m not sure if i’m explaining the distinction well? i personally am really uncomfortable with general physical contact where it sometimes lowkey makes my skin crawl so this distinction is really clear to me and i don’t think shaw reacts in that way). when she brushes root off it’s usually because root is being, well, root. like even when she elbows her off in the truck it’s more like she was focused on the mess they were caught up in and then was like wait wtf why is root hugging me i am an elite assassin i do not get hugged + her being riled up from the chase. 
i do think that contact that carries implied affection with it does make her uncomfortable though which is part of why root keeps things more geared towards teasing/flirting...because it’s easy for shaw to accept root being attracted to her, and harder to figure out what to do about root being in love with her. and that’s why them just holding hands for a couple seconds is a way more intimate scene than them banging on a table. it took them way longer to get to the hand holding stage of their relationship than it did to the banging stage.
root - root does not have the strongest physical sense of self. she spends a lot of time being other people or seeing herself as only the analogue interface (which i think is her preference and not something TM demands at all) and just strolling in front of bullets or letting herself get the crap kicked out of her to Prove A Point. root’s self-worth is all over the place, because she absolutely thinks she’s hot shit and is smug af, but she also doesn’t value herself. so general physical contact was another part of the games and identities and was a tool that she was mostly indifferent about. but that changes with shaw later on. to go back to the truck scene she’s freaked out and relieved because shaw almost died and she’s safe now and root’s just hugging her, and then when shaw notices she changes it into typical root teasing which shaw is way more comfortable with. but like how many people has root actually genuinely hugged in her life? this strays more into emotionally intimate physical contact than general physical contact, so i’ll cut myself off before i go down that route.
Physical appearance headcanon
shaw - shaw absolutely knows that she is the hottest shit ever. she knows exactly how attractive she is and she fucking owns it (and causes poor root to have gay meltdowns). she takes very good care of herself and is proud of her physical prowess. when it comes to wardrobe she goes for comfort and aesthetic both. like she usually wears stuff that’s easy to fight and move in (i blame all the heels on the need for her to be taller for filming purposes though if anyone could destroy badguys while wearing stylish heels it’s shaw) but also stuff that she looks great in....though i’m not sure what shaw would actually look bad in, so...
also i wrote a bunch about it before, but the fact shaw has her hair pulled up in a normal ponytail most of the time is one of my favorite things ever. like long hair? goes all over the fucking place? especially if you’re running around and fighting and all the other stuff she does. practical ponytail representation ftw. also it looks really fucking hot on her.
root - kind of like my physical contact answer for her, i think a lot of root’s physical appearance is driven by the roles she needs to assume. outside of her alias’s outfits she doesn’t actually have that many shirts over the course of the show? she doesn’t have a lot of things that point at who she is at her core. i think the black nailpolish was kind of that for her...like a little thing that was very much her. when we do see her wearing clothes that aren’t for any alias or mission it’s often one of her few shirts, a leather jacket, and black jeans. i think that’s what root being herself as root defaults to. she thinks she looks like a fuckin badass. what a nerd. (i mean okay yes, she does look like a badass, but she’s still a nerd).
her wildly vacillating self-esteem seems pretty locked down for her physical appearance though. like shaw, she knows she’s hot and she owns it. she takes a good bit of time on her physical appearance, like i know less than nothing about hair anything but she’s running around with fucking fabulous hair in s5 that looks like she put some time and effort into during the fucking ai apocalypse. only root would be so extra. this is also why i forgive her for not pulling her hair back when she fights because root really is just that fucking extra. this is the only time i will ever buy that excuse.
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