#shining romantica
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“so, everyone can be happy!”
laby (radiant soul) 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 raffle prize for @lesbianoutrider!
please don’t use unless you’re lumine! 
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vpurpleh · 1 year
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Romantic dump | para wonderfuldesigns
Caso for se inspirar, me credite por favor.
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tutuandscoot · 10 months
One question is I’d like to ask Scott and Tessa is how they define leadership, in general, but mostly how they defined leadership within their partnership and what their roles in their partnership meant to them. I know they were once asked who was the leader of the Davis/White partnership and Scott answered that Meryl and Charlie led in very different ways. The way the question was asked struck me because I had mostly to that point only been interested in Tessa and Scott and the idea that just one would take on the “leadership role” was funny to me because they are so equal in my eyes and seemed to have such an equal partnership. But I suppose the dynamic of many partnerships, on and off ice and including theirs, has elements of one person taking on certain roles and responsibilities and the other person taking on different roles and responsibilities. And I suppose we could call that leadership in one area versus another, but I’m just curious how they would answer that since I would consider both of them to be role models and leaders. Do you have any thoughts?
Ok first off anon, I’m incredibly sorry for how atrociously late I’m answering this.
Secondly I love how you had a whole discussion on this topic yourself I enjoyed reading it and made me more curious! 😄
I agree I would love to hear them talk more about this. I can’t imagine the number of hours they spent discussing these things with councillors/ psychologists/JF in Montreal.. I find the whole psychological aspect of their partnership super fascinating.
I guess I’ll break some of my thoughts down into two main sections:
1. Leadership on the ice
So my view of this on the surface and from an occupational/dancer’s perspective is he is the leader on the ice. That is the rule in basically any traditional/classical form of dance (and it is a truely masterful skill for a team to perfect) so in compulsory dances/ballroom based programs that is the dynamic in terms of initiating movement. It should never look as though she is moving before he moves her. Ie if they were to start improvising he is the one leading and she goes where he takes her, or if you watch both Tango Romantica and/or Golden Waltz, the bit of chore both times in the top right corner (from the judges view) there is a ballroomish step where they are turning and stepping around each other (in TR it’s just once in GW there’s 3 of them) and he is very clearly taking her around each of those turns- so initiating her movements. This lead-follow dynamic is an area VM EXCEL in. I have always felt a strong responsibility of leadership from Scott and I love that bc as the girl in the partnership there is nothing worse than feeling your partner isn’t protecting you, doesn’t have your back, isn’t making you look your best- and T never had to worry about that. It’s also something that comes off to me as a very emotional part of their partnership- watching them skate and legitimately being able to feel that sense of protection, commitment, safety from him. This male partner-leadership extends into their more modern programs as well that aren’t as traditional in style/execution such as Carmen/latch/MR, you still feel him in charge despite in some of those T being the dominant presence. He manages to lead the movement/structure of the program without stepping in the way of T’s character intentions, he doesn’t out-shine her character but instead plays perfectly complementary to her.
Him being such a strong male partner and leader within this on-ice partnership is one of the things I find most attractive about Scott/ one of the many reasons I respect him so much.. this coming from me as a dancer. Tessa is one hell of a woman to have to lead and (I’ve said this before) for him to have found and settled into that role-as he has said he was always intimidated by her 😭, I’d say very early on- like the first few years of the partnership (AT LIKE 11/12 YEARS OLD) is remarkable. There are ice dance teams I watch who are in their 30’s and the men still haven’t figured that out. For me as a female it is unnerving to watch a team and feel like the man isn’t leading. In a dance of two people and especially being the non-lifting (while it is still a male/female team sport, so- the female) partner, if it looks like the girl is doing more work, having to make herself shine, feels like she’s one beat ahead of the man, it feels uncomfortable to watch, and while from the audience pov/knowledge there may be strong male leadership, if it doesn’t look like there is from the audience it makes harder to watch* (*feel secure watching them skate). In VM’s case its not to say Scott didn’t work incredibly hard at it (they as a team) but as he is so clearly a naturally gifted skater/mover/artist this too seems to be a quality he was capable of perfecting.
In this discussion of on ice leadership though, it’s important to say that it is not all on Scott to be solely *the leader*. For this to work it is just as necessary for Tessa to be responsible for her role in this. I like how when they were doing an interview after a performance of Carmen that Scott pushed back on the idea that he is ‘taking a back seat to Tessa in the program’, this is a great example of their roles in their partnership in remaining -him leading, despite the flip in typical character dominance.
The (one of many) reason they are the best team ever is the way they approach their respective roles, this is where I would want/need to hear far more from them on this topic, but the way in which S leads T is made possible by the way T let’s him lead her. And the reason he makes her look as good as she does is because she is not waiting for him to make her look good- she does everything to be prepared for him to then put her on a pedestal and shine. While their roles may be slightly different, what is crucial is that they work in complete harmony- it’s like Yin and Yang..
I was watching one of their comps recently- I can’t remember which, but comparing them to other teams- in this instance I’m comparing them to WeaPo, the difference (at least to me) is: you are drawn to watching Tessa bc Scott makes Tessa look good and makes you watch her bc it is all he is watching and thinking about, WeaPo I watch her-not bc he is making her look good, but bc she is out-performing him/the performances they are each giving do not feel compatible-there is always something a bit off about it. Now, without knowing much about that team (in the way I understand VM) I wouldn’t go into more detail/assumptions. I’m sure they had what they felt between them was chemistry, but it didn’t come off anywhere close to as natural as VM’s did. As I said, VM work in perfect harmony- the ebbing and flowing of their role’s in their partnership, characters in any given program, who is having an off day/a bit injured, setting their literal rhythm as breathing humans to the exact same timing several times before every performance/practice using the hug… there is so much nuance there and as much as they worked for it I would say a huge amount is written in the stars chemistry ✨
2. Leadership in general
This is where I want to push back- not on something you said, but the way people in these team situations are asked by others/the media etc, who is the leader.. as if there is some definitive black and white answer.
[and not that I feel this is always the intention, but when you think deeper about it there is an element of sexism there- like the man SHOULD be the leader but if the team says the women is the leader in their partnership there are then negative assumptions made about her.. I DON’T think about it this way but it is inevitably an element of it].
Having said that, as I said above, in an ice dance partnership (a heterosexual, man/woman) the man SHOULD be the leader- but in that fact I don’t think the media/ most people probing this question understand the nuance of that and how much equality there is (In VM’s case their is, idk about others) in a dance partnership.
I think equality is a huge thing for VM and I don’t think they think of themselves as one being the leader over the other. I think it is predominantly the media that tried to put that label on them. Off the ice I also see them as equals, though it’s clear T has always had that stronger interest in the business side of their business partnership- though I (personally) wouldn’t label it as a leadership role.
Without them giving more detail on the topic of leadership I think it is hard to speculate/come to our own conclusions. The closest thing I can remember them saying in the topic was when asked who is the team captain and they insisted they are both the team captain and they are incredibly proud of that fact- that they share everything (water bottles, medals, heartbeats, etc), and while they each have their strengths and “weaknesses” they work incredible hard as a team to embrace everything about each other that makes their partnership the best ever. They respect each other IMMENSELY and if they were asked point black, imo I really think they would say neither of them is the leader/they are both the leaders- and when they would change every cringey/rude/none of anyones business question about their private lives into talking about how much they respect each other and how proud they are of the work they had put in for literally 25+ straight years at this point (they.will.always.be.partners.) it really is bc it’s the truth- and I think in the fact that it is hard for us on our own to determine who of them was the ‘leader’ in various aspects of their partnership- just goes to show all the work they put in and how they truly are equals who could not have achieved everything they did without anyone else by their side but each other 💖
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yourdarlingness · 8 months
HEHEHEE HELLO !!! >< 'm so excited 'bout this u don't even KNOOOW
could?? i get diona kätzlein ( genshin ) icons ?
and these two aren't necessary as i don't want to overwhelm you but could i get pink laby ( elsword ) icons && replycons ? <- specifically her sparky child , rumble pumn , twinkle child && shining romantica classes but if all that's too overspecific that's okay !!!
take ur time !!! and have a nice day !!!! ily!!! >< /p
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ghostoftheyear · 2 years
I went down the rabbit hole today and I don’t regret a moment of it.
This started out because I decided to rewatch DAKAICHI -I’m being harassed by the sexiest man of the year-, which is precisely as good as it sounds. I’d plowed through it once already in my quest to find decent BL anime and was meh about it overall, but once I learned that Takahashi Hiroki (Koujaku’s seiyuu) voiced one of the two main characters, I decided to re-watch.
(The “harassment” part of it doesn’t even begin to describe what happens in this anime. Apparently it’s a common BL trope for the top to just fuckin sexually assault the bottom, and consent is never even asked for, let alone given, until kinda maybe after the act. There’s a lot of “guess I’m putting up with this” from the bottom, a lot of “I’m sorry, but I can’t control my urges because I need you so badly” from the top, and overall a lot of victim-blamey shit that I 100% blame Junjou Romantica for. I don’t recommend watching this show if this kind of thing is painful to see.)
Anyway, so I am half-watching, half-working on birthday art, and as the series progresses I notice something. Takahashi’s character, Saijou, is cast in a butai (stage play) called Red Leaf Ogre. This tickles something in my brain, so I go on a brief hunt to see if my memory is correct... and it sort of is. Last spring (of 2022), Allen Kohatsu, my current Japanese stage actor obsession -- and, did I mention, the actor who played Koujaku in the DRAMAtical Murder stage plays -- was in a butai; I remembered the name as something like Autumn Storm Demon. And I was close -- it was Autumn Leaf Demon. He was an onmyoji named Ikushima.
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So that makes me wonder. I wasn’t aware of the source material for this particular butai; all I knew was that Allen wasn’t one of the two main characters shown above. The similarity of the name of this one to the one in the anime seemed too strong a coincidence, though. I can’t help but wonder if the anime’s butai was a winking reference or homage to some other anime and/or manga of which I’d never heard -- which wouldn’t be a stretch at all. I go hunting to see if I can find some source material for Autumn Leaf Demon...
...and what little I find just seems to track back to Red Leaf Ogre, which doesn’t make sense. I know ‘oni’ means demon, but nothing beyond that. I learn that a butai of Red Leaf Ogre had been produced, which is fascinating: I love how seemingly anything can be made into a butai, apparently as long as there’s even the slightest interest. So in this case, it was a butai based on a butai within a BL anime. Well all right then.
I still want to know if there was a connection, though, and I still can’t find any source material for Autumn Leaf Demon. This seems odd but not implausible; just because there are a lot of butai based on anime, manga, etc., doesn’t mean there aren’t original ones too. But somehow I find that Autumn Leaf Demon is a sequel to Red Leaf Ogre. A sequel.
So, to sum up, Takahashi Hiroki voiced Saijou Takato in DAKAICHI; his character was cast in a butai; the butai was produced on stage in 2019; Allen Kohatsu was in the sequel in 2022. On top of that, one of the other UtaPri Gekidan Shining actors, Shuji (Camus) was in both Red Leaf Ogre and Autumn Leaf Demon as Ayagi’s character.
I have no idea what to do with all this information that this afternoon’s obessive research produced, so I’m just going to set it down here. Along with an image of Allen as the onmyoji Ikushima.
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Allen’s in the hood on the upper left; Shuji is the horned guy on the far right.
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elsjobproject · 2 years
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Shining Romantica
1/3 - Clear 'Bamboo Forest' [0/1]
Laby pens her eyes in an unfamiliar place. When she finds herself in danger, chased by soldiers who finds her suspicious, a stranger lends a helping hand.
Just like her teacher, Laby realizes there are those who'll actively try to help others. The girl, Mao, invites Laby to her home, so Laby follows her to the top of the mountain.
2/3 - Look into the 'Spring of Memory' ('Laby's Imaginary World')
Mao talks about when she received help from Calonne and tells Laby that she wants to be someone who helps others just like him. Unlike Laby, who just wanted to help others, Mao seemed to have a purpose. Maybe she wasn't taking this seriously.
Perhaps it's necessary to have some kind of purpose to help others. Laby starts to think.
3/3 -  Clear 'Road to Lord's Keep' [0/1]
When Laby sees Mao upset because she couldn't prevent Calonne from being taken, Laby realizes that she wanted to help others because she always wanted someone to help her. 'Laby doesn't need any reason to help others! Laby just wants everyone to be happy! So, Laby will help you as much as Laby can!' As Laby's selfless decision to help others comes to stand, Nisha goes through another transformation.
(recorded; 02/16/2020)
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Christmas Video Marketing: Tips for Businesses
During the holiday season, businesses have a great opportunity to engage with their audience through Christmas video marketing . Videos are a powerful tool for capturing attention and conveying messages effectively. In this article, we will explore some valuable tips for businesses looking to leverage video production and marketing during the festive season. Video marketing during Christmas can help companies create a strong emotional connection with their target audience. By incorporating festive elements and themes into their videos, businesses can tap into the holiday spirit and evoke positive emotions in viewers. One important tip is to plan ahead and start early. Christmas is a busy time for everyone, so it’s crucial to begin the video production process well in advance. This allows companies to ensure that they have enough time for brainstorming ideas, finding actors or staff to be in the video, scripting, getting costumes, location and props ready, filming, editing, and any necessary revisions, as well as sorting a marketing strategy around this so that your target audience will see the video. Another top tip is to focus on storytelling. A compelling narrative can captivate viewers and make your company video memorable. Consider incorporating elements such as heartwarming stories, humour, or even showcasing how your products or services bring joy during the holiday season. We’ve also seen businesses create parodies of their favourite Christmas films or books, which work well to make their audience laugh and engage with the content. Additionally, it’s essential to optimise your videos for various platforms and devices. Ensure that your videos are mobile-friendly since many people access content on their smartphones or tablets. Also, consider creating shorter versions of your videos for social media platforms where attention spans are typically shorter, such as YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Shorter videos tend to do well on these platforms and can create quite a buzz if your SEO is effective. Furthermore, don’t forget about promoting your Christmas videos effectively. Utilise social media channels, email newsletters, website banners or pop-ups to reach out to your target audience and generate excitement around your content. Get your staff to share the video on their own platforms or even create a competition around it to produce more engagement and promote your video, products and brand. Lastly but importantly; make sure that your company’s branding shines through in the videos. It’s important that the audience knows they are watching your content. Incorporate your logo, brand colours, fonts and values throughout the video while maintaining a cohesive visual style. As experts in video production, we have created a variety of Christmas-themed videos for businesses across the UK. One of our favourites is a social media comedy Christmas skit for La Romantica Beds, a mattress manufacturing company based in Yorkshire. Watch the skit here . We wanted to create a video that would engage and humour their target audience. The skit is a comedic short film and showcases some of their staff and their workplace, which creates a more personal feel for their audience. As you can see from the video, limited props, people and costumes were needed in order to create the social media skit, showing how simple it can be to make an engaging brand video for Christmas. Will you be creating a Christmas video for your organisation this year? These tips for Christmas video marketing strategies tailored specifically for businesses can elevate your brand presence during this festive season, while connecting with customers on an emotional level, therefore increasing website visits, leads and sales. Looking to commission a Christmas video production for your business? Our video production packages offer affordable video content for businesses across Yorkshire. We’ve created a variety of videos for organisations with this digital content package , including funny social media skits, Christmas parodies, event videos, case studies, inductions, meet the team videos, promotional products videos and loads more! Watch some of our example videos here . Contact us today to find out more about how we can help: +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected] Your Industrial Story Starts Here Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media. +44 (0)113 288 3245 [email protected] Contact Us
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fashion-centric · 9 months
Zuri shines bright at Swank
Swank presents: Around the World (August 7th-28th)🛍️ Your limo to Swank 🛍️ Enticing and always romantic, here’s the Romantica collection with a gorgeous new edition, on SALE during the present round of Swank: Around the World. Several adorable colors available! Check us out on our Flickr page, our Flickr group, Facebook, Marketplace, or just come over and let us tempt you. ✽ڿڰۣ—. Hugs from…
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yunnshui · 3 years
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were dumb and insane
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izyuumi · 3 years
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Hello Elsword community,
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elsgraphics · 4 years
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300 x 300.
likes / reblogs appreciated!
request here.
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salynight · 5 years
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Elsword - Laby 2nd path icons (Twinkle Child - Shining Romantica - Radiant Soul)
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Normal people: adopt a child
Bellonde: child adopts you
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nightmare-lily · 5 years
Laby’s Power of Imagination
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When I walked out of the forest, I felt a pleasant breeze. The breezing wind seemed to want to fly into the sky. Nisha blows the enemies away with a breezing wind.
Seeing the slow moving clouds in the sky feels good. Laby wishes she had a friend like that. Nisha creates and summons a cloud.
When I first encountered Laby’s Imaginary World, I was puzzled. There was no way these monsters could actually provide those services, and the entire place was a figment of Laby’s imagination, but it still existed. Not inside the Black Forest, but as an illusion created by Nisha. We know this, because Daydreamer frequently retreats into this Imaginary World.
Laby 3rd’s illusions are summoned from that world. But how real are they? Considering they are called illusions, they should only fool one’s senses and not possess physical properties. However, their attacks are very much real and harm their enemies Even in Laby’s 2nd path, Nisha is able to create wind, bubbles and clouds; Anything Laby fancies and imagines.
In her 1st line, Laby perfects her fighting skills and manipulates energy to aid her in combat. She cannot create summons, as that is something only Nisha is capable of. Her energy is white and pink, while Radiant Soul illuminates the rainbow colours, the symbol of harmonised joy and sorrow. Rumble Pumn even loses the magenta of her hair, as if she lost a part of herself. However, this loss is not necessarily absolute, as Erbluhen Emotion didn’t lose his ability to utilise Creation magic after losing the turquoise from his hair.
But does Rumble Pumn reject Nisha as a separate being, or a part of her own power that became Nisha?
Nisha is represented by a mirror, and only Laby reflects in it, implying that Nisha is Laby, or was a part of her before they got split. We're already aware that Nisha is Laby’s sorrow, so that confirms it, right? However, did Laby always have this power of bringing things to life, or did it come to be after her sorrow was separated from her? Does Nisha’s power come from Laby herself, or the Black Forest?
Here are two possible scenarios:
Laby’s powers have always been limited to the abilities of her 1st path, but the magic of the forest brought her sorrow to life and granted her the ability to create illusions.
Laby always had the power to separate her emotions and use them to bring her imagination to life, but she lost her memory from the Demon Realm. If she ended up confined in any other place, the current Nisha would have taken a form and illusions based on there instead.
If she already had the power or potential to create anything she desires, it’s no wonder she was confined inside the forest, and the concept reminds me of Suzumiya Haruhi. One could argue that even Laby in her 1st path manifests her will into reality by following Gaia’s steps and becoming like him, even changing her magical attacks to physical in the passive skill Respect. Conversely, if Laby was a pure light, was the Black Forest supposed to protect her from, for instance, ending up like Daydreamer? 
Laby could be a fairy, a spirit, an angel, or even a lower goddess. After all, her power does not originate from the El, demonic energy, or Henir. Hopefully, we will soon receive a Varnimyr story update for Laby that will reveal her identity.
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