#shirtbert and portwell will be forever at my top 10 fav ships
timelessbibliophile · 2 years
I have talked about the similarities between Shirbert (Anne x Gilbert) and Portwell. I will not be surprise if Val ends up being like what Winnie was for Shirbert in Season 3 of AWAE. Think about it both Winnie and Val have blonde hair. Both Winnie and Val are older than the main girl. I can pictured Val helping EJ with college stuff just like how Winnie was doing the same for Gilbert. Gina ends up realizing that she is in love with EJ when she sees him with Val talking about college. Part 1/2
Which leads to Portwell having a love confession where they say “I love you” for the first time. I will seriously laugh if EJ pulls a Gilbert Blythe by telling Gina he has been in love with her since the moment she pour punch on his head at homecoming, just like what Gilbert told Anne that he has been in love with her since the moment she broke a slate on his head in Book 3. Part 2/2
No bc if this happened i would pass away, but not before never shutting up about it.
For anyone who needs context (SPOILER ALERT FOR ANNE WITH AN E IF ANYONE CARES LOL), Anne hit Gilbert in one of the first episodes right across his smug, handsome face with a slate, and I'm not lying when I say his love for her at that moment was just plastered on his face. Imagine getting hit in the face really really hard and then being like:
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Anyway, the point is that when Gilbert tells Anne about his undying love for her, he mentions how he had been in love with her since that moment.
Winnie was a character that came in on season 3 if I'm not mistaken, and she was used as a sort of plot point to get in the way of Shirtbert (Anne and Gilbert). He was Gilbert's gf for a good while there, and that helped Anne realize that she herself had an undying love for Gilbert she hadn't admitted. Gilbert was supposedly going to get engaged to Winnie, but at the end of the day he realized he didn't really love her, so they broke up. Gilbert then realized that the only person he wanted to be with was Anne, and it progressed from there.
Coming back to Portwell, tho, I can definitely see the similarities, anon! I think if they went with a similar storyline as shirbert it would be a well-written slow burn to the "i love you" scene. Something else i could hope for in this scenario is Val's character. Winnie in AWAE was never disrespected or thought of as the "side chick" or "the boulder in their path to love" or whatever; Winnie was an incredibly interesting and full character, which made the audience understand Gilbert's attraction to her but not necessarily root for them together.
Honestly I think Val is gonna be for EJ what Jack was for Gina, which is help him realize something about their relationship that he hadn't thought about. Maybe something big happens, like a fight, and EJ goes to talk to Val, and she's like "wow you really love this girl don't you?" or smth, and then EJ kind of has a moment of "wait i do" and then goes to get gina and they kiss under the rain-
okay... that last part maybe isn't necessarily an accurate prediction, but would make one hell of a fanfic...
brb i'm gonna make another oneshot-
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