#should be no surprise to anyone considering my history that i'm writing bealil knifeplay
What are your favorite old memes?
alright then fuck me
disclaimer: i have no concept of time. also a loose grasp of what a meme is. i'll do a detailed top 5 & then some honourable mentions
charlie the unicorn. asked my mum today if she remembers me being 10 & liking that yt video and she said "shut the fuck up casper". so u get the vibe. cursed, brilliant.
2. mr happy face. also a youtube video. i won't link it because you shouldn't watch it please god. but also, there's a story behind why i like it. i joined boy scouts when i was 11 & there was a girl i had a crush on (yes girl butch babies in boy scouts)
& she LOVED knives (i have a type) but her parents wouldn't let her have a penknife so i decided i would, in true mating-ritual style, give her one of my knives. it was stainless steel and had this fat curved blade and she adored it and for one fleeting moment i had all the girl game on the planet. but she also decided to name it (as you do) & it was called Mr Happy Face.
3. any and all star wars memes tbh, but especially any involving my boy the gender euphoria himself obi-wan kenobi.
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the GEnErAL KEnObi meme. this is imo the funniest version of it
also this one
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4. any lord of the rings meme BUT have to genuflect to the king the one the only
it's 16 yrs old GOD i was 9. spamming the melty face emoji
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my man sean bean. he can hit but like, he'd die before he got to 2nd base. sad.
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i still play skyrim & every time i hear this i want to eat my controller so this is clearly the beef stock cube of memes
honourable mentions
the itachi thing where it was like sasuke going 'hey, itachi' fucking 20 times and itachi going WHAT!!!!!??? & then sasuke goes '.... hi.'
the world ending in 2012 (you laugh but a boy in my class cried)
the fucking!!! millennium thing. where they were like 😱 computer code will BREAK (idk) my dad made like 300 euros just sitting in the office at midnight on NYE 1999. it was called the Y2K scare here look . to me it is a meme bc my dad breaks down laughing every time he forgets he already told me about it.
grossly misspelling benaflick cumbersome's name
centipedes in my vagina. salute queen.
none pizza with left beef
blue waffle (purely for the hysteria it caused in my friend group. can u guess i did not hang out with the most reasonable the less-prone-to-drama girlies?) DO NOT LOOK IT UP. i never have and i am so happy.
dividing by zero. my friend once fully slapped my calculator out of my hand bc she thought we would both die
gaia online is a meme to me. fuck that place fr. had my first online girlfriend on there though. and my first death threat. let's call it a historical monument then
again. not a meme. but does anyone else remember freewebs? where you could just make ur own website? & host ur own little forums. i THRIVED. made like 15 websites for my favourite video games that these days would be called wikis.
look shoot me if you want but potter puppet pals was fucking hilarious.
people's bios on ff.net. you really had to put every single quote you like from anything ever up on ur home page.? why.
the jelly donut meme from pokemon.
ask ketchum being 10 for 25 years
the math lady meme. she is so real for that.
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