hunxi-guilai · 3 years
疏林如有诉 Shulinruyousu (Spotify link here; YouTube link here) is the eleventh song on the CQL companion album, and is sung by Gao Qiuzi as Wen Qing’s character song.
Like Wei Wuxian’s character song, Wen Qing’s character song reflects on her relationship to altruism and kindness, the blurring of dreams and reality, the dynamics of chance, destiny, and fate. The lyrics also incorporate the 也曾 yeceng / “I once…” sentence construction that forms a central motif in 曲尽陈情 Qujinchenqing, highlighting both their incredible achievements and the way popular memory betrays their respective legacies.
With my paltry research and resources, I can find no obvious literary reference or symbolic significance in this song’s title, though I can unpack the character 诉 su a bit. I’ve defanged the word somewhat by simply translating it as “speak,” though it can be that neutral, as in 告诉 gaosu / “to tell [someone], to inform.” Generally speaking, 诉 su is more powerful than that, however—it has valences of a legal complain/suit (投诉 tousu / “to appeal” or “to register a complaint,” 申诉 shensu / “to appeal, petition,” 控诉 kongsu / “to accuse, denounce”) as well as emotional expression (诉苦 suku / “to pour out one’s bitterness and woes,” 诉衷情 su zhongqing / “to express one’s genuine emotions”). It would sound somewhat less lovely and concise, perhaps, but conceivable alternative interpretations for the title of Wen Qing’s character song, with the meaning teased out a bit, could be “the woods seem as if they have a complaint to lodge” or “the woods seem as if they have sorrows to tell.”
Lyricist:钟乌衣 Zhong Wuyi
Composer:陈亦洺 Chen Yiming
Flute:水玥儿 Shui Yue’er
Additional Voices:高秋梓 Gao Qiuzi / 喜子 Xizi
Recorder:徐涛 Xu Tao【雅弦录音棚】
Producer:黄喜 Huang Xi / within_轶名
Performed by: 高秋梓 Gao Qiuzi
有风遥吹窗上铃 / A wind blows—the bell on the window sways
同族人同梦不同醒 / Same clan, same dreams—different wakings
是谁在牵引 已定的命 / Who is it, leading us to a predestined fate?
身陷泥沼再难 挣离/ Upon sinking into the mire, it is hard to fight your way free
从来恩仇最分明 / Favor and hatred have always been distinct
惟剖丹相助不忍听 / Only cutting out a core to help each other—I could not bear to hear
曾医数苦疾 / I treated countless bitter injuries
皆如水中萍[1] / and they all drifted past, like weeds on water
世间又添凄凉影 / Adding reflections of desolate misery to this mortal realm
门内虚光灯影 / Candlelight blurs inside the door
恻隐无凭 / Compassion stirs, with no basis
也曾尚存那缕 / I, too, once held that thread
济世之心 / of a heart that wished to help the world
投之以桃[2]何须 留我名姓 / What need have I for fame to do what is right?
冠此家姓便空余 恶名 / Crowned with the surname of this family, soon there is nothing left but infamy
银针斜入谁人颈 / Whose neck did my silver needles pierce?
也曾携弟报此恩情 / I, too, once brought my brother with me to repay favor
有言无人信 / I have words, but no one to believe me
仓惶几处惊 / Panicked—shock in every direction
挫骨扬灰[3]也同命 / Bones, broken; ashes, scattered—we share the same fate
孤灯点亮山径 / A lonely lantern lights the mountain path
前路难明 / The road forward is difficult to know
当时善怀谁又 能算得清 / The kindness I held in my heart then—who can calculate it clearly?
若只惶惶为避 山外风雨[4] / If I had only hidden, frightened and uneasy, from the winds and rains beyond the mountains
谁轻叹医者 仁心 / who would sigh gently for the benevolent heart of doctors?
待到秋叶老去 / Waiting until the autumn leaves age
新坟旧地 / New graves, old haunts
便教西去的鹤[5] 载我同行 / I ask the west-flying cranes to carry me with them
看遍千景最是 人间无情[6] / I’ve seen a thousand things—the human realm is heartless
焚尽此生愿来世 同宁[7] / Burn this life to ashes—I wish, in the coming world, to share in peace
[1] 水中萍 shuizhongping, literally “[duck]weed floating on water,” is often used to describe passerbys who have no connection to each other—they meet briefly, bump into each other, and then separate, without any lingering connections. The metaphor originates in the Song Dynasty poem 《阮郎归·风中柳絮水中萍》 by 王丛书 Wang Congshu, which begins with the lines:  风中柳絮水中萍。聚散两无情 / in the wind, willow catkins; in the water, floating duckweed. Meeting and separating—both, without feeling.
[2] The phrase 投之以桃 touzhiyitao is a reference to the poem 《诗·大雅·抑》  in the 《诗经》 Shijing / Classic of Odes, which contains the lines 投我以桃,报之以李 / toss me a peach, and I’ll repay you with a pear. This gets abbreviated into the chengyu 投桃报李 toutao baoli, which is used to describe reciprocal relationships of giving. Here, the lyrics reject the need for 投之以桃 touzhiyitao / reciprocity in order to do what is right.
[3] 挫骨扬灰 cuogu yanghui / literally, “to grind bones and scatter ashes” is particularly significant in premodern Han Chinese burial practices, which I get into a bit in this post.
[4] The phrase 山外风雨 shanwai fengyu / “the winds and rains beyond the mountains” metaphorically refers to the worldly conflicts of the show, much like the binome 风云 fengyun in 清河诀 Qinghejue (endnote 6).
[6] The line 便教西去的鹤 / “I ask the west-flying cranes…” is a reference to the chengyu 驾鹤西游 jiahe xiyou (literally, “to ride a crane and journey westwards”). This chengyu is often used in poetry to refer to death in a roundabout, literary manner.
[7] Alternate translations of 人间无情 renjian wuqing include: “the human realm is merciless” “the human realm is unfeeling” “the human realm is ruthless” “the human realm is uncaring.” I don’t think I can overstate the definitive cynicism of this line.
[8] 同宁 tongning means “to share in peace” / “to live together in tranquility.” It is also a stealth pun on Wen Ning’s name, which contains the same character. A conceivable alternate translation for this line could be: “Burn this life to ashes—I wish, in the coming world, to be with A-Ning.”
A wind blows—the bell on the window sways
Same clan, same dreams—different wakings
Who is it, leading us to a predestined fate?
Upon sinking into the mire, it is hard to fight your way free
Favor and hatred have always been distinct
Only cutting out a core to help each other—I could not bear to hear
I treated countless bitter injuries
and they all drifted past, like weeds on water
Adding reflections of desolate misery to this mortal realm
Candlelight blurs inside the door
Compassion stirs, with no basis
I, too, once held that thread
of a heart that wished to help the world
What need have I for fame to do what is right?
Crowned with the surname of this family, soon there is nothing left but infamy
Whose neck did my silver needles pierce?
I, too, once brought my brother with me to repay favor
I have words, but no one to believe me
Panicked—shock in every direction
Bones, broken; ashes, scattered—we share the same fate
A lonely lantern lights the mountain path
The road forward is difficult to know
The kindness I held in my heart then—who can calculate it clearly?
If I had only hidden, frightened and uneasy, from the winds and rains beyond the mountains
who would sigh gently for the benevolent heart of doctors?
Waiting until the autumn leaves age
New graves, old haunts
I ask the west-flying cranes to carry me with them
I’ve seen a thousand things—the human realm is heartless
Burn this life to ashes—I wish, in the coming world, to share in peace
PL Translations: an introduction
无羁 Wuji
曲尽陈情 Qujinchenqing
不忘 Buwang
恨别 Henbie
不由 Buyou 
清河诀 Qinghejue 
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difeisheng · 3 years
Random musical parts of the CQL Character Song Album I just really love:
The instrumentals after the first chorus in Shu Lin Ru You Su
When Chen Zhuoxuan and Sun Bolun's voices come together in Gu Cheng
The key change in Hen Bie
The second chorus in Chi Zi, idk it just hits different to me
All of Zhou Shen's falsetto notes in Huang Cheng Du. I have no idea whose idea it was to get 5'2 Shenshen to sing Xue Yang's song but I applaud them for that decision every day
The guitars in Zui Shi Shao Nian Bu Ke Qi, once the song picks up
The piano in Duo Hen Sheng
Wangji's out-of-the-blue superhero music in Bu Wang
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