#sidenote i am just now remembering that they sell premade jello in cups and i couldve just got that instead of mixing it myself
yardsards · 2 years
there is an angel and a devil on my shoulders and i chose to listen to the devil on this night
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conclusion: it... tastes.
okay, like. there were obviously no reactions between the ingredients (unlike grilk, where the acid in the grape juice curdled the milk). so it tasted kinda like you'd expect cherry gelatin and white bread to taste.
but also like. okay, you don't really think much about the taste of plain, untoasted white bread in your daily life. but then you take a bite of it with nothing but a filling that's like 98% water, basically just a sip of kool aid in semisolid form. and then you truly taste the bread for the first time. it doesn't just not taste like anything; no, it tastes like *something* and that *something* is Nothing. but somehow the addition of the cherry jello INTENSIFIES that *something* and makes you taste it more than if you just took a bite of plain white bread without the jello.
and the texture... the jello was already a tad too watery and the bread a wee bit stale. the jello got almost entirely lost in the feeling of the bread but sometimes in the middle of chewing, a glob of jello would make itself known, simultaneously a respite from the bread and a new form of torment. it felt like it took an eternity to chew, though it was more like 15 seconds.
the combination of fake fruit and mass-produced bread conjures an image: a mockery of communion, handed out at a megachurch in the lorax movie universe where no one had encountered a live plant in ages.
the video wasn't really funny enough to warrant posting, but these screenshots of me tasting it about sum it up (fun fact: i accidentally deleted the first video so this was of me taking a SECOND BITE. but almost nothing about the first bite really processed for me so the second was practically a new experience in of itself)
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anyway, i give it a 3/10, only because i am using grilk as my baseline for a 1/10
(context: grilk jello sandwich)
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