#silly how he didn't really hold any anger over macaque tho
spoofyleaf · 11 months
“as far as MK knew, everyone completely abandoned him, and for the undisclosed amount of time, he was Not Okay and kept going back to the shadow play bc he truly believed that his friends just... gt up and left him. left him in the shadows” blah blah blah
okay but can we talk about how angry he was at Wukong? It’s hinted that he kept seeing Wukong when he wasn’t really there (“this again? look i know you’re not really here”) and it must of become such a common occurrence bc he didn’t even bat an eye- hell, he even lashed out at “wukong” and went to punch him. And looked surprised that he hit something solid (macaque). MK told what he knew wasn’t actually Wukong (what he probably believed to be a figment of his imagination) what he wanted to tell the real Wukong. He let out the anger he held towards him. (anger for what? “giving” him powers? for making him who he was, making him the kind of person his friends wanted to abandon?? for putting too much on him? for not being there what he needed him??? the list goes on).
But he doesn’t tell the real Wukong these things. He isn’t open to him about these things in general- not until the s4 special atleast.
My point is: MK is holding in a lot of anger. Not just sadness or fear or low self esteem. But anger.
Idk i just think its neat, esp w who he directed it towards so easily :)
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