#sirisu's stupidity
sirisuorionblack · 1 year
Eh thoughts that I don't wanna disturb u guys with:
Yk the coolest thing about Zoyalai is not that it's Sunshine bf x grumpy gf it's just that both of them are equally morally grey and have an equal amount of trauma that shaped them possibly into two different ends of a spectrum. Their dynamic is so unexpected and so perfect and I think the tropes kinda underplay what they have and ajsdadhfbds i like them pls
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limetimo · 9 months
RAB fics I read (aug pt1)
A Love Already Lost by orphan_account after the war Garlie comes to Grimmauld place... and falls in love
The Fighting and Most Sensible Brothers Black by Haunted_Frost Sirius and Regulus being brothers ♥ (Regulus lives)
A Different Type of Furry Little Problem by blueartemis07 regulus is crookshanks and terrorises Snape (amongst other)
My Life As A Cat by orphan_account regulus is crookshanks, funny
Strange Bedfellows by runrarebit more about sirius but regulus is there and everyone is gay and needs therapy
To have and to hold by runrarebit BLACK HEIR WEDS BASTARD PRINCE by runrarebit Family Ties by runrarebit Moving On by runrarebit Bonds by runrarebit War's End by runrarebit Devotion by runrarebit - all part of a series where Regulus and Severus are dating, deflecting and kicking butt and in Devotion they go polyamorous together with Sirius
you don't owe her shit (even if she said you did) by sapphicgingers Regulus faces Walburga and James is a supportive boyfriend
Shades of Purple by startohismoon jegulus, ace regulus
Seven Minutes In Heaven - Jegulus by MaraudersWhore4 jegulus, what it says on the tin
Mon amour by Moonchild206 jegulus coming out
I Have Scars (And I Hate Them) by Julmust123 regulus has scars from the cave and James makes him feel better about them
we begin in the dark by allalrightagain Regulus/Peter :D
birch trees loom by AllLivesMatter im just going to lie on the floor and have FEELS bye.
For Reasons Unknown by m3535, Zayhad Remus/Regulus
Regulus black and some (not so) terrible dates by finnhatessnivulus barty is here to save regulus form dating misadventures
Cat, Dog, and Stag by LupinsChocolatePraline they're all animagi your honour
I didn’t sign up for this by Moonystoastandmarsbars huhuehehehHEHEHE *unhinged chuckling* certified bacherlor Sirius Black gets a shock of his life when he find a 4 year old nephew he didn't know he had on his doorstep. wolfstar is slowly figuring things out and Regulus becomes the top bitch at the prison.
Mauvais jour de cheveux by Xo_flower McG has to deal with BLack brother's bs
pride and guilt by theprodigypenguin james survives Haloween and Dumbledore moves him in with a very reluctant Regulus ♥ Stupid Deep by theprodigypenguin former version of pride and guilt
The Phoenix Agency by LupinsChocolatePraline this one's about Sirius but he reconnects with Regulus in later chapters, modern muggle au
Nothing Was As It Was Told by BTSgotmeonahigh harry time travels to marauders era andlets them read the Harry potter books and stuff changes
1979 by Trex_patronus part of series where regulus went to Azkaban, this is Sirius' reaction to finding out
what are we by picklesonsaturday Sirisu and Severus fuck and talk about Regulus
A Different Route To Azkaban by Anonymous Severus is dating both Sirius and Regulus but for spy purposes, sad
All Is (Not) Forgiven by Demon_Pangun0817 diversity wins! james potter is a bad boyfriend
our choices seal our fate by unlikecharlie I LOVE when reg kidnaps baby harry
getaway car by grimjobs everyone's possessive horny bastards
Stars Of A Kind by orphan_account jegulus
Coming Out by Regneededswimlessons maraudesr and slytherin skittles and chaos and jegulus and wolfstar
Invisible String (Tying you to me) by not_very_sirius jegulus texting fic
blindfolded sight by rheadaholyc for NeonDomino wolfstar focused, regulus is a good bro (even tho he's a little shit)
towards the edge (closer and closer) by grimjobs jegulus sexy times
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) by grimjobs trans regulus jegulus sexy times
king of my heart by grimjobs they're daft your honour, jegulus
The Bite is Eternal by phantasmaraneae vampire regulus turns vampire hunter Sirius into his thrall to "save his life" but really mostly he just wants to fuck
On the ice (there’s warmth between us) by hallyticket FIGURE SKATER REGULUS! gets struck teaching a class to hockey players, amongst them one james potter and his very own estranged brother (trans regulus)
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by georgia_sk BAMF regulus, jegulus, rosekiller, wolfstar, and a lot of violence that makes them horny
Please Don't Confuse Fantasy With Truth by phantasmaraneae Regulus/Sirius fuck kinkily and magic goes poof and well mpreg happens
i'll be seeing you by residentrookie !!!!!!!! modern muggle James (2022) swaps places with canon James (1979) and goes on an adventure with nearly drowned Regulus Black while his modern era friends scramble to get him back :D
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lcvedriven · 3 years
You have nothing to worry about with your appearance. / james for sirisu
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his mouth pinches and twists. "easy for you to fucking say. you're not going back to school with a shaved head." sirius is. he's going back to school with the whole world knowing he's been disowned.
it should make him feel proud. he wants no part of that awful family.
and yet he feels awful. he wants to disappear. for the first time in his life he wants to disappear.
he wraps his arms around himself.
"sirius black and his stupid fucking hair."
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
 “Stop being so difficult.” With whichever hp ship you’d like. 💕
Remus wakes up with a sore throat and a pounding head.
He winces; the light streaming in from the window was too bright, burning his eyes and making him shift uncomfortably. He reaches up, tries to brush the hair from his face, scowls at the white bandages wrapped around his knuckles, woven in between his fingers like string on a loom.
Remus lets out a small noise, sinking back into the bed. Everything aches - his back, his neck, his legs and his ribs. It’s a mix, between the dull throb of brusies, the sharp stab of cuts, the agony radiating through his bones. He takes a deep breath and winces; his jaw is sore, his mouth covered in bleeding marks and he thinks he bit through his bottom lip.
He frowns, staring up at the ceiling. His head pounds, in time with his heartbeat, and he shifts uncomfortably in the bed. He can barely remember last night, still half-caught in the familiar daze that the Full Moon always brought. Dimly, he recalls leaning against the side of the bed, pages of notes spread underneath him, the sardonic lilit of Sirius’ voice. Finger brushing against his, the low rumble of laughter as Sirius murmured, “What the fuck, Moons, this is all wrong.”
“Go to hell,” Remus had mumbled, too tired to come up with anything better.
Sirius just winked at him, brushing a kiss to his forehead, settling down against the side of the bed. “I’ll do this for you,” he said, stealing the notes. “You go to sleep.”
He had protested, but weakly - he was too tired to study and they both knew it. Reluctantly, Remus had climbed into bed, swallowing hard at the roughness in his throat. “Wake me up in an hour,” he had said, and he still remembers the smile Sirius gave him, all mischief and love and amusement.
Remus tries to sit up, fails and sinks back into the mattress. He coughs, grimacing at the metallic taste in his mouth, wishing for a glass of water. He closes his eyes, the pillow cool against his cheek, lets himself spin slowly into the darkness.
When he wakes up again, Sirius is there, holding his hand. He looks exhausted - there are bags underneath his eyes, his face grey and pale. He’s smiling though, lighting up his face, hair pulled back into a knotted half-bun on top of his head. “Hey Moons,” he says, his voice low and smooth and melodic.
Remus blinks the blurriness out of his eyes, hating how broken and hoarse his voice sounds. “Pads,” he rasps, then winces at the roughness of his voice. He coughs, trying to clear his throat, a deep, hacking voice. Sirius is sitting on the bed, the warmth of his body soaking through the sheets, pressed flush against Remus’ aching legs. The air smelled of something; herbs and salt and meat and Remus takes a deep breath.
Sirius hands him a glass of cool water - Remus mumbles a thanks before downing it in one gulp. It hurts to swallow but he ignores it, relishing the slide of fluid down his ravaged throat. He moves to set the glass on the bedside table but Sirius is faster; he practically snatched the glass out of Remus’ hands, setting it down himself.
Remus rolls his eyes. “Jesus Christ,” he whispers. “You’re such a mother hen.”
Sirius winks at him, trying and failing to hide the concerned gleam of worry in his expression. “Stop being difficult. It’s the least I can do, especially when you look like absolute shit.”
Remus doesn’t bother to argue with him. He yawns - he can tell by the stiffness in his limbs that he’s been asleep for at least a couple of hours. He squints at the ceiling - the light is golden, buttery and gorgeous and he shoots an accusing glare at Sirius. “Is it almost time for breakfast?” he rasps.
“Nah,” Sirius says, his face splitting into a shit-eating grin. “I let you sleep.”
“What the - “
Sirius cuts him off, placing his palm firmly over Remus’ mouth. His hands are soft, fingers long and cool against Remus’ heated skin - Remus thinks of those same hands curled on his hip, in his hair, against his neck and shivers. “Don’t worry,” he says. “I took notes for you. You haven’t missed out on anything.”
Remus lets out a little groan, muffled by Sirius’ palm. Sirius just laughs. “Oh, you’re adorable when - “ He breaks off with a yelp - Remus had bitten him, teeth clamping firmly around the soft bit of skin at the base of his thumb. With a curse, Sirius wrenches his hand away. “I told you! I got you covered! You didn’t miss anything - “
“Still,” Remus croaks. “You should have woken me, I had classes - “
“You’re half dead,” Sirius counters. “You just went through a transformation and you happen to be sick. If you think that you can go through a full day of school like this then you are an idiot. And I don’t date idiots.”
“Obviously I do,” Remus grumbles. Sirius flips him off.
“Anyways, I brought you some food.” With a flourish, Sirius reaches underneath the bed, pulling out a small covered pot. He sets it down carefully in Remus’ lap; Remus tears the lid away to find a bowl of chicken broth.
“Thanks,” he whispers, the aroma already making him unsteady. Sirius passes him a spoon. “God. This is amazing.”
“Give me some,” Sirisu says; Remus shoves the spoon into his mouth. “Hmmm. Not bad. I can make better soup.”
“You can’t cook,” Remus replies, still inhaling the broth.
“Every Chinese person knows how to make good soup.”
“Not as good as this.”
Sirius’ eyes flash, quicksilver bright in the dimness of the room. “Is that a bet, dear Moons?”
Remus shakes his head. He sets the pot aside, pleasantly warm thanks to the soup and the blankets and Sirius, his legs deliciously hot against his clammy skin. Almost absentmindedly, Sirius leans over, brushes the golden bits of hair out of Remus’ eyes.
God, he loved Sirius, the way he fitted together like some sculpture of glass and steel. The midnight hair, reaching down to his shoulders, the way his eyes were like stars, the way they tilted upwards, the lashes shockingly dark against his skin.
Sirius’ mouth quirks, like he knew what Remus was thinking. “Don’t worry,” he says, fingers brushing Remus’. “I managed to draw you.”
“Let me see.”
Sirius shrugs, then reaches underneath the bed. He pulls open a book, flips through the pages, shows Remus a few of them.
It’s charcoal, only black and white and yet Remus can’t stop staring. He’s never seen himself like this before, all soft lines and mussed hair, charcoal smeared across empty pages. He stares at one of himself, asleep on the bed, swallowed up by the pillows and blankets piled around him. He drags his gaze up, to where Sirius was watching him, the barest hint of a smile on his lips.
“I think you got something wrong,” he says, voice shaking slightly. “I’m not that beautful.”
“You are to me,” Sirius says simply.
“But I - “
Sirius shuts him up with a kiss. It’s soft and luxurious, pinning him down into the sheets, one hand reaching up to brush against his cheek. Remus stutters for a moment, caught off guard and then closes his eyes, lets himself enjoy the feeling of being enveloped , Sirius on top of him and the blankets around him, safe and secure and loved.
Sirius pulls back; with a sigh, he scrubs at his lips. “Shit,” he mutters. “Sicko.”
“You’re the one stupid enough to kiss me,” Remus points out. His head is still buzzing slightly, though he doesn’t know if that’s from the blood loss or the fever or the kiss. “Not my fault if you get sick.”
Sirius seems to consider it for a few moments, then shrugs. “What the hell,” he says, before leaning down to kiss Remus again. “Maybe I’ll get to take a day off school.”
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sirisuorionblack · 2 months
No cause the amount of sass in lunar chronicles is just pure funny.
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sirisuorionblack · 8 months
Not me teaching how to use this hellsite to a dumbass
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sirisuorionblack · 25 days
Someone come and take me away.
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sirisuorionblack · 2 years
stells!!! i have a request! i saw this~
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and i was thinking of sirius black x reader? maybe they've been friends since first year and have been dating since... idk fourth? just this fluffy moment that leads to james teasing the two of them??
if not i totally understand<33
Stories and Promises
Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
Summary - Once best friends; now turned against each other because of broken promises. But why would you keep a grude against a mutual misunderstanding?
Warnings - Cursing.
A/N OKAY! GOODNESS! I am soo sorry but this is like completely opposite to what you had requested but I did enjoy writing this and yea! Hope you like it! And guys, careful with this fic, this is gonna have a huge impact on the future.
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You watched in nervous anticipation as Sirius stood beside his little brother. Regulus turned ten and the Black family was nothing but extravagant even for the simplest of things and hence organised the grandest party you had ever seen in honour of the newest Black heir.
“Look at him standing there and grinning, that little traitor,” your father sneered, holding your hand tight in his. “Thank Merlin you had not been sorted in that wretched house like your little best friend there.”
“Father,” You mumbled, trying to tug your hand from his confines. “It isn’t his mistake.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, scowling and then he squinted at Sirius. “Why would his mother keep that boy next to the heir of the Black family?”
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Because Regulus is his brother? Because he is not a plague? Because he loves his brother? You thought to yourself. It would be like writing your own death sentence and submitting it to your father if you said your thoughts aloud.
Yet, as though your father’s simple words had power, Mrs Black pushed Sirius to the side and stood beside her younger son. Mr Black encased the other side, standing as stoic and tall as ever.
You feared you might see hurt in Sirius’ eyes but when you sneaked a glance at him it seemed as though he had not even registered what happened to him. He kept beaming at his nervous brother.
“Your mother was absolutely rude to you!” You said, pacing the space of your best friend’s room. You were forbidden to even look at Sirius, much less be in his room and have a good conversation with him.
“Was she?” Sirius asked, sitting at the foot of his bed and eating his little cup of ice cream.
“Yes,” You breathed, glaring at him. “I wanted to punch her, and my father above it! He was much worse with his words.”
“That truly doesn’t matter, little snake,” Sirius said, scraping the bottom of his cup with his spoon. Before you could respond, he continued, a little unsure, “It doesn’t, does it?”
“It would never!” You crossed the room to sit beside him. "It wouldn't matter if you are in that house. I'd still tell you stories and listen to yours."
“Then you will always be my best friend,” he said, knocking his shoulder against yours.
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“I don’t believe in always,” you whispered to yourself, your eyes following the notorious Sirius Black, a blur spot in your life. A wound that you could never close. A gaping hole filled with emotions.
The two of you were supposed to be best friends for always but a month back at Hogwarts was all it took for the young Gryffindor to forget his best friend. And for you to turn into an obedient pureblood. Why must you feel sympathetic for a boy who finds it beneath him to speak to a Slytherin? Much less his supposed best friend.
“Walk,” Someone hissed from behind you, a hand pushing you forward.
You took a deep breath. It was time you forget your darling best friend; he would be nothing but a mere rope pulling you back. It was time you let go of the tiny thread you hung onto. To the tiny hope the disgusting word always held.
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“Where is Elliot?” You asked for your best friend. Your single friend, the only one who had been with you for so long, supporting you like a pillar.
“I would be glad to know too,” a fifth-year boy, Elliot’s most devoted admirer answered.
 “Oh, you didn’t know?” A sixth year asked, snickering. You had seen her around the Slytherin common room but never had you ever spoken to her. Her attitude simply infuriated you. “That girl is down duelling the Black boy. It’s going quite fun if I must say.”
“What? Why?” You asked, panic raising in your throat. Oh, she was doing stupid things.
The girl shrugged. “Why would I know? I’m just an on-looker.” “Where?” You asked, with panic, anger rose. “Why? Are you going to save your dear little friend?” “Where are they?” Perhaps, she feared your Prefect badge. Or maybe, you looked simply murderous. Whatever it was, the moment the grad location of the grand duel fell out of her lips you were dashing out of the Slytherin common room.
Your race to the great hall was like never before. Pushing through crowds of people until you stood in front of the circle around two.
Waves of curses and jinxes shot out of Sirius’ wand, the hissing of the curses drowned by his laughter. On the other side, Elliot struggled to keep up. One of her hands fisted against her skirt and her fingers tight around her wand as she countered his attacks.
“Expelliarmus!” You shouted. Sirius’ wand shot out of his fist, and he looked at you as though he had just seen a dementor. You wondered if you were one to him.
“Off you go!” You yelled to the crowd. “Before I hand out detentions to every one of you!”
The people watching the duel slowly dissipated, until all that remained of the wild crowd were Sirius's little band of idiots.
“What are you doing?” You asked Elliot, glaring at her. “Why your best friend was busy inserting her noses into other’s business,” Sirius said, scoffing.
You ignored him.
Elliot clenched her jaw. “It's not ‘other’s business' when it involves my best friend.” “Elliot, enough,” you said, with finality in your voice. “Let's go.”
“Are you scared?” Sirius asked, stepping into your path. He had certainly grown taller than the last time you had been this close. Not just taller, even handsome with his light eyes and dark hair falling to his shoulders. He looked heartbreakingly handsome. It was in his blood or you wouldn’t dare admit it.
“I do not want to even see you, Black,” you sneered but you were surprised by your own tone. "Just get out of my sight."
"Why would you not find it pleasing to see such beauty, little snake?" Sirius spat the name as though it disgusted him and it reminded you of your father. He stared at you with so much hatred in his eyes that scared you. How had he changed so much?
You stepped closer to him, invading his space and stood on your tiptoes. “You’d make the perfect Black heir,” You hissed at him, knowing only he heard you and it only hurt him.
How had you changed so much?
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“What happened?” You asked Elliot once the two of you were alone in the library. “Why would you duel that fool?”
“Because he said stupid things about you!” She said, her nails digging into the spine of the textbook she held against her chest.
Your mind was split. A part of you desperately wanted to know what he had but the other refused. He was poor at putting his feelings into words.
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t go starting duels because some arsehole said things about me!”
Elliot grunted. “He said something but. He said he didn’t believe in never. It was like that thing you say.”
“I don’t believe in always.”
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The night sky was glaring down at you for your foolishness. Or perhaps, rewarding you for your anger. The latter sounded stupid even to you. How would it be your fault for Sirius to pull away as abruptly as he did? You were supposed to be best friend for always and perhaps always wasn’t long. Perhaps, it was as short as a twinkle.
You pulled the shawl around your shoulder close to your chest. It was sure a chill night but it multiplied at the height you stood. The astronomy tower had been dubbed into safe space ever since you stepped into Hogwarts. The stars, strangely, cruelly, ironically, protected your mind. Their twinkles and patterns distracted your mind from the world of such realness.
Footsteps echoed in the deserted area. Loud clicks of boots against the floor sent panic into your system. It was definitely way past bedtime.
A groan allowed your shoulders to slump but your mind to tense. “Why are you there everywhere I go?” Sirius asked, rolling his eyes.
“Why do you go everywhere I am?” You asked, scowling. You were not going to leave your spot because you did not want to speak to some arrogant boy.
Sirius clicked his tongue in annoyance and had the bloody audacity to lean against the railing beside you. You expected Sirius to talk your ear off or at least insult you but you had not anticipated the thick awkwardness around you.
“I’m off to bed,” you blurted, and then chided yourself. There was no need for you to announce this to him.
“Wait,” Sirius said, surprising both you and him.
It was even more astounding when you turned around to face him.
Sirius rolled his eyes in annoyance as though your attention was something he never wanted but you noticed the way his shoulder ticked. “I just-uhm-I just wanted to say that you are absolutely disgusting.”
“And you are stuck in that stupid little head of yours," You seethed.
Something was wrong with you.
“I’m stuck in my head?” Sirius scoffed. “Darling, please, if anyone between us is stuck in their head, that’s you!”
“How dare you!” You hissed, your hand moving to draw out your wand. “You disgust me, Black.”
“It wasn’t me who turned against promises that were made,” he said, drawing out his wand.
“Oh, isn’t it?” You said through gritted teeth. “Atleast, I hadn’t forgotten my best friend because I had a new bunch of banshees!”
“Do not!” Sirius let out a ragged breath. “You never even tried to speak to me after that! I was sorted into Gryffindor and that’s it, just like everyone else, you left too!”
“I did not! You left me, Sirius.” You saw him shiver as he turned to the sky, his grey eyes sparkling. “Did you try to speak to me? I mean, fuck it! You didn’t even bloody look at me! You ignored me, you stupid arsehole!”
Sirius stayed silent. Regretting his ridiculousness? Thinking of his mistakes? Cursing you? You didn’t know but he stayed silent for a long moment before he sighed.
“Would you accept it if I told you I was sorry?” He whispered, almost reluctantly, into the night, yet it was as though he had been yelling those words for you. Perhaps, the winds stayed silent in surprise of his words and maybe the crickets stopped chirping for you to hear.
“Would I?” You said aloud. For him and for you.
“Would you?” Sirius repeated, finally looking at you.
“I don’t know.” And you did not. Would you forgive him for all the times you felt as though you had failed yourself? Would you forgive him for instilling the thought that there was nothing known as always? Would you forgive him? Were you that selfless? Or maybe you had seen all these things from a different perspective. Maybe you should let go.
“I don’t know,” You breathed again and turned away from him, dashing to the steps.
You only realised you were running when your loud footsteps finally penetrated through your thoughts and your legs felt numb.
“You alright?” Eliot asked, staring at you. You finally reached your dorm room, heaving deep gulps of breath. “Your face is flushed.”
You recited your evening to her without sparing her any details.
“Are you going to forgive him?” She asked, after you finished recounting.
“I don’t know,” You moaned, collapsing on the edge of her bed and burying your face in your hands. “I think I want to.”
She placed a hand on your shoulder.
“He used to be such a nice boy, you know?” You said, loving the memory your words brought. “When we were younger, around seven, I suppose, my parents would always leave me at his house because they thought we would get married when we grow up, so they wanted me to spend time with him and his family.” You chuckled. “But we would sit under this huge tree they had in the backyard until 12 in the night and he would tell me stories about queens and knights.”
“Tell him you forgive him,” Elliot said, “Right now. And maybe, add in a bit more sorrys from you when you are at it.”
“Why should I?” You asked, as Elliot pulled you up and tried to push you out of the dorm.
“There is equal mistake of yours in this whole ruckus as there is of Sirius’,” Elliot pushed you out of your dorm. “Do not dare to step in until you’ve sorted this out.”
“You want me to sort this out after five years?” You yelled after she shut the door in your face.
Your heart ached with hope, despite knowing better. This might all be just a crazy prank Sirius and his friends are pulling. Or maybe he truly was sorry.
You took a deep breath. “I'm gonna tell him I’m sorry and accept his apology and never speak to him again.”
Not knowing where to find Sirius, you simply trudged back to the Astronomy tower, a beautiful story running in your mind.
Sirius had told you that on one of the evenings beneath the massive tree. It was about a queen and a joker. A bashful Queen who held a grudge a little too long and a court joker who rebuked her at every chance got. He died in the end and she went on to build a tyranny. You didn't know where Sirius heard or read the story but you remember sobbing to him and the way he comforted you.
“You’re still here?” You asked Sirius, finding him at the same spot in the astronomy tower.
Sirius chuckled with his eyes still stuck to the stars as you stood beside him. “Yes. I knew you’d come back. You are indecisive and foolish.”
This time, however, his insults hurt much different. It was the longing and regret. Oh, how many memories you could have made in five years.
“I am sorry,” You said, fiddling with your fingers. “And I forgive you.”
“As you should,” Sirius said, finally looking at you with a wide grin on his face that poked at your heart.
You missed him?
“Don’t make me regret it,” You said, shaking your head with a smile.
“I missed you,” He blurted. “It disgusted me, but I missed you.”
“I think I missed you too.” “What can I say? I’m very miss-able.” “You are very slapable is what you are.” “Now, now, behave, will you?” “I’m not a dog.” “Pity. Dogs are at least cute and they don’t speak a lot if at all.” “Shut up.”
“Best friends, again?” Sirius asked, poking his pinky out.
You smiled, linking your pinky through his. “Best friends and hopefully we will never change.”
Sirius smirked. “I don’t believe in never.”
Your eyes widened but you coughed, composing yourself. “And I don’t believe in always.”
“Well, opposites attract.” “Never.” Sirius winked. “Always.”
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sirisuorionblack · 27 days
Not me falling blindly for a villain (I mean from reading fanfics but ye)
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sirisuorionblack · 2 years
Hello! So, this is like a tiny thought in my mind after reading that one post about the character in a book falling in love with the reader and I loved it and it was almost like a fanfiction so I thought why not?
Hence, here is a little blurb with Sirius Black. Tell me if you want me to continue.
If someone had asked Sirius to describe beauty, he would have ran out of words. He was not philosophical but beauty was everywhere and nowhere. His motorcycle was a beauty, but when he overused it and smoke rose from the old engine, it was not quite so much anymore. His mother's beauty was cold like hailstones. Mrs. Potter's beauty is warm like hot chocolate.
But there was one thing that was always beautiful. It is the eyes that read these words. The eyes that shine with the beauty of the world he so wants to be a part of. The eyes that cry and laugh with him; for him. The eyes that understands him when no one did. The eyes that he had never seen but has fallen in love with.
Sirius wonders if you feel what he feels when he stares at the stars. The thought that perhaps at least one star of the infinite number was in both his world and yours has always haunted him. All the similarities there could be.
Do you know the story of the boy who flew too close to the sun? Sirius hoped you knew it, because if he could, he would have jumped right out of these pages to you. But he wondered if that was what you wanted or just his words.
He had always known that in everything beautiful there was heartbreak. And now it was his turn to feel it.
Sirius lay on the grass beneath the vast sky, feeling small and alien. He hoped you would feel it. He hoped you could see his star-studded twilight sky with his words. You would love it.
He laughs to himself. Oh, how he hopes the pinpricks are a way to reach you, but he knows that's not how things work. He knows he never could see you. He knows he can not be with you forever, but he will always be there for you in these pages in the form of words and thoughts. It was bittersweet - he would never see you, you would never see him, but he was always there when you needed him. He hoped you would read and love again.
Sirius felt the thread tugging at his heart. The thread that he praised for making him love you grew. He laughs again. It grows stronger when it ends.
And now he fears it. He fears the thread will break. He feels the thread breaking.
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sirisuorionblack · 4 months
When u realise that all the stars that u see in a polluted sky are the dying ones
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sirisuorionblack · 4 months
boys when they have nothing to say ✨wyd✨
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sirisuorionblack · 5 months
The way I work so hard to make my family not boring is funny
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sirisuorionblack · 1 year
No no no cause the urge to be the villain-
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sirisuorionblack · 1 year
look im so sorry but if ur blog is empty or it feels sus, im blocking you cause wtf is this
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sirisuorionblack · 9 months
The way I'm struggling is so hot like wtf
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