#small brain brickling
brick-a-doodle-do · 22 days
For the tiny workers au, it's almost three am and I am very tired and unsure how much my small brain remembers so tired so take thiss: What do some of the (mini?) golf courses look like? How many (mini?) golf courses are there? How clean/tidy are they? Are the tinys the ones who have to clean them?
-Small brain anon
hmmmmmhmdmshhcdnd tiny workers au. i feel like a kid on christmas
i know i said no more dsmp ..... but this is the ONLY exception ( and idk maybe the batman au cause god i love it ! )
i'm too lazy to sketch anything out—BUT i do have the park on constant loop in my head so i can basically give you a tour a this point lmao
the park has one golf course, it's at the very front of the park and is pretty much themed as the rest of the park. it was one of the first attractions there so it's really nothing special—kinda like a "pilot" attraction to see if the park would work,,,, anyway !!!! it looks like any other mini-golf course, like idk 18-ish holes and there's really just a bunch of super tall plastic blades of grass, bugs, flowers, etc. etc. just to really bring in the feeling of being shrunken
i can sketch something a little later i'm jjst too lazy and my eyes hurt from crying over the young sheldon finale 😭
it's honestly pretty clean. not a lot of people go there anymore cause the rest of the park is MUCH cooler ,,, the tinies aren't really required to clean anything up, they're more used for entertainment. the human employees take care of all of that ,,, the tinies also are super picky about trash cause basically everywhere is their home so they don't like it being messy, so they tell visitors off for littering or even spilling stuff
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For connected au,
Do the borrowers talk about some habits that the humans do that annoy them?
I can imagine one of the borrowers ranting about something that the humans do that makes it harder to borrow and the humans getting a bit suspicious but brushing it off
-Small brain anon
eee i totally forgot i made this a thing LMAO
ANYWAY i am snatching this up, i just. GOD why can't i think of these things !!!!! i can totally see that happening! sometimes they have little rant episodes where they just sit and talk about stuff, kinda like the sturniolo triplets,,, those are the like really cozy ones so twinsduo are often half-asleep when they happen, which is half a good thing and half a bad thing. for one, they're half asleep when it happens so they can't really process what benchtrio are saying, BUT they'll randomly remember sometime during the day and be like ???? and be more alert than ever,,
ALSO bonus if wilbur just absentmindedly fix those habits knowing that someone finds that particular thing annoying or difficult. which in return would lead benchtrio to think they're manifesting shit or something 😭
nope, no tommy, you've just hit an insecure young adult LMFAO
and meanwhile techno purposefully keeps doing those things. he doesn't even know why he just feels good knowing he's pissing someone off somewhere. wilbur is dragged into that habit too FDFDSVJ
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the tiny workers au,
(I've forgotten the place this au sets place in but I think it's like a theme park?)
Has there ever been a time at the park where a tiny was killed in an accident?
Has there been a time were the tinys almost got stepped on? Is it rare for the tinys to almost get stepped on? Does it happen often?
Have the tinys seen customers stealing things and have just not said anything?
Do birds attack the tinys?
That's all I could come up with for now, have and good night
-Small brain anon
idk why this took so long to answer mbmbmb
anyway yeah it's a theme park! it's gone through a lot of development and i don't blame anyone for not remembering a whole lot cause there is just SO much to keep up with sdfjdsjf
anyway OOghhhh angsty stuff!
i'm going to say yes, absolutely there was a time like that! cause what's a theme park without some youtube videos titled "top 10 things [park name] keeps hidden" SFJFS
anyway i've actually been debating a ghost anyway so like. maybe...........
not a full ghost, but just something that kinda pops up randomly. maybe a lil rumor between the workers that the spirit of an old worker is still lingering around. i. would not be opposed to including like some lore references,,, maybe clara? (during exile, tommy got a disc from badboyhalo(?) and while listening to it, he said that it reminded him of a female astronaut named clara)
maybe astronaut is like a metaphor for the ghost bit then yk okay yeah there was a worker named clara, maybe there was some space-related thing at the park and she just. somehow died. i'll fix the specifics later
ALSO MAYBE A GOOD POSSIBILITY tilín and juanaflippa 👀 qsmp is making its way into tiny workers. imagine that tho, just like the ghosts of some ghost humans that maybe died in some sort of ride incident 👀
both of those are canon now >:)
the workers pretty much always almost get stepped on. to be fair it's their fault for getting in the way of foot traffic, which is partially why tommy made sure there's like little bridges that go overhead n stuff,,,,, but so far if they have been stepped on it's never caused a death
the workers really don't give a crap about people stealing, if anything they feel like the boss deserves it. also it's funny watching him get mad over a missing t-shirt or a stolen plushie.
however, if a person who'd pissed them off earlier in the day was doing something even a little suspicious, the worker would not hesitate to tell them off, just for the satisfaction,,,
also occasionally if a regular or a guest they connected with accidentally did something like maybe broke something or went somewhere they weren't supposed to, the workers'll cover them for sure
this is why there's a board in the bunker with just a huge wall of good people and bad people :D
birds could absolutely attack tinies, it's more common with bugs during the summer but anything can happen! and usually the workers were pretty skilled borrowers before hand (even a few of them had homesteads outside) and would 100% know how to fend off most oncoming predators
have a good night asw, thank you for this! tiny workers has the brainrot EVER tbh
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
I wish to know more about the new au/oneshot
-Small brain anon
OKAY ! (i assume u mean the harry & the hendersons one)
i honestly didn't rlly have the idea until that one scene where harry gives sarah (the sister) flowers to make peace with her, n then i mentally pointed and went TWINSDUO :D
and tommy EASILY fits ernie LMAO so that was easy, n the other characters fell into place pretty easily. still tied between who lafleur will be. i THINK quackity...just cause of that one scene where they make up at the end LMFAO im a sucker for preyduo <;33 (i swear they had a different duo name but oh well)
(also before i forget this'll probably be an ao3 post cause a. length and b. not rlly g/t)
techno ofc wouldn't be bigfoot but i'm thinkin like maybe "the nether" is an old myth of an ancient dimension? and ofc piglins would be like the ancient creature to go with it, ergo TECHNOBLADE >:]
idk where to set it tho, cause the hendersons are camping when they find harry but im thinking somewhere else? maybe not idk ,,,
i also wanna include tubbo at some point cause a. fireworkduo and b. i want him to be that one token kid/"nerd" in most movies that knows everything about the problem their facing but they rarely listen to them but in a last ditch effort when the things said token kid are coming true they ask for assistance. and tubbo being tubbo is stubborn or smth. idk.
also i want techno to be more like mentally capable than harry was, i mean not fully human ofc but like. he knows some things. bonus if he plays tricks on sbi or smth >:D
and i also had an image of sbi's house being by a river which can mean mud sometimes, meaning tommy, before really knowing what a piglin was and thinking he was like. a hybrid with a human and a pig, takes a bucket of mud and splashes it on techno LMFAO
(they spend the rest of the evening with techno chasing him. techno wins btw)
and uhh idk i'll just follow the movie pretty much,,,, ALSO random but i want irene to be dream 😊 it fits a lot of fics i've read with sbi LMFAO also i can totally see dream just having an electric knife with him PFFF (but i'm not gonna have irene's character match dream totally, i want rivalsduo bonding <3,,,, maybe i'll throw in another irene-esque character, uHH like fundy :D)
also i want like techno to go more animalistic if he sees gold. just. he goes rabid for it LMFAO (i want to make it so wilbur has like. a lot of gold. maybe a necklace or a golden guitar pick,,,,, BONUS: leading onto that tommy's hair in the sun or wilbur's jumper in the sun >:D)
techno'll probably be like a foot or two taller than hath!bigfoot just cause. g/t. >:]
(size chart bc i love doing them <3)
Tumblr media
(techno: 10 ft/304 cm, wilbur 6'4/195 cm, tommy: 4'9/149 cm, phil: 5'9/180 cm, kristen: 5'6/170 cm, tubbo: 4'5/137 cm
ALSO one last thing abt ages,,,,, tommy'll probably be liiiike 10 or 11 (same for tubbo) wilbur 17 or 18 and i won't bother with phil or kristen. typical parent age GNFSD
OKAY um. thoughts? 👀
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Have the workers gotten stuck in places before? Maybe for angst it was a customer/ the boss that got them stuck?
-Small brain anon
vore implication/mention in first paragraph !!
oh yes fs they have! there are a few occasions i can come up with off the top of my head, most of them being punishment noms between boss & the workers, mainly tommy & george. the sole reason was because their "bad reviews" are SKYROCKETING,, and george loves slacking off (especially after he met dream and got himself a phone), and tommy is just plain rude to people, so it just is a terrible mix and gets them stuck in a stomach for a while, which brings up my old hc of the "forbidden" thingy that lets tinies surpass the recommended time that they be in a stomach before it becomes painful and/or lethal.
and there was a time where they got locked in the bunker. but like also they didn't, it's a funny story. i made a hc back that there's a type of like catnip-esque leaf that only borrower's know the effects of, which led to the scenario of all of them gathering into the bunker to essentially get high together! LMAO so basically the door was a little jammed but that wasn't even the problem, they were pulling instead of pushing, but they were too out of it to even realize. long story short they gotta call a human to rescue them via the phone they keep down there DSJFS
also i've talked a lot about the bunker but haven't really given the visuals for it! i'm not sure of the interior yet, but i had the idea to have the entrance to it be a little door in the leg of a bench! it opens and you go underground a bit, and there's where my imagination stops. maybe there's a little homemade elevator or a pogtopia-esque thing with just really long, ominous staircases that'll eventually leads to the bunker. probably the elevator tho cause i've already used pogtopia for swapped inspo,,, ANYWAY there's that. tiny lil fairy door!
and tinies have also gotten stuck on dashboards of cars cause while exploring the car (seeing as they've never been in a car freely; the drive from where they were previously as a borrower to the park was completely covered and barely registered) they somehow manage to get up there...but can't get down. maybe human can't get them cause they're driving or maybe they just play into it DGJFDSJ
speaking of cars i remember making canon that ranboo got trapped under a seat in the backseat and wil was on the highway so he was NOT able to get to ranboo at all, so tommy and tubbo made it their mission to get him out. long story short tommy gets trapped as well and it takes tubbo the rest of the car ride to try and get them out. spoiler alert, it doesn't work. so wil's gotta come to the rescue </3
OH yeah tommy got stuck in wilbur's pocket one time when he brought schlatt to the park and they got tipsy then wandered around! tommy was not happy about it bc wilbur was touchy-feely and would NOT let him out lmao
there've been a lot of occasions where the workers will be trapped into lego creations. it was both nerve-wracking and irritating the first time it happened, and by the third or fourth time they were just used to it. and they learned to bring something to do if they ever go to attend to children. also the same thing will happen in other play areas for kids that're tiny-friendly. sometimes they'll be taken and held/closely watched for hours
HHHH i want more angsty occasions but i can't think of any atm :(
but thank you for the question!! i got to remember some stuff i totally forgot about esjdfs
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
I will happily be called small brain anon. Anyway, I didn't want to say that without having an ask for tiny workers au so. What are sometimes the workers got hurt? And/or have the tinys stealen from the park? And what did they steal?
-Small brain anon
YOOO i've got an official anon >:DD
sasdnfd thank you for all of the questions you've been supplying me, you're really feeding my obsession :D <3
there are a few times they'll get hurt, especially with kids. i think i've mentioned this a few times, but there was one time a youuung kid got a little too curious and just stuck tommy in his mouth. absolutely terrible introduction to noms and being handheld. this was way before wilbur showed up so at the time there was not really anyone he could go to cause he and tubbo/ranboo/everyone else weren't exactly close,,,, anyways he got more mentally messed up from that but he did get a little hurt cause kids don't know how loose to hold a tiny so yee
hmm ALSO it's impossible to not get hurt on the golf course. they're like five inches tall and golf balls are flying straight at them. so of course that's a huuuuuge problem, but once they get used to it it's not reeeally a big deal cause they know the dos and don'ts
and 100% they steal from the park! and the best part about it is that they can cover it up easily with a little excuse of "i'm borrowing it!" to act like they're realllly doing their jobs. they take anything to everything, sometimes lost phones (quackity and ranboo specifically), full on money (usually coins to decorate with or just collect 'cause shiny), aaaand they swipe a few extra things for their humans from say the gift shops or somewhere else,,,
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
My small brain forgot to add the questions to the ask game ask, only numbers, so: 50. Is there [ twenty new aus I have to catch up on ]
40. What's your favorite [ character to write ]
30. Do you have a favorite [ time to write ]
20. Have you listened to [ TheCraneWives ]
10. Have you ever [ used a fork as a bookmark ]
That should be it for now
-Small brain anon
clearing this out since i answered them all! thanks sb :)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
It's been forever since I've been on tumblr so have an ask for the ask game thing, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 10, 121, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
-Small brain anon
sb. you've struck again. just for you, since i haven't seen you in a while, i will answer all of them. except for the ones i have asked: 2, 3, 8, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 33, 39, 44, 45, and 50!
answers under cut,,,
1 : if you have a lighter, what color is it?
i have one, but i don't really use it. also i have no clue where it is. it's blue tho!
4 : how often are you on tumblr?
oh god. i have a horrible addiction to like constantly checking it, which i am not proud of and it's really annoying. but i'm not on tumblr for longer than 5-ish minutes before i decide to close the tab. but that cancels out when i open the tab again a few minutes later. trying to fix it. but i am pretty much always on tumblr and check it at the most every 5-6 hours :/
5 : are you only doing this because you're bored?
mmhh when i rbed it, yes, but now i want to do something with my fingers and this is a good fix :D
6 : what blogs do you mostly interact with?
depends on what "interact with" actually means but in terms of actually interacting with blogs that also interact with me, (moots, essentially), it's really only becky and squishy on a day-to-day basis. sometimes 3d and sloth pop up tho. i interact, (in terms of liking, rb-ing, etc.), with a whole bunch of ppl tho ,,,,
7 : can you swim?
9 : which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake?
if i've had funnel cake, i don't remember it. so cotton candy. but honestly funnel cakes look way better ,,,
10 : have you ever used a fork as a bookmark?
no i have not! i'd easily consider it though ,,
11 : bass or drums?
god both are so awesome. but i'd say bass. BUT my exception for that is mark boardman that man makes their songs so fkn amazing have you HEARD the drums in golden hour or oyygc? LIKE MCXMCMXN his drums with wil's voice is just so lovely.
13 : can we be friends?
14 : do you admire the clouds and the color of the sky?
all the time. being in a car is so lovely because MMMM SKYYY !!!
16 : a netflix series that's your favorite?
the haunting of hill house/bly manor and midnight club are all beautiful shows and i fkn love them ,,, i also love orange is the new black even tho it isn't a netflix original ,,
17 : an earliest obsession you can remember?
g/t. it's a basic answer but looking back on my life, all the way from when 4-year-old me asked my dad what he would do if i shrunk, to writing a story about a giant when i was in 3rd grade to whatever the hell my fanfiction writing has turned into which started in 2018—it's a BIG part of me and has been for a while
20 : have you listened to the crane wives?
21 : your first celebrity crush?
aiden gallagher . don't ask. and it only worsened with tua. but i am out of that phase now ^_^
24 : what have you learned about yourself?
that i'm more like my mother than i ever thought i'd be eueue (in a /neutral way cause she's a great mom i just find myself doing the habits of hers that i never liked)
25 : can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
ah, no. i've tried once and gave up ,, i hope to eventually be able to do it tho !!
26 : do you believe in aliens?
in a way, yes, because there is a lot in the universe and i refuse to believe there isn't some type of life out there, but it's my same response with ghosts: i want to believe
28 : an unusual song that's your favorite?
LOTS. to narrow down on one, any of my favorite broadway songs. in any scenario i would never put it on a playlist but i fucking love broadway sm it itches something in my brain. probably something from heathers cause that's such a dark humor-ed thing,,,,
also a tv show called earth isn't my favorite but it's really sweet idek why i enjoy it sm <3
29 : the last thing you ate?
candy cigarettes !! the chalky ones
30 : do you have a favorite time to write?
mainly at night, from the hours of 12-1 when i really want to sleep but there's a scene in my head that won't leave >:)
31 : have you gotten bitten by a dog?
of course,, but nothing dangerous just when they accidentally bite while playing
32 : do you write better with a pen or pencil?
my handwriting is better with a pencil but it's easier to write with a pen imo
34 : when you hear "peace" what do you think of?
mmhghh satisfaction on everyone's person.
35 : a school subject you're good with?
honestly i'm pretty good at math. i'm not the best and it gets overwhelming but it always does ,,,,
36 : how many alarms do you have set?
one, (for 9:40 am), and i don't follow it. i mean not usually. i'll either wake up before it, sleep through it, or wake up to it and then fall back asleep eueu
37 : do you shop at thrift stores?
when my mom takes me to one, yeah !
38 : what's the meaning behind your url?
mm i have good stuff for this. my name is brick, of course, and then in the show derry girls one of the characters is constantly saying 'fuck-a-doodle-do' for a few episodes and then i decided to combine the two. it has NOTHING to do with cock-a-doodle-do, chickens do not deserve my respect.
40 : who's your favorite character to write?
i feel like tommy is my go-to, and yeah the narrator for him is fun asf but i like writing techno. he's fun. i like him a lot more than i did before which i'm really happy about because i found his character very intimidating to write :D
41 : you gotta have a favorite beatles song, what is it?
this may change, but it's twist and shout. it reminds me of my dad :D
42 : earphones or a speaker?
earphones for the quiet me-time, and speaker for the times when i'm feeling extroverted or when i'm in the car w my mom :)
43 : what do you remember from your childhood?
this is such a vague question. i uHNMM remember lots of stuff, but mostly my annual trips to disney world with my family !!
46 : a christmas song you secretly like?
there is no secret here, but i LOVE ¿dónde está santa clause? it's mildly racist but i love the ending sm 😭
47 : book stores or record stores?
book stores !
48 : how weird were these questions
i found them pretty neutral eueueu and fvcnhcjfdbbcx ahhhh finally i am at the end !!!!!
49 : what scents do you like?
gasoline and chemical-induced markers...i'm not ashamed to admit that. they're so bad for you but they SMELL SO GOOD why ??????? also i love pinapple scented stuff :D
50 : are there 20 new aus i have to catch up on?
ah, YES. yes there are. they should all be on my masterpost! but that's just the names of them, altho i'm sure if you searched on my page you could find them easily ,,,
,,, ah. well. i'd say thank you for the ask....but am i really thankful? /j of course i am. hope you are having a good day and are doing good ! <3<3
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the ask game,
1-22 24-39
I am sorry
-Small brain anon
you're forgiven, it's in the past :)
okay before i get into these,,,, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, and 36, 38, have been answered!
that leaves....still quite a few. god damn.
2 : if you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? if you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
i would try, i probably could it just wouldn't be a very long time, even longer than usual. my hand cramps a LOT when i write (which is a new thing idk why) but my stories are still important :D
7 : what is your deepest joy about writing?
i have a few actually! honestly, starting with the most basic joy, it's really rewarding to remind myself that i have the ability to make a world. i can create cool versions of people i absolutely adore and make totally new people too! and i often forget that if i try hard enough i can make people cry with my writing or make one joke have people go feral,,,
another one is the reminder that god damn. almost eight billion people and i had this idea. i have complete freedom over this. i have claimed the coolest idea EVER out of almost eight billion people.
and i guess just the fact that i can write what people want me to write or what people enjoy. i love taking input from others because i know it'll make one person enjoy something! little details that i remember about someone? throw it into a fic and hope they see it and smile
8 : if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
bye bye fucking dialogue. i would love to write something wordless and see how it works out, it just sounds awesome tbh, very moody. one of my non g/t wips is like that for a lot of it and it's just really calm to write! i don't have to worry about balancing things or making accurate dialogue, it's just one person in the universe and the vibe of that can easily get through to me. and in my experience, it'll go pretty good!
13 : what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? what is easy?
ehhh i really hate writing combat or anything fast paced. moving scenes along and changing settings has never been a strong suit of mine imo,,,, like it always feels either really rushed or really choppy imo
and i think mental health is pretty easy for me to write. like that hazy, unhappy mind. it's extremely slow and easy to make long and extravagant descriptions with,,,,
14 : do you lend your books to people? are people scared to borrow books from you? do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? will you ever get them back?
i don't have a large collection of books. i'm never really immersed into actually reading a book which i know is awful as a writer and honestly just a terrible attribute of mine but i'm not a big reader. fanfic tho is my bitch, and in which case i have no experience with any of this :'D
16 : what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
a piece of lined paper i found in the book, so essentially someone else's makeshift bookmark
i am respectfully gonna skip 17 & 18 because i don't have the energy to really explain any of that and all of my wips are so like not worthy of those questions. the best ur gonna get is the minutiae of tiny workers i'll post tomorrow lmao
19 : tell me a story about your writing journey. when did you start? why did you start? were there bumps along the way? where are you now and where are you going?
it's nothing too dramatic, i started when i was in third grade and wrote a nine page story by hand and my teacher mentioned i was a strong writer for my age. i wrote all the time in school, picked up fanfic in like early 2019 (which also conveniently was my first g/t writing)
and uhh i started just because the feeling of writing was really rewarding and freeing. i loved roleplaying on roblox all the time too i would love making long descriptions of things n such :DD
i think i'm on a good track, i have 42 full-fledged wips that i have some ideas for, 3 book ideas and a cool and supportive community to share my growth with :]
21 : could you ever quit writing? do you ever wish you could? why or why not?
honestly, no, i don't think i ever could. even if i change my mind about pursuing it as a career i could never stop it being my hobby. it's so freeing and a great way to unwind, i love the thought of writing all of my life and the thought of what my writing will be like in a few years if i'm writing like this now (which is such an improvement from 6 months ago, let me say. and yeah i'm complimenting my work for once)
i never do wish i could, because i know that regardless of if i take a break or not i'm never going to completely abandon it. i have ideas that i'm too in to be out of,,,
22 : how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps? the cloud?
it depends on my wips, but for the sake of convenience i'll just go off of my aus on here: it is so messy. there is no organization, and if it is there are so many wips of my organization ideas, it's so sad. i have tried so many different ways to organize my thoughts because doing lists and making things look neat and tidy is my favorite, but on the opposite end i get bored countlessly listing out information i already know, so uhh yeah no organization. occasionally i'll jot down like "make sure to add this!" in my notes app or at the end of wtv im working on
24 : how much prep work do you put into your stories? what does that look like for you? do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
i love the thought of prep work, hate actually doing it. i go in head first, usually with a mental map of whatever i want to happen. a lot of the time though i let the story write itself cuz i'm lazy like that :'D
i dislike trying to actually sit myself down to make things all laid out and ready to be written cause..........gagghghhsadskdj
29 : where do you draw your inspiration? dhat do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it depends! some of my ideas are directly from a movie or show i watch, usually taking the idea of an "au" not from the fandom but from that show specifically if that makes sense,, other times my head'll give me some three am ideas or random ideas.
i also really like picking a color and making an inspiration board off of it! it gives me some cool ideas cause imagery can tell a big story sometimes imo
when the well is try i usually either work on other stuff or just wait for it to rain again so there's water to run off of.
31 : write a short love letter to your readers.
idk about a love letter but honestly y'all are literally so cool. i know my community isn't remotely close to any big publishers' fanbases but damn it feels so overwhelming in the best way possible to get showered with love by the people i can easily recognize whenever i post something! to have over 100 notes on some of my fics and know that every like on my work is an individual person is just baffling. to know i have almost 200 followers in my corner, even if some of them are bots or following me for other content, it's fucking amazing. sweet comments and questions about my work is just fucking exhilarating!! it's so motivating to hear "write more of this" because damn. demanding. people demand i write more. it's SO COOL. joining social media was probably the worst decision i've ever made but tumblr has singlehandedly fixed every doubt i've had about being on the internet :) <3
32 : what is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? how did you find it? what does it mean to you?
ee passerine & rooftops spoilersss down below :]
i will do fanfic bc. yeah wtv. anyway there are a few, i think that if i'm being actually serious and not doing joke ones, i absolutely love the ending off passerine, it's so perfect. i am tearing up thinking abt it ngl which sounds dumb but damn. "he had a life before this, a mother, a father, a home, sisters and brothers, but what he had now was alright too. he stood alone in his bedroom mirror, combing his hair back from his face to braid it for the day, tucking it behind an ear where a sapphire earing hung, catching sunlight. he paused when he saw it, leaning in close to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light, or the lingering traces of a dream. he blinked once, twice, his mortal heart caught in his throat. there, nestled amongst the pink strands, delicate as a bird's wing, was a single, grey hair. if he listened closely, he could hear his brother coming down the hallway, looking for him. but this moment was his alone, half-sobbing, half-laughing, he fell against his chair and closed his eyes against the sudden sting of tears. he could see in his mind, a field of flowers under an open sky, a place for waiting, where all the finished stories went. where he too would go someday. a knock came at his door, and technoblade began to smile." LIKE DUDE. I AM SUCH A SUCKER FOR ENDINGS TO STORIES. it's so dramatic and so domesicated and passerine is such a short story all in all but it's so perfectly written and captures relationships so well. it shows technoblade's acceptance of death so well, and although he'd been wanting of death for a while it still kind of shows how he is eager to pursue the rest of a mortal life.
also from passerine i like "this is what it feels," someone gasped, "to lose everything" I LOVE IT. tommy is their everything and losing him made the story turn so dull,, it went from silver to grey easily. love it.
ALSO. FUCKING ROOFTOPS. it is such an old fic, but it's the second fic i've ever read in the fandom. “youuu aren’t real. nope! noo, no you aren’t. youu’re not reeaal, you'ree inn my head. my head! geoorge is in my head again!” it's just so sad. i love it. the atmosphere of this scene despite it being out of context here is still just so perfect. the vibes of rooftops have never left my head.
and also this absolutely doesn't count but there's a comment on rooftops that said "this is the same story where they went camping" and i have never gone a day without thinking about that LMAO
33 : do you practice any other art besides writing? does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
hghghhhhh not really, no other art. cooking and baking sometimes but i wouldn't call my skill level art LMAO
but it did start a gbbo au and has helped a lot with terminology and stuff!!
34 : thoughts on the oxford comma, go:
i love it in practice but the second i get reminded to use it i go bonkers and start hitting things
37 : if you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
they would think i am weird as hell bro i keep writing about these people SWALLOWING EACH OTHER ALIVE 😭😭😭
i wanted to do a real response to that but a. its 3 am and b. this was funnier <3
39 : what keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
the atmosphere of the thing i am writing. i can be in the most unmotivated mood but the second i start thinking about how a scene or an au feels i am immediately lightened up and want to write it!
god damn it only took about half an hour but i did it!! thanks for these questions, even if they took like 2 weeks to finish and cut me short of what i wanted to do tonight /lh/nmay
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Scared, for the ask game
-Small brain anon
OoOOo yes yes the angsty words :3
The gesture might’ve scared past-Wilbur, though post-incident-Wilbur has never felt more thrilled at the contact of another being.
(wilbur chocolate 3 lets goo!!!)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Scale for the ask game
-Small brain anon
ahh this is gonna be hard, i don't know if i have anything for this !! but i am determined,,,
okay this is ALL i managed to find. this is from some non-g/t mer fic i had no direction for so this is like...before i had posted ANYTHING,,
The familiar green scales of his brother came into view, his expression soft but firm.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the tiny workers au,
how are things outside of the park? I'm pretty sure I remember something about how there are borrowers outside of the park.
Also, I think I remember something about protesters at the park, who do you think would fit the giant and tiny that started the protest?
Thoughts popped into my small brain right after I sent the last ask
-Small brain anon
things are pretty good, the world moves on without all the shenanigans of tiny theme park workers and their chosen ones. most of the time.
and yeah there are borrowers. the workers were all normal borrowers before getting found and getting the job offer. it's set up a lot like my spy au world, where the borrower technically has a choice to join, but they're kind of manipulated into it. but even then, if they still decline, they don't really push them too far,,,,
YES there are protestor! i kinda am splitting this au up into eras, and this is definitely one of them,,,
as for who they are, i'm not entirely sure i'll be making them a specific character? maybe just a random guy. maybe another lore reference if i can think of one,, maybe i can throw in some cameos for the actual crowd asw 👀
lol thank you for the extra ask and sorry this took so long to respond toooo aghh motivation is a silly lil guy when it wants to be </3
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the unnamed vampire au,
Does Techno find out that it was Tommy who took a piece out of his old clothing? If he does did he talk to Tommy about it? Mention it off handily? Just not talk about it?
Also, do the vampires buy fabric for the borrower so he doesn't have to keep making things out of Wilbur's clothes? And does he keep doing it anyway?
-Small brain anon
hMMMm that's a good question. if he does, tommy would NOT want to be there for his immediate reaction.
for everyone's safety, i'll say that while cleaning out the depts of his closet, he notices that specific clothing (let's say it's a cloak. we all love techno for his cloak :D and canonically that cloak is red and who likes red? tommyinnit!) and immediately storms out to confront tommy after seeing the untidy little square cut out of it.
luckily for tommy, phil is talking to him and the vamp immediately reacts to techno's sour look by scooping tommy up to keep him safe dcjvs
phil helps talk the two of them through it, and that really like adds depth to their family dynamic asw,,,,
eventually tommy apologizes (reluctantly) and later on, bc he felt terrible but would never confess it), personally stitched it back together
yes they would ABSOLUTELY do that for tommy! they'd take him to a cloth store or smth to have him pick it out for himself :D
wilbur still likes lending tommy his clothes tho cause yk. brothers. and twinsduo find it absolutely hilarious to buy doll clothing and give it to tommy as a gift and act as natural as possible so they can get tommy's stilted "thanks"
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the unnamed vampire au,
May one time Tommy tags along with the vampires without them knowing as they go to get blood and vampire hunters stumble upon them so Tommy helps distract the hunters.
I feel like that's kinda just a cluster fuck of words but I'm too tired to do anything about it
-Small brain anon
i LOVE this sb!!! when reading it i thought u were gonna turn it into an angsty thing but this is MUCH better tbh, i love the idea of tommy kind of just not really understanding death (a. borrower who got abandoned pretty early and b. sbi kinda screwed with his view of humans) so he just tags along and helps.
maybe for further angst there can be a moment where he does understand how death works like via idk maybe he's scrolling on a phone and comes across one of those sad ass videos of pets passing away and he realizes oh shit they don't come back,,, idk
and on a lighter note, the idea of tommy distracting someone is absolutely lovely, he just practices his stand up comedy meanwhile techno is sneaking from behind with a blade in his hand LMAO
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the unnamed vampire au,
is there anything that Tommy does that the vampires think is really cute?
Also, was there ever a time when one of the vampires got pretty hurt by human standards and Tommy freaked out about it?
Maybe one of the vampires was cutting up fruit or something with a knife but got distracted by Tommy and the blade fell on their hand?
That's about all I can think of for the unnamed vampire au rn, have a good day
-Small brain anon
tbf, everything tommy does is cute. he's barely three inches tall.
BUT into the specifics, there definitely are some things that just make them bawl /pos sdjfjsdd
especially when tommy tries to sleep upside down like wil does as a bat. wilbur has to leave the walls to just take a breather cause although it's absolutely dumb as SHIT it's still pretty endearing! tommy's a person who just adapts things. he warps his person based off of the things around him so naturally that just makes the brother instinct in twinsduo go brrrrr
OH MY GOD yes of course. stealing this from serenity but one time wilbur wasn't paying attention and overfilled his coffee and then proceeded to clean the steaming liquid off of the floor. that freaked tommy out a bit, uhHHh this isn't like terribly injured but tommy's thrown like rocks and little things at the vamps when testing his invincibility theory and he's landed some DIRECTLY in their eyes and they barely blinked an eye.
HHH and maybe for angst we can say that, they come home one day with a bullet wound! or maybe two of them do. all three. since yk vampire (i was at a museum and saw an old vampire hunting kit that randomly had a gun ??? so yeah :'D)
OHHHHH YEAHHH that is canon now fs :]] one hand is used to catch tommy from falling and the other is used to just be stabbed LMFAO
yeh yehhh thank you for the questions :333
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For connected au,
Do the borrowers find it strange that the humans gather every night? (? Idk my brain is too small to remember)
Also, if the humans have snacks with them while watching the borrowers and fall asleep I can imagine the next night the borrowers rant about how they snatched a somewhat full soda can from the humans while they were asleep, I feel like they would brag about nabbing some of the more rarer items to borrow
-Small brain anon
it is a bit odd how they started doing it strangely abruptly 'cause like...they had done that before (rarely), but it wasn't entirely uncommon for them to binge things or just watch media together, so it didn't come as a huge shock. it was a bit out of schedule for them to be doing it every night, especially after they started recording things, but neither of them really wanted to put in the effort to question it
YEAAHHH the soda can is tommy coded. so tommy coded. he'd be trying to get it but it falls on the floor cause he is no match to a coke can. so twinsduo wake up, see the spilled coke, don't really think about it, then definitely think about it after the borrowers mention spilling it,, but YES totally they will be bragging about it. cause wilbur and techno had such obscure sleeping schedules it was hard to get things during the night (or at all really) but they've kind of just fixed it unknowingly!
ALSO ALSO BONUS thought! while the two are asleep and some borrower tries to get something from their arrangement of food one of the humans kinda stirs just a tiny bit and opens their eyes long enough to look at the borrower. they're so out of it but in the morning they're like "i SWEAR i saw ____!"
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