#snake adrien agreste | aspik
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Aspik redesign. His original design was very much fine besides the bald cap though I do think it did give the impression that Adrien looked wrong because he wasn’t supposed to have the snake miraculous. Even though the somewhat ugly design made sense from a narrative perspective I wanted to try and make him look good. The main thing I wanted to keep in mind was that he had to look more like Adrien than chat noir. I ended up covering some of his hair with a cobra like hood but I left him some visible hair that is styled similar to Adrien’s. Other than that I just changed the markings on the suit to be more snakey. I’m pretty happy with this I think it is more visually appealing.
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eldritch-ace · 10 months
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I’m sorry
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thimbleb3rries · 6 months
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Considering posting WIPs or just like really unorganized posts because I do not have many finished artworks to share rn :]
This drawing of Aspik is a doodle from a couple weeks ago that I decided to line and color digitally!
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I keep thinking about it...
(Adrien is a few months older than he's supposed to be because he tried to save Ladybug 25,913 times with the Snake Miraculous in Desperada)
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maddascanbe-blog · 6 months
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I'll get into the story changes at a later date for these two's episodes (looking at you Desperada) but for now I wanna talk design.
These designs are pretty obvious in their changes, Marinette's collar is changed, and I might move the miraculous later since I don't love the placement. I let her pull details from her fellow heroes, since I thought it would be cute. Rena Rouges heart shaped bodice piece, Carapaces 'under suit' that shows on her shoulders. Queen Bee's opera gloves. And of course the lines of accent colors to match her wonderful partner. And throw in some freckles on the mask to be cute.
I don't know if anyone else cares but I do appreciate that while Chat Blanc is a pallet swapped Chat Noir, Ephemeral looks like Aspik. I don't know if they planned that from the beginning, it might explain why he's bald, but I do like it. Needless to say, Ephemeral will probably look different too...
Anyways, I gave the boy hair. Very similar to his civilian hair, because he's not really worried about hiding his identity. Change the eyes to be just yellow, him having one spot of green in the entire design seemed weird, even if it was just the eyes. Plus distances him from Chat a little more. Also all the Snake and Dragon miraculous users get a scale pattern to their suit instead of the regular hexagon pattern.
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d4ndylionn · 9 months
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He’s so unbelievably-
unforgivable for his actual Snake Noir costume, he deserves those dry ass pancakes but I forgive him an ounce because I made him a bit bearable to look at 😁
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wazzuppy · 11 months
can i just say, if i was adrien i'd be so fucking pissed that my alternate outfits looked like that. marinette has so many cute ones and then he comes out looking like this
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soniclion92 · 5 months
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Reverse! Aspik
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asti-doodles · 10 months
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Aspik redesign for @valiantlyjollynightmare 's upcoming witch AU
This is all you get, anything else I say is considered spoilers-
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dadplagg-mamatikki · 8 months
When I see posts of different variations of Adrien, I hardly see any of Box Noir and that makes me sad.
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matsuyorific · 2 years
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Happy Miraculous Day, and International Cat Day! To celebrate, I drew every single one of Adriana’s transformations (genderbent Adrien for those who don’t follow my comics). Click past the break for close ups, and more info about their names and designs!
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Adriana Agreste (Adrien Agreste) - For her name, I wanted to make sure it was close enough to Adrien that you know who she is, but different enough that you can say it out loud and still hear the difference. Her jacket is sorter, her jeans are lighter, and her shoes(not shown) are a pinkish red.
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Kitty Noire (Chat Noir) - Her longer hair is meant to symbolize the freedom that she feels as Kitty Noire. Unlike her male counterpart, her tail has a unique quirk where it wraps around her legs as if to give her a hug. Her name is based on Future Bunnix’s name for Chat (Kitty Noir), but with the feminine spelling of “noir”. Future Bunnix’s counterpart would call her Kitten Noire.
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Bugett (Mister Bug) - Her name comes from one of Chat Noir's nicknames for Ladybug(French Dub). Like Kitty Noire, her hair is still long and messy, but the style is slightly adjusted to show off her earings.
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Bunny Noire (Rabbit Noir) - The fandom was dissapointed when we got the name "Rabbit Noir", so I decided to adopt the fandom’s preferred name for the female version. Her long pigtails are inspired by Usagi Tsukino, AKA Sailor Moon.
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Nagin (Aspik) - A Nagin is a female Naga, but it also translates to "female snake". I removed the hood everyone hates, and gave her Adriana's bangs to disassociate her from Kitty Noire (since Monsieur Bug isn’t supposed to know they’re the same). I also gave her a long braid to symbolize a snake's tail.
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Snake Noire (Snake Noir) - I know, it's the least original name here, but "Snake Noir" didn't really give me much to work with, so just blame Adriana for being unoriginal. I once again removed the hood, and made the braid longer as Ladybug’s hair always seems to get longer when she unifies with other Miraculous. I gave her back Kitty's ears, but I made the insides blue to match a little closer to the original.
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Passerelle (Catwalker) - It was pointed out to me that the name "Catwalker" was a reference to the fact that Adrien is a model and based on the actual catwalk, which Passerelle translates to in French. I’ve always hated Catwalker's green hair, so I made it gold and tied it in a bun to fit her “golden child” persona.
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Evanecente (Ephemeral) - The name is the feminine spelling of evanecent, which is a synonym for ephemeral. I didn't like the way the helmet looked on her, so I tied her hair up in a ponytail to symbolize the restraint her mother has on her.
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Kitty Blanche (Chat Blanc) - Not much to say about her, since she's just a pallet swap of Kitty Noire. "Blanche" is the feminine spelling of "blanc", and is still pronounced the same.
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runawaycatwalker · 2 years
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Part 10. Successors in the Sewers
<<First | <Previous | Next>
Description below the cut
Viperion stands at the bottom of the ladder to the sewers.
Viperion: Sass, scales—
A close-up of Viperion’s eyes as he hears something.
Adrien, still sleeping on the ground, jolts awake.
Viperion (voiceover): —wait, who’s there?
Adrien clambers to his feet as he grabs his backpack of cheese and Plagg gets sucked into his ring.
Adrien (under his breath): Plagg, claws out!
Viperion finds Catwalker pleasantly waving at the opening of a sewer tunnel, Catwalker’s still flailing tail being the only sign of how close a call this was.
Viperion: Oh, you must be the new Chat Noir that Ladybug told me about.  Catwalker, right?
Catwalker bows to Viperion.
Catwalker:  Viperion, your reputation precedes you.  Shall we go assist Ladybug with—?
Viperion: We just beat the akuma.  I’m just here to—
Catwalker: —To give the miraculous back.  Yes, of course.
Catwalker holds up a closed hand as he looks off towards where Viperion came.
Catwalker: If you don't mind, I think I should wait for Ladybug with you.  She'll want to hold me accountable for not showing up on time.
Viperion: You already fought one akuma today, Ladybug won’t blame you for missing the second one.
Cut to the image of Ladybug angrily waving her arms and jumping towards Chat Noir, who stubbornly pouts.
Catwalker (voiceover): That's no excuse.  Skipping battles was one of the reasons Chat Noir earned Ladybug’s wrath in the events leading up to the first time I ended up with his miraculous.  I cannot afford to repeat his mistakes.
Cut back to Viperion folding his arms and leaning against a wall, one eyebrow raised.
Viperion: You don’t have to compare yourself to Chat Noir, you know.
Catwalker: As the one filling his shoes, yes I do.
Viperion puts a hand on Catwalker’s shoulder in camaraderie.  Catwalker feigns a “gasp!” at what he supposedly learns.
Viperion: I might know something about what it’s like to replace another hero.  Most people don’t know this, but I was actually Ladybug’s second choice to wield the snake miraculous.
Catwalker smiles sincerely at Viperion.
Catwalker: I can’t imagine anyone being a better wielder than you.
Viperion: Thanks for the compliment.  But I know who my predecessor was...
Cut to the image of Aspik posing heroically, with the faces of Adrien and Chat Noir on either side.
Viperion (voiceover): ...and he definitely could have been a hero under the right circumstances.
Cut back to Viperion strumming his lyre.
Viperion: I think I had an advantage in my first time loop that my predecessor didn't: Chat Noir wouldn't arrive until after I got the miraculous. The first snake wielder must have been working with an incomplete rhythm section—and it's nearly impossible to get into the groove until all the players are there, you know?
Cut to the image of Aspik frustratedly resetting a time loop.
Viperion (voiceover): But it wasn't his fault that he couldn't figure out how to beat the akuma without Chat Noir.  And it wasn't Chat Noir's fault that his civilian identity got in the way of his being a hero.  So why should it be your fault that you've hit some logistical hurdles getting here today?
Cut back to Catwalker, forlornly looking at his miraculous.
Catwalker: It's not just that.  Even when I am there... it's like I make about as much a difference with saving the day as your predecessor did.  It's the same problem: Chat Noir is supposed to be here.  But he isn't coming back this time.
Viperion smiles encouragingly as he holds his lyre against his shoulder.
Viperion: If it weren't for my predecessor suggesting me to Ladybug, I wouldn't have become Viperion. And if it weren't for you, Chat Noir would be completely vulnerable to Shadowmoth right now.  You both have already made all the difference.  And I'm hopeful that you both will prove your worth as heroes yet again.
Catwalker points a finger at Viperion.
Catwalker: I hope you're not thinking of resigning and giving your miraculous back to the other guy.
Viperion: Not at all. I do want him to come back, but something tells me that a different miraculous would be a better fit for him.
Cut the image of Snake Noir wielding both the black cat and snake miraculouses.
Catwalker: But if something ever happens to me?  He's still the one I'd trust most to use my miraculous right.
Ladybug comes down the sewer ladder.  Viperion waves while Catwalker stands at attention.
Ladybug: Hey, Lu—!  Catwalker??  What are you doing down here?
Viperion: Catwalker thought this would be a quiet place to transform, but he didn't know I'd already called dibs.
Catwalker gives an elegant bow.
Catwalker: Ladybug, I apologize for not arriving in time to fight the akuma. It will not happen again.
Ladybug waves her hands about placatingly.
Ladybug: It’s not your fault!  I’m the one who said you should go get some sleep!
Viperion cheerfully cups his hand to whisper at a perplexed Catwalker.
Viperion (sotto voce): (Told you she'd understand.)
Ladybug places a reassuring hand on Catwalker’s shoulder.  Catwalker stares into Ladybug’s eyes in vulnerable incredulity.
Ladybug: And honestly? I'm just glad you came back at all. I got worried when you didn’t show after... you know... everything with your mom?  I thought you might have...
Catwalker’s smile oozes with kindness.
Catwalker: I haven't left. I’ll be by your side as long as you still have need of me.
Ladybug smiles offers her fist out for a fist bump.
Ladybug: I still need you. Oh, and since I had to run out on you before we could do it last time...  Pound it?
Ladybug and Catwalker fist bump.
Catwalker: Pound it.
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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wetzelpretzel · 1 year
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I'm sorry, it had to be said.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Is this weird that I am probably only person that doesn't treat Rabbit Noir's design as most creative and design ever? It is just OG Chat Noir with rabbit ears and bunch of neon lines slapped on. (even ice power-up designs were more creative)
Yeah I don't think it's THAT good and THAT original, they are probably more hyped cuz Adrien rarely gets a fusion, but I think it's one of his better designs. He doesn't have a nice reputation when it comes to fusions and costumes in general. I like og Chat Noir and I think Snake Noir was cute but Aspik and Ephemeral no and the hair on Catwalker could've been a better looking one. They just got used to Marinette fusing miraculous and they are happy he got a chance of doing so, but anyways we can all agree it's cute, not groundbreaking as they make it seem, but it's cute.
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hiccstridshipper19 · 1 year
Not sure if anyone else has talked about this but I just had a thought: does the Snake Miraculous have a limit on how far it affects? Just Paris? France? Earth? The entire universe? Cuz imagine if it was just Paris when Adrien/Aspik repeated the loop 25,913 times: the city replayed the same 5 minutes for months while the rest of the world lives on, and people watching from outside like......wtf is going on.
How would that work with people moving across the boundaries during those five minutes?
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myfandomacademia · 2 years
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Like father, like son 💀
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