#so anyone who says the doctor can't be autistic or adhd or any other neurodivergence please just shuttety up up up
,,Oi, Silvi. Search ADHD. I bet his (10) picture comes up."
~ Donna Noble (In the audio story 'Technophobia')
,,I'm many things Sugar MacAuley, but neurotypical has never been one of them."
~ The Tenth Doctor (In the audio story 'The Last Voyage')
,,Yeah, well, you know, I'm OCD. What's their excuse?"
~ The Eleventh Doctor (In the episode 'The Time Of The Doctor)
,,Maybe Clara's right. She keeps telling me I've got attention deficit...uhhh...something...or other."
~ The Twelfth Doctor (In the minisode 'The Doctor's Meditation')
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belltines-journal · 18 days
Journal Entry 1- I Think I Have Autism And No One Believes It
Should be sleeping, but guess I'm upset about stuff. So the deal is that I recently learned that I have autism. Or at least I'm pretty sure I do. I've not been given an official diagnosis by a doctor or anything, so I don't know if I have the right to claim it. Just adding up somethings and stuff seems to click. Learned that when my twin and I were little, we had to get tested, and the doctors told my parents that we likely had autism, and my parents (who I like to note are close minded, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, and don't know a thing about mental illness) told the doctors that there was no way we had autism, so the doctors diagnosed us with ADHD instead. My twin and I never believed we had this and the medication prescribed to us never worked. We've struggled all our lives, having hard times in school, social settings, and at work we have a different way of operating than the rest of our co-workers (At our factory job, we work in partners. My twin and I got stuck working with each other because all our other partners hated the way we function.) I did some research into autism, and quite a bit of was very familiar to our experiences and brain functions. Anyways long tangent I guess. Tonight my twin was on the phone with her friend and told her that we are probably on the autistic spectrum. Something we haven't told anyone. And she basically told my twin that no we don't have autism because she never got that feeling from us and that basically everyone would be on the spectrum because it's so broad. Basically we got a "You don't have autism and autism isn't real." Sort of deal. Anyways, it pissed me off. It's so frustrating being something that you can't tell anyone else. I don't have any friends to talk to about it. So I gotta stay in the neurodivergent closet as well as the gender closet for now. A journal for another time. Goodnight. (Someone medically diagnosed with Autism might find this and probably hate me for it, to which I say, I'm very, very sorry and please educate me.)
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jankwritten · 1 year
a lot of what you said overlaps with several common issues, including adhd. being that adhd is also heritable, consider that as well. however, do try to get a diagnosis. I stress this because, while self diagnosis is understandable especially given the price and coverage in my circumstances, the exponential increase in self-diagnosis has skewed the perception of asd for many, including practitioners. again, this is not to slight anyone, but i know firsthand of this growing issue. it is already bad enough that the dsm lumped aspergers with asd, because much nuance was been lost (this is seen in several contexts). blurring the lines even more has begun to seriously affect those now labeled asd "level 1". But if you can't, then I hope you find resources that help you whether or not they relate to ASD. If it helps you it helps you.
i'm not entirely sure what this is in reference to specifically, but I do already have appointments in place to get testing done, and it's also been heavily hinted to me by my therapist that i have a neurodivergency along the ADHD/ASD lines. Which isn't a shock to me - the reason I've sort of self diagnosed myself with ADHD and ASD is because it's VERY prevalent in both sides of my family, and as my family on either side learns more about their diagnoses, I realize how much of those same problems/characteristics I also have.
I don't think self diagnosis is particularly harmful, UNLESS people are using it to discredit actually diagnosed ASD/ADHD people. And I don't really call myself autistic or even ADHD, because I'm wary of it - I don't have confirmation, so I can't outright claim that I have either of those labels. I don't want to mislead anyone. I highly SUSPECT i have either one or the other or both, but I don't claim to know it for sure.
I again stress - I dont think self diagnosis is harmful unless self diagnosed people are talking over people who have a professional-certified diagnosis. I think that people who have done copious amounts of research (and I mean years worth, more than just a couple quizzes some tik tok videos and reading web MD articles yknow) and put lots and lots of thought into their own mind and body and have come to the conclusion that they are likely neurodivergent in a certain way should be allowed to say they believe they have such a thing. However, I don't agree with people who self diagnose and then confidently claim they HAVE the thing without getting it actually diagnosed. You can do that if you want to, of course, I'm not saying not to, but I do think that's misleading and can potentially be harmful.
(Also - I have next to no right to talk about any of this, since I'm not diagnosed nor am I a doctor. My opinion on this is as a person who strongly suspects they have certain disorders but those suspicions are so far not diagnosed by a professional. For all I know, my anxiety could just be so fucking bad it causes all of the other symptoms, maybe even the rejection sensitive dysphoria. Who knows. Not me.)
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autistic-ace-bee · 2 years
diagnosis anon
I have a question, I know you're not a doctor or anything but I just want to know if this is something people who have adhd or are autistic have.
When someone talks about something serious or rants I just really feel uncomfortable because although I know I'm not the one doing something wrong I just feel stress when seeing or hearing it. It's like they're talking to me and reprimanding me or something.
And when people are talking about something that I agree with when they start talking sarcastically and snobbily I just dislike it and it goes for both sides of any discussion, I know what's right but when people start talking like that I just don't like it.
Like someone talking about their trauma on tiktok without any warnings or anything I just scroll through a video and they immediately start talking abt something horrible that happened to them. I just hate it so much. And all the comments are either comforting them, saying the same thing happened to them, or saying something worse that happened to them. I just can't relate to that or any of that when it's done like that.
I don't know if it's a symptom of something or maybe something that came from trauma so I'm just wondering if that's something people who have adhd or are autistic have? Just so I can cross them out and talk about it to the doctor when I get a schedule.
I'm sorry if this is annoying or too personal for you
Im not entirely sure if this is an ASD or ADHD thing. Frankly, I'm not too familiar with the symptoms of ADHD beyond the shared ASD symptoms, and because ASD is a spectrum I'm not familiar with all the symptoms there either. From what you've said though at least part of you're feeling might be Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? Other than that I'd say its perfectly normal to find discourse uncomfortable and to feel uncomfortable with people sharing/oversharing on social media, especially without tagging or warning about triggering content. I can see an inability to relate to people being a symptom of ASD but in the case you've described I can also see that inability also potentially being related to dissociation linked to the freeze response experienced during trauma. The thing is neurodivergents (not just ADHDers and autistics either) are significantly more likely to experience trauma, so it can be hard to distinguish the symptoms sometimes. Personally, I can only speak from an autistic perspective, so it might be worth asking NTs, ADHDers and other autistics as well.
On that note, if anyone has any thoughts to help anon here I'm sure we'd both value the input! And don't worry anon, you're never annoying and I have no problem answering personal asks either /gen =^-^=
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