#adhd doctor
Just a few TARDIS stimmy noises
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popcorn-plots · 2 months
I should be doing homework but instead...
(idek if this is popular anymore, I just need motivation tbh)
1 note and I'll go take a shower
25 notes and I'll get off Tumblr and finish my homework.
50 notes and I'll put away my laundry
100 notes and I'll fix my sleep schedule
150 notes and I'll start eating breakfast before school for the rest of the school year
200 notes and I'll tell my parents what I want for my birthday
250 notes and I'll start handing out my resume/applying to jobs [did not get hired anywhere, and I'm gone most of the summer anyways]
300 notes and I'll start running 1 mile every week
350 notes and I'll finish/publish a wip [trans Stephen fic, the public has determined]
400 notes and I'll finish the next chapter of BtSA [posted here]
450 notes and I'll spend 10 minutes a day working on my novel (;-;)
500 notes and I answer my emails
550 notes and I get a pixie cut (I've been wanting a shorter cut for months) [LOOK HERE]
600 notes and I'll fix my Doctor Strange cosplay (and post pictures) [new magnets came, once I fix it, me and my friend are going to do a photo shoot]
(1000 notes and I'll come out as genderfluid to my therapist, despite how terrifying it is)
(1500 notes and I'll come out to my favorite teacher OR my ally YW leader)
(if, for some reason, and probably with divine intervention, we hit 20,000 notes..... I may consider coming out to my parents and/or my ward friends.)
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my-heart-of-heart · 6 months
Gotta say, the doctor almost getting himself and Donna killed because he couldn’t handle his brain slowing down for two seconds is the single most in character thing that’s ever happened on this show
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hobgoblinns · 6 months
in light of the news that fifteen enjoys clubbing, this is how i imagine the other doctors would respond to finding themselves in a nightclub
one: genuinely appalled; whacks people in the shins with his cane until security drag him out
two: starts absolutely shredding on the recorder in the middle of the dance floor
three: is only here because the master has chosen this club to be the centre of his new scheme
four: keeps trying to strike up conversation about quantum mechanics with strangers (but no one can hear him)
five: complains about the music selection the whole time
six: can’t get past the bouncers (they don’t like his outfit)
seven: “i don’t know what’s going on here, but these people seem to be having a good time :)” meanwhile someone has just flashed him
eight: keeps getting hit on in the most obscene ways possible and turns them down politely every time
nine: really doesn’t want to be here but rose is having fun and he could watch her dance all night
ten: trying every snack on offer at the bar
eleven: gets overwhelmed and starts crying immediately
twelve: somehow ends up doing coke in the bathroom
thirteen: has a great time for fifteen minutes, passes out
fourteen: would literally rather watch paint dry than be here. can’t remember ever being so bored in his life
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vero-niche · 8 months
when you tell your therapist something from your past and it leaves them speechless
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marlenacantswim · 4 months
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tenth doctor the most relatable doctor because i too have a massive ego and ignore people who are attracted to me 💖
closeups (including text and image ID) under the cut, snip snip snip ✂️
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[Image ID: a sketchpage-style series of eight digital drawings of the tenth doctor. they are all bust/torso up, and each is doing a different activity in slightly different canon outfits. the first depicts him in his glasses fiddling with wires. in the next he's wearing classic 3d specs, and appears shocked. in the next he is smiling with his face close to the viewer while donna stands annoyedly behind him. in the next he side-eyes the viewer with a neutral to serious expression. the next depicts his sad, wounded face from the aftermath of the conflict in End of Time Part Two; his suit jacket is slightly torn and his eyes are watery. the next has him examining a chip pierced at the end of a plastic fork he's holding. in the next he stares off to the side, slightly confused. in the last he's wielding the sonic screwdriver, pointing it upwards with a perplexed look on his face. there is penciled text scribbled around the drawings, reading "Ten!", "god complex", "GEEK CHIC", "adhd icon", "everyone want her sooo bad", "baby girl", "go whiteboy go!!!", "farsighted (for the DRAMA)", "stylish bedhead", "there's like, four of him", "SAD.", "WET.", "PATHETIC.", "will not STFU", "has canonically eaten human blood :)", "omfg?!", "needs therapy", "kinda toxic :/ (free my girl martha)", "if a drowned weasel was also the most beautiful girl you're ever seen", "misses his girlfriend :(", "PRETTYBOY", "asexual SLUT", "he's sorry. he's so, so sorry.", and "ALLONS-Y!". there is also sparse radial gallifreyan and crude sketches of the tardis and a chuck converse shoe. /.End ID]
my brain goes "ooooo you are gonna draw tenth doctor fifty bajillion time" and i go "thanks brain you are correct. we are in agreement."
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tampire · 10 months
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#My Autism & ADHD Mood
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caitas-cooing · 2 years
Reblog this post if you are professionally diagnosed and you support informed self diagnosis and you hate people accusing others of faking disorders when they have no evidence to support that
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vroomvroomwee · 6 months
So the first special was trans non-binary Doctor. The second was pan adhd Doctor. The third was aspec mentally healthy Doctor
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doccywhomst · 9 months
personally, i’d love to see a teenage or early-twenties doctor (of the who variety), and i don’t think the youth appeal is a bad thing. i want a “kid” who’s kind of an asshole, wise WAY beyond their years, confident and flippant and willfully ignorant of how they appear to others - one whose deep frustration with inequality and bigotry galvanizes them to action, and whose actions make a real difference in the universe
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lecter-lioncourt · 6 months
I am AGGRESSIVELY rattling at the bars of my cage, RTD, PLEASE. I COULD WATCH AN ENTIRE SEASON OF JUST 14 AND DONNA HAVING AN UNINTERRUPTED CONVERSATION ABOUT STUFF. In like a NORMAL context like a fucking bar or a coffee shop or in Donna's living room. DoctorDonna IKEA trip. I don't give a FUCK just let me watch these two communicate and talk and hug and gossip and shit forever I DO NOT CARE
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11 and the Spinny Stim
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suzypfonne · 5 months
DW representing NDs and queers in the same episode? Hell yeah!
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cumulativechaos · 2 years
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i always fucking forget how funny paranatural is until shit like this has me cackling out loud for like 5 entire minutes
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nat-20s · 4 months
Can't stop thinking about The Doctor and Donna still engaging with telepathy together but they cannot stop it from being two way. 14 tries to show her their memories of a hot air balloon called the Tardis and suddenly he's on a first date with Shaun. Donna tries to give 14 the shopping list for tonight and she has a Gallifreyan cover of Mambo No 5 stuck in her head for the rest of the day. It takes them a good five times of this happening before they realize it's not just ADHD.
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lilyware · 11 months
i have a cheat code for motivating myself to do tasks and that's to picture dark souls text when it's completed like i just defeated a boss
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