#so like there prob isn’t a bunch of dead ants in my food but. there could be. & i prefer the possibility of that to be 0 😭
lesbianlenas · 10 months
went to get my leftover food right….which my mom was keeping under a cover and i lift the cover and there was an ANT crawling on the ramekin it was in so i blew it off in a panic bc i didn’t want to kill it on my food…..so i text my mom abt it while also looking for the ant from where i blew it off and the ant shows up on my food again and then crawls under the pie crust and into my food and at that point i wanted my life to end u know………so my mom came down and did not even believe me abt the ant but she started looking for it in the food and it was just running back and forth on my pie crust i’m like leave me ALONE i just wanted to eat my food in PEACE 😭😭😭😭 my mom got it and then she found like 8 more ants by the window bc we have ants and my dad won’t do anything abt it……….still heated up my food bc the ant only touched the pie crust but now i am picturing a bunch of dead ants in my food 😭😭😭😭😭
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