#so many young people don’t even realize that they’re becoming just as rigid and bigoted
eenochian · 9 months
“headcanoning farah as wlw is disrespectful because she’s muslim”
my. my guy. queer people exist in every group. queer muslims very much exist.
“ok but it’s a sin in islam”
WHY ARE WE SUDDENLY JUSTIFYING HOMOPHOBIA WITH RELIGION⁉️⁉️ it’s wrong for a christian to use religion to justify their bigotry, so WHY is it okay to use islam or any other religion to do the same?? i know that i’m comparing the world’s most oppressive religion (christianity) to a religion that’s oppressed, but like… allowing one group to essentially “get a pass” opens the door for EVERY group to get one.
what was even weirder is that the person who made the post about it wasn’t even muslim 😭 they said they looked it up which i believe, but then they had an actual wlw muslim in their comments telling them it wasn’t a big deal— and THEY LITERALLY TOLD THE COMMENTER THAT IT WAS STILL DISRESPECTFUL?? AND OTHER NON-MUSLIMS WERE GOING “grr but it’s a sin >:(” LIKE?? HELLO?? WHY are people not even included in the group talking over ACTUAL MEMBERS OF THE GROUP???
i care very deeply about respecting people’s beliefs and faiths. but once that belief starts to harm others, my respect is withdrawn. the golden rule is that your rights end where another person’s begin. i remember seeing posts from years ago about queer muslims. they’ve always reminded me of queer christians – the vast majority of their faiths hate them, but they do still exist. and it’s possible to be progressive while also being devoted to your faith. i’ve met so many religious folks that are allies and supportive of queer people, so seeing posts like this crop up and gain popularity is just… disheartening. it feels like we’re going backwards after finally making some progress.
#not to mention the fucking astronomical rise in purity culture#so many young people don’t even realize that they’re becoming just as rigid and bigoted#as the older folks they claim to hate and be so much better than#it’s fucking 2023. we have less than 4 months until 2024.#the fact that people– especially people MY AGE– are still using religion to justify hate is insane to me#go back 8 or so years#back when “free the nip” was on the rise and people started reclaiming slurs and celebrating pride#we were somehow more progressive then than we are now#this is such an insignificant situation in the grand scheme of things#but it provides so much insight into the thinking of this generation.#we think we’re being progressive and so respectful and kind and that we’re so much better#because SURELY respecting a religion’s beliefs is the right thing to do#unless it’s christianity. then have at it y’know#but all these people (non-muslims) are doing is justifying bigotry and hatred with the EXACT same arguments that they claim aren’t valid#“you can’t use religion to justify hate!! (unless it’s this religion lol)”#like. that’s not the take you think it is. and we’re never going to progress past these hateful beliefs if you continue to justify it#idk just. as a queer person myself who has a fem oc that i ship with farah because i love her and view her as a very progressive character#seeing people use her to justify outdated bigoted beliefs hurts so bad#her whole character revolves around empowerment. and going against traditions. and not bowing down to what other people say#using her to justify the exact behavior that she fights against just feels disrespectful to HER.#like yes– she’s very likely muslim given where she lives. but she already doesn’t follow several of the practices iirc#and again. ‼️QUEER MUSLIMS EXIST‼️#it’s just. ugh. i’m going in circles atp#i’m going to sleep i’m too tired and migraine-y for the internet
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