#so now i'm imagining cam with her head in pal's lap or sitting in some meeting and he just puts a hand on her thigh or arm
palamedeeznuts · 1 year
I love how much Camilla Hect is always moving. She's so deadpan and stoic so you expect to see her standing stock-still all the time but then it's like "she shifted from foot to foot for a full hour and then tossed five swords from hand to hand for the remainder of the conversation :)"
How in the bone bubble she was probably shuffling her feet and prodding the bone wall and pacing around the perimeter a bit and that's the only reason Gideon remembered she was there at all for that whole scene lmao
(Together with Pal pushing his glasses up his nose all the time, they were just a couple smartass kids who COULD NOT SIT STILL and I love that. Pity the librarian tho.)
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