#more rambling!
palamedeeznuts · 1 year
I love how much Camilla Hect is always moving. She's so deadpan and stoic so you expect to see her standing stock-still all the time but then it's like "she shifted from foot to foot for a full hour and then tossed five swords from hand to hand for the remainder of the conversation :)"
How in the bone bubble she was probably shuffling her feet and prodding the bone wall and pacing around the perimeter a bit and that's the only reason Gideon remembered she was there at all for that whole scene lmao
(Together with Pal pushing his glasses up his nose all the time, they were just a couple smartass kids who COULD NOT SIT STILL and I love that. Pity the librarian tho.)
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ghost-kitty-cat · 7 months
Cyril Headcanons (finally time to ramble about one of the actual characters and not a listener or side characters..)
First Headcanon, Cyril totally gives me the vibes of someone who clicks their pen while thinking or to keep themselves focus (though I imagine he wouldn't do that with the pen that he got from Rival/Dove because thats a special pen... speaking of which..)
Second Headcanon, After Rival/Dove gave Cyril the fountain pen (I think that's the correct name..) I imagine Cyril clipped the pen onto the small front pocket of his work shirt and he just takes it everywhere with him (and he only uses it on special occasions...)
Third Headcanon, I don't know if because of the stereotypes for "nerdy" characters (or it could be because I myself wear glasses but) I imagine Cyril (and possibly Rival/Dove) wears glasses, I don't know if they're reading glasses or not, I just always imagined him with glasses...
Fourth Headcanon, (technically this is also a Rival/Dove headcanon but) I imagine Cyril will occasionally let Rival/Dove either style his hair or play with it (again this could be because I myself stim and fidget a lot but I imagine Rival/Dove will typically fidget with something while trying to focus like how I imagine Cyril fidgets with a pen.... and occasionally Cyril will let them play with his hair since at certain times it doesn't really bug him... speaking of which...)
Fifth Headcanon, I don't know why.. this is just how I picture him but my mind always imagines Cyril with slightly long hair like not too long but it's long enough that he can put it in a small ponytail..
Sixth Headcanon, (This is slightly a Roman Headcanon as well but) I've always imagined Cyril and Roman having the sort of friendship that likes siblings but not actually siblings, just the way they act around each other gives sibling vibes I don't know why it just does... (I imagine Cyril might think that but I doubt he would *ever* say that to Roman's face, that's something he would take to his grave...)
Seventh Headcanon, (this is slightly based off how he was when he first explained to Pip when they first arrived at the institute (I think that's the right word)) but Cyril definitely gives off the vibes of someone who doesn't know anything about comfort even if it hit him in the face, that's definitely something I imagine Rival/Dove (and possibly Ellis) taught him about..
Eighth Headcanon, (this is slightly based off how he reacted to hugs but) I imagine Cyril has like this imaginary bubble/shield around him, keeping people at a certain distance so they can't touch him, so far only Ellis and Rival/Dove (and possibly Cyril's dads) have broken through the bubble/shield while people like Roman still haven't... and Cyril would rather it stayed like that... (I imagine Cyril strongly dislikes physical touch... do we know why? Nope... he just dislikes it, he's still getting used to Ellis and Rival/Dove hugging him.. it probably be quite a bit before the bubble/shield is completely gone... geez this got slightly depressing... let's move on! Quick before i cry my eyes out!)
Ninth Headcanon, Cyril is totally the type of person where if you annoy him too much, he just randomly start saying stuff in a different language while having this cold sorta death stare (it definitely scared Rival/Dove in the beginning but now they're used to it...somewhat...)
Tenth Headcanon, (this is sorta a Rival/Dove headcanon as well but..) I like to imagine there was a time where Cyril went over to Rival/Dove's place and hung out (possibly watched a movie or read some new books) and Rival/Dove ended up falling asleep while like leaning on him and he decided not to move them... (I imagine it was one of the first times he let someone (besides Ellis and possibly Cyril's dads) through his little imaginary bubble/shield.... (oh just great, good going me! Now I wanna go cry my eyes out ;-;)
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tariah23 · 8 days
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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runawaymarbles · 3 months
The thing I keep coming back to, with all the *gestures expansively* is that real life doesn't have peaceful epilogues.
Every single win has to be defended. Forever. I'm sorry. It sucks. The Nazis lost until they stopped losing. The US had abortion rights, and then 50 years later it didn't. Empires fall, and then they invade other countries again. Oppressive regimes are overthrown and replaced with other oppressive regimes. You will never finish the work etc etc etc. Which is why it's so fucking important to be able to acknowledge and celebrate progress, when it happens. The people who came before you didn't put in all that work for nothing, and you aren't, either. You can't save it all for the Ultimate Victory because there is never going to be an Ultimate Victory. There's no such thing as a time when everything is good, and ours shall not be the commune of Heaven.
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violetsandshrikes · 10 months
watching people on tiktok consume borax is uh. something.
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whump-it-like-its-hot · 8 months
So earlier in art class today, someone drew a characters hands in their pockets and mentioned that hands are really like the ultimate end boss of art, and most of us wholeheartedly agreed. So then, our teacher went ahead and free handed like a handful of hands on the board, earning a woah from a couple of students. So the one from earlier mentioned how it barely took the teacher ten seconds to do what I can’t do in three hours. And you know what he responded?
“It didn’t take me ten seconds, it took me forty years.”
And you know, that stuck with me somehow. Because yeah. Drawing a hand didn’t take him fourth years. But learning and practicing to draw a hand in ten seconds did. And I think there’s something to learn there but it’s so warm and my brain is fried so I can’t formulate the actual morale of the lesson.
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louistonehill · 7 months
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A new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it’s scraped into an AI training set, it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways. 
The tool, called Nightshade, is intended as a way to fight back against AI companies that use artists’ work to train their models without the creator’s permission. Using it to “poison” this training data could damage future iterations of image-generating AI models, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, by rendering some of their outputs useless—dogs become cats, cars become cows, and so forth. MIT Technology Review got an exclusive preview of the research, which has been submitted for peer review at computer security conference Usenix.   
AI companies such as OpenAI, Meta, Google, and Stability AI are facing a slew of lawsuits from artists who claim that their copyrighted material and personal information was scraped without consent or compensation. Ben Zhao, a professor at the University of Chicago, who led the team that created Nightshade, says the hope is that it will help tip the power balance back from AI companies towards artists, by creating a powerful deterrent against disrespecting artists’ copyright and intellectual property. Meta, Google, Stability AI, and OpenAI did not respond to MIT Technology Review’s request for comment on how they might respond. 
Zhao’s team also developed Glaze, a tool that allows artists to “mask” their own personal style to prevent it from being scraped by AI companies. It works in a similar way to Nightshade: by changing the pixels of images in subtle ways that are invisible to the human eye but manipulate machine-learning models to interpret the image as something different from what it actually shows. 
Continue reading article here
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
there really are few emotions i find more compelling in a story than "you should be afraid of me. please don't be afraid of me"
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etirabys · 1 year
as a child I wondered why adults were so stupid (doing things out of habit/routine/heuristics rather than reasoning explicitly about what to do based on their goals) and the answer is that adults are unimaginably fucking tired all the time
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oobbbear · 5 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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ghost-kitty-cat · 7 months
Bunny Headcanons (enjoy more of my rambling...)
First Headcanon, Before bunny met dion, they didn't have many friends (because of this, Bunny grew into the habit of reading a lot of books typically fantasy & history, they liked to imagine what their life would be like if they were there in the stories... which is slightly ironic seeing how their life turns out..)
Second Headcanon, Bunny actually quite likes bunnies (the animal) but they would never got one as a pet (or any pets in general) because they don't think they're capable of handling that much responsibility (I imagine they were kinda already struggling with taking care of themselves before they met two demons who are technically their "roommates" now...)
Third Headcanon, Bunny (and Dion too) totally have forgotten to eat sometimes (and now that Kane is "stuck" with them, he constantly has to remind them to... he unofficially became a "guardian"... well I guess he was already sorta one for Dion but now Kane has been a sorta "guardian" for Bunny too... he's basically that friend who somewhat acts like a dad...)
Fourth Headcanon, (because of the recent Kane solo video) I totally imagine Bunny likes tea now... and they will constantly ask Kane to make them some to the point where Kane grew so tired of it, he showed them how to make the tea (which I imagine was made with honey and lavender since those ingredients seem calming and I imagine Kane likes the kind of tea that can make you calm..)
Fifth Headcanon, when it starts getting colder in temperature, I totally imagine Bunny sitting on the couch in between Kane and Dion with a bunch of blankets to keep warm... usually they end up falling asleep like that... (I mean Dion and Kane are both "flame" demons so I imagine them being quite warm ^^)
Sixth Headcanon, Bunny (possibly Dion too) likes to ask Kane for piggyback rides (because in my head, Kane is the tallest, Dion is sorta in the medium (He's slightly shorter than Kane) and Bunny is shortest (though they're only a tiny bit shorter than Dion... just short enough that they can't reach certain cabinets without a stepping stool... speaking of which)
Seventh Headcanon, Bunny is totally the type of person who asks either Dion or Kane to help them reach something either in the kitchen or when they're out shopping (with Dion and Kane in disguises of course)
Eighth Headcanon, (this is more of a Dion Headcanon but it was because of bunny so I'm putting it) because Bunny showed Dion video games I totally imagine Dion now steals Bunny's controller or switch (I totally imagine Bunny having a cute little Nintendo switch.. maybe one with violet or light pink controllers) to play games and doesn't typically put them back in the right spot so Bunny ends up having to search the whole apartment for them (don't know if it was mentioned or not but I imagine Bunny lives in a apartment)
Ninth Headcanon, (again this is slightly also a Dion & Kane Headcanon) but before They met Dion, Bunny hardly went outside besides to the store, their job, school etc but after they met Dion, he would (not literally) drag them to all sorts of places, but now that Kane is here, he doesn't let Dion or Bunny go out until they promise to be back by a certain time (again I imagine Kane totally acting like a mother hen at times..)
Tenth Headcanon, Bunny is totally the type to only put up a few small decorations for holidays (like the type of decorations that are so small that you can keep them up as just decorations even after the holidays are over... I don't know why but I imagine Bunny doesn't really celebrate holidays, like the way I imagine Bunny is like a loner, not only do they not have many friends but they also don't really chat a lot with family.... but when they met Dion and Kane, they put a little more time and effort into decorations for holidays since they finally have someone to celebrate with... (anddd that got depressing quick... excuse me while I go cry my eyes out...)
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sunsetcorvid · 9 months
dear mojang
add more crops in minecraft im begging you im on my hands and knees give us tomatoes give us onions give us strawberries give us peppers
add more food recipes please give us sandwiches give us more pastries give us pudding or some shit
sincerely, the farmer of every minecraft server
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o0kawaii0o · 20 days
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tragedykery · 1 year
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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1001galaxygal · 2 months
i NEED Grian to go full psychological horror on the hermits with the permit office. i need multiple layers of permit waiting rooms each that plays a more distorted and unsettling version of the please hold music as you go deeper, I need there to be a constant static buzzing being played I need the lights to flicker, I need grian to stand ominously at the end of hallways just to disappear behind a corner
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