#so sad that shiver isn't also a silly jester for frostyfest... but she got an almost new model/outfit so good for her
colorfuldream · 6 months
Since we've calmed down after the last Splatfest, I can finally bitch about some Shiver fans' takes.
My God she did NOT try to "change the subject and try to make Frye comfortable".
Shiver SUCKS. She's greedy, she brags when she wins, she'll say anything she has to to get vote. That's WHY SHE'S FUN! Every member of Deep Cut Kinda Sucks. That is the point!
Big Man does get a little carried away and sometimes gets worked up (though he's still being nice) during the fests announcements. Frye barely even tries to make an argument (her job!) because she's too busy being silly.
None of them give a damn about the results. They're here to party and have fun. Sure, they like to win but they don't care if they lose. Almost every single time, the winner says something along the lines of "all three options are nice though" or "let's do all three!"
Shiver did exactly what she did for the Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot festival: lie her ass off. This time, instead of lying about seeing Nessie, she pretended that her choice was better because she legit doesn't know how to do a fist bump. It's silly! It's endearing! She's a loser! Girlfailure! She doesn't care if it's embarrassing, she came clean because it's no big deal and she won! She won eight fucking times in a row, she gets to brag if she pleases.
It's fine for your fav to not be perfect. You don't need to go out of your way to mischaracterize an entire dialogue because you need to defend her from the "haters". And quite frankly, wouldn't it be worse if she was babying the other members (or singling Frye out) because they didn't win for months? Don't you think it would be condescending? Her lines were implied to be prewritten. None of them have a problem with what they have to say. They might even write them themselves for all we know!
Deep Cut are all good friends. That's why they don't give a single flying into space fuck about who wins, the things said to win, or the things said after they won.
And, finally, ofc it also goes for Frye and Big Man fans. Neither care if they lose. Frye doesn't even try (ie: she had less than 10% of the bite for Team Fame and had no reaction, especially when she could have made great arguments for it since it logically beat the other two teams (sorry for breaking Splatfest law guys, it needed to be said)), Big Man is just happy to be there (though he probably really wanted Love to win... But alas capitalism triumphs all). I'd LOVE it if Nintendo finally wrote them some spicy dialogue instead of the bland and boring "eh gg" we've been getting for over a year. I'd LOVE the acknowledgement that Frye is incredibly unpopular and has gotten brutal loses. They did it in Splat1 and 2. I want my girl to go on a rampage or for Big Man to impose himself. But it's not that big of a deal. We ain't getting angst. Deep Cut is too busy sharing their one braincell to decide what meal they're gonna have to care.
#text#ondina's text posts!#big man splatoon#shiver splatoon#frye splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon#shiver hohojiro#frye onaga#big man#i know it's like twitter discourse but it's so annoying#they're silly singing squids just chill#let frye wear something sexy tho like i've seen someone comment that they didn't know she had hips and it took me out#she may be silly but she can be silly and slaying! let shiver wear something silly while frye is for the thristy hoes for once#so sad that shiver isn't also a silly jester for frostyfest... but she got an almost new model/outfit so good for her#free frye from her baggy pants for once her outfits are low-key similar#but we aren't talking enough about big man... so cute. so silly. he's sparkly. a litte star. the glitter is so satisfying#anyway bye I'll bitch once the theme is announced or we get more Shiver discourse#i don't even care that much; what i care about is the shitty big run stages we've been getting; the boss that wasn't adapted for it debuting#debuting there and somehow getting the worst weapons on top of ut#*it. at least the rewards system is better but i wish i could actually play. because yeah the connection was terrible. the server was#macfucking dying. it also sucks that my teammates were bad#use your specials!!! throw the eggs to the basket or in its direction! i am begging you!! i was there waiting because my weapon sucked!#i played for two days and barely got bronze#i hope we can get the rewards later because i wanted it so much
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