#so why are they expected to grovel like a sinner in order to receive forgiveness?
good-beanswrites · 1 year
I’m not going to get into any Milgram drama but rip, I’m disappointed in the very catholic view on forgiveness that I’ve been seeing. I just don't think the characters need to be sorry to deserve forgiveness. The whole point of the project is they thought they were justified – they’re not sorry for what drove them to that point. A person does not have to grovel on their knees in remorse in order to be looked on kindly. 
(That being said, I do think they all feel bad for what they’ve done! They harbor so much grief for their victims, and it’s clear in all of them if you look. That sorrow isn’t necessarily the belief that what they did was a mistake, though, and that’s okay.)
All I’m saying is, a character who recognizes the harm they did but still holds to their core ideals shouldn’t immediately be dismissed as a monster of a person. Regret and self-punishment are a good sign, sure, but they are not necessary traits of goodness
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