#so ya dm me if u want a lil ficlet or smth! i can also do other stuff for cheaper
I AM MOVING!!!!!!!!!
hiiihihihi everyone! so something CRAZY happened and i suddenly got the oppurtunity to move to a major city! theres gonna be a lot more oppurtunities for both me n my fiance up there AND wages will be higher AND my rent will be cheaper, which meansssss i'll have funds to make more merch for my store
this is going to be Very Expensive and like- we r gonna have to downsize a LOT in a VERY short amount of time (my lease is up early july) so that'll net us some money, but its still a lot of cash in very little time SO my fiance set up a kofi goal 4 some help if any of u could spare a couple bucks i would really appreciate it!!
if u want something in return i DO have 3 commission slots open (for 3 cents a word) and u can dm me if u want a lil microfic or smth. we can work smth out!!!
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