hillibillibob · 5 months
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I can finally post these hehehehe
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The whole plotpoint of Solaria glaring at Mina and simply getting rid of her without batting an eye really hit. but in a bad way. 
Solaria was the one who made Mina the way she is, Mina changed in ways Soalria wanted her and she was loyal to Solaria. So the moment Solaria “changed her views” and no longer needed her, she just got rid of her.  Solaria approached Mina and pulled her in the whole mess and turned her into a mindless maniac to her benefit, but at the end SHE looked at her like Mina was HER obstacle and her enemy and treated Mina like she was Her enemy. And the fact that this was not addressed at all..It’s like Solaria has issues with Mina. Except all that Mina does was because of Her and Her ideas.
I dont know. It’s like the show says “its okay to abandon those you manipulated for many years and those who turned obsessive because of you just because you changed your opinnion and you dont have to be held accountable nor apologize, and youre a good guy and they are a bad guy” and that “lesson” just- 
Solaria: I realize my mistakes, im a good guy now. So I delete the bad guy now.
Except the bad guy who was about to do terrible things.. was created as a result of Her actions and bad beliefs.
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tacosandtomcos · 6 years
Spoiler Review for The Book Of Spells! pt 1
So how this is going to work is i’m going to list fun little facts about each queen and list a brief view of each section. buckle up, it’s gonna be a LONG post!
And since it got so big, this is gonna be a bit of a parter.
So we’re just doing the first three queens here.
The intro is basically glossaryck treating you like the next queen in his glossaryck way, he explains how he was born, and that he created the high commission to be contact points between the queens and realm of magic.
apparently he was literally made to serve the queens, from the moment he was born he was called to help them.
Also his hair is white because of silkworm slime, which can kill you...
also there was a high commission member we haven’t see before: Reynaldo the bald plate, but we’ll get back to him later.
Fun Facts:
She didn’t believe in the stump
There were 27 queens before skywynne, so this rule has been going on for a LONG time.
middle name was lavender
they seem to say the first queen had a wand summoned to her because of her magic? But then again, that might just be a tale...
her mom was so eager to give up the throne, skywynne became queen at 17, and now her mom lives in a volcano. :p She literally sucks, she thought a book of fashion was more important to save then the book of spells. (Her name was lyric and she had a broom-wand).
The freaking lucitors pulled down half of mewni’s people into the underworld a century ago.
Her mom brought dragons to her wand ceremony, which destroyed everything. The castle was made of wood, some from the stump, so guess how that went? And the old book was destroyed because of it ( That’s the excuse for why we don’t see those 27 other queens). Skywynne started this new book and the castle we know today was being built.
Her mom made her pick fashion for her people to wear, skywynne literally just flipped and picked something random without a care in the world.
Had a make-up wand ceremony with just her parents.....on top of the destroyed castle.
her wand crystal is the clock’s face, and the ringing can be heard by certain creatures.
I think her mom was trying to set her up with Dip Kelpbottom but she just spent a ton of time using magic to kick them out. When she realized time was repeating herself and this was why, it’s what triggered her time powers. She used this to trick everyone into thinking they were building the castle in a day, which was actually 5 YEARS.
She really hated her mom pushing dudes on her, used it to fuel her magic XD
Made food with magic, it literally rained from the sky.It got to a point where it felt like the people of mewni only liked her for making them food to her. . Eventually she stopped doing so which lead to corn. Which scattered more monsters from their homes and made room for crops so her people could feed themselves and the population doubled.
Deleted gravity once.
Invented star’s lasso spell, warnicorn stampeade, and of course the time spell she ended up using.
Opened pandora’s box.
Raised the dead from the underworld for fun. Apparently zombies don’t eat brains but clown zombies do.
Only guy she liked was Sir Gem-Robin, failed to talk to him for four years when he got a gf. Which leads to -
Blew up a dimension using the spell star used to destroy toffee to take out her anger. (Apparently mewni is earth, just you know..another dimension of it). This was how she first dipper down, being pissed at her crush.
when the population doubled they took away more and more monster territory for them to live in, also teaching her people to fight.
She built a school whose title is clearly based off professor Xavier’s school from the X-Men.
After sir gem-robin got divorced, they got together. Also they eloped in a rock dimension surrounded by worms she saved from the dimension she destroyed.
She thought the fire killed gloss by he just spent all those years in the new book eating or on a trip. He has pet bugs living in the book. Skywynne is fond of bugs tho. Jushtin was two by this point and solaria was not even a twinkle in her eye yet, gloss was surprised she had a boy.
Skywynne saw great potential in jushtin, and let him hold her wand at times, thought he’d be a mighty magic wielder and a mighty ruler like her.
Gloss turned rhombulus’s hands into snakes to teach him a lesson....that snakes for hands sucked.
All in all, skywynne was alright, she is rather relatable if you’re one of those people who hate it when your parents pressure you into dating people or get annoyed at people who feel like they use you. She also was the queen that did start a new system and era for mewni.  There’s not a ton to say though she got herself into ALOT of crazy messes on accident.
Jushtin has a new title, he’s no longer “The boy-queen” he’s now known as “The uncalculated”. Not sure what this change was for but it’s not the only change in this book.
Apparently jushtin’s wand is alive.
He likes boy-bands, soda, was friends with a prince called Sazmo, had a crush on his math tutor, oh and we see what may be a spiderbite ancestor in here based on well....the bites. He had a crew which consisted of this spiderbite and his best friend, but also some weird mole man prince and an old man?
Jushtin speaks like he’s some weird gangsta, he has a crew but he spells this like “Tha cru”.  He used “Tha” , “Mah”, “Ma”and “Cur” a lot. And this applies to ALOT of other words he also misspelled because i think he thought it make him sound cool. (He put “Luv u mom” in his intro chapter.).
Wanted to make mewni a destination and put it on the map.
Jushtin cares about cool cars that make him and his crew cool.
Made a spell to give horses wings? And make your chariot comfy? The punchline is, he literally does the same movement on all his spells.
Him being a math expert is no joke, despite his weird lingo he actually went through the effort to consider the math needed for the horses to lift the carriage.
His mom left him a note letting him know he left the book in a place filled with horse poop. Gloss was scarred for life. His mom wasn’t happy with him and wanted him to take better care of it.
His mom woke him in the middle of the night to let him know he was going to be having a sister and she was gonna take the wand and book. Y’know, considering they live in a matriarchy. Jushtin words this in a way that implies his mom was really sad about this, but she actually was SUPER happy about it. Jushtin pretended she was “Masking the pain” by jumping up and down and being excited.
Jushtin’s chapter was “Understandably since he was queen for like. a year”, short. I’m actually a bit sad we can’t see more but then again his lingo is so ridiculous i got no idea with him. It’s actually really funny for him to speak this way and sound like he’s trying to be a cool gang member, while also speaking math like a genuis. Weird mix.
Jushtin is arguably the most innocent queen in this book, he had no affect on the monsters and though he was very irresponsible i feel bad for him since it’s clear he REALLY wanted to be a ruler.
i actually feel slightly bad also cause it kinda seems like his mom had solaria simply because she lost faith in her son to literally do anything. But then again i dunno how serious he took being ruler based on his short chapter.
She speaks like you’d think she’d speak, like a warrior.
Has the same millhorse her mom had so i guess these three shared the same horse.
Solaria made an INDEX on her chapter to see all of her entries. Her chapter could be it’s own book.
Saw monsters this way, why respect them when they don’t respect us? Queens need to expand their reach regardless what the monsters think. She also thought they were jealous and wanted their power.
She thought the past queens let the monsters get away with too much, decided to take this into her own hands. She wanted the monsters right under her thumb and wiped away from the land.
Alphonse the worthy and her tried peace, but war was inevitable when monsters attacked some of their bases. Alphonse was the secretary of the monster peace council.
She met with her council, Alphonse and hekapoo being involved, and they declared war. (Some of these members may be past royals of other kingdoms).
Solaria was losing until she decided they needed a new kind of warrior to drive the monsters back. She found some old spells from the old book  and from old tomes and came up with a solution. She wanted to create a superpowered magical army. (Basically she wanted to make super-soldiers).
Had peasants volunteer for the experimentation of these spells as she learned to weave them together to make her army. These soldiers were called Solarians.
Mina was the first to volunteer to be one. She is endowed with a weapon as powerful as solaria’s wand and it’s terminal to monsters. She became solaria’s most trusted solarian and her age seems to be result of this experimentation. (Not sure about her mind tho?)
Solaria was already allied with the ponyheads by this point, not so much the lucitors yet.
The solarians were successful in driving the monsters back. and they celebrated by burning the dead monsters on a pyre. (This book gets dark).
Soalrias had literally no interest in having a king, so it was just her and eclipsa.
Eclispa ran off to meet a young globgor and solaria thought he kidnapped her (Best way to meet your future in-law). Eclispa hid alot in the caslte and she begged her mom to talk to him but well..solaria of course thinks he’s a slobbering monster who will hurt her. Solara thought she snuck out to find her, but it’s clear she snuck out to see him. She also thinks eclipsa’s sad reaction is because she almost died...and not because she missed globgor and that he might’ve almost died.
Solaria gushes about eclipsa ALOT, about how smart she is and precious she is.
this chick literally has a page on how to kill monsters. The funny thing about his page is these SAME monsters are from eclipsa’s monster dating page, but here they are depicted WAY more evily then eclipsa’s chapter, which probably drew them more accurately. She also thinks they are happier dead, and would advice killing a frog man by cutting him in pieces. (She has no idea how to handle the lizard men properly cause eclipsa figures that out after she’s dead)
She sarcastically “Thanks” rhombulus for crystalizing her mewmans on accident. And provides a way to avoid dealing with that.
Though she was already friends with the ponyheads, she, alphonse, jushtin, and hekapoo worked together to make an alliance with the lucitors and ponyheads to help them in the war. This was successful and was the start of the lucitor-butterfly-ponyhead alliance. This helped them draw the monsters into the woods.
She had NO respect for the monsters, and would not ceasefire for them, she literally wanted to murder them all. She was going to make her wand a super weapon. 
Monsters fights lessened and her talents became less needed. She couldn't get her wand to become a super weapon and she felt like a failure.
She and gloss did not get along, she hated that he was apolitical and suspects he disliked her refusal to ceasefire on the monsters and kept the war going. Solaria thought the monsters would never stop till they took over and made them their slaves.
She kept a drawing eclipsa did at age 7 for her through the whole war as a token.
After her failure on that spell she decided eclipsa should now have the book.
So yeah, solaria has alot on the monster-mewman conflict and has a bunch of lore to think about. We know know why mina is so powerful, though not why she’s crazy. Though i wonder what happened to the other solarians?
And yes, she’s vicious about the monsters during a time of war. And this chapter has a lot of very dark implications and thoughts.
She does very much love eclipsa though, and adored her with all her heart. She seemed to love all her family an awful lot, never spoke bad about any of them.
Alphonse is important, because he’s actually the captain on star’s wall. I’m not kidding, he’s the SAME GUY.
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and keep this in mind cause i’m gonna get back to that in-
PART 2!!
Yeah this post is getting so long we’re gonna have to split this review in a bunch of different sections.
But be patient with me, it’ll be worthwhile as we move onto eclipsa.
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reverse-winx · 7 years
Headcanon - Encyclopedia of Realms
The planets and dimensions all have their own belief systems and religions, though now that there are more interdimensional and interplanetary relationships, these belief systems and religions have declined somewhat.
 Domino traditionally follows the philosophy of "The Heart of Fire," which they believe was taught to them by the Great Dragon. The philosophy teaches that every person has a fire burning in their heart which gives off the warmth of virtues. If one chooses evil, one dims that flame, and if one chooses good, the flame grows stronger and emits more virtue. One's heart flame never goes out when one is alive, but it can get dangerously dim and weak. At death, the flame goes out and becomes one with the fire of life before it is sent back out into the world in a new person, whose position in life is determined by how strong the flame was when the previous person died. In effect, one's next life is a consequence of how strong one made one's flame in the current life.
 Solaria traditionally believes in the Deity of Light. This mysterious and powerful deity manifests in several different ways. One way is in the Sisters of the Sun, three goddesses who each represent one of Solaria's three suns (this is canon, check wikia) and protect Solaria from turning into a desert because of their constant light and heat. Another way is in the four moon siblings, two gods and two goddesses who each represent one of Solaria's four (headcanon) moons. These four siblings each represent one of four different powers - Lady Luck (holds the scales of fortune), Sir Water (guards Solaria's completely grounded – i.e., never in the sky except for non-clouded vapor - water supply), Lady Virtue (rewards the good and punishes the wicked), and Sir Justice (who judges a person at death). A third way is in the Star Father, who embodies the stars and other celestial bodies which can be viewed from outside the Solarian atmosphere, as it is always daytime on Soalria (headcanon). When a person dies, Sir Justice, one of the Moon siblings, judges whether that person is worthy of becoming a star in the endless universe.  If the person is not, then he or she must be reborn in order to try again, and Sir Justice will see to it that the person pays for any extraordinary wrongs done in the previous life.
 Andros follows a philosophy of equal exchange, which they believe was taught to them by the God of the Seas, who created Andros, taught his people, and then went to rest in preparation for the end of time. The philosophy of equal exchange follows the course of nature and the tides. The tides always come in as far as they go out, and so go out the same distance that they came in. So do the people of Andros live. For every action, there is a consequence; for every good there is a reward; for every evil there is retribution. However, it is not known by the people what the nature of an action's deserved consequence should be, so it is not the people's duty to meet an action, right or wrong. The royals and their ministers, chosen by the God of the Seas before he went to sleep, instinctively know a little regarding how extremely wrong or extremely right actions may be reciprocated, and so justice is served for major actions. However, most actions are rewarded or punished in the flow of nature, or at the end of time, when all deceased souls will have their just dues in the new world after time.
 Linphea follows a simple philosophy which states "Do not harm" and "Respect the cycle of Nature." Nature is not deity, but is an unpredictable but generally benevolent force, to the people of Lymphea, bearing fruit and life, but also bringing storms and destruction. The best way to live, the people of Linphea believe, is to live at one with the natural world without disturbing it. This brings for Linphea unique technology and heavy use of magic, a natural occurrence. Lymphea respects both life and death, which is why many who wish to prolong the life of an ill or injured loved one seek treatment in another realm.
 Zenith follows the philosophy of reason and justice, which overrode the ancient belief system millennia ago. This philosophy is legislated as a code, and states basic rules such as respect for one's authorities, no stealing, no killing, no over-accumulation of wealth at the expense of others, and so on. Though Zenith is a kingdom, its royals must obey the code of reason and justice as well as enforce it.
 Melody follows a belief system which they call Yin Yue. Yin Yue teaches respect for one's ancestors and for the many spirits of nature and of mysticism, who reward good and punish evil. Yin Yue teaches that every person has a spirit name which they must discover in order to be considered an adult in their community. When a person dies, they are known by their spirit name, not their living name. Because actions are balanced by either their ancestors or the spirits in ways not necessarily known to the living, every person, when deceased, becomes a respected and venerated ancestor.
 Eraklyon follows a code which they believe was revealed to the first king of Eraklyon by God. This code stresses loyalty to one's superiors and an upholding of personal honor. Honor is built up by good works and is depreciated by bad works. Honor is placed before wealth and fame, and the people of Eraklyon believe that if a person dies in a poverty but with intact honor, then that person is more likely to be rewarded by God in the afterlife than a rich and respected person who sank to using dishonorable means in order to reach his or her state.
 Magix no longer follows any one belief system, but instead is a place where people can follow whatever they believe, even if they have rejected every belief system, so long as they do not break the peace. This makes Magix a wonderful and diverse realm.
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