#sofia rivera; self-para
bvsyhead · 1 month
What Am I Now? - A Sofia Self-Para
An officer walked into Sofia’s office, his face sorrowful causing the woman to instantly panic once she made eye contact.
“Sofia, we uhh heard some news earlier this morning and it’s about Cody.”
All of them knew how to break bad news, it was part of the job, but still it never became an easy task. She heard what he said, but she still looked puzzled. “Okay…what about Cody?” Her voice was filled with annoyance, while her heart felt as if it was going to beat out of her chest.
“Well, we haven’t gotten confirmation but he’s been presumed dead, along with the woman he was with, Isabella Garcia.”
Her hands began to tremble as the realization flooded her whole body. This wasn’t the first she’d heard that her best friend, her partner, was dead. For some odd reason, let’s call it optimism, she assumed that couldn’t happen again. Cody had already died and been placed in a prison world, so there was no way it would happen again? Right? Wrong! The voice in her head shouted, as she waved her hand in the air to bid the other goodbye, before walking up to the door and shutting it swiftly in his face. Turning with her back toward the door, she slowly slid onto the cold tile floor. Her breathing began to quicken in pace and even as she applied pressure to her chest, it provided no comfort. Tears fell down her cheeks and she was sure the others could hear her sobbing, but it didn’t matter because every part of her felt numb.
The last time this happened, Sofia had placed herself on a mission, one of vengeance and spite, it ended with her triggering a curse. This time, what the hell could even be done? The one person she could turn to, the one person she could depend on, is gone. The room felt colder than before, causing a chill to run up her spine and into her arms. Closing her eyes she pushed it back. Packed that need to break free from this form and take on another. She wanted to feel the pain of her bones breaking to become something else because at least that made sense.
Picking herself up off the floor, she grabbed her keys and left the station in a hurry. After release, she would find out who did this and do the exact same thing she’d done before, but for now she needed out. The bayou was the only thing on her mind, as she got into her car and sped out of the lot.
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