honeybuckin · 9 months
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" be honest with me . . . do you love them ? " — " more than me ? " | @somebrokenfate [ . . . ] liked
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wildestdrcam · 9 months
lyric starter for @somebrokenfate
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"i would do whatever you wanted. we don't have to leave the apartment."
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popcultr · 9 months
CLOSED STARTER FOR @somebrokenfate
MUSE: aryan chabra / 33 / heterosexual
based on THIS plot
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aryan awkwardly stands in the middle of the other's kitchen, "we've got parents' evening next week". even now he was still unsure on how to approach events such as this one, "did you want to go together or....?" he questioned, running a hand through his dark hair.
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sinistcrhood · 9 months
closed starter for @somebrokenfate
ㅤ ㅤ "So... what was it you wanted to talk about?" Mira asked with a casual shrug of her shoulders, doing her best to play off her anxiety regarding the situation.
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niieve · 9 months
open to: @somebrokenfate (muse of any gender!) based on: plot in source
"well... he's not answering his phone, so... i'm guessing that means our dinner plans aren't happening anymore." with a completely unsurprised tone of voice, sloane rejoined her boyfriend's sibling on the couch, getting cozy beside them once again. "i'm sure you have something better to do, but... if you want to take pity on me and hang out a little longer, i wouldn't mind the company. we can order in- my treat."
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stayliquidarchive · 9 months
closed starter for @somebrokenfate !! x
muse. ethan james.
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"I know you probably hate me right now, and i get it."
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ofsketchs · 9 months
@somebrokenfate liked for a starter
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"Yeaaaah, I barely listened to what assignment we're supposed to do. I tend to drift in and out whenever they speak. Too busy sketching." Tobias informs, all while sketching in his sketch book nonchalantly without a care in the world.
Not that he cared that much. His grades while not stellar or exemplary as his sister, were at least average and not on the failing side.
"Worse case scenario, I'll do extra credit to boost my marks." He adds casually.
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goddamnmuses · 2 years
@somebrokenfate​ liked for a starter from Bruce
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Walking through the corridors of Wayne Enterprises Bruce sighed to himself, this wasn’t where he wanted to be, he wanted to be out in the streets not dealing with business meetings. He’d just left one and was quickly making his way to his office when he stopped suddenly to see someone at his office door.  “I’m not in right now.” 
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winterharbors · 2 years
based on this. 
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“ because your fucking blind! you can’t fucking see that they’re a piece of shit? “ antonio was done with keeping his mouth shut, he couldn’t physically hold it in anymore. “ you know you can get better, don’t you? “ his voice was harsh as he spoke to the other. // @somebrokenfate​
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feltrain · 2 years
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“Welcome to The Blue Rose, what brings you in?” He puts down the glass he’s currently cleaning to prepare to make a drink for the customer. “I haven’t heard a good story in awhile.” // @somebrokenfate​
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myriadxofxmuses · 2 years
@somebrokenfate​ liked X
The boys were famished after their guest speaker appearance at the college. Everyone always wanted to know about their fame and how they rose up through the ranks of the music industry. Some even wanting to know more about just how corrupted and shitty it really was - though the band usually skimmed over those questions. It was an unspoken fact that once you were in, they owned you. You played by their rules or you could kiss the opportunity goodbye. It was an inescapable situation unless you were prepared to walk away from it all.
And none of them were just yet.
They slid into a nearby booth and waited for the waitress to come over, Gage recognizing her face. His brow furrowed in light concentration when she asked what they were drinking. 
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“I’ve seen you before,” he answered with a small point her way as he tried to place her. “At the school,” he said with realization, snapping his fingers and giving one last point. “You were in one of the classes we spoke to.”
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needtosin · 2 years
@somebrokenfate​ liked this for a meme starter! meme.
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"He makes you happier than I do. I know. I can feel it. Therefore, I don't know why you are so persistent on keeping up this facade. Just admit it so I can move on with my life."
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intrcspection · 2 years
closed starter for @somebrokenfate​
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the night was meant to be fun. a night to be carefree and enjoy life - that was until her boyfriend walked in with someone else on his arm. clara wasn’t exactly shocked he was cheating, she was however taken aback by the fact he wasn’t even trying to hide it. he may not have known she’d be there, but he knew their friends would be and the carelessness of it all stung. trying to fight back tears, she gathered up courage she didn’t know she had and walked over to the first person on their own that she spotted. “hi... i know this is probably weird, but would you like to dance? i’ll buy you a drink to say thank you if you do?”
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ghostsxagain · 2 years
continued from here | @somebrokenfate​
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willa blinked at him, embarrassment shocking her into silence. it took a few beats but eventually she found her voice again. “no, you shouldn’t have to apologize for that, you’re trying to be a decent person and here I am just dunking all over you.” she pulled her wallet out of her bag and sure enough the slot she kept her debit card in was empty. “you’re right, I didn’t even notice I’d forgotten it. thank you.” willa took the card from him, her face hot. “I’m really sorry about that. honestly. is there any chance I can get a do over?”
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writermuses · 2 years
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ofginjxints · 1 month
closed starter for @somebrokenfate based on (x)
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As they approached Tristan at the café table, he let to let out a bittersweet chuckle. It had been a while since he last saw them, and whilst it was good to see they were well, he couldn't help the pang in his chest as they sat down.
"Ah. Well, Abi did say she thought we'd get along."
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