#someone's bound to be the first to do a chapter 2 full frontal
jmdbjk · 9 months
Bangtan Weekly Report
Why did JK come back to Korea?? I seriously thought it was to send Yoongi off but we're still not there yet.
This trip for JK is supposedly associated with a fashion schedule. Seems like if he was on his way to the VMAs they'd be ramming his appearance down everyone's throat for clout.
Personally, I hope he does not appear on that farce of an award show but if he does he'll pomichidai or however you spell it.
Dazed and Jungfused. He let those nipples see daylight and hasn't looked back.
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JK is single-handedly dragging us along in Chapter 2, force-feeding us some grown-ass man full bleed adult Bangtan with his cigarette-smoking, nipple-feuled photos.
You know Mr. OG with the nipples will need to step up his game now right?
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Tae x Layover ... poor guy wondering why everyone was cursing him out during his listening party on Stationhead.
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So I listened to Layover. Added it to my playlists. It's nice, jazzy, R&B. Those genres are not my usual vibe.
Of all the songs, I think Slow Dancing is the one I like best. They were right to choose that as the title track.
The MV is gorgeous, except for the weird images of Yeontan in the trees of the mountain. Those kinda creeped me out... a little hokey, lol.
I was surprised that the songs are heavy in English lyrics. I know Tae has memorized things in English for things like award shows and all, it never seemed like he was confident in speaking English so it surprises me there is so much English in these songs.
Perhaps this is why he had Jungkook record the guides so he could follow them to help with pronunciation.
I watched a few of his Layover promotion interviews. I've been waiting to see him let more of his personality out during this solo rollout.
Tae is very animated and expressive when he speaks. And this is where I say he would excel at acting. He mentioned wanting to play a villian and I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT!
The Weverse Magazine story and today's Suchwita episode were more enlightening to me than anything else so far and gave me more insight as to the differences between him and the others. He made me understand his personality better. He made me realize or remember how sentimental he is. They talked in-depth about several topics: 2018, Chapter 2, individual projects and best of all they talked about when they get back together as 7. It did make me tear up when he said when they get back together he would like them to go on a trip together.
Tae has been feeding us on Instagram daily along with Namjoon...
Happy 29th birthday Namjoon!
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You are loved and admired. Thank you for normalizing fuzzy mole head Bangtan, but I'm still going to fall down in a weeping mess when I see Jimin's head like that.
RM just going about his business and showing Jimin some art. The Leeum Museum is within walking distance of their apartments at Nine One, not that I think they walked there, they probably went in Jimin's car since Joon still doesn't drive... just kidding... but who knows. I got behind a Porsche Panamera the other day and was thrilled. That's a much larger car than I originally thought it was.
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[Pretty sure that's a drink Jimin's holding in his left hand. Maybe iced coffee.]
I want to think that some deep conversations happened while these two were contemplating art. How can deep conversations NOT happen when you are hanging around Joon?
And Hobi and Jin still making their presence known on Weverse and IG. We are on the downslide for Jin. I can't wait for him to be back.
I think, not 100% sure, but I think after Korean men are discharged from the military they are automatically put in reserves. I didn't know that until the other day. So we may think they are scott-free when they are discharged but not really. Phooey.
Just a quick thing for insight: Miley Cyrus said touring is hard for her because she felt her "ego" gets "overused" and that "it's hard to turn it off." She said "I think when you're training your ego every single night to be active, that's the hardest switch, for me, to turn off." Having every day the relationship between her and other humans to be basically 'subject' and 'observer' isn't healthy for her because it erases her humanity and her connection.
Just food for thought...
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